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Nationwide dog and pony **** show.

My winter carry S&W shield 9mm my summer carry is a Taurus P738 .380. My AR-15 of choice is a Sig Sauer.
Why do you care what weapon I own as a means to defend or protect my home? Why do you care what weapons I own because I like taking them to the range? You do understand that an AR-15 is no more deadly than a lot of legal hunting rifles right? is it because the AR-15 looks scary to you that it must be a bad weapon that no one needs? Once again, how many NRA members have been involved in any of these mass shootings? Blaming the NRA for gun violence is like blaming AAA for auto accidents.

Personally, I don’t really care. It’s highly unlikely me or my family will succumb to gun violence. Just as it’s highly unlikely we will be victims of terrorism. But I certainly understand the concern of people wanting to do something about either one.
But the NRA and it’s members are to blame for that perception as they argue the need for AR-15’s is self defense. It’s difficult to imagine someone who firmly believes they need an AR-15 for self-defense (and isn’t just using that as a bullshit reason) would ever leave the safety of their house with nothing more than an easily concealed handgun.

Have you ever shot one at a range? They're called a weapons system in that so many modifications can be done to make it your own, receiver, scopes, barrels, acogs, lights, muzzle breaks, etc. They are a kick in the pants to shoot too. But yours, or anyone's question as to why to own is irrelevant.


There's been a lot of recent debate over exactly how many school shootings we have in this country.

Fourteen of the shootings on our list happened in schools.

If you expand the list to the more traditional definition of "mass shooting," with four or more people killed, the number increases just slightly to 16 since 1984.

That's about one every other year.

It's a significantly smaller number than the one used by Everytown for Gun Safety. The gun control advocacy group claims there were 18 school shootings since the start of 2018 and 290 since 2013.

The problem with Everytown's number is it includes incidents like this one from Minnesota where a third grader pulled the trigger on a school liaison officer's gun while it was holstered. Nobody was injured, and it doesn't appear that the kid intended to harm anyone.

Or this one from Kansas where a man shot himself in the foot by accident. He went to adjust his sock when the gun holstered to his ankle accidentally discharged during a graduation ceremony.

The problem with using only mass casualty shootings is what happened at a Kentucky high school in January doesn't make the list. In that incident, a 15-year-old student killed two teens and wounded more than a dozen others.


To go further than that Trog would be to investigate how many of the school shootings included an Armalite rifle. For some reason it's very difficult to find a single source that describes what weapon(s) were used in the 16 or so school shootings. You have to research all of them individually to find the answer. 3. An AR was used in 3 school shootings. Less than 20% Blaming a particular style of weapon cannot be the truthful motive here. No, what we're witnessing is a politically driven attempt to grab guns. And children are being used as pawns by those who wish to disarm us.
19 pages of arguing over guns when Parkland students admitted that Cruz was bullied in school and they knew he had it in him to shoot up a school. We don't argue about the pipe bombs in Boston or the airplanes in NYC or Shanksville. People are the problem. It's not as cut and dry as that, but it's not an object that we should be marching about. It's the mental state of the next person that is being bullied, harassed, under or over medicated or just a hateful **** that loses their ****.
Ha ha ha! Keep it up, libtards and celebutards!

Donations to the NRA’s political action committee in February surged to three times what they were in January as Parkland gun control activists and media outlets blamed the NRA for “gun violence.”
The NRA was denigrated during the February 21 CNN town hall, politicians like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) were criticized for any affiliation with the organization, and celebrities responded to the February 14 Parkland school shooting by blaming the NRA.

The celebrities included Judd Apatow calling President Trump a “coward” for not cutting ties with the NRA, Mia Farrow tweeted names of Senators and House Members who received donations from the NRA, and Chelsea Handler tying Republicans and NRA together, accusing both of having “blood on [their] hands.”

It is now evident that Americans across the land responded to this criticism by pouring money into the NRA PAC. The Washington Free Beacon reports that the PAC received $779,063 in donations in February versus $247,985 in January.
I myself have carried a .380 for the past 30 years when in the city. If I am out and about in the hinterlands my choice is then my .454. Different platform for different aggressors. Now as far as rifles, I use my .270 for deer & .300 for elk. My doomsday weapons of choice are all AR styled, but not the wimpy assed .223, they are chambered for .308 or .338

The celebrities included Judd Apatow calling President Trump a “coward” for not cutting ties with the NRA, Mia Farrow tweeted names of Senators and House Members who received donations from the NRA, and Chelsea Handler tying Republicans and NRA together, accusing both of having “blood on [their] hands.”

