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Mueller just dumped on Trump , clear as mud

I recommend you go back to pre 2016 and find your sense of humor. It seems to have been misplaced. It was a stupid ******* question with Putin sitting 6 inches away. She wanted to put Trump on the spot and nail him because she is a dummy. He responded in kind as she should of with a sarcastic response.

You get up in arms about the silliest things. Nail in the coffin? You're a card Tibs. I mean did you actually think he would have a serious meeting with Putin in front of the press corps because some dummy asked a question like that? He made a mockery of it like he should have.

I couldn't have said it better. Spot on.

And I laugh at the lefties that fall for it.

<video style="width: 480px; height: 360.694px; left: 0px; top: 0px;" alt="will ferrell lol GIF" src="https://media1.giphy.com/media/lszAB3TzFtRaU/giphy.mp4?cid=790b76115d179e124f33326e365865f1&rid=giphy.mp4" poster="https://media1.giphy.com/media/lszAB3TzFtRaU/giphy_s.gif?cid=790b76115d179e124f33326e365865f1&rid=giphy_s.gif" autoplay="autoplay" loop="" controls=""></video>
I don't know. Maybe hacking into and stealing email archives from an American political party and its Presidential candidate. Disseminating that information, using it specifically to manipulate and mislead voters in the lead-up to the election. Inserting fake and misleading stories for weeks and months in online media channels, using troll farms to spread that disinformation and manipulate polling data. All of that, separately and cumulatively can affect the outcome of an election. The fact this activity is known to be coming from a hostile foreign country's intelligence services makes it all the more ugly. In this case Russia is/was using online hacking activity as a tool of influence and manipulation, trying to insert itself into America's core democratic processes, interfering in the every day lives and business of Americans. There should be no argument that this is wrong and unacceptable, no matter who's doing it or who's benefiting from it.

It surprises me so few of you are bothered by this, the idea a foreign country managed to **** around with a US election. With no signs of it abating now or in the future. Even if you believe it had little or no effect on the outcome and think Trump is a great President, it should still piss you off, what the Russians did. More should be said and done by Trump and Congressional leaders that foreign interference won't be tolerated. If and when Trump does that maybe I'll back off a little. He has not stood up to Putin one iota, regardless what economic sanctions/policies are in place. Trump's messaging on this issue has been 180 degrees opposite what you would expect from a sitting US President. Sorry if that bothers me.

And I don't give two ***** what Obama, Clinton, Bush, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Kennedy, Eisenhower or even George Washington did in the past or what they would do in this situation. It has no relevance to what is happening right now with Trump. He's got to navigate these waters, and I don't see a steady hand at the helm.

Tibs, you do realize that if the hacker leaked those e-mails to the Washington Post, they would have won a ******* Pulitzer for exposing the corruption of the DNC, right? You DO realize that or do you not.

The biggest hypocrisy of all time is to hear our News Media's outrage that Russia was the one that stole and revealed corruption in American politics while their whole existence is supposed to do that exact thing. Maybe if the American media wasn't so in the back pockets of the Democratic party, they would have actually done their jobs and exposed the corruption inside the DNC first.

You do think what the hack revealed was worthwhile information to the American public, correct?

Or were we just better off not knowing how the DNC put their thumbs on the scales of democracy and fixed the primary for Hillary?
This apparent outrage over meddling in another county's elections is hilarious. It started the minute Trump got elected and it will go away the minute he is no longer president. Not the meddling - the faux outrage. This **** has been going on forever by everyone - Obama did it out in the open, with taxpayer money, against Bibi.
Look, I can understand being upset at Russia for meddling.

But I can't understand his outrage at the INFORMATION, which was all factual and pertinent to the American public. There WAS corruption in the DNC (possibly criminal). The DID give questions to Hillary before debates. There was a concerted effort inside the highest ranks of the DNC to play favorites and tip the scales.

Again, I can't stress this enough. If a major American newspaper was given this illegally obtained information, they would publish it because it clearly falls under the journalism standard of "For the Public's Good". And they would be APPLAUDED FOR IT by their peers in the news industry.

