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Maricopa County audit

I also remember when there was going to be a second “insurrection” in March (I think) and like one guy showed up. Seems that nonsense started about the same way this August nonsense started.
I also remember when there was going to be a second “insurrection” in March (I think) and like one guy showed up. Seems that nonsense started about the same way this August nonsense started.

We can thank former guy's lawyer (Sidney Powell), former guy's national security advisor (Gen. Michael Flynn), former guy's personal advisor (Mike Lindell), another former guy's advisor (Steve Bannon) and former guy himself for that. This isn't magically appearing out of thin air. Nor is it coming from Dems/lefties, nor is the fake news media creating it.

So as we've seen on this board time and again by Tim, Supe, Steeltime & others, we can attack the messenger, we can attack the Dems, we can attack the media, we can mock TDS, we can do a lot of things. Or we can simply acknowledge and discuss the fact this ridiculous banter is being thrown around by former guy and his inner circle, nearly six months(!) after the inauguration.
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And as Steeltime and the rest of the childish MAGAssholes prepare their dumbass memes to muck up this thread, as they do every single thread, ask yourself, who & what is this thread even about about? Who created this thread, was it one of the libs on here? Or do they have former guy on their minds 24/7 and can't let the election loss go? Which election are we calling into question? On which former President's behalf are we demanding an audit? Is it President Carter's? President Ford's? President Reagan's?

So when you see the dumbass, trashy MAGA gifs litter this board, you must realize they're mocking none other than themselves, the folks who keep posting in the Trump 'winning' thread /sic, or here in this one, fanning the flames of the big lie, that the election was fraudulent, that Biden isn't legit, that the Dems 'stole' the election. The libs aren't doing none of that, nor is the media. It's coming from the MAGA base itself.

And that is why they must attack the messenger, in my case constantly besmirch & insult my cultural heritage and the fact I'm an American living abroad. That is the only ammunition they have. It's a juicy distraction, which keeps them from facing some cold hard truths & facts they're unwilling or unable to deal with on its own merit. Weak-minded, frail, paranoid, pathetic. They certainly take their cues from former guy, their living deity.
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The struggle is real in Tibs head.
And as Steeltime and the rest of the childish MAGAssholes prepare their dumbass memes to muck up this thread, as they do every single thread, ask yourself, who & what is this thread even about about? Who created this thread, was it one of the libs on here? Or do they have former guy on their minds 24/7 and can't let the election loss go? Which election are we calling into question? On which former President's behalf are we demanding an audit? Is it President Carter's? President Ford's? President Reagan's?

Who called for audits that have shown some ... interesting things in New Hampshire and Arizona? These people:
  • The Pennsylvania House
  • More than 25,000 Pennsylvanians who signed a petition for the audit
  • Antrim County, Michigan
  • Maricopa County, Arizona
  • Fulton County, Georgia
  • Judges in Maricopa County, Arizona
  • Judges in Fulton County, Georgia
And the panty-shrinking on election audits comes from the same guy who lied for four years about bullshit "Russian conspiracy" and "Putin owns Trump" and "Trump was not elected" and on and on.

The fact you are too dumb to see that changes nothing and instead simply re-affirms how stupid you are.

So when you see the dumbass, trashy MAGA gifs litter this board, you must realize they're mocking none other than themselves, the folks who keep posting in the Trump 'winning' thread /sic, or here in this one, fanning the flames of the big lie, that the election was fraudulent, that Biden isn't legit, that the Dems 'stole' the election. The libs aren't doing none of that, nor is the media. It's coming from the MAGA base itself.

And judges ordering the recounts and audits, and County boards, and voters by the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands.

If the election results are so pristine, why all the pearl-clutching?

And that is why they must attack the messenger, in my case constantly besmirch & insult my cultural heritage and the fact I'm an American living abroad.

You poor, poor baby. Those meany Trumpists made you cry, didn't they? Maybe mommy will make you some warm milk.

Oh, and the fact you don't even ******* live here matters because all you do is spout about how to "improve" this country by making it more like San Francisco and New York - you know, two places people are fleeing. Not to another country, because they still love America, but still, fleeing the stupidity wrought by the imbeciles on your side.

