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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN
This might as well have it's own thread. It's going to blow up, and it will be awesome.



Grenell declassifies names of Obama officials who ‘unmasked’ Flynn

Sidney Powell, one of Flynn’s lawyers, told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” that FBI agents did their best to hide their investigation and attempted to entrap Flynn. She mentioned a meeting on Jan. 5, 2017 at the White House that included Obama, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan.

Powell said the “whole thing was orchestrated and set up within the FBI, Clapper, Brennan and in the Oval Office meeting that day with President Obama,” she told anchor Maria Bartiromo.

Bartiromo asked Powell if she believed the scandal reached up to Obama, and Powell responded, “Absolutely.”

Trump later tweeted, “OBAMAGATE,” indicating that he believes that Obama worked to undermine his presidency.


That ************!
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I'll say this: I have much more confidence in Grenell, Durham, Barr, Powell & Trump then I do that do-nothing, bloviating Trey Gowdy and the rest of those swamp dwellers.
yawn. nothing will happen from this.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW: Sources confirm to Fox News that acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell has declassified the names of Obama officials behind the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Unmasking?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Unmasking</a> of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MichaelFlynn?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MichaelFlynn</a> <br><br>Sources say documents related to that process are expected to be released soon</p>— Brooke Singman (@BrookeSingman) <a href="https://twitter.com/BrookeSingman/status/1260167546134827013?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

As infrequently as I visit this site nowadays, reading a thread like this one, seeing the full-borne, unhinged meltdown by Trump and his supporters fueled by far-right lunatics and conspiracy nutjobs, is watching the downfall of America in real time. Like a trainwreck, it's hard to look away. It's been happening gradually for over three years now, from the moment this fraudulent mobster stepped into office. The country's been heading down a steep, slippery slope with the Trump base cheering and applauding every step of the way. All I can say, even at this late stage, is what I've said from the beginning. Congratulations are in order to the whole lot of you, who - through your support of Trump - have helped bring this great nation to her knees.

Let's hope for better days ahead for the Republic.

Hope everyone is safe and sound, look out for yourselves and your loved ones.
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As infrequently as I visit this site nowadays, reading a thread like this one, seeing the full-borne, unhinged meltdown by Trump and his supporters fueled by far-right lunatics and conspiracy nutjobs, is watching the downfall of America in real time. Like a trainwreck, it's hard to look away. It's been happening gradually for over three years now, from the moment this fraudulent mobster stepped into office. The country's been heading down a steep, slippery slope with the Trump base cheering and applauding every step of the way. All I can say, even at this late stage, is what I've said from the beginning. Congratulations are in order to the whole lot of you, who - through your support of Trump - have helped bring this great nation to her knees.

Let's hope for better days ahead for the Republic.

Hope everyone is safe and sound, look out for yourselves and your loved ones.

I see that your delusions have not subsided, at all, over time.
I see that your delusions have not subsided, at all, over time.

And only gotten worse. The DOJ must have become conspiracy nut jobs since they dropped the charges on Flynn. Barr, Durham and the rest as well.
Nothing to jinx as no one is going to be held accountable anyway. Soon as anything negative comes out, the Dems will spin it as political payback or some other horseshit, bloviating about the destruction of our democratic institutions, the media will start spinning yarns to provide cover and nothing will happen. There will be a bunch of hearings that waste time and money as everything returns to the status quo. Come on, you’ve seen this movie before.
As infrequently as I visit this site nowadays, reading a thread like this one, seeing the full-borne, unhinged meltdown by Trump and his supporters fueled by far-right lunatics and conspiracy nutjobs, is watching the downfall of America in real time. Like a trainwreck, it's hard to look away. It's been happening gradually for over three years now, from the moment this fraudulent mobster stepped into office. The country's been heading down a steep, slippery slope with the Trump base cheering and applauding every step of the way. All I can say, even at this late stage, is what I've said from the beginning. Congratulations are in order to the whole lot of you, who - through your support of Trump - have helped bring this great nation to her knees.

Let's hope for better days ahead for the Republic.

Hope everyone is safe and sound, look out for yourselves and your loved ones.

as usual, a liberal opinion based on debunked models and not real world data.

I'll bet Obama water boarded Flynn to get him to lie. No need to water board Trump, he lies willingly and daily.

He didn't lie, you lying liar. Know why the original, actual, admissible summary of questioning - the 302 - is missing?


The two agents who questioned Flynn inexplicably failed to generate the 302, as policy required and department regulations necessitated, until July of 2017 - or more than five ******* months after the interview!! Why?

Because the questioning agents concluded FLYNN HAD IN FACT NOT LIED. The original 302 would have proved that point.

