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NSA Spying on Fox News and Tucker Carlson

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
I thought this deserved its own thread for one important reason - once again, the Dems have weaponized Federal agencies to go after Americans. In this case, the NSA is spying on Tucker Carlson and Fox news...in attempts to take the show off the air and to harm Fox News.

Smell like the USSR and Stalin very much?

God damn scary ****. Obama weaponized the IRS and the FBI. Now the NSA (which has a past history of criminally spying on Americans) is in on the game as well?

At what point do people say enough is enough?


"Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the US government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take the show off the air."

Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed Monday that the Biden administration is spying on him, after a whistleblower with the National Security Agency (NSA) delivered a shocking warning that the agency plans to leak confidential emails in an attempt to take his show off-air.

"Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the US government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take the show off the air," Tucker Carlson said.

"Now that's a shocking claim and ordinarily we'd be skeptical of it. It is illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It's a crime. It's not a third world country. Things like that should not happen in America, but unfortunately they do happen. And in this case they did happen," Carlson continued.

"The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on that could have only come directly from my texts and emails," Tucker explained. "There was no other possible source for that information period."

The primetime Fox News host went on to explain that the NSA, at the request of the Biden administration, is spying on his show for political reasons.

"The NSA captured that information without our knowledge and did it for political reasons. The Biden administration is spying on us. We have confirmed that this morning," Tucker explained, firing back at the Biden administration's activity.

Fox News filed an Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request Monday morning asking for all of the information that the NSA and other agencies have gathered about Tucker Carlson’s show. Fox News also contacted the press office at both NSA and the FBI, attempting to get to the bottom of the allegations.

"We don't expect to hear much back, that's the way that usually goes," Tucker said, calling on Congress to take action.

"Only Congress can force transparency on the intelligence agencies and they should do that immediately," Carlson added. "Spying on opposition. Journalists is incompatible with democracy. If they are doing it to us, and again, they are definitely doing it to us. They are almost certainly doing it to others. This is scary and we need to stop it right away."

I thought this deserved its own thread for one important reason - once again, the Dems have weaponized Federal agencies to go after Americans. In this case, the NSA is spying on Tucker Carlson and Fox news...in attempts to take the show off the air and to harm Fox News.

Smell like the USSR and Stalin very much?

God damn scary ****. Obama weaponized the IRS and the FBI. Now the NSA (which has a past history of criminally spying on Americans) is in on the game as well?

At what point do people say enough is enough?

View attachment 5476

"Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the US government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take the show off the air."

Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed Monday that the Biden administration is spying on him, after a whistleblower with the National Security Agency (NSA) delivered a shocking warning that the agency plans to leak confidential emails in an attempt to take his show off-air.

"Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the US government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take the show off the air," Tucker Carlson said.

"Now that's a shocking claim and ordinarily we'd be skeptical of it. It is illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It's a crime. It's not a third world country. Things like that should not happen in America, but unfortunately they do happen. And in this case they did happen," Carlson continued.

"The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on that could have only come directly from my texts and emails," Tucker explained. "There was no other possible source for that information period."

The primetime Fox News host went on to explain that the NSA, at the request of the Biden administration, is spying on his show for political reasons.

"The NSA captured that information without our knowledge and did it for political reasons. The Biden administration is spying on us. We have confirmed that this morning," Tucker explained, firing back at the Biden administration's activity.

Fox News filed an Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request Monday morning asking for all of the information that the NSA and other agencies have gathered about Tucker Carlson’s show. Fox News also contacted the press office at both NSA and the FBI, attempting to get to the bottom of the allegations.

"We don't expect to hear much back, that's the way that usually goes," Tucker said, calling on Congress to take action.

"Only Congress can force transparency on the intelligence agencies and they should do that immediately," Carlson added. "Spying on opposition. Journalists is incompatible with democracy. If they are doing it to us, and again, they are definitely doing it to us. They are almost certainly doing it to others. This is scary and we need to stop it right away."

Another agency that needs gutted and rebuilt. You can add in the CIA,FBI ,DHS and ATF.

Too many commie turncoats in a bunch of those. The DHS was never needed. That bs is on Bush too.