That is the only ammunition they have. It's a juicy distraction, which keeps them from facing some cold hard truths & facts they're unwilling or unable to deal with on its own merit. Weak-minded, frail, paranoid, pathetic. They certainly take their cues from former guy, their living deity.

Says the guy who for four years, endlessly, non-stop, never a moment off, ranted about Russia, Russian collusion, the Russian mob, Putin having something on Trump, the 2016 election being stolen, impeachment for fictional wrongdoing, quid-pro-quo with Ukraine while ignoring the bragging by Beijing Joe about forcing the Ukrainians to fire a prosecutor investing the company paying his son a million dollars per year to do nothing, who spackles over the overt and obvious corruption of a dementia-ridden imbecile who is a multi-millionaire on a government salary, who lies about illegal immigration, the Southern border, Trump's successes, and who lied about Russia and Trump, lies about the origins of the Chinese flu.

We mock you because you are always wrong, you are dumb, and you deserve to be mocked. So spare us your "Oh, poor me, you guys are such meanies" whining.
Are Republicans and conservatives ever going rejoin the rest of civilized society, or nah? Sounds like the wacky right doesn't want to play by the rules. Perhaps Republicans simply don't want to be a part of America no more. Maybe you followed former guy down the election fraud rabbit hole...and are gone, forever. Hope you packed a lunch.

"We truly are in uncharted waters," one expert said, calling the efforts more than six months after the 2020 election "unsustainable" for U.S. democracy.

Republican-led efforts to re-examine last fall's vote are spreading as experts and election officials warn that the proliferation amounts to a grave threat to U.S. democracy.

At the center of the push is Arizona, where the private company hired by the Republican-controlled state Senate continues its review of more than 2 million Maricopa County ballots, despite prior audits finding no evidence of fraud. With former President Donald Trump and others on the right following that count closely — despite it having no legal ability to overturn the result — GOP officials and voters have pushed for similar probes in at least five other states.

In Georgia, a judge last month awarded a group of plaintiffs, led by a known conspiracy theorist, a limited review of mail-in ballots in Fulton County. (That effort is still being litigated.) In Wisconsin, the Republican state House speaker recently hired a team of retired police officers and an attorney to probe the 2020 election.

In Michigan, state elections officials have warned local clerks in two counties that county commissioners have no authority to require further auditing or third-party reviews of election records and equipment. In New Hampshire, the audit of a single statehouse race — which officials said found no evidence of fraud or malfeasance — was seized upon by the former president and his supporters, who've pushed for its expansion. And in Pennsylvania, a trio of GOP state lawmakers visited the site of the Arizona ballot review and called for a similar probe in the Keystone State.

"I think that people in other parts of the country should be looking at what's going on in Arizona as an example of what not to do," Bill Gates, a Maricopa County supervisor who helps oversee elections, told NBC News. A lifelong Republican, Gates is among the review's most outspoken GOP critics.

Tammy Patrick, senior adviser to the elections program at Democracy Fund, a nonpartisan foundation aimed at bolstering the U.S. democratic system, said she's been a longtime advocate of post-election audits. But she hesitates to label what's happening in Arizona and what is being considered elsewhere as "audits."

"We truly are in uncharted waters," she said, calling the efforts more than six months after the 2020 election "unsustainable" for U.S. democracy.

Part of the political calculus for the GOP is the widely held belief among Republican voters that President Joe Biden's win was illegitimate. Last week, a Quinnipiac University poll found that while 64 percent of Americans say Biden's win was legitimate, two-thirds of GOP voters feel it was not. Meanwhile, Trump himself is "increasingly consumed" with the ballot reviews, The Washington Post reported Wednesday. Banned from his social media platforms, he's pushed out statement after statement about Arizona's audit and repeating the lie that the election was stolen from him.

"This is not going to go away," Steve Bannon, Trump's former chief strategist, said in a recent interview. His "War Room: Pandemic" podcast has hyped the Maricopa County ballot review and other similar efforts pushed across the country.

"The Nov. 3 effort will reach white hotness by the summer," he predicted, adding that he thinks no Republican will be able to win a primary next year unless they vigorously push for similar ballot reviews.

"You've seen already in Pennsylvania, you've seen things happening in Michigan, in Wisconsin," he said. "It is going to build in momentum and heat by August and then into the fall. It'll be the central issue."

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, said the partisan ballot review in her state is effectively creating a roadmap for Republicans elsewhere to undermine election results they don't like.

