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Maricopa County audit

Conservatives are America. The political left has gone full communist and is now the antithesis of America and everything that is American.

Bingo! Thankfully we had a 4 year hiatus from that fundamental change promised by Barry the marxist. We watched over the last 4 years how hell bent they are about pushing that American transformation as well. Relentless false propaganda and treasonous criminal obstruction against the office of the president.

They had zero chance before this magic virus appeared in an election year. ******* trainwrecked the whole country over power.

They had better hope and pray they erased enough proof on their election scam or it's going to get really ugly for them.
Tibs falls for another obvious photoshopped picture. Spread that fake news, you dirty Hungarian.

I know it's difficult to comprehend for someone as intellectually limited as you are, but there's such a thing called 'suggestive political imagery' which draws an analogy or a parallel. It's called political satire.

Now, back to your ignorant, hateful, xenophobic bigotry. It's the one thing you've mastered in life.
I know it's difficult to comprehend for someone as intellectually limited as you are, but there's such a thing called 'suggestive political imagery' which draws an analogy or a parallel. It's called political satire.

Now, back to your ignorant, hateful, xenophobic bigotry. It's the one thing you've mastered in life.
Maybe your kind and loving words will wash away the hatred.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and try to actually engage you in some civil, practical conversation for a moment. How is the above possible because of this below?

When that was even before mass mail-in voting that's wrought with fraudulent activity. But don't take my word for it, how about this guy?

And bear with me here, but didn't a pipeline and the largest meat processing company in the world just get hacked? But our most recent election was the most secure in history?

Guess not. Well it's much more entertaining this way anyways, you being the punchline.
Liberal memes suck.

If they were even remotely funny, creative or entertaining, I'd laugh at them. Funny is funny, no matter what side of the political aisle you sit on.

But they're garbage. If anybody ever finds one, please share - I'd like to know that there are at least some funny liberals out there.
Guess not. Well it's much more entertaining this way anyways, you being the punchline.

Lol, you burned that bridge a loooooong time ago, to have any type of civil discourse on this board. Just do what you do best, wallow in the pigsty of hate & vitriol, as you spew your garbage posts morning 'til night. That's all you're capable of, being the self-declared troll that you are, yapping at my ankles at every turn. Maybe with time you'll grow up and leave your childish, immature ways behind. I doubt that'll happen, but if it does, maybe then you'll be worth engaging with. Trust me, I won't be holding my breath.
Lol, you burned that bridge a loooooong time ago

Uh oh Timmy, I may get told to "**** off" again too pretty soon.

Ha ha. I've told you, Timmy, Steeltime, Supe and others to **** off many times before on this board. And vice versa. Not sure why your panties are in a bunch now.
Oh good. We made it to the ad hominems by page six. This is quicker than usual.
Back to the actual thread theme...

The Sheriff of Maricopa county is being held in contempt for failing to uphold the subpoena requirements. If he continues to shirk is responsibilities, he is facing arrest and charges.
Back to the actual thread theme...

The Sheriff of Maricopa county is being held in contempt for failing to uphold the subpoena requirements. If he continues to shirk is responsibilities, he is facing arrest and charges.

There's some real serious issues going on.
Lol, you burned that bridge a loooooong time ago, to have any type of civil discourse on this board. Just do what you do best, wallow in the pigsty of hate & vitriol, as you spew your garbage posts morning 'til night.

Decaf, you are on this forum posting at 1:30 a.m. HST (Hungarian Standard Time), 3:00 a.m., 4:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m., again at midnight. I have literally told you to go to bed because you are spewing memes in the middle of the night, HST.

And you prattle on about STEELWORTH posting "morning 'til night"??

Yeah you could call massive voter fraud and a stolen election serious...

You mean dementia Joe didn't get the most REAL votes EVER?

I thought for sure from his massive rock concert like crowds, relentless campaigning and Ronald Reagan like connecting to all Americans it was a slam dunk...
I thought for sure from his massive rock concert like crowds, relentless campaigning and Ronald Reagan like connecting to all Americans it was a slam dunk...

As evidenced further by the incredible public affection for the guy and his staff:

Okay, aside from Raggedy Ann Circelback, I mean. Take a look at Cumula Hairball's obvious popularity with the Guatemalan people:


Goddammi ... How about Beijing Joe's fabulous turnout during the basement bonanza!?! Huh, what about ...




Wow, the energy for Beijing Joe, the Basement Boy, the stuttering dementia-ridden imbecile. You can just feel it!
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I wonder if Beijing Boy told those "stupid ********" to clap as well? All 5 of them.
