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Maricopa County audit


So many smoking guns and some guns have been deleted and destroyed.

We know we've been had. We need sweeping audits and people going to jail.

We have the opportunity to drive a stake through the heart of the demoncrat vampire party and kill it.

They'd have absolutely no way of unfucking themselves. Joe the Imposter would pretty much shut his pie hole and wait for his term to expire.

It can be a great time to bring America back to the center,gut out the cancerous tumors that spread throughout its federal halls and get back to being the prosperous light in a world of darkness.
Trump isn’t getting reinstated and the election isn’t getting overturned. Good grief.
Hah, I found ridiculous headlines about Beijing Joe. Figured Decaf would enjoy them, circa his Daily Mail devotion:





Ho-lee ****, that stuff is hilarious.

Wait, he actually said those things? My bad.
Trump isn’t getting reinstated and the election isn’t getting overturned. Good grief.

Decaf is literally the only person on this forum suggesting anybody thinks otherwise. He cites a bullshit article from a joke news "source" and pretends that it comes from Trump. Hence, my mocking.

And yes, he is that stupid.
Decaf's creepy, bizarre response to every stupid thing Biden says and does:


"Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!"
Trump isn’t getting reinstated and the election isn’t getting overturned. Good grief.

You know that, and I know that.

Former guy and his crazy Qanon/MAGA minions? Not so sure about that...
You know that, and I know that.

Former guy and his crazy Qanon/MAGA minions? Not so sure about that...

"Stacy Decaf approaches the microphone. Looks like it has something to say."


"Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!"

"Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!"
Poor Steeltime, must be so embarrassing to be supporting an utter fool. Your boring, dumbass posts just emphasize what a deep hole you’ve dug for yourself. Can’t be easy making an *** of yourself, over and over. Gotta be tough being a young child trapped in a grownup’s body. Cookies & milk, ask your mom for that. It’ll help take the edge off.
Poor Steeltime, must be so embarrassing to be supporting an utter fool. Your boring, dumbass posts just emphasize what a deep hole you’ve dug for yourself. Can’t be easy making an *** of yourself, over and over. Gotta be tough being a young child trapped in a grownup’s body. Cookies & milk, ask your mom for that. It’ll help take the edge off.

You cite the Daily Mail and idiotic, make-believe theories, apparently devoutly follow QAnon (literally the only person on this forum ever to cite whatever that is and have done so numerous times), after being proved a liar about Covid origin, masks, vaccines, Buying Large Mansions, Biden competence, the Southern border, energy, inflation, gas prices.

And you think the problem is me. Okay, not me. The problem is actually ...


"Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!"
Trump isn’t getting reinstated and the election isn’t getting overturned. Good grief.

I wonder if Trump is trolling or if he actually thinks that? Kinda scary if it's the latter IMO. I mean I understand feeling cheated out of something as enormous and history-changing as that, but the corrupt empty suits and SCOTUS already showed its hand months ago.
I wonder if Trump is trolling or if he actually thinks that? Kinda scary if it's the latter IMO. I mean I understand feeling cheated out of something as enormous and history-changing as that, but the corrupt empty suits and SCOTUS already showed its hand months ago.
I am quite convinced he says this **** to just **** with the minds of people like Tibs to keep them frothing at the mouth. Sleight of hand to keep them from seeing what he is actually doing.
I am quite convinced he says this **** to just **** with the minds of people like Tibs to keep them frothing at the mouth. Sleight of hand to keep them from seeing what he is actually doing.

He ****** with their minds so hard for 4 years it's actually kind of bizarre when you really think about it. I mean he seriously mind-****** them to the nth degree. Whether all of it was very deliberate or just a result of his personality, they just couldn't contain their insanity then, and they still can't. How one guy could do that with basically his words still boggles my mind.
He ****** with their minds so hard for 4 years it's actually kind of bizarre when you really think about it. I mean he seriously mind-****** them to the nth degree. Whether all of it was very deliberate or just a result of his personality, they just couldn't contain their insanity then, and they still can't. How one guy could do that with basically his words still boggles my mind.

Well they did pull endless ****** up treasonous **** on him since before he was even elected. That Russian bs should have resulted in people swinging from ropes on a slow drop. I'd probably **** with them nonstop as well.
He ****** with their minds so hard for 4 years it's actually kind of bizarre when you really think about it. I mean he seriously mind-****** them to the nth degree. Whether all of it was very deliberate or just a result of his personality, they just couldn't contain their insanity then, and they still can't. How one guy could do that with basically his words still boggles my mind.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is truly a mental illness. He actually drove some people to therapy. What a sad state of affairs for the lefty mind.
Well they did pull endless ****** up treasonous **** on him since before he was even elected. That Russian bs should have resulted in people swinging from ropes on a slow drop. I'd probably **** with them nonstop as well.

Truth. And remember all the old pictures of him with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the rest, the Oprah sit-downs, the acknowledgements for his helping black communities etc.?

Yeah, I don't either. Pravda erased it and instilled a different, sinister narrative.

Hell, the first black President didn't even pardon the first black heavyweight boxer, Jack Johnson - it took that Nazi white supremacist to do it.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is truly a mental illness. He actually drove some people to therapy. What a sad state of affairs for the lefty mind.

It really is. Bizarro world.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is truly a mental illness. He actually drove some people to therapy.

He drove quite a few to therapy. I suspect Decaf handled the 1st Thursday of every month for that carpool.
I am quite convinced he says this **** to just **** with the minds of people like Tibs to keep them frothing at the mouth. Sleight of hand to keep them from seeing what he is actually doing.
I don’t know man. If he’s saying it, I am inclined to believe he believes it. I’m just not certain he’s saying it, but in fairness I haven’t watched the news in weeks, and unless Indy posts something he says I have no idea what he’s actually saying.
You know that, and I know that.

Former guy and his crazy Qanon/MAGA minions? Not so sure about that...
Problem is, there have been so many things Trump said that were taken out of context, parts omitted, or flat out lies told about by our esteemed media. I don’t care for Trump as a person, he’s easy to dislike, but I’m also not so blind that I can’t see what’s been done to the guy. So if people just don’t jump on believing a report from the NYT, proven to have lied and distorted so many things during the Trump presidency, I think they can be forgiven.