The Biden Administration directive for political dissenters....

While this is likely true, does anyone think it will go anywhere? We live in a digital age where no ones privacy is protected, and while a few in congress may huff and puff about this, nothing will change. I hope I'm wrong, because heads should roll if this proves true.
While this is likely true, does anyone think it will go anywhere? We live in a digital age where no ones privacy is protected, and while a few in congress may huff and puff about this, nothing will change. I hope I'm wrong, because heads should roll if this proves true.

Carlson can try to sue the Federal agencies for violating his right of privacy, get discovery, get documents and testimony under oath. However, Federal courts are obsessively protective of organizations like the NSA for "national security" reasons, and getting past the preliminary stage is a daunting task.

Agree with you 100% that politicians using law enforcement agencies to push their political beliefs is vile, disgusting and anti-American. The Obama administration used the FBI and FISA courts to spy on the Trump campaign. The FBI and NSA leaked like a sieve to harm the Trump administration, where the leaks were almost always bullshit. Now, Biden is using the NSA to spy on American reporters to hinder opposing views.

And how will our resident liberals react? They don't care. Their bloated, stupid, vile ideological compatriots are the ones abusing power so it's all good.

That's all you need to know about liberals. They claim to be concerned about and for America, and want to protect individual rights, but they are proven liars. If they could burn down a house with their political enemies, oh and a dozen babies, inside and get away with it, they would light that match in a second.
And how will our resident liberals react? They don't care. Their bloated, stupid, vile ideological compatriots are the ones abusing power so it's all good.
And the bloated, stupid vile ideological compatriots in the MSM have them believing that they are doing it for the good of the country,while they **** on every basic freedom that this country was founded on.
While this is likely true, does anyone think it will go anywhere? We live in a digital age where no ones privacy is protected, and while a few in congress may huff and puff about this, nothing will change. I hope I'm wrong, because heads should roll if this proves true.

Of course it won't. Edward Snowden, whatever you think about him, exposed the surveillance state on a grand scale and he can't leave Russia. Even though U.S. federal court in 2020 ruled that the mass surveillance program he exposed was illegal and unconstitutional.

Nothing will change, the powers that be won't let it.
I thought this deserved its own thread for one important reason - once again, the Dems have weaponized Federal agencies to go after Americans. In this case, the NSA is spying on Tucker Carlson and Fox news...in attempts to take the show off the air and to harm Fox News.

Smell like the USSR and Stalin very much?

God damn scary ****. Obama weaponized the IRS and the FBI. Now the NSA (which has a past history of criminally spying on Americans) is in on the game as well?

At what point do people say enough is enough?

View attachment 5476

"Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the US government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take the show off the air."

Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed Monday that the Biden administration is spying on him, after a whistleblower with the National Security Agency (NSA) delivered a shocking warning that the agency plans to leak confidential emails in an attempt to take his show off-air.

"Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the US government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take the show off the air," Tucker Carlson said.

"Now that's a shocking claim and ordinarily we'd be skeptical of it. It is illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It's a crime. It's not a third world country. Things like that should not happen in America, but unfortunately they do happen. And in this case they did happen," Carlson continued.

"The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on that could have only come directly from my texts and emails," Tucker explained. "There was no other possible source for that information period."

The primetime Fox News host went on to explain that the NSA, at the request of the Biden administration, is spying on his show for political reasons.

"The NSA captured that information without our knowledge and did it for political reasons. The Biden administration is spying on us. We have confirmed that this morning," Tucker explained, firing back at the Biden administration's activity.

Fox News filed an Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request Monday morning asking for all of the information that the NSA and other agencies have gathered about Tucker Carlson’s show. Fox News also contacted the press office at both NSA and the FBI, attempting to get to the bottom of the allegations.

"We don't expect to hear much back, that's the way that usually goes," Tucker said, calling on Congress to take action.

"Only Congress can force transparency on the intelligence agencies and they should do that immediately," Carlson added. "Spying on opposition. Journalists is incompatible with democracy. If they are doing it to us, and again, they are definitely doing it to us. They are almost certainly doing it to others. This is scary and we need to stop it right away."

