But you're not really talking, are you? I answered your question and rather than address my response, you continue to throw accusations. Read you above post. I addressed your points one by one. You ignored all that to throw more stones.
This is why the discussion goes nowhere. Conservatives feel that they can't acknowledge that even one of their own might be a bigot. So they duck the issue of prejudice altogether, so nothing of substance can be addressed. It's like feminists and rape accusations. Feminists constantly insist that false accusations "almost never happen" even though we know from court and police records that they're not even remotely uncommon. With conservatives it's the same. If you could admit that many of the people on the Right are hiding behind "Illegal Immigration" and "Terrorism" to express their bigotry, we'd at least be able to have an honest dialogue.
Coming to any kind of rational consensus starts with acknowledging that the other side has some legitimate concerns. As an extremist, you refused to do this, and thus gridlock ensues. It's never as simple as "my team is always right and their team is always wrong". But that seems to be how you address it.
Non existent hatred. So you're saying that there are no prejudiced people in America? Or are you saying that there are no prejudiced conservatives in America? Not even a single one? Every conservative in America is completely free of bigotry? I don't think any sane person believes that.
As for fixing the problem, I don't think it's the government's responsibility to fix society. I think if we abolish the systems of government that oppress people, like gun control and drug prohibition, many of the conflicts between people will solve themselves. Free markets are a good thing, and as such cheap labor and goods provided by migrant workers and Chinese imports are a good thing. They provide us with the highest standard of living in the world. We are the richest country, and yet as measured by PPP, goods and services in the US are some of the cheapest in the world. Conservatives would shut this down by applying protectionist trade tariffs on China and impeding migrant workers.
"They're rapists". That's the view of the Right wing. Hispanic immigrants are rapists. Never mind that most of them bust their ***** every day, came here to provide for their kids and give them the same opportunities you take for granted. No, no, no, the Right just sees raping darkies who speak a funny language. And when these people are painted with this broad brush, where are you? When do you say "hold on, they're not all criminals, a lot of them are hard working and law abiding"? You say there's not bigotry, and yet there it is.