There is a huge story here but because it came from Russia (and its still undecided if the hacker was state sponsored or just sold it to Russia, who sold it/gave it to Wikileaks, etc.) then somehow we're supposed to say the truth of uncovering corruption in the DNC is worse than keeping people in the dark. I guess to Tibs that's fine. Better to be ignorance and in bliss than have your enemy reveal the truth.
what's being overlooked in all this is that it's entirely possible Russia wanted Bernie to win the DNC.

if you look at the entire thing objectively, you can see:
Bernie adores socialism and that would include Russia. He honeymooned there.
Hillary's ties to Russia have been listed in this forum relentlessly.
Trump had real estate ties to Russians.

Of the three, seems Bernie would be the one the Russians would most like to have running the show. The server hacking didn't see light of day until after Bernie "lost" the DNC nomination. So why would that happen? Why would the email hacking suddenly be pushed into the public realm?

My guess is the Russians didn't want Hillary OR Trump to win. When Bernie was ousted, they sought revenge.
what's being overlooked in all this is that it's entirely possible Russia wanted Bernie to win the DNC.

if you look at the entire thing objectively, you can see:
Bernie adores socialism and that would include Russia. He honeymooned there.
Hillary's ties to Russia have been listed in this forum relentlessly.
Trump had real estate ties to Russians.

Of the three, seems Bernie would be the one the Russians would most like to have running the show. The server hacking didn't see light of day until after Bernie "lost" the DNC nomination. So why would that happen? Why would the email hacking suddenly be pushed into the public realm?

My guess is the Russians didn't want Hillary OR Trump to win. When Bernie was ousted, they sought revenge.

When you look at the facebook purchases by Russian bots, as many sowed discord using extreme leftism as did using alt-right ideology.

It makes ENTIRELY more sense if you look at Bernie Sanders history of Marxism and pro-Soviet ideology that he is the true "plant" that Russia has been rooting for to win the Presidency since 2014.
I think it’s funny that people think political ads on Facebook swayed the election. Pretty sure people knew who they were voting for, just like they do right now. I doubt anyone is waiting to be convinced about who to vote for, and if anyone actually is undecided, I doubt an ad on FB is going to sway them one way or the other.
I dunno, Sarge.

I was hesitant to choose any candidate. Then I saw an ad on Facebook that said "If you elect Hillary, she'll slit puppy throats" and my mind was made up.
I can’t believe people would be that stupid. If I am deciding to vote for a candidate, I am going to research that individual, their stances on issues that matter to me and their record of political service. I am not worried about what any other candidate says about another candidate, from either party, because anything one candidate says about another candidate is to make themselves look good by comparison. If you look hard enough and really want to know what a candidate is about, the truth is there to be researched. If you are influenced by SM ads and memes, you do not deserve the right to vote because you obviously don’t take it seriously.
think of the puppies. won't ANYONE think of the puppies?
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I think it’s funny that people think political ads on Facebook swayed the election.

You may find this article interesting, was just published today. Nobody knows for sure what influence Russian intelligence operations had on the elections, as it's basically impossible to trace what shaped people's views of the candidates in the weeks and months leading up to the election.

I know I'm alone on this, but it really pisses me off that not only was this happening in clear sight in 2016, it's still going on and Trump actually seems to welcome it. At the minimum I would expect the President to take a firm position against covert meddling in America's affairs. Particularly if it's being propagated by Russian intelligence, which Mueller's report states as fact. I simply can't understand Trump's unwillingness to call a spade a spade and do something about it. If he's the beneficiary, how is he not complicit in it? Particularly now that he's been the President for years, with another election coming up around the corner. No, he jokes around with Putin like a teenager, as if he's completely oblivious to what's happening. It really boggles the mind how this doesn't upset people, even those who support Trump and like where their 401k's are sitting at currently.

New study shows Russian propaganda may really have helped Trump

"Our results show that the weeks when Russian trolls were accumulating likes and retweets on Twitter, that activity reliably foreshadowed gains for Trump in the opinion polls," wrote Damian Ruck, the study's lead researcher, in an article explaining his findings.

