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Racial sensitivity in Cleveland, OH


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Police Investigating Potential Hate Crime After Attack On 10-Year-Old Girl Goes Viral (Video) - See more at: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/soci...ld-girl-goes-viral-video#sthash.0KvRibGR.dpuf

By Dominic Kelly, Sun, June 15, 2014
A crazy video has just recently gone viral. It shows a 10-year-old girl being brutally beaten while riding a scooter in what police say might be a hate crime.

The video shows 10-year-old Danielle Fair riding on her scooter down a Cleveland, Ohio street when a random 13-year-old girl runs up and begins to viciously beat her. The attack appears to be a preplanned ambush, as the camera was rolling before Fair was even attacked.

“I feel like I was being bullied on,” said Fair.

Police say they are investigating the attack as a hate crime after witnesses allegedly heard the 13-year-old black girl call Fair, who is white, a racial slur.

“Cracker,” said neighbor Jessica Jaworski. “She called her a cracker.”

19 Action news reports that they went to the home of teenager that perpetrated the attack, but a woman who answered the door refused to make specific comments.

"Nobody was waiting,” said the unidentified woman. “I don't have to talk to you. It'll all come out in court.”

The incident is still under investigation as police have now classified it as a potential hate crime.

Sources: TheBlaze, 19 Action News, Cleveland.com

- See more at: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/soci...ld-girl-goes-viral-video#sthash.0KvRibGR.dpuf

F'n Savages. Who the heck wails on a 10 year old girl on a scooter? Where is Polo to lay the proper blame on white priviledge?
"Cracker" isn't meant as a derogatory term towards whites. It means "young person riding a scooter" in native Ohioan.-polofiero
cracker is not a slur since it is defined as a "thin, crisp biscuit"
Hope she gets the same treatment when she goes to the slam.
What if they say "cracker *** cracker"?

I probably told this story before on the old board I'm sure but when I was about 10, we were in Columbus OH visiting family. This is a suburban community with some decent homes, we aren't talking the middle of the ghetto here. One morning I decided to take a bike ride around the block. I came around a corner and saw a group of 8 or 10 black kids standing in a yard. They all looked to be about the same age as me. When they saw me riding past, they all came running over and a few of them got in front of me to stop me. They surrounded me and started trying to intimidate me asking what I thought I was doing on their street and asking where I was from. Pretty soon they started talking about pulling me off the bike and beating me up. I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut and I waited for my opportunity when the ones blocking me kind of moved out from in front of me. I jumped at the chance and took off as fast as I could. They tried grabbing me but i got through. They chased me shouting "Honky" and "Cracker" at me until they got tired and figured they couldn't catch me. Needless to say I did not come out of the house the rest of the time we were there.

That along with some stuff that happened in middle and high school (where a handful of black kids were constantly doing the intimidation thing and often took great joy in provoking the white kids into a fight so they could beat the **** out of them and usually did) sent me into a really ugly period as a teenager where I harbored a lot of racist thoughts. I am happy to say that it was a pretty short lived period and once I got out in the world more, my horizon's got broadened and I realized that ******** are out there of every race and not to get hung up on it. In high school I only knew 10 black people total and 9 of them made it perfectly clear that they would love any opportunity to beat my *** for being white, so I just didn't know any better, that was my experience and I assumed that was the norm everywhere.

After I grew up a little and was exposed to more types of people and made a lot of friends in college and once I started working, it allowed me to move past it all and wipe the slate clean. I think it was a good lesson to learn overall and it taught me a lot about life and how our views can be shaped by limited experience.
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Eric Holder presses hate crimes against a white man playing knockout when he hits a black man. No hate crimes for the countless black on white knockout incidents.

And here...there's nothing to see. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are not sprinting to the nearest microphone.

The Miami Heat all wore hoodies to support Trayvon. Should we all ride scooters in protest here?
. Should we all ride scooters in protest here?

Maybe, if it didn't look so gay.

This is a sad event. It is obviously a racial hate crime. The question is, will it be prosecuted as such?
My prediction is that the racial double standard will be invoked, and a hate crime prosecution will not be pursued by the racist justice dept. Ya know, repaying the white man.
Uhh...you don't know if she said "cracka" or "cracker"...? Haven't you ******* learned anything?
I probably told this story before on the old board I'm sure but when I was about 10, we were in Columbus OH visiting family. This is a suburban community with some decent homes, we aren't talking the middle of the ghetto here. One morning I decided to take a bike ride around the block. I came around a corner and saw a group of 8 or 10 black kids standing in a yard. They all looked to be about the same age as me. When they saw me riding past, they all came running over and a few of them got in front of me to stop me. They surrounded me and started trying to intimidate me asking what I thought I was doing on their street and asking where I was from. Pretty soon they started talking about pulling me off the bike and beating me up. I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut and I waited for my opportunity when the ones blocking me kind of moved out from in front of me. I jumped at the chance and took off as fast as I could. They tried grabbing me but i got through. They chased me shouting "Honky" and "Cracker" at me until they got tired and figured they couldn't catch me. Needless to say I did not come out of the house the rest of the time we were there.

That along with some stuff that happened in middle and high school (where a handful of black kids were constantly doing the intimidation thing and often took great joy in provoking the white kids into a fight so they could beat the **** out of them and usually did) sent me into a really ugly period as a teenager where I harbored a lot of racist thoughts. I am happy to say that it was a pretty short lived period and once I got out in the world more, my horizon's got broadened and I realized that ******** are out there of every race and not to get hung up on it. In high school I only knew 10 black people total and 9 of them made it perfectly clear that they would love any opportunity to beat my *** for being white, so I just didn't know any better, that was my experience and I assumed that was the norm everywhere.

After I grew up a little and was exposed to more types of people and made a lot of friends in college and once I started working, it allowed me to move past it all and wipe the slate clean. I think it was a good lesson to learn overall and it taught me a lot about life and how our views can be shaped by limited experience.

not to belittle your experience, but 10 out of 10 people daily want to beat ark's ***.
regardless of their race.
I am amazed the authorities are calling it a hate crime since it is a black on white attack. Some left wing Moonbat will be along to explain it away shortly I am sure. But I don't see how they will be able to make a case since the video shows the incident was definitely premeditated.
not to belittle your experience, but 10 out of 10 people daily want to beat ark's ***.
regardless of their race.

Fortunately, only 1 of those 10 would have the ability to do so.
After I grew up a little and was exposed to more types of people and made a lot of friends in college and once I started working, it allowed me to move past it all and wipe the slate clean. I think it was a good lesson to learn overall and it taught me a lot about life and how our views can be shaped by limited experience.

My late grandfather was a very progressive man for his day and once told me that ******** come in all colors.
and then it gets real...