Dictatorship. Never thought I’d see it happen in my lifetime but **** is gonna get real

Yeah they have and won't tell him why. They also said they have more than one target. So I suppose they got a court order. This is what happens when bad people get into power and have all kinds of little secret laws and judges that let them do what they want. All under the falsehood of " it's for our protection ". All that probably started with 9/11/2001 and Bush. The fruits of that? Using it against American citizens. Political weapons. You get some leftist like Barry the Marxist in for 8 years and it's really progressed to what we have now. Trump was right about these people. Just looking at what they did to him makes it pretty crystal clear.

Even worse?There isn't a damn thing that we can do about it.
This part is false. It's just not pretty what we can do. God forbid it comes to that.

That would be the worst case scenario. Thankfully we still have many states that haven't been overrun. I'm optimistic given the influx of fresh blood in office or preparing to run for office.

The current administration will make it easy to win given their complete incompetence and disregard for the majority of Americans.
That would be the worst case scenario. Thankfully we still have many states that haven't been overrun. I'm optimistic given the influx of fresh blood in office or preparing to run for office.

The current administration will make it easy to win given their complete incompetence and disregard for the majority of Americans.

I hope you're correct. I have significant doubts.
And how will our resident liberals react? They don't care. Their bloated, stupid, vile ideological compatriots are the ones abusing power so it's all good.

That's all you need to know about liberals. They claim to be concerned about and for America, and want to protect individual rights, but they are proven liars. If they could burn down a house with their political enemies, oh and a dozen babies, inside and get away with it, they would light that match in a second.

As do I. It seems dems and republicans are on the same thing and attack each other more so for theater
Yep, and while it won't be me (NSA), someone going full Falling Down shouldn't surprise anyone.
Yep, and while it won't be me (NSA), someone going full Falling Down shouldn't surprise anyone.

That will be the cause of the state of emergency and lock down. It will be nuts.
All that probably started with 9/11/2001 and Bush.
Actually it became clear that the Clinton Administration had the NSA wiretapping Newt Gingrich and the House GOP leadership in 1994. That's why the Clintons were always a step ahead of Mr. Newt. No surprise really.
Actually it became clear that the Clinton Administration had the NSA wiretapping Newt Gingrich and the House GOP leadership in 1994. That's why the Clintons were always a step ahead of Mr. Newt. No surprise really.

So they were the Patriots, before the Patriots?

I'll save you the time:

Actually it became clear that the Clinton Administration had the NSA wiretapping Newt Gingrich and the House GOP leadership in 1994. That's why the Clintons were always a step ahead of Mr. Newt. No surprise really.

That's depressing. This **** needs to end. Who needs enemies with friends like that.
Actually it became clear that the Clinton Administration had the NSA wiretapping Newt Gingrich and the House GOP leadership in 1994. That's why the Clintons were always a step ahead of Mr. Newt. No surprise really.

Potentially Illegal Gingrich Tape Turned Over To Criminal Investigators​

John and Alice Martin
WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, Jan. 13) -- A potentially illegal recording of a cell phone conversation involving House Speaker Newt Gingrich was handed over to federal criminal investigators tonight, the House ethics committee's chief counsel said.

First the tape was sent to the committee by Rep. Jim McDermott of Washington state, the committee's ranking Democrat. A Florida couple who taped the call told a news conference in Gainesville, Florida today they gave the recording to McDermott last week.

McDermott promptly sent the tape to the ethics committee Monday afternoon. But the committee's chief counsel, Theodore J. Van Der Meid, wrote McDermott that the committee refused to accept the tape and, after consultations with the chief of the Justice Department's criminal division, forwarded it to the Justice Department.

Florida Couple Says They Gave Gingrich Tape To McDermott​

The Florida couple, John and Alice Martin, confirmed they gave a tape of an intercepted cell phone conversation among House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his top allies to McDermott, the senior Democrat on the House ethics committee.

In a news conference, John and Alice Martin said they overheard the conversation on a police scanner in their car during a Christmas shopping trip and after three or four minutes, decided to tape it.