Sara: I was told that McCabe was upset after hearing from the agents that they didn’t think he was lying…

Former Senior FBI Official: Yeah. I mean given what we’ve learned of McCabe so far and given what we know about McCabe’s previous actions of purposely trying to undermine the Trump administration, that’s what happened.


So the FBI "loses" the original 302, the July version is then used, accusing Flynn of misrepresenting what happened in December with a phone call to the Russian ambassador. That delay is incredibly suspicious, and only Obama bootlickers fail to see that.

“The bureau policy – the absolute FBI policy – is that the notes must be placed in the system in a 1-A file within five days of the interview,” said Danik, who added that handwritten notes get placed into the FBI Sentinel System, which is the FBI’s main record keeping system. “Anything beyond five business days is a problem, eight months is a disaster.”


And of course the FBI fails to turn over the notes indicating that Flynn had not lied according to the interviewing FBI agents, despite discovery requirements and mandatory Federal law, fails to provide information to the defendant that the agents did NOT believe he had lied, hid evidence, lied about evidence, and then threatened to prosecute his son for an unrelated alleged wrongdoing - which is itself another violation of Federal law - at which point Flynn pled guilty to "lying" about something he did not lie about, about which the government lied, about which the government hid evidence.

Stop reading Media Matters and spewing their inane blather - "He lied to the FBI!!" - and do some research. The ONLY party who lied, and who did so dozens of times, relative to Michael Flynn was the FBI.

And the fact that you bow and scrape before scumbag liars like McCabe, Strzyk, Comey, etc. simply underscores how pathetic the left has become.
He will bypass that and never address it. He is a drive by poster. It is what he does.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It’s about to go down! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ObamaGate?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ObamaGate</a> <a href="https://t.co/ESWrI7j1YQ">pic.twitter.com/ESWrI7j1YQ</a></p>— Democrats for Trump (@YoungDems4Trump) <a href="https://twitter.com/YoungDems4Trump/status/1259917309545574400?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
As infrequently as I visit this site nowadays, reading a thread like this one, seeing the full-borne, unhinged meltdown by Trump and his supporters fueled by far-right lunatics and conspiracy nutjobs, is watching the downfall of America in real time. Like a trainwreck, it's hard to look away. It's been happening gradually for over three years now, from the moment this fraudulent mobster stepped into office. The country's been heading down a steep, slippery slope with the Trump base cheering and applauding every step of the way. All I can say, even at this late stage, is what I've said from the beginning. Congratulations are in order to the whole lot of you, who - through your support of Trump - have helped bring this great nation to her knees.

Let's hope for better days ahead for the Republic.

Hope everyone is safe and sound, look out for yourselves and your loved ones.

Ahhh it is so cute how when we said the same thing about the Trump "investigation" you said it was all legit and he was guilty of everything. Missed you man but seriously how in the world can anyone not read the documents and evidence coming out from the FBI and others in their own words and not understand it is not a conspiracy theory at all and that the only ones bringing Democracy to it knees were the ones YOU are cheering on. It is no longer just theory or conjecture the FBI and Obama DOJ did in fact try to frame Flynn and Trump to overturn an election. That not Trump is a clear and present danger to our Republic.
I guess I should not be surprised any more. Lefties are admitting that they love the former Soviet Union, its economic policies, its targeting of citizens based on skin color and religion (white and Christian for today's (D)im Soviet apparatchiks), the snitch lines, the largesse to fellow travelers, government theft of all property and re-distribution to the spoiled, dumb and lazy in power. But it is almost unbelievable that the left simply ignores these undisputed facts about the vile, execrable abuse of power and lying by the Obama DOJ and apparently Obama himself in a coup effort:

