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Millenial Reality smackdown....

I bet if it was Bernie heads they would go on
I'll bet you the complaint came from a parent that was a Trump supporter, thinking it was mocking him.

edit / Bingo!

"Whether the complainant was offended because of pro or anti-Trump sentiments is unclear, though a similar skit performed by Wellesley grade-schoolers acting as Donald Trump and Marco Rubio was also nixed from the night show, apparently because a parent found it disparaging to the Republican Party. "

******* Trump supporters turning the country "into a pathetic sissified hyper sensitive culture." Couldn't agree with you more Spike.
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Tibs thus supports the absolute violence that the left perpetrates onto peaceful Trump supporters?
Tibs thus supports the absolute violence that the left perpetrates onto peaceful Trump supporters?
Huh? There must be a mistake. I looked far and wide and could find no such thing as a 'peaceful Trump supporter.'


The Trump Supporters Hate Map: Tracing Acts of Harrassment and Violence at Rallies from Coast to Coast

Here are six examples from the map and the accompanying text of events that have been documented.

Kansas: Two Muslim and Hispanic students in Kansas are violently attacked by a man who makes racist threats and warns them Donald Trump would win the presidential election. The man calls the students "brown trash" and tells him, "Go home. Trump will win.’” The man also tells the students they had better leave the U.S. As they start calling the police, the man gets back on his motorcycle and circles around them saying, "Trump, Trump, Trump, we will make America great again. You losers will be thrown out of the wall.”

Nevada: At a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Trump supporters gleefully watched as gun control supporters and Black Lives Matter demonstrators were physically dragged out of his event by security. As one man was dragged away, Trump supporters yelled, “Shoot him! Kick his ***,” and “Light the motherf***er on fire!” A large, middle-aged man shouted, “Sieg heil!” (a Nazi salute). “He’s a Muslim!” another man said. “He’s a Muslim!”

Texas: At a Dallas rally for Donald Trump, a Trump supporter took over a microphone connected to loudspeakers and shouted, first in Spanish, then in English, “The Mexicans are the hairs of assh***s. Viva Donald Trump.” The woman then told a female protester, “Clean my hotel room, b**ch.” A man also mocked the protesters, stating, “Somebody press 1 for English.”

Florida: A Trump supporter dragged and proceeded to kick an activist who interrupted the presidential candidate; meanwhile, the pro-Trump crowd proceeded to chant “USA! USA! USA!” as they ripped apart the protester's signs that read “equality.”

South Carolina: Thomas Hill, a high school senior from Georgia, was grabbed and choked by Trump supporters as he held up a sign in protest at a rally in North Augusta, South Carolina.

New Jersey: Officials at a mosque in Jersey City, N.J., report receiving a letter calling Muslims “evil” and telling them to “go back to the desert,” one of a number of hateful messages. The letter references claims Donald Trump made about people in Jersey City celebrating after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
ah, so those protestors who incite violence at the trump rallies are trump supporters bashing those with the same mindset?
That's what many of us like about Trump. He represents the only force against this PC bullshit forced upon us by the Communist inspired intelligentsia.

Couldn't you just like Daniel Tosh instead?
*All my posts are for entertainment purposes only

Cuba calls Obama visit 'an attack' as Communists defend ideology

HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Communist-led Cuba was an "attack" on its history and culture aimed at misleading a new business class, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on Monday, the latest sign of blow-back after the ground-breaking trip last month.

President Raul Castro referred to the United States as "the enemy" in the opening speech of the party congress over the weekend and told Cubans to be alert to U.S. attempts to weaken the revolution.

******* Trump supporters turning the country "into a pathetic sissified hyper sensitive culture." Couldn't agree with you more Spike.

Helter Skelter

Eggs get scrambled in a REVOLUTION
College loans are way over-rated

University Students Are Unable to Read a Whole Book

University students are increasingly unable to read a whole book as they simply don’t have the concentration spans required, nor are they able to understand complex, nuanced arguments, academics have said.

Lecturers at leading British universities are having to actively encourage students to read beyond the set texts, and have noticed that students are increasingly unwilling to read whole texts.