The study found that every 25,000 re-tweets by accounts connected to the IRA predicted a 1 percent increase in opinion polls for Trump.

In an interview with NBC News, Ruck said the research suggests that Russian trolls helped shift U.S public opinion in Trump's favor. As to whether it affected the outcome of the election: "The answer is that we still don't know, but we can't rule it out."

Given that the election turned on 75,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, "it is a prospect that should be taken seriously," Ruck wrote, adding that more study was needed in those swing states.

He points out that 13 percent of voters didn't make their final choice until the last week before the election.

Ruck said the correlation between troll activity and Trump's popularity remained true even when controlling for Trump's own Twitter activity and other variables.

"It turns out that the activity of Russian Twitter trolls was a better predictor of Donald Trump's polling numbers than his own Twitter activity," he wrote.

Ruck was among a group of researchers who won a Defense Department grant this year to study Russian disinformation campaigns in Georgia, Ukraine, and Belarus through March 2024.
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I know I'm alone on this, but it really pisses me off that not only was this happening in clear sight in 2016, it's still going on and Trump actually seems to welcome it.

It has been going on for more than 50 years. The USSR did it, Russia does it, we do it.

Trump thinks he benefits, and therefore does not react vigorously. However, you simply ignore the fact that he is treated like **** by the media. They openly hate him, lie about him, mock him, etc. Therefore, when Trump benefits from false news, he thinks that is just fine since it balances out the significant fake news against him.

And as to a belief that the media are fair with Trump ...

As you can see, CNN has a disproportionate number of articles returned when searching for "Trump" — nearly 29 percent of the total. In fact, left-leaning sites comprised 96 percent of the total results [for inquiries about Trump on Google].


Whenever I mention the news media leans ridiculously far to the left, that it has lost half the country with its attitude and that the tone of the coverage of President Donald Trump is over-the-top hostile, I get the same darn reaction. The eye-roll. That big Anderson Cooper CNN eye-roll, often accompanied by a few theatrical sighs. And when I leave the newsroom, it gets even worse on social media.

But now Harvard University's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy has come out with a study of media coverage of the Trump White House in its first 100 days. It is astonishing because it comes from Harvard, not exactly the bedrock of American conservatism.

The study found that in Trump's first 100 days in office, the tone of the news coverage of the president has been a whopping 80 percent negative to 20 percent positive. CNN and NBC struck a 93 percent negative tone on their Trump stories, with only 7 percent positive. CBS was third in the anti-Trump race, with a 91 to 9 ratio. And the pro-Trump Fox News? That network was 52 percent negative to 48 percent positive.


So Trump believes he is a victim of unfair reporting - and he is right. I think in his own mind he believes that the fake news tweets are not a problem, since 90% of his coverage from the self-designated "legitimate" news is anti-Trump.
I hate to do it, I really do...


Wait for it...

Waaaiiiitttt for it...

So as long as propaganda is from an ally, it's okay.

But the minute propaganda is from an enemy (and really, is Russia a TRUE enemy like in the 1980's? - not really), it bothers Tibs so much he can barely stand it.

A funny meme comes from some kids basement - fine. A funny meme that comes from Russia - bad. And that's what 90% of this stuff was. Exaggerations, tweets, headlines, memes and items to incite discourse. That is happening EVERY DAY, EVERYWHERE in our Country. It happens on this board daily. Links to inflammatory headlines. Links to news articles that clearly "lean" one way or another.

But somehow the 1% of those that came from Russia are the reason Trump won? What planet are you living on Tibs that you think the "fake news" and "exaggerations" and "distorted headlines" are only coming from Russia? They are everywhere. Coming from friends, allies, DNC, RNC, so-called "news" organizations and everywhere in between.

Personally, I don't think people are as "duped" as the media wants us to believe. The media talks down to America constantly. The left's position is always "we need to save people from themselves". God forbid we let free speech reign and let people determine the truth for themselves. My opinion is the memes and the headlines that gain traction in social media are the ones that hit close to home on the truth anyway and are funny because of it. Sure, they exaggerate a problem. That's the nature of the internet these days.