At first, Mrs. Martin said, they simply thought it would "neat" to have a tape of important people speaking for a soon-to-be-born grandson. Afterward, however, they thought it might be important for the ethics committee to hear.

"We just felt that somebody needed to hear it besides us," said John Martin.

The couple, who are Democratic activists in their home state, turned it over to McDermott during a Washington, D.C., visit to witness the swearing-in of a new Florida congressman.

The Martins' attorney, Larry Turner, said it's illegal under federal and Florida law to eavesdrop on regular or cell phone conversations, and there is a chance the couple will be prosecuted. Asked if she was concerned about that, an obviously nervous Mrs. Martin said, "Yeah. I guess we have to be."

Turner, however, said he hopes authorities will not prosecute because the couple was trying to do what they thought was right when they turned over the tape.

"If they determine to prosecute it, we'll defend it," the attorney said.

Even before the afternoon news conference, Republicans believed McDermott, who represents the Seattle, Washington, area, was responsible for leaking the tape to the news media. The tape was provided to The New York Times and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and both reported on its contents last week.

The conversation, held by Gingrich and other Republicans on Dec. 21, took place the same day the speaker admitted to ethical errors and promised not to organize a defensive strategy with other GOP leaders. Democrats point to the tape as evidence that Gingrich violated his promise. Republicans say it proves Gingrich was not involved in plotting strategy.

The Times reported that the tape was obtained by a Democratic congressman who is unfriendly to Gingrich. A GOP source told CNN that "it is totally in the hands of the Democrats to disprove that McDermott was behind the tape release. He hasn't denied anything, and it looks like the ranking Democrat on the committee has corrupted the ethics process." McDermott declined to comment to TIME, which this week also identified him as a leading suspect in its release.

The Martins nabbed signals destined for the cellular phone of House Republican Caucus Chairman John Boehner of Ohio. He was listening to the call while parked in a restaurant parking lot in Florida. According to the source, Boehner has not precluded the possibility of filing ethics charges in the matter of the recorded phone call. Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois and other Republicans asked Attorney General Janet Reno to refer the tape of the intercepted phone call to the Justice Department's criminal division for investigation, because it is illegal to secretly record telephone conversations.

In case anyone wants to believe that two Democrat activists just happened to have a scanner in their car that just happed to pick up Newt Gingrich's cell phone and just happened to have a tape recorder with them.
They are spying on every single one of us. Edward Snowden let the cat out of the bag years ago. Don’t be angry just because it’s Tucker Carlson be angry because it’s every person in the United States.
They are spying on every single one of us. Edward Snowden let the cat out of the bag years ago. Don’t be angry just because it’s Tucker Carlson be angry because it’s every person in the United States.
I, for one, since they're listening and watching, denounce any communications I've had in a certain text group with like-minded low moral guys and an Ogre.

**** Ogre
As do I. It seems dems and republicans are on the same thing and attack each other more so for theater
Here's what we see with the cameras turned on:

Here's what we DON'T see when the cameras are off... those same 2 people:

Remember that movie "Enemy of the State"? A thought came to my mind just now.... The Enemy IS the State.

I'll quote Rand Paul here.... "I want a government really really small. So small you can barely see it..."
according to "liberals” all of the following is OK so long as it is targeted at people they don’t like

locking up in solitary confinement for trespassing
using the IRS to intimidate
using prosecutors to open investigations to find a crime without there being any evidence of a crime
restricting freedom of assembly
discrimination based on race, gender, or orientation.
That would be the worst case scenario. Thankfully we still have many states that haven't been overrun. I'm optimistic given the influx of fresh blood in office or preparing to run for office.

The current administration will make it easy to win given their complete incompetence and disregard for the majority of Americans.
Your entire premise is based upon the belief that our elections are fair and legal. We have tremendous evidence, likely even proof, that the opposite is true.
Your entire premise is based upon the belief that our elections are fair and legal. We have tremendous evidence, likely even proof, that the opposite is true.

I sway on thinking there's hope, then am reminded that if this isn't fixed, nothing's changing. And I don't realistically see how wholesale changes are going to happen at this point.