"They are definitely writing the playbook here in Arizona to bring this type of, I don't want to call it an audit, but to other states," Hobbs said. "And it's dangerous. It's continuing to undermine the integrity of our elections. We are now more than six months past the 2020 election. We know that it was secure and that the results reflected the will of voters accurately."

Hobbs, who announced a gubernatorial bid Wednesday, said those "calling the shots" in Arizona's review "know that they're not going to do anything to overturn the election."

"But they have many, many followers and believers who believe otherwise," she continued. "Look what happened on Jan. 6. And this is just inciting further situations like that. It's very dangerous."

Voter fraud in American elections is exceedingly rare. Trump's top cybersecurity official called the 2020 election "the most secure in American history," while then-Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department found no evidence of widespread malfeasance.
awwww, remember when "former guy" kicked the geritol out of the drunken hag and the entire Left was screaming and screeching at the sky for all four years, every single day, every single hour and every single minute and second under "former guy"'s administration, going after every ******* thing they could to get rid of "former guy"? and you have the goddamned gall to post this bullshit?

next you'll say you're seeing Oompa Loompas again


Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump
OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad


I'll submit again:

yeah, but that's different. that was before the Dims cut a check to those compani... i mean, that's just different
Just answer one question. Let's say that, just for example, there was fraud. How would you find it? How would you know unless you did a forensic audit? Also why wouldn't someone want it done? What's is the worst that could happen? If everything was perfect every single audit should show that. If there was fraud then why wouldn't you want to know? There is absolutely no reason not to do one. I've never heard a good answer to that question. Why not? What does it hurt?
Just answer one question. Let's say that, just for example, there was fraud. How would you find it? How would you know unless you did a forensic audit? Also why wouldn't someone want it done? What's is the worst that could happen? If everything was perfect every single audit should show that. If there was fraud then why wouldn't you want to know? There is absolutely no reason not to do one. I've never heard a good answer to that question. Why not? What does it hurt?
Just BTW when Bush beat Gore in FL there were tons of audits after the fact... tons. Every single one of them showed Bush won by ~500 votes. Nobody was screaming about the end of Democracy. I think forensic audits should be done after every election. Machines should be outlawed. Every voter must have a valid ID as well. Hand count everything.
Just BTW when Bush beat Gore in FL there were tons of audits after the fact... tons. Every single one of them showed Bush won by ~500 votes. Nobody was screaming about the end of Democracy. I think forensic audits should be done after every election. Machines should be outlawed. Every voter must have a valid ID as well. Hand count everything.
thats just be raysiss
Just answer one question. Let's say that, just for example, there was fraud. How would you find it? How would you know unless you did a forensic audit? Also why wouldn't someone want it done? What's is the worst that could happen? If everything was perfect every single audit should show that. If there was fraud then why wouldn't you want to know? There is absolutely no reason not to do one. I've never heard a good answer to that question. Why not? What does it hurt?

Decaf replies

Trump's top cybersecurity official called the 2020 election "the most secure in American history," while then-Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department found no evidence of widespread malfeasance.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and try to actually engage you in some civil, practical conversation for a moment. How is the above possible because of this below?

When that was even before mass mail-in voting that's wrought with fraudulent activity. But don't take my word for it, how about this guy?

And bear with me here, but didn't a pipeline and the largest meat processing company in the world just get hacked? But our most recent election was the most secure in history?
Anyone that says the election was secure is just guessing. There is absolutely NO way to know unless you audit it. And since auditing gives you all the information you need there is no logical reason not to do it. Next time the IRS wants to audit your taxes tell them "No, this was the most perfectest taxes I've ever seen" and see if they'll let it slide.
Next time the IRS wants to audit your taxes tell them "No, this was the most perfectest taxes I've ever seen" and see if they'll let it slide.

I wonder what they'll do when I tell them I identify as an IRC 501(c)?

This stuff should always be 100% transparent and you should be able to account for everything and everyone who votes being legit. You know that's why we sign and use our ID down here in Florida. Duh. Anyone stonewalling accounting and verification is just scared they'll uncover corruption.

What the demoncrats are doing is trying to ensure more fraud and take control of voting in states.