They say they believe internet culture is to blame, as young people nowadays are used to receiving arguments in the form of 800-1000 word articles. Anything beyond that, they say, is now proving too challenging.

ah, so those protestors who incite violence at the trump rallies are trump supporters bashing those with the same mindset?

The violent Trump supporters and the violent Black Lives protestors are both making the US look like a 3rd world banana republic.

College Cancels Debate Between Conservative And Liberal because Conservative was participating

At the last minute, officials at the State University of New York curtly canceled a planned campus debate between a notable left-wing media critic and a notable right-wing media critic because the right-wing media critic has right-wing views.

"The intended purpose for our community would likely not be achieved"



Plug your ears! Microaggression!

Sunshine and Unicorns!Sunshine and Unicorns!


No equality in that?! I thought liberals were all for equality. Let the conservatives have a say so too
So what you're saying Spike, is that Trump supporters are able to read a book, while Bernie supporters, not so much. Figures.

So we the people should start paying for the lame *** generation's college? **** that.

Trump 2016
The violent Trump supporters and the violent Black Lives protestors are both making the US look like a 3rdana republic.

Our country has been heading that way for decades. Where have you been? Uncontrolled 3rd world immigration, inner cities have become killing fields, people can't speak English, or able to read.

The Liberal agenda has destroyed a once great country.
Our country has been heading that way for decades. Where have you been? Uncontrolled 3rd world immigration, inner cities have become killing fields, people can't speak English, or able to read.

The Liberal agenda has destroyed a once great country.

Wow. The lack of self awareness in this post is staggering.

It's clear why Right Wingers call me Leftist and Left Wingers call me Right Wing. None of you can see yourselves. The Right has done plenty to lower the discourse of this country into the gutter. Most of Trump's most belligerent supporters are staunchly right wing. And I would add that the open hatred of Muslims and Hispanics by people like yourself has further damaged the public discourse.

Neither side, not you or the "liberals" you hate, are interested in solving a damn thing. You just want to point fingers and pontificate. And so the cycle continues.

Tosh sucks.

U just mad cuz he called you out on your driving. :topsy_turvy:
Our country has been heading that way for decades. Where have you been? Uncontrolled 3rd world immigration, inner cities have become killing fields, people can't speak English, or able to read.

The Liberal agenda has destroyed a once great country.

Don't forget the wonders that Great War on Poverty have done for this country.
Neither side, not you or the "liberals" you hate, are interested in solving a damn thing. You just want to point fingers and pontificate. And so the cycle continues.

And what are you solving in your daily life SteelV? Show us your True Colors? All I see is another Liberal here (no, you're not a Libertarian) pointing fingers at his opponents.
And what are you solving in your daily life SteelV? Show us your True Colors? All I see is another Liberal here (no, you're not a Libertarian) pointing fingers at his opponents.

Define "Libertarian" in your own words. I'm curious to see what you think that word means.
Define "Libertarian" in your own words. I'm curious to see what you think that word means.

What are you doing in your real life to make a change, vs. being here attacking everyone on the board? I'm curious to see how you see yourself different than those you stand here accusing?
What are you doing in your real life to make a change, vs. being here attacking everyone on the board? I'm curious to see how you see yourself different than those you stand here accusing?

I'd like to get to that, but we've got to define terms. What do you think "Libertarian" means?
Wow. The lack of self awareness in this post is staggering.

It's clear why Right Wingers call me Leftist and Left Wingers call me Right Wing. None of you can see yourselves. The Right has done plenty to lower the discourse of this country into the gutter. Most of Trump's most belligerent supporters are staunchly right wing. And I would add that the open hatred of Muslims and Hispanics by people like yourself has further damaged the public discourse.

Neither side, not you or the "liberals" you hate, are interested in solving a damn thing. You just want to point fingers and pontificate. And so the cycle continues.

U just mad cuz he called you out on your driving. :topsy_turvy:
This is where the discourse breaks down. If you call out illegal immigrants, you hate Hispanics. If you criticize the idealogy that wants to kill gays, and take young, non muslim girls as slaves, you hate all muslims. If you point out destructive policies, that have effectively destroyed the black family, you hate all liberals.