When are Hollywood celebrities going to realize that their opinions only have value to other Hollywood libtards.
When are Hollywood celebrities going to realize that their opinions only have value to other Hollywood libtards.

Probably not in our lifetime hamy


I myself have carried a .380 for the past 30 years when in the city. If I am out and about in the hinterlands my choice is then my .454. Different platform for different aggressors. Now as far as rifles, I use my .270 for deer & .300 for elk. My doomsday weapons of choice are all AR styled, but not the wimpy assed .223, they are chambered for .308 or .338

Depending on who is asking, I might have a .357 Ruger Blackhawk. Always felt good in my hand and don't think I would ever need more than six shots at a time.
My .380 Beretta holds 7 shots the Redhawk 5. Never had to use the Beretta, and the Redhawk only once when a mountain lion surprised me. I feel that is enough to handle the situation most times. Now when it comes to possibly defending oneself in doomsday times the Nemo XO platform offers 20 .308 and .338 round mags ready for defensive deployment. It shoots much flatter for a greater distance than my .300, but is a bit bulky to tote up and down the mountainside chasing the elusive Wapiti.
she didn't show any remorse for bullying the kid...she basically said he deserved it.....

I know. I tried telling her that, but she took the act as genuine.
Why do I have to surrender my AR-15? I never shot up a school, or a movie theater, or anything like that. So why do I have to give up mine? So you and the ban guns crowd feel better?

It's the Pied Piper thing, just like the celebs trying to influence the masses to their will, there are big money forces behind the notion that guns are evil and need to be banned from the earth.

It's the Pied Piper thing, just like the celebs trying to influence the masses to their will, there are big money forces behind the notion that guns are evil and need to be banned from the earth.


They are all for the state having guns. They just don't want you to have guns. Now shut up and toil for the good of society drone.
When are Hollywood celebrities going to realize that their opinions only have value to other Hollywood libtards.

Not anytime soon when you're a narcissist: A grandiose sense of self-importance
Again, we see those who do not want to ADMIT the 2nd is not about hunting, shooting for fun or home defense. It is a means for people to be able to protect themselves from their Government. That is like saying you have the freedom of speech, but are limited to just 5 flowery non aggressive words chosen for you, while the Government is under no restrictions to their speech.

I may not have equal munitions at this time, but when the SHTF, the first order of business will be to use what I have to upgrade my defensive capabilities. I also know for a fact that my brothers/sisters currently on active duty will help make this happen.

I carried one around for two years in Afghanistan, a year in Iraq and a year in Kuwait. I still do not believe that I have the right to tell anyone else what guns they should be allowed to have. Just because a guy carries around a weapon for year, doesn’t automatically make that person an end all, be all authority on who should or shouldn’t be allowed to own an AR15.
I drove a Ford Raptor once.
Thus, I am a Subject Matter Expert, and say no one should drive a Toyota Camry.

I carried one around for two years in Afghanistan, a year in Iraq and a year in Kuwait. I still do not believe that I have the right to tell anyone else what guns they should be allowed to have. Just because a guy carries around a weapon for year, doesn’t automatically make that person an end all, be all authority on who should or shouldn’t be allowed to own an AR15.

Of course not, just one man's opinion. And for those steadfast in arming themselves against the state & federal government, all I can say is Godspeed. I can't imagine going though life like that, but if that's your thing, then all the power to you.
Of course not, just one man's opinion. And for those steadfast in arming themselves against the state & federal government, all I can say is Godspeed. I can't imagine going though life like that, but if that's your thing, then all the power to you.

dude, your angle is getting dull and boring.
we CAN have guns because it is our right, as decreed in the Bill of Rights.
While none of us EXPECT to go to war against our own government, none of us WANT to. If pressed into defending home and hearth, it would be wise to have the ways and means to do so.
The same guns we hope we never have to use against our own government are the same ones we hope we never have to use to protect ourselves and our families from people who would rather obtain our possessions, or end our lives due to disagreement or any other reason.

but, please tell me exactly what I am allowed to have to defend my family if a break-in occurs.
but, please tell me exactly what I am allowed to have to defend my family if a break-in occurs.

Whatever you can get your hands on, I guess.