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Mueller just dumped on Trump , clear as mud

This would make perfect sense.

Yeah, Tibtard...at this point you are pretty much just a running joke that everyone laughs at. Your troll posts Never work and you are on the wrong side of Every issue. Your failure rate is spectacular. Flog is probably the only member (non-paying freeloader at that) who takes you seriously. You two should hook up on Grindr.
"If we had confidence the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so, we did not"

Basically, insufficient evidence to prove anything. So this tees it up for the Dems to take it to Congress to impeach

Charging Trump with a crime "was not an option" under DOJ guidelines

Mueller is finished, leaving Justice dept, he gone, won't provide any more info that isn't in report, bye bye


Put Mueller on the stand. Trump's legal team deserves a chance to question any of his findings.
Very nice article on Lefty hypocrisy. These facts are sure to trigger a couple libtards here. But not one of them can defend against it.


Very telling part of that article is well known but never reported. Maybe we will actually see these treasonous ******** brought before the law soon.

Mainstream media outlets have steadfastly refused to report the facts as they've been unearthed so that when A.G. Barr was asked before House committee if there was spying on the Trump campaign and he answered yes, there was an immediate meltdown among Democrats. How dare he suggest such a thing? By then, it was common knowledge among those paying attention.

The Left colludes with whomever it wants if leftists deem it necessary to their desired ends. Ted Kennedy wanted to work with Moscow to defeat Reagan. China contributed millions of dollars to Bill Clinton's campaigns, illegally. Pelosi sidled up to Assad (2007) in Syria against the Bush administration's policy. Biden and Feinstein are joined at the hip with China. Clinton and Obama partisans are right now colluding with Iran and China in hopes of undermining the president. They are at this moment making common cause with the governments of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico in order to keep our southern border open and flush with migrants on a daily basis. Do they care what this invasion does to the states and cities that must absorb those migrants? Not at all.

The Left has thoroughly discarded any concerns it may have once had for American citizens and their neighborhoods.
Leftists are one hundred percent in support of anything that will foil Trump's promise to put a stop to the massive illegal immigration now taking place.


No, mostly he's trolling the Left but they're too dumb to realize it. I love it.


Like when the WaPo “Fact Checks” obvious jokes like Sadiq Khan only being half as tall as Bill Deblasio.
Interesting, look at the numbers continue to rise. The more you know...

New FOX NEWS poll. Do you think Trump campaign coordinated w/ Russians during '16 campaign?

June 2019
YES: 50% NO: 44%

March 2019
Yes: 44% No: 42%

Jan 2017
Yes: 40% No: 52%

Do you think...

Stopped right there.

This isn't a think thing.
This has nothing to do with think.

Some people think ghosts are real. Some people think UFOs are real.

The Russian collusion hoax is simply about facts. The facts are out. There was no collusion, as everyone told you from day one.

Not at all surprised - since you're a desperate, Leftist Never Trumper - you're hanging on to this bizarre ****. Then again, facts have never mattered to you.
New FOX NEWS poll. Do you think Trump campaign coordinated w/ Russians during '16 campaign?

June 2019
YES: 50% NO: 44%

March 2019
Yes: 44% No: 42%

Jan 2017
Yes: 40% No: 52%


I know, right? If Mueller found there was no evidence any member of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia or Russians, he would have said so.

Mueller’s report: “(T)he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
Nice to see there are honest Americans interested in uncovering the truth about Trump & Russia.

Hopefully there will be many more campaigns like this to help educate the public on what really happened. Kudos to these celebs for being patriots and helping defend the nation - and our democracy - from hostile, foreign attacks. Particularly, since we have a President sitting in the WH hellbent on encouraging and welcoming such attacks now and in the future.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Robert De Niro, <a href="https://twitter.com/robreiner?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@robreiner</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/SophiaBush?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SophiaBush</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/StephenKing?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@StephenKing</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/jvn?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@jvn</a>, and more are cutting through the Trump administration’s lies and obfuscations about the Mueller report: <a href="https://t.co/mmr4HSn841">pic.twitter.com/mmr4HSn841</a></p>— #MarchForTruth (@MarchForTruth17) <a href="https://twitter.com/MarchForTruth17/status/1141781731999133697?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 20, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Nice to see there are honest Americans interested in uncovering the truth about Trump & Russia.

Hopefully there will be many more campaigns like this to help educate the public on what really happened. Kudos to these celebs for being patriots and helping defend the nation - and our democracy - from hostile, foreign attacks. Particularly, since we have a President sitting in the WH hellbent on encouraging and welcoming such attacks now and in the future.

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I don't get my moral/political direction from Hollywood scum, like Deniro, the washed up old flea bag. I don't get it from late night comics either. Or Bill Maher. Or the women from the View. Or Chelsea Handler.

Seriously, I think DeNiro is failing mentally.

<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.d753e00c3e838c1b2558149bd3f6ecb8.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>
Hopefully there will be many more campaigns like this to help educate the public on what really happened.

Mueller Probe: 22 Months, 19 Lawyers, 40 FBI Agents, 2,800 Subpoenas, 500 Search Warrants, 500 Witnesses = No Collusion

But some celebrity campaign is going to really uncover the truth that's going to take Trump down? Seriously dude, you need help at this point.
Seriously, I think DeNiro is failing mentally.

You mean the guy who got on a national stage in front of the world and muttered "**** Trump" over and over? Yeah, he might be losing his faculties a bit if he couldn't muster anything more than that.
These delusional hollywood idiots think that because they sometimes play reasonably intelligent characters that people don’t know they’re morons.
Mueller Probe: 22 Months, 19 Lawyers, 40 FBI Agents, 2,800 Subpoenas, 500 Search Warrants, 500 Witnesses = No Collusion

But some celebrity campaign is going to really uncover the truth that's going to take Trump down? Seriously dude, you need help at this point.

He needed to get help on November 9th 2016.
Nice to see there are honest Americans interested in uncovering the truth about Trump & Russia.

So I guess Mueller, 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents were all "in" on the Russia collusion cover-up?

Thank heavens for Hollywood celebrities then. Those guys know what's right and wrong. Cheer Roman Polanski, ignore Weinstein's behavior for decades, engage in the most vile behavior known to man (child molestation) and bat not an eye about it. Yeah, thank heavens for those guys.
Trump presidency timeline....

Trump presidency timeline....


You forgot two items in the timeline that may have some importance:


Lefties: Waaaaah, collusion, collusion, waaaah, don't care what Mueller concluded, waaaah, collusion.