If there is anything I said, that you can prove is untrue, I would like to be educated. If not, play your thought police games on someone else.
Cuba calls Obama visit 'an attack' as Communists defend ideology

HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Communist-led Cuba was an "attack" on its history and culture aimed at misleading a new business class, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on Monday, the latest sign of blow-back after the ground-breaking trip last month.

President Raul Castro referred to the United States as "the enemy" in the opening speech of the party congress over the weekend and told Cubans to be alert to U.S. attempts to weaken the revolution.

How ******* far-Left are you if you think Bomma is a pro-business capitalist?
Oh wait, the kind of Leftist whose country hasn't got a new car or a coat of paint in 55 years.
College loans are way over-rated

University Students Are Unable to Read a Whole Book

University students are increasingly unable to read a whole book as they simply don’t have the concentration spans required, nor are they able to understand complex, nuanced arguments, academics have said.

Lecturers at leading British universities are having to actively encourage students to read beyond the set texts, and have noticed that students are increasingly unwilling to read whole texts.

They say they believe internet culture is to blame, as young people nowadays are used to receiving arguments in the form of 800-1000 word articles. Anything beyond that, they say, is now proving too challenging.


why should they read the whole book when all they have to do is say it was too tough and the teachers will dumb down the test so they can pass.

It's not that millennials have short attentions, it's that they are never challenged so they have never had to try, at pretty much anything.
This is where the discourse breaks down. If you call out illegal immigrants, you hate Hispanics.

The hostility towards these people does not come from their legal status. Nobody buys that. We have millions of unlicensed and/or uninsured drivers in America. People aren't raging against them, even though they kill and maim other citizens at an alarming rate, tax the medical system, and drive up insurance rates. Where's the massive visceral hatred of their legal status?

It's about race. Not for every conservative, but for a great many of them. If you're unwilling to acknowledge that many "anti immigration" conservatives are racist, you're not being an honest advocate. Is it entirely racial? Absolutely not. Is race a major component? No question.

If you criticize the idealogy that wants to kill gays, and take young, non muslim girls as slaves, you hate all muslims.

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Leviticus 20:13

All religions have nasty parts. I'm no fan of religion, period. But the same conservatives trying to ban gay marriage in the USA, are bitching about religious oppression of women in Muslim countries. The double standard here is glaring. Is the Muslim faith backwards compared to modern Christianity? Yep. But that don't make them special, it just makes them late to the party. Conservatives have called out Islam as a particularly heinous and incorrigible religion, while at the same time ignoring the blood bath that is the history of Christianity.

Moreover, the obsession with conflating extremists with non extremists is nothing short of prejudice. The KKK is a Christian organization, founded on Biblical principals. Does that mean they represent the balance of Christians? Of course not. So why are the extremists hung around the neck of your local Pakistani mechanic who's just trying to fix cars and feed his family?

If you point out destructive policies, that have effectively destroyed the black family, you hate all liberals.

I agree and disagree. Racist people always have an excuse to criticize Black people. However, there are some very serious cultural and systemic problems that have set back the progress of Black Americans. The culture of criminality in the Black community is a serious problem. The breakdown of the family, and the "Black flight" of the intelligentsia from our communities has left the poorest and worst educated of us rudderless. Our "leaders" are a joke. However, this does not excuse the mass incarceration of Blacks on questionable gun and drug charges. It does not excuse the rampant culture of violence that persists within the police ethos. It does not excuse the rampant police brutality and prosecutorial misconduct in the justice system.

Both sides have important points to make. But neither side really wants to fix the problem. Conservatives want to blame and punish. Liberals want to excuse and play the victim. Meantime, as both sides argue past each other, nothing pragmatic gets done.
SV, your responses are idealogical, and not fact based. Your arguments are tiresome, and have been rehashed here many times. You seem to be an expert on hate, and use that term based more on assumptions, and on idealogical generalizations.

If you are going to call someone a hater, be specific to that person.