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National Debt to Increase by 7 Trillion in Trump's First Term


21 is my IQ
Apr 14, 2014
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National debt was 19.9 Trillion in January 2017, and will be over 27 trillion in January 2021. Trump has ignited credit card nation on steroids. Quite the conservative.
No wonder everyone loved the economy, our prosperity was mortgaged with our children and grandchildren's future. Since Reagan, 26 trillion of debt has been accumulated
because a generation of American adults didn't want to pay for government spending occurring during their lifetimes and instead is passing the bill to children who can't even
vote. Constitution needs fixed if it allows one generation to prosper at the expense of future generations. Probably the most shameful act in all American history.
Agree that is horrible.

I have already outlined in great detail the savings I would impose, with NO cuts in social security and Medicare, to get the budget balanced by 2025.

Your turn. Your solution, 21??
I don't know why I bother to answer but a vast sum of that debt is going to be part of the Covid stimulus package created by a Democratic controlled House. Covid also has greatly decreased federal revenue which contributes to the debt since we are obligated to spend enormous amounts regardless of income (yes, I don't agree with that, but it's true).
National debt was 19.9 Trillion in January 2017, and will be over 27 trillion in January 2021. Trump has ignited credit card nation on steroids. Quite the conservative.
No wonder everyone loved the economy, our prosperity was mortgaged with our children and grandchildren's future. Since Reagan, 26 trillion of debt has been accumulated
because a generation of American adults didn't want to pay for government spending occurring during their lifetimes and instead is passing the bill to children who can't even
vote. Constitution needs fixed if it allows one generation to prosper at the expense of future generations. Probably the most shameful act in all American history.

I don't know why I bother to answer but a vast sum of that debt is going to be part of the Covid stimulus package created by a Democratic controlled House. Covid also has greatly decreased federal revenue which contributes to the debt since we are obligated to spend enormous amounts regardless of income (yes, I don't agree with that, but it's true).

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/XdFe4OnQ8urbq" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/win-ve-XdFe4OnQ8urbq">Way to go 21IQ</a></p>
The dems wanted to spend 3 Trillion more so either STFU or blame dems for wanting to bury more money. The dems control the house which is where all spending bills originate.
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/XdFe4OnQ8urbq" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/win-ve-XdFe4OnQ8urbq">Way to go 21IQ</a></p>
Still waiting for 21's solution ... still waiting.

Oh, sorry, too busy typing "Trump bad" and "Orange Man Bad" to process an original thought? My apologies.
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/XdFe4OnQ8urbq" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/win-ve-XdFe4OnQ8urbq">Way to go 21IQ</a></p>
This stuff pisses me off. It's the natural result of the nanny state. Those with the courage to speak out against it did, and warned of this eventuality, and were vilified. They were correct.
Probably the most shameful act in all American history.

You heard that right, ladies and gentlemen. Not the spying on of a Presidential campaign or the sabotaging of the historically peaceful transfer of power/Russia hoax, not the Covid-19 number-fudging scam, not the burning down of our cities and the brazen murder of American citizens.

It's the further accumulation of national debt (which no, I don't agree with), perpetuated by our legislative branch of government that is the most shameful act in all American history. BTW for a writer, you have some pretty awful syntax. When is that book coming out anyways?

And you do understand the different branches of government and their functions, right?
I don't know why I bother to answer but a vast sum of that debt is going to be part of the Covid stimulus package created by a Democratic controlled House. Covid also has greatly decreased federal revenue which contributes to the debt since we are obligated to spend enormous amounts regardless of income (yes, I don't agree with that, but it's true).

2016 Federal Deficit: $585 Billion
2019 Federal Deficit: $984 Biliion
Covid 19,shutting down the country for half the ******* year. Stimulus money thrown to the masses to keep the country from going into revolt.

Now you have govenors intentionally keeping their boots on the neck of small buisness.

