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Mendenhall blames racism

Candace Owens dad and her sued some school when she was young because of "racial harassment"..... Now she's on the other side, in other words it doesn't exist. She's not a good example for anything but being slimy dude.

She's just a grifter, and not even competent at it.
We will just have to disagree on this one.
I didn't hear a direct reference by him to that. If I missed it, apologies. I know it happened. But, he needs to understand that idiots will always be with us, and most people of all colors deplore it.

Still, to use a broad brush like he did messes up the situation.

He still needs a hard hat. Life has ugly stupid. All "races" get treated.like that from time to time.socoal mefia
He's referred to it in other articles I've read. What he needs to do is get off social media if it bothers him that much. Some people will offer honest criticism and some people are miserable and nasty...and misery loves company, so they will try to tear you down. Ryan Clark mentioned that in that interview. Reminded me of what Jaime Foxx once said when he was on Joe Rogan. It's at about 1:30 in this video." Comments will get that azz too. Comments will hit you right where you are."

I was just watching the pivot with Fred Taylor and Ryan Clark. I hope the fans ease up on Mendenhall. Some people just don't take criticism well and I could tell he was mentally frustrated. He needs to not lock into social media. Because he won't win that face off. Fans will come at him. Learn to deal with it better or get off social media. In the past I felt he said some really stupid ****. But to go at this guy when you know he is unbalanced isn't cool.

I won't ever say anything to him regardless if he says something that deserves criticism. As I know he has a hard time keeping it together. I would rather say nothing than break him.

I hope he works through these demons. I have empathy for him. I don't like to see people mentally struggle. I hope he is going to be ok.

Such a great show. Fred Taylor sure comes across as a good guy. We forget these guys are human. The guy hears about this fumble and how he cost us the game every day. His family hears it. I certainly don’t condone what he said.

But he lost it,years of pent up anger. I wonder how many on here,getting badgered nonstop year after year,wouldn’t say something stupid.
You hear about Steeler fans sending death threats,throwing garbage on lawns,all sorts of ****. Look at the Kordel Stewart BS. Except they do it anonymously,hidden behind their little computer. Like I say.....I don’t condone what he said,he’s just had enough and lashed out.
Such a great show. Fred Taylor sure comes across as a good guy. We forget these guys are human. The guy hears about this fumble and how he cost us the game every day. His family hears it. I certainly don’t condone what he said.

But he lost it,years of pent up anger. I wonder how many on here,getting badgered nonstop year after year,wouldn’t say something stupid.
You hear about Steeler fans sending death threats,throwing garbage on lawns,all sorts of ****. Look at the Kordel Stewart BS. Except they do it anonymously,hidden behind their little computer. Like I say.....I don’t condone what he said,he’s just had enough and lashed out.
I hear you death threats to someone you never met is a form of cowardice. It is amazing how brave people get behind the computer screen. Just no excuse for that sort of childish behavior.
One thing I know from reading this last one with Clarke. Mr. Man for all seasons, don't need football Mendenhall.....is still losing sleep over that play.