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Sams Being drafted

Did Sams coming out ,, help him get drafted,, or did it hurt his draft status?

  • Helped him get drafted

    Votes: 26 45.6%
  • Hurt his draft status

    Votes: 14 24.6%
  • Had no effect

    Votes: 17 29.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
From Deadspin's comments:

If he went undrafted, he could have picked a team that he would have made. Instead, the NFL made sure that a deep defensive team drafted him so when they cut him the rest of the NFL can say, " we gave him a fair chance but he wasn't good enough so now he can move to San Francisco and get on with his life." It makes me sick what was done to him today, when as SEC defensive player of the yea he clearly should have been drafted a lot earlier by a team with needs on defense.
So funn *** comments in this thread! Karma to all. Lol
Ooh, I'm gonna cry because Vis called me an idiot. Maybe I should act like homosexual groups, and demand that you lose your job for spreading such hate.
I also notice how you really didn't address my point, that it wasn't heroic. Don't all players "open themselves" up for criticism? If he didn't come out as gay, he probably wouldn't have been drafted, he wouldn't have been invited to the State of the Union Address, he wouldn't have had the last two rounds of the NFL Draft dedicated to HIM!!! This hero crap is pure bullshit! He KNEW he would get his *** kissed, and he knew he could use it to bully his way into the draft, and that's exactly what he did.
See, that's where I am at... This wasn't hard to do... Its total BS. Being gay is virtually trendy right now. I know dozens of gay people, I can say with authority that any sort of even slightly perceived discrimination ends up labeled as "bullying" which is far and away the most demonized activity these days... This dude rode a gravy train... he is nothing like the people that actually went through real dangerous discrimination. Media story and nothing else. What people do in their own private time is their business and no one else's... spreading it publicly is being an attention ***** at best. Cannot believe anyone falls for this sappiness.

Let me state this again... deepest draft maybe ever... the guy is a middling pick in a shallow year... no surprise where he got picked...
I think some people need to re-examine what their definition of a hero is. Is he brave? Perhaps. A hero? Hardly.

I don't know if he used being gay to help get drafted or not. I believe he did. Sam said, "I just want to be known as Michael Sam the football player." If that is the case, why come out as gay? In this day and age, you come out as the first gay anything, you will be forever known as the first gay whatever it is. He knew that. His agent knew that. I think there is a possibility he knew his draft prospects were shaky and used it to help out. Aside from that, I can't see the point in coming out. I mean, come out to your family or those you deem closest to you, AKA your teammates. But to go to the media to come out? Yeah, I think he figured it couldn't hurt.

What I hate is that it matters. Eventually, human beings will evolve past this sort of thing, or racism, or sexism. I really believe that. I won't see it in my life time, but I am hopeful. When people see people as people, rather than gay people, or white people or black people, then maybe we will have truly achieved something heroic.
I'm calling total bullshit on the discrimination angle here. Why? Because the real question is - how many players at DE with significantly worse measurables as bad as his were drafted BEFORE him? Thats the only reasonable metric to claim discrimination.

I'm going to guess that number is zero.
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I think some people need to re-examine what their definition of a hero is. Is he brave? Perhaps. A hero? Hardly.

I don't know if he used being gay to help get drafted or not. I believe he did. Sam said, "I just want to be known as Michael Sam the football player." If that is the case, why come out as gay? In this day and age, you come out as the first gay anything, you will be forever known as the first gay whatever it is. He knew that. His agent knew that. I think there is a possibility he knew his draft prospects were shaky and used it to help out. Aside from that, I can't see the point in coming out. I mean, come out to your family or those you deem closest to you, AKA your teammates. But to go to the media to come out? Yeah, I think he figured it couldn't hurt.

What I hate is that it matters. Eventually, human beings will evolve past this sort of thing, or racism, or sexism. I really believe that. I won't see it in my life time, but I am hopeful. When people see people as people, rather than gay people, or white people or black people, then maybe we will have truly achieved something heroic.

I would not even think that qualifies as heroic, I would like to think of it as the norm. Folks being evaluated purely on their merits and nothing else, no bonus points for being any type of minority. If you think folks should be treated as equal then treat them as equal period. Our country would improve tremendously if only the best folks were selected regardless of the minority representation. I would not care if an organization was made up entirely of old, Chinese lesbians, if they were the best folks for the job they should get the job.
Don't care if it is popular but football is a mans sport. Stop pushing gay into everything America. I have no desire to watch two men locking lips ESPN.

Go play tallywackah dingdong on your time.

Ooh, I'm gonna cry because Vis called me an idiot. Maybe I should act like homosexual groups, and demand that you lose your job for spreading such hate.
I also notice how you really didn't address my point, that it wasn't heroic. Don't all players "open themselves" up for criticism? If he didn't come out as gay, he probably wouldn't have been drafted, he wouldn't have been invited to the State of the Union Address, he wouldn't have had the last two rounds of the NFL Draft dedicated to HIM!!! This hero crap is pure bullshit! He KNEW he would get his *** kissed, and he knew he could use it to bully his way into the draft, and that's exactly what he did.