  • The Obama DOJ used a blatantly false and unverified dossier to justify ispying on members of the Trump campaign (Papadopoulos, Manafort and Carter Page, and later Michael Flynn, all trying to get at Trump).
  • If you doubt that this was all a scam to get at Trump, take a look at the sworn testimony from Flynn, Roger Stone, Papadoupolos, et al. and how they were offered deals, no prison, no punishment, etc. if they simply turned on Trump.
  • They said no, they had no information to "turn over" as to the President.
  • THAT'S why they were prosecuted for a giant ******* bunch of nothing built on air and founded on lies.
  • The FBI committed numerous, fundamental, and blatant violations of law and lied to the FISA court repeatedly to get the warrants to spy. The FISA judge hammered the FBI for its blatant lying and omissions.
  • "The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) provided false information to the National Security Division (NSD) of the Department of Justice, and withheld material information from NSD which was detrimental to the FBI's case, in connection with four applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for authority to conduct electronic surveillance of a U.S. citizen named Carter W. Page.[SUP]1[/SUP] When FBI personnel mislead NSD in the ways described above, they equally mislead the FISC."
  • "The FBI's handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the OIG report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above. The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.
  • https://www.fisc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/MIsc 19 02 191217.pdf
  • The reason why the Obama DOJ had to resort to the FISA courts beginning in April of 2016 is the fact that the Obama DOJ had previously abused the NSA search functions to spy on Americans.
  • That spying targeted Obama's political opponents, beginning way back in 2011 and the IRS scandal.
  • A new NSA compliance officer, Mike Rogers, took over in April, 2016, was alerted to the massive misuse of the NSA and its tracking of phone calls and text messages to spy on political opponents.
  • Rogers put a stop to that as of April 18, 2016.
  • He did so because a search showed that 85% of the NSA inquiries were unlawful.
  • This fact is set forth in the statement from the FISA court about institutional failures in the Obama administration.
  • This site has a very detailed, factual, referenced discussion of those facts.
  • https://theconservativetreehouse.co...om-the-irs-in-2011-to-the-fisa-court-in-2016/
  • So as of April 19, 2016, the Obama cartel could no longer use the NSA to spy on the Trump campaign, as it had been doing for months previously by spying on Papadopoulos, Page, Manafort, etc.
  • No worries. Obama DOJ turned to the FISA court.
  • But to do that, the Bammy DOJ had to find some foreign influence to justify the FISA involvement.
  • Ha, Stefan Halpern, a CIA asset and therefore known to the Bammy intelligence departments, met with Papadoupolos for drinks, told Papadoupolos that he had heard the Russians had hacked the Clinton e-mails, and Papadoupolos responds, "Wow, wish I could see those."
  • It is undisputed that the Russia/Hillary e-mail claim started with claims by Halpern to Papadoupolos, not the other way around.
  • Halpern was obviously sent to get the info, forwards to the Bammy DOJ, and VOILA! The FISA court can be called in as of ... April, 2016. Huh, coincidental since the NSA spying had just been cut off.
  • So what do these guys do to get the warrants? Halpern's claim is a steaming pile of dogshit and not nearly enough for a warrant, and they know that, so the FBI (Stryzk, Comey) use oppo research from the Clinton campaign in the form of the Steele dossier to bolster the warrant claim - a warrant to SPY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT.
  • Didn't a guy named Nixon get in trouble for that? Oh, he used burglars, not lies to the court. Same ****, different day.
  • The FBI of course fails to share with the FISA court that Steele said he had no knowledge of any of the claims, several were comments actually made as a jest, and he could not confirm a single allegation.
  • No worries. The FBI gets four warrants off information that they know is bullshit.
  • Tibs claimed at one point that the Steele allegations were true. BULLSHIT. The image below is from the prized Mueller report, excoriating the FBI for using bullshit Steele information that they had no way of confirming and some of which was known to be false. SO WHERE IS A SINGLE ******* FACT INDICATING THAT THE STEELE BULLSHIT HAD ANY OUNCE OF BULL IN ADDITION TO THE ABUNDANT ****? Yep, none, zero.
  • So the Halpern set-up leads to the Steele dossier leads to the spying on Papadoupolos leads to the spying on Flynn in an attempt to get Trump.
  • Anybody who doubts that or fails to see that is being willfully ignorant.
  • The entire thing was a scam, run by a greasy, lying, scheming low-life (Obama) and his cadre of equally vile acolytes (Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Stryzk, McCabe, and on and on) to hurt a political opponent.
  • That's it. A bunch of spying based on ****, done by lowlifes, leading to a massive bunch of nothing at a cost of millions of dollars and a grave undercutting of the public's faith in our Republic.
  • And somehow I should be scared of TRUMP?!? Are you ******** me??


Yeah, about that claim that the Steele claims had a ******* microgram of truth ...
I have believed this since the beginning - KT McFarland: 'Russia Hoax' Devised to Cover Up 'Something Very Big'

Members of the Obama administration and FBI officials knew there was no collusion between President Donald Trump, his 2016 campaign, and Russia from the beginning, but still dragged the country and the president's administration into three and a half years of perpetuating the hoax, former Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland said Monday.

"They knew there was no Russia collusion," McFarland, who served under Flynn during the first four months of the Trump administration, told Fox News' "Fox and Friends," adding that their distraction let China get stronger.

"They knew well before the Mueller investigation that there was no 'there' there," she said. "They wanted to deflect attention [from] something very big. I don't know what it was that they were trying to cover up, but they went to enormous lengths to cover it up. It's very clear it wasn't just a few rogue agents at the FBI. This is not done by some mid-level government official in the Justice Department or the FBI. It was the highest levels of the FBI."

I've thought that they were covering up something Russia-related with Hillary/Clintons. As we all know, they like to accuse you of what they do. It was definitely a big time misdirection tactic. Doesn't take anything credible for the media to play along. I still can't believe Susan Rice wasn't challenged even a little bit on at least one of the five talk shows she went on and spewed that ridiculous Youtube video story after the Benghazi attack.