I sing the same song with this stuff for solutions. A constitutional convention of the states. I have new goodies added to the list. Term limits,a balanced budget ammendment, limits to emergency govenor powers, full audits of all congress/senate every 2 years and post service 4 years. A better defined 2nd Ammendment language since "Shall Not Be Infringed Upon" isn't clear enough. That should get us going in the right direction.
2016 Federal Deficit: $585 Billion
2019 Federal Deficit: $984 Biliion

Wow. Compelling. Moving. Powerful.

And all the more reason NEVER, ******* EVER, vote for the crazy ************* who promise to use tax dollars to pay for college, and medical care, and housing, and food, and illegals, and lawyers for illegals and school for illegals and medical care for illegals and lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!

Since (D)ims are now concerned about the budget deficit and crushing debt, how the ******* **** can they justify their MASSIVE, ASTOUNDING promises to spend much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much more?

Still waiting for 21 to answer. Now you are also on the clock, Flog. Loosen the manbun and answer my question.
2016 Federal Deficit: $585 Billion
2019 Federal Deficit: $984 Biliion

2016 my company was doing good
March 2020 my company now is on verge on bankruptcy.

Cause? Covid.
Money spent bc of chinesevirus, incalculable. Income, dramatically decreased. Sound familiar?
Flog, thanks for making the case that free universal health care, free college & solely relying on wind turbines and solar panels (while our infrastructure and agricultural industry is gutted) is an absolutely abysmal fiscal idea.
Flog, thanks for making the case that free universal health care, free college & solely relying on wind turbines and solar panels (while our infrastructure and agricultural industry is gutted) is an absolutely abysmal fiscal idea.

Wow. Compelling. Moving. Powerful.

And all the more reason NEVER, ******* EVER, vote for the crazy ************* who promise to use tax dollars to pay for college, and medical care, and housing, and food, and illegals, and lawyers for illegals and school for illegals and medical care for illegals and lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!

Since (D)ims are now concerned about the budget deficit and crushing debt, how the ******* **** can they justify their MASSIVE, ASTOUNDING promises to spend much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much more?

Still waiting for 21 to answer. Now you are also on the clock, Flog. Loosen the manbun and answer my question.

Last three years under Clinton, all budget surpluses totaling $431 Billion. The answer is get the Republicans the **** out of there, especially the one with FIVE BANKRUPTCIES!!!
Last three years under Clinton, all budget surpluses totaling $431 Billion. The answer is get the Republicans the **** out of there, especially the one with FIVE BANKRUPTCIES!!!

Clinton? CLINTON?? You mean when the Republicans controlled Congress, the SPENDING BRANCH OF THE ******* GOVERNMENT?!?!?

Flog, you have long ago proven to everybody how stupid and dumb you are. YOUR ignorant, greedy, lying, corrupt, horrific party wants to spend trillions on giveaways while shutting down some of the greatest tax revenue generators the nation has ever seen (gasoline, fracking, natural gas, etc.).

Try not to be a complete ******* retard and provide an actual answer.
Just wondering what the orange man bad types think the deficit will do when the Demoturds give us everything for free?

This is why I vote Red. The "Stimulus" we just got was disappointing, though. It pissed me off when Reagan did this deficit spending. The Dems lead the way in the nanny state nonsense, so I just can't vote that way. That and the murder of babies.
The amount of Liberal stupid in this thread may top all other threads posted here at SN ever.... EVER....combined.
Clinton? CLINTON?? You mean when the Republicans controlled Congress, the SPENDING BRANCH OF THE ******* GOVERNMENT?!?!?

Flog, you have long ago proven to everybody how stupid and dumb you are. YOUR ignorant, greedy, lying, corrupt, horrific party wants to spend trillions on giveaways while shutting down some of the greatest tax revenue generators the nation has ever seen (gasoline, fracking, natural gas, etc.).

Try not to be a complete ******* retard and provide an actual answer.

Uh... Federal spending increased all three of those years under that Republican controlled congress.

Enjoy your **** sandwich!