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Rand Paul Wants Susan Rice Before Congress!


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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Here we go!

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told reporters Monday afternoon that former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice “ought to testify under oath” after Bloomberg News’s Eli Lake revealed that, during the presidential transition, she deliberately sought to “unmask” President Donald Trump’s associates from intelligence surveillance.

Paul called the reports that Rice made dozens of requests to learn more about the identities of anonymous people thought to be close to the Trump transition team, inadvertently caught on tape during investigations into foreign persons of intelligence interest, “enormous news.”

“If it is allowed, we shouldn’t be allowing it. I don’t think we should discount how big a deal it is that Susan rice was looking at these,” Paul told the assembled reporters.

The Kentucky Senator then cut to the heart of the growing political fight behind what President Trump has called “wiretapping.”

“She needs to be asked, ‘did President Obama ask her to do this?’ I think she ought to testify under oath on this,” Paul opined.



This is going to dwarf Watergate. Hopefully they can find a precedent that will allow the death penalty for Obama.
Bwahahahaha! She's doing her job and some of you want Obama dead for it!

All because neo nazi Mike Cernovich tweeted about it. Trump is going down so grasp at all the straws you can!

You can SMELL the desperation.....
Bwahahahaha! She's doing her job and some of you want Obama dead for it!

All because neo nazi Mike Cernovich tweeted about it. Trump is going down so grasp at all the straws you can!

You can SMELL the desperation.....

You keep saying this but any hard information that has come out looks bad for your side not Trump. We are still waiting.
Went from "never happened!"

to “here’s why”

in nothing flat

* high ranking Obama admin official
* using government surveillance tools
* spying on political opponents

It’s like Watergate in the internet age; no physical burglar crew required.

"I know nothing!"

Went from "never happened!"

to “here’s why”

in nothing flat

* high ranking Obama admin official
* using government surveillance tools
* spying on political opponents

It’s like Watergate in the internet age; no physical burglar crew required.

Except for the colluding with an enemy of the United States part......you know the part that requires surveillance.....yeah that little tid bit.

The devil is always in the details isn't he?
The media was in on the collusion


Except for the colluding with an enemy of the United States part......you know the part that requires surveillance.....yeah that little tid bit.

The devil is always in the details isn't he?

You moron, if there was any colluding it would have been front page news and he would have never been elected. She unmasked names of private citizens, which is a felony.
Seems Obama made it OK for a WH to spy on political opponents.

I say screw it... Trump should order the NSA to pull the files on everyone in Congress

Is Susan Rice The Missing Piece In Obama Spy Scandal?

Political Spying: While the Democrats continue to flail wildly, accusing House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes of all kinds of hypothetical misdeeds, evidence is growing that the Obama administration had an actual spying program on its domestic political opponents, namely the Donald Trump campaign. If so, it was more than just wrong — it was a crime.

Bloomberg national security correspondent Eli Lake reports that White House lawyers discovered last month that Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice sought the identities of "U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign." Lake based his reporting on talks with sources that requested anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly.

The sources told Lake that the discovery of Rice's possible involvement was made by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the director of intelligence on the National Security Council, who was reviewing the accusation. Rice made repeated requests to "unmask" people in raw intelligence reports tied to the Trump transition, the sources said.

You moron, if there was any colluding it would have been front page news and he would have never been elected. She unmasked names of private citizens, which is a felony.

She was NSA to Obama she had CLEARANCE.
She had every right(and a duty) to see who was involved. Unmasking merely means she is going to see the names, not the public.

I call you Trumptards as a joke..but some of you I really wonder about.
She was NSA to Obama she had CLEARANCE.
She had every right(and a duty) to see who was involved. Unmasking merely means she is going to see the names, not the public.

I call you Trumptards as a joke..but some of you I really wonder about.
and she lied about it because..
Except for the colluding with an enemy of the United States part......you know the part that requires surveillance.....yeah that little tid bit.

The devil is always in the details isn't he?

There was no collusion you simpleton. What was a bogus Trump colluding with the Russians scandal has now become another Obama administration scandal.

Surveillance of the Russians by U.S. intelligence agencies is SOP. The Russians even know it. Surely you can't be that naïve to believe the Russians don't know their conversations are being monitored.
Since that is the case why would the Russians collude with Trump in an effort to defeat Hillary?
Secondly the identity of those Americans that the Russians are talking to are masked because it is unlawful to monitor Americans.

Susan Rice illegally ordered these Americans unmasked, one being Gen. Flynn. Is it starting to make sense to you now?
The game has definitely changed.

Lol. Elfman scrambling on damage control.
This is going to dwarf Watergate. Hopefully they can find a precedent that will allow the death penalty for Obama.

Probably not coincidental that Bomma is vacationing right now on an island that does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S.
Before the election Bomma was saying that the Russians couldn't hack the election...until His candidate lost. The plan was for Hildebeast to win and no one would know about any of this. Further, they couldn't have known that Trump would be the candidate until the middle of summer so I propose that the Dems were wiretapping all of the GOP candidates.
What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Dirty filthy bunch who lie lie lie lie and deceive. They truly have no real ethics or morals. The end justifies the means....stay in power at all costs. It's not working out too good for them.
Cover-up is blowing up!

‘Not on the Front Page’: Joe Scarborough Derides NYT Coverage of Susan Rice

The panel on Morning Joe, Tuesday, was understandably befuddled by revelations that former White House U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice requested the unmasking of names of Trump transition officials.

“I know nothing about this,” said Rice. “I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes.”

“We’re going to have an investigation of this,” said show mainstay David Ignatius. “We’ll begin to dig and learn what the facts were. What was the context of these unmasking requests.”

Scarborough, who has lately become a fierce Trump critic, trained his fire on Rice, arguing that the revelations from Bloomberg reporter Eli Lake deserved to be explored.

The government is “doing exactly what civil libertarians are concerned about the government doing,” said Scarborough.”What is Susan Rice unmasking names for and spreading them across the government, wouldn’t that be the job of [James] Comey or the Attorney General.”

Scarborough then accused the New York Times of downplaying the story, even brandishing a physical copy of the paper on air.

“It’s on (page) A16 in my hard copy,” offered Mark Halperin.

Not sure if there is anything really here or not, but what will happen is that she will deny everything or plead the 5th.
Politicians, 6 months of blustering and nothing will come of it.

Maybe they should start focusing on real jobs for the average American and getting the economy running.

Getting tired of the soap operas.
She was NSA to Obama she had CLEARANCE.
She had every right(and a duty) to see who was involved. Unmasking merely means she is going to see the names, not the public.

I call you Trumptards as a joke..but some of you I really wonder about.
Wrong answer. She did not have every right. No one does unless there was a criminal investigation into those names that were unmasked. You can't just unmask names because you want to or for political gain. And, there is no doubt, Odumbfuck ordered this.
Dirty filthy bunch who lie lie lie lie and deceive. They truly have no real ethics or morals. The end justifies the means....stay in power at all costs. It's not working out too good for them.

Lie, lie, lie, the more a lie is told by the media the more it becomes the truth. That's their intention for dragging this thing out, hopefully they'll realize they've dragged it out a bit too long and won't be able to roll it back.
Its all blowing up in their faces

"Russians" = DNC minions

As The Susan Rice Scandal Explodes, The Russia Election Hacking Story Gets Murkier

Scandal: While the momentum behind the Russia-election-meddling story chugs along, the claim that sparked the entire drama — that Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee — appears to have suffered a big blow. Does anybody care?

The Russia connection was first made by a private cybersecurity firm whose work has been treated as unassailable — until last week, when it had to rewrite and retract statements made to support that claim.