But to lump all of this into some "dangerous fake news" deathtrap to Democracy is the real danger. Because that leads to censorship. And Freedom of Speech is the lifeblood of our Republic, including lies and exaggerations. To be afraid of those things is inherently a flawed ideal of "speech" in the first place. That's the logic China and Russia and Saudi Arabia use to control their populations.
I dunno, Sarge.

I was hesitant to choose any candidate. Then I saw an ad on Facebook that said "If you elect Hillary, she'll slit puppy throats" and my mind was made up.

Only if the puppies knew about her email and DNC's emails being hacked by the Russians.
I don't know. Maybe hacking into and stealing email archives from an American political party and its Presidential candidate. Disseminating that information, using it specifically to manipulate and mislead voters in the lead-up to the election. Inserting fake and misleading stories for weeks and months in online media channels, using troll farms to spread that disinformation and manipulate polling data. All of that, separately and cumulatively can affect the outcome of an election...

Sorry, when did we stop talking about Russian involvement in the elections and start discussing Obama using the FBI, CIA and DOJ to wrongfully spy upon and disseminate unflattering bits of news about candidate Trump? I can't keep up when you guys change gears like that.
The media likes to imply that russians changed votes. That's what most people think when the left screams about stealing an election.

I bet most people would feel very differently if they were told that the interference simply meant running facebook ads
The media likes to imply that russians changed votes. That's what most people think when the left screams about stealing an election.

I bet most people would feel very differently if they were told that the interference simply meant running facebook ads

I've been a volunteer poll watcher twice. You can't remotely "hack" an election because the voting machines are not connected to the internet. Each one has a cartridge that records the votes and is removed when the polls close and taken to the courthouse to be downloaded. Now there HAVE been reports in various parts of the country where voters said they voted for the Republican(s) and when they reviewed their ballot their votes were changed to Democrat. Strangely, no one has ever complained about Democrat votes being changed to Republican.
I've been a volunteer poll watcher twice. You can't remotely "hack" an election because the voting machines are not connected to the internet. Each one has a cartridge that records the votes and is removed when the polls close and taken to the courthouse to be downloaded. Now there HAVE been reports in various parts of the country where voters said they voted for the Republican(s) and when they reviewed their ballot their votes were changed to Democrat. Strangely, no one has ever complained about Democrat votes being changed to Republican.

Funny, in addition whenever there are votes get lost, votes are magically found or just come in late in large numbers, it always only seems to help one side. Wonder why?
I think it’s funny that people think political ads on Facebook swayed the election. Pretty sure people knew who they were voting for, just like they do right now. I doubt anyone is waiting to be convinced about who to vote for, and if anyone actually is undecided, I doubt an ad on FB is going to sway them one way or the other.

I think you are giving people too much credit. There are a lot of weak minded / gullable people. Look at how many fall for those stupid facebook hoaxes. Some people get all their news from facebook. Of course normal people would do research or watch debates and what not, but unfortunately that is not the world we live in
I think you are giving people too much credit. There are a lot of weak minded / gullable people. Look at how many fall for those stupid facebook hoaxes. Some people get all their news from facebook. Of course normal people would do research or watch debates and what not, but unfortunately that is not the world we live in

I fear this is an accurate description of a significant portion of our country today. People react to those 20 second sound bites and base their opinions on them. You think people will research and read? No time for that, too busy being shallow.
I fear this is an accurate description of a significant portion of our country today. People react to those 20 second sound bites and base their opinions on them. You think people will research and read? No time for that, too busy being shallow.

Very true. Attention spans and intelligence both seem to be at an all time low. I really don't think a good portion of people today have the mental capacity to research anything or use critical thinking to address topics. I think they are perfectly happy to swallow down whatever tripe they are fed in those 20 second soundbites. It's easy and it's comfortable.
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Very true. Attention spans and intelligence both seem to be at an all time low. I really don't think a good portion of people today have the mental capacity to research anything or use critical thinking to address topics. I think they are perfectly happy to swallow down whatever tripe they are fed in those 20 second soundbites. It's easy and it's comfortable.
it has always been about bread and circuses

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