After all most votes ever by Imposter Joe and his amazing orator abilities and relentless campaigning did the trick.
Are Republicans and conservatives ever going rejoin the rest of civilized society, or nah? Sounds like the wacky right doesn't want to play by the rules. Perhaps Republicans simply don't want to be a part of America no more. Maybe you followed former guy down the election fraud rabbit hole...and are gone, forever. Hope you packed a lunch.

"We truly are in uncharted waters," one expert said, calling the efforts more than six months after the 2020 election "unsustainable" for U.S. democracy.

Republican-led efforts to re-examine last fall's vote are spreading as experts and election officials warn that the proliferation amounts to a grave threat to U.S. democracy.

At the center of the push is Arizona, where the private company hired by the Republican-controlled state Senate continues its review of more than 2 million Maricopa County ballots, despite prior audits finding no evidence of fraud. With former President Donald Trump and others on the right following that count closely — despite it having no legal ability to overturn the result — GOP officials and voters have pushed for similar probes in at least five other states.

In Georgia, a judge last month awarded a group of plaintiffs, led by a known conspiracy theorist, a limited review of mail-in ballots in Fulton County. (That effort is still being litigated.) In Wisconsin, the Republican state House speaker recently hired a team of retired police officers and an attorney to probe the 2020 election.

In Michigan, state elections officials have warned local clerks in two counties that county commissioners have no authority to require further auditing or third-party reviews of election records and equipment. In New Hampshire, the audit of a single statehouse race — which officials said found no evidence of fraud or malfeasance — was seized upon by the former president and his supporters, who've pushed for its expansion. And in Pennsylvania, a trio of GOP state lawmakers visited the site of the Arizona ballot review and called for a similar probe in the Keystone State.

"I think that people in other parts of the country should be looking at what's going on in Arizona as an example of what not to do," Bill Gates, a Maricopa County supervisor who helps oversee elections, told NBC News. A lifelong Republican, Gates is among the review's most outspoken GOP critics.

Tammy Patrick, senior adviser to the elections program at Democracy Fund, a nonpartisan foundation aimed at bolstering the U.S. democratic system, said she's been a longtime advocate of post-election audits. But she hesitates to label what's happening in Arizona and what is being considered elsewhere as "audits."

"We truly are in uncharted waters," she said, calling the efforts more than six months after the 2020 election "unsustainable" for U.S. democracy.

Part of the political calculus for the GOP is the widely held belief among Republican voters that President Joe Biden's win was illegitimate. Last week, a Quinnipiac University poll found that while 64 percent of Americans say Biden's win was legitimate, two-thirds of GOP voters feel it was not. Meanwhile, Trump himself is "increasingly consumed" with the ballot reviews, The Washington Post reported Wednesday. Banned from his social media platforms, he's pushed out statement after statement about Arizona's audit and repeating the lie that the election was stolen from him.

"This is not going to go away," Steve Bannon, Trump's former chief strategist, said in a recent interview. His "War Room: Pandemic" podcast has hyped the Maricopa County ballot review and other similar efforts pushed across the country.

"The Nov. 3 effort will reach white hotness by the summer," he predicted, adding that he thinks no Republican will be able to win a primary next year unless they vigorously push for similar ballot reviews.

"You've seen already in Pennsylvania, you've seen things happening in Michigan, in Wisconsin," he said. "It is going to build in momentum and heat by August and then into the fall. It'll be the central issue."

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, said the partisan ballot review in her state is effectively creating a roadmap for Republicans elsewhere to undermine election results they don't like.

"They are definitely writing the playbook here in Arizona to bring this type of, I don't want to call it an audit, but to other states," Hobbs said. "And it's dangerous. It's continuing to undermine the integrity of our elections. We are now more than six months past the 2020 election. We know that it was secure and that the results reflected the will of voters accurately."

Hobbs, who announced a gubernatorial bid Wednesday, said those "calling the shots" in Arizona's review "know that they're not going to do anything to overturn the election."

"But they have many, many followers and believers who believe otherwise," she continued. "Look what happened on Jan. 6. And this is just inciting further situations like that. It's very dangerous."

Voter fraud in American elections is exceedingly rare. Trump's top cybersecurity official called the 2020 election "the most secure in American history," while then-Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department found no evidence of widespread malfeasance.
Conservatives are America. The political left has gone full communist and is now the antithesis of America and everything that is American.