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National Debt to Increase by 7 Trillion in Trump's First Term

So, what will you do when this implosion happens? It will happen. This is unsustainable. Will you run around shooting at or villifing the other end of the political spectrum?

The craziness of the division in this country is a stage set for tragedy. These are people we are talking about here.

God have mercy.
So, what will you do when this implosion happens? It will happen. This is unsustainable. Will you run around shooting at or villifing the other end of the political spectrum?

The craziness of the division in this country is a stage set for tragedy. These are people we are talking about here.

God have mercy.

And it’s coming. Politicians had a chance to get this under control. The horse is out of the barn now and it ain’t going back in without bloodshed and death. There’s fixin to be a pretty good firefight on the streets of our major cities. Gonna be tragic alright.
The 7 trillion includes the 2 trillion of stimulus already spent, but does not include any new stimulus that is coming, so the real number will be higher than 7 trillion.
For the entire debt I blame both Republicans and Democrats and the required solution is a Constitutional Balanced Budget amendment. The amendment would need
to have some flexibility for national emergencies, but it should have yearly parameters that keeps debt in-line. Spending and taxes are suppose to be a check and balance
system, whereby if the government spends the taxpayers have to pay. When taxpayers feel the pain of taxes, they vote to curtail the spenders. That check and balance
is broken, because politicians are looking out for their own reelection and not making taxpayers feel the pain of the spending.

I tend to be socially liberal, but extremely fiscally conservative. I believe if your going to pass a tax cut, you have to cut the spending to pay for it first.

Tax revenue has increased every year since the tax cuts were enacted. You don't grow revenue with higher taxes, you grow revenue by growing the economy, creating jobs and rising wages.

Mandatory spending (entitlements including SS, Medicare, Medicaid) accounts for over 60% of the federal budget. That's up from about 30% of the federal budget in the 60s and growing fast. Interest on the debt is another 7%. Once these programs are enacted they can never reduced, only grown, due to the howling of leftists.

Your party now wants to throw in child care, universal healthcare, preschool and college. How's that gonna work out for you Mr. Deficit hawk?

While Republicans are certainly guilty of wasteful spending, no one who truly cares about deficits would ever vote for a Dem.
Deficits came down under Clinton and Obama, because Republicans care about budget control when a Dem is President. When a Repub is President retaining power
is more important than budget control. That's the main reason you need a constitutional solution. Politicians do things out of political interest and not national interest.

A fifth grader can grow the economy if they are allowed to increase government spending while also cutting the requirement for the spending to be paid by taxpayers.
We have a credit card economy, that can last till the _hit hit's the fan.
Deficits came down under Clinton and Obama, because Republicans care about budget control when a Dem is President. When a Repub is President retaining power
is more important than budget control. That's the main reason you need a constitutional solution. Politicians do things out of political interest and not national interest.

A fifth grader can grow the economy if they are allowed to increase government spending while also cutting the requirement for the spending to be paid by taxpayers.
We have a credit card economy, that can last till the _hit hit's the fan.

Deficits came "down" under Clinton due to some pretty shady budgeting practices and deft slight of hand with the numbers. We never really had those surpluses they were quite ephemeral in nature if not outright lies.
Deficits came "down" under Clinton due to some pretty shady budgeting practices and deft slight of hand with the numbers. We never really had those surpluses they were quite ephemeral in nature if not outright lies.
The national debt has gone up every year since at least 1990. Clinton gets media credit for proposing a larger annual deficit and having the Repubs rein that into a smaller deficit. Kinda like he gets credit for for not killing all the Foster family when Vince died.

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Deficits came "down" under Clinton due to some pretty shady budgeting practices and deft slight of hand with the numbers. We never really had those surpluses they were quite ephemeral in nature if not outright lies.

Clinton had a "projected balanced budget". He benefited from the internet boom and resulting stock market boom and he was smart enough to listen to the Republicans who took over the House in 1994 and cut the capital gains tax which resulted in MORE tax revenue. Bill didn't care if you got yours as long as he got his. Today's Democrats just want to take yours.