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PRESIDENT Trump the Socialist: 12 billion in Welfare Handouts for Farmers


Oct 26, 2014
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White House plans $12 billion pre-midterm payoff to keep farmers happy after Trump's tariff hit job

The White House is prepping a pre-midterm $12 billion payoff to farmers who largely backed Donald Trump in 2016 but have been getting killed by his trade war with the world. From soybeans to dairy to livestock, Trump has taken away key export markets for American farmers in Canada, Mexico, the European Union, and China. But the White House needs to make that pain go away before voters head to the polls this November and it plans to provide that salve courtesy of a buyout from American taxpayers. The New York Times writes:

The Trump administration on Tuesday will announce up to $12 billion in emergency relief for farmers hurt by the president’s trade war, according to two people familiar with the plans, in an effort to insulate food producers from looming financial losses that would be a direct result of Mr. Trump’s policies. [...]

The initiative, which would not authorize any new money and thus not need approval from Congress, was a way for Mr. Trump to tamp down on criticism of his trade policies.

While this may offer farmers some short-term good news, it's bad news for everyone in the long run. It means that Trump, rather than retreating from his misbegotten trade war, plans to double down on a position in which he has squandered U.S. leverage against more adversarial trade partners like China by simultaneously alienating U.S. allies.

Some farm advocates appear to be clear on the long-term implications of Trump's short-sightedness. Brian Kuehl, executive director of trade group Farmers for Free Trade, called the White House initiative "a short-term attempt at masking the long-term damage."

“The best relief for the president’s trade war would be ending the trade war,” Kuehl said.

The taxpayer-funded payoff also reinforces the notion that the White House considers tinkering with export markets small beer. Last week, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro called the mounting trade losses a "rounding error."

Some Republican lawmakers aren't particularly happy about the cover-up job. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson said the administration's trade policies were looking “more and more like a Soviet-type of economy here" with "commissars" sprinkling around benefits. Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker accused the White House of "offering welfare to farmers to solve a problem they themselves created." No word yet on whether their words will ever be backed up by meaningful action, but don’t hold your breath.

My.....my......let the usual Reich Wing hypocrites twist and turn as they figure out a way to defend this.

President Trump.

Hey, if you can take my tax dollars, and give them to people that squirt out illegitimate children, and sit on their ***** every day, with their baby daddies, then I am okay with subsidizing hard working American farmers, If you can take my tax dollars and use it to pay for the abortion holocaust, then I am okay subsidizing farmers.

You leftists love farm subsidies when a Democrat is in the Whitehouse.
You leftists love farm subsidies when a Democrat is in the Whitehouse.

Not to mention everything else. I don't believe any of the left's bogus outrage anymore. It's completely phony and manufactured for the express purpose of political posturing.

Keep it up, the louder the Dems scream against farmers the better it will be for House Republicans.
No one talks about other countries' tariffs that have been hurting other U.S. businesses for a long time. Like this is new....
Hey, if you can take my tax dollars, and give them to people that squirt out illegitimate children, and sit on their ***** every day, with their baby daddies, then I am okay with subsidizing hard working American farmers, If you can take my tax dollars and use it to pay for the abortion holocaust, then I am okay subsidizing farmers.

Outstanding gerbil! And of course let's not forget that 99.99999999% of farmers are white.

And of course "baby daddies" keys us in exactly on which group/groups you don't like to receive handouts, and the obvious reason why.........too friggin easy. Like taking a science text book from a klansman.

Now according to the gerbil; socialism is tolerable as long as it only benefits his preferred groups.......LMAO

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And of course let's not forget that 99.99999999% of farmers are white.

Huh? You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, do you? Do you realize how many Hispanic & Native American farmers there are in this country? New Mexico claims they are the Chili Pepper capital of the world. Who you think are harvesting those peppers, whites?
And if you need some actual statistics, go to the NASS website.
Outstanding gerbil! And of course let's not forget that 99.99999999% of farmers are white.

And of course "baby daddies" keys us in exactly on which group/groups you don't like to receive handouts, and the obvious reason why.........too friggin easy. Like taking a science text book from a klansman.

Now according to the gerbil; socialism is tolerable as long as it only benefits his preferred groups.......LMAO

Cesar Chavez much??

you are a racist ********

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Outstanding gerbil! And of course let's not forget that 99.99999999% of farmers are white.

And of course "baby daddies" keys us in exactly on which group/groups you don't like to receive handouts, and the obvious reason why.........too friggin easy. Like taking a science text book from a klansman.

Now according to the gerbil; socialism is tolerable as long as it only benefits his preferred groups.......LMAO

My criticism of bad behavior is legit, especially when it involves my tax dollars. Your obsession with race is truly disturbing and pathological. You may want to seek help to explore this unhealthy behavior.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app
“Trump is a business man, he’ll run the country like a business”

Trump Airlines
Trump Casinos
Trump University
Trump Tariffs
“Trump is a business man, he’ll run the country like a business”

Trump Airlines
Trump Casinos
Trump University
Trump Tariffs

how's Trog Enterprises going?
He unfroze THEIR assets. He didn't give them anything moron.


WASHINGTON (AP) — After striking an elusive nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration found itself in a quandary in early 2016: Iran had been promised access to its long-frozen overseas reserves, including $5.7 billion stuck in an Omani bank.

To spend it, Iran wanted to convert the money into U.S. dollars and then euros, but top U.S. officials had repeatedly promised Congress that Iran would never gain access to America’s financial system.

Those assurances notwithstanding, the Obama administration secretly issued a license to let Iran sidestep U.S. sanctions for the brief moment required to convert the funds through an American bank, an investigation by Senate Republicans released Wednesday showed. The plan failed when two U.S. banks refused to participate.

The Treasury Department license, issued in February 2016 and never disclosed, would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at Oman’s Bank of Muscat from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into dollars. If the Omani bank had allowed the exchange without such a license, it would have violated sanctions that bar Iran from transactions that touch the U.S. financial system.

The situation resulted from the fact that Iran had stored billions in Omani rials, a currency that’s notoriously hard to convert. The U.S. dollar is the world’s dominant currency, so allowing it to be used as a conversion instrument for Iranian assets was the easiest and most efficient way to speed up Iran’s access to its own funds.

“Yikes,” one former Treasury official told colleagues in an email, as described by the report. “It looks like we committed to a whole lot beyond just allowing the immobilized funds to settle out.”

The Obama administration approached two U.S. banks to facilitate the conversion, the report said, but both refused, citing the reputational risk of doing business with or for Iran.

Issuing the license was not illegal. Still, it went above and beyond what the Obama administration was required to do under the terms of the nuclear agreement, in which the U.S. and world powers gave Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief in exchange for curbing its nuclear program.

The license issued to Bank Muscat stood in stark contrast to repeated public statements from the Obama White House, the Treasury and the State Department, all of which denied that the administration was contemplating allowing Iran access to the U.S. financial system.



noun trea·son \ ˈtrē-zᵊn \

Definition of treason
1 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family
2 : the betrayal of a trust :
Lol Trump introduces socialist-style welfare payments - that would make even Bernie Sanders blush - to farmers affected by his dumbass tariffs and his supporters stick their heads in the sand and pretend it’s not happening. Ho hum, just another day for the SN Trump cult, up to your necks in twisted, distorted reality.
Tibs can't comprehend the basic concept of fair trade. I'm not surprised. He wants America to get ****** in every other way too.
Tibs can't comprehend the basic concept of fair trade. I'm not surprised. He wants America to get ****** in every other way too.

Says the guy with Trump and Putin under his name...