I did address your point. He will face a society that is getting better but is still full of ignorant homophobes who will vilify him. That's hard. Sure the table is turning and those who express their stupid hate are starting to feel the disapproval of better people in society. Look the responses to any negative tweets. I understand that there are still pockets of bigots who rally around it proudly and congratulate each other for their ****. This may still be one of those places. But even here it won't last long. The snowball of enlightenment is gaining speed.
I could have gave a ton of Karma in this thread. lol
Was he the SEC DPOY?

or was he a marginal athlete/prospect...

I should never have put the option in the poll for had no effect.. because it HAD to have one effect or the other.. It hurt his status and he slipped way down to the 7th round... OR He got drafted 8 picks or whatever in front of mr irrelevant,, because the Rams and the NFL wanted some kind of social karma from the media, since he came out of the closet..

I refuse to believe he got drafted exactly where he did because that's where he really should have been drafted.

Drafting Jarvis Jones last year probably had an effect on him. Woulda went 1.15 overall if not for that.
Hurt his draft position in my opinion...maybe one or two rounds at best though.
The fact that they had to show him kissing his significant other was a little much. It has nothing to do with homophobia. How many other players are shown doing that as they get the call? It looked staged, and it was a weak attempt at whatever angle they were trying to play. He had awful workouts, he's lucky the Rams took a chance and drafted him. If he doesn't make it the reason will be that he just wasn't good enough to play at the professional level.

Him getting drafted at all should end any discrimination talk should he get cut. Yes, I know it will still be mentioned if he does. I have no way of knowing if him publicly coming out was some kind of ploy on his part, but the timing of it all was really odd considering his teammates knew already. Either way, he wanted the notoriety that came with it. Now he has to live with the repercussions, both the good and bad.

his teammates knew. his family knew. his friends knew.
why the **** does it matter that he prefers to suck **** or get blown by a man?

It's irrelevant to the game of football. Though if the NFL did have it out for him, he would have been picked 256 by the Texans and been labeled "Mr. Irrelevant" and gotten another ******* parade.
... he's lucky the Rams took a chance and drafted him.

And that's the ONLY reason he was drafted. I'm surprised Fisher did that. Wonder what the Rams will see as "future considerations" for having made those headlines.

As "modern" as we are as a society, why is this even "news"? There have been sodomites in the league before. Maybe just not narcissistic enough to demand the "affirmation".

The reason this spectacle is annoying is because Jackie Robinson made it on merit. This sullies the memory.

... and gotten another ******* parade.

They do love parades.
I could have gave a ton of Karma in this thread. lol

Me too!

And I eagerly await the firestorm of wadded panties when he gets cut. It will be because he is a ***, of course...not because of his lack of football prowess. The Rams front office better be ready.

Oh, and comparing any of their "struggles" to Jackie Robinson is moronic and unintelligent.
I still think his decision to come out of the closet was as much a draft strategy and roster strategy as anything. The teams and the league are damned if they do and damned if they don't. If he would have gone undrafted it would have been because he was gay, regardless of his physical ability. Any team that cuts him after he is drafted will be looked at and judged by his homsexuality. If you think the Dolphins locker room investigation was bad...lets see what happens with Sams. I pity ANY team that has the misfortune of dealing with him.
All you homophobes need to do is look at this stat.

The last 9 of the previous 10 SEC Defensive Players of the Year were drafted in the 1st round. The other was drafted in round 2.

So don't give me this garbage about how he sux, has terrible ability, etc. etc.

He also was an All-American and the Missouri Tigers MVP.

Get over it. There has always been gay players in all the major sports...he is just the first one who had the balls to tell everybody before the draft.

His coming out absolutely hurt his draft position. He will make an NFL team, eventually, hell it took James Harrison several years to get a real job in the NFL.

As for his kiss, while I didn't think it was necessary, there certainly were lots of kisses of girlfriends and wives, you just don't remember them because that is "normal" to you.
All you homophobes need to do is look at this stat.

The last 9 of the previous 10 SEC Defensive Players of the Year were drafted in the 1st round. The other was drafted in round 2.

So don't give me this garbage about how he sux, has terrible ability, etc. etc.

He also was an All-American and the Missouri Tigers MVP.

Get over it. There has always been gay players in all the major sports...he is just the first one who had the balls to tell everybody before the draft.

His coming out absolutely hurt his draft position. He will make an NFL team, eventually, hell it took James Harrison several years to get a real job in the NFL.

As for his kiss, while I didn't think it was necessary, there certainly were lots of kisses of girlfriends and wives, you just don't remember them because that is "normal" to you.

That means absofuckinglutely nothing. first and foremost his announcement came in February... at the same time most of the mock drafts didn't even have him going close to the top 3 rounds. Many were already saying he was going to be a low to undrafted pick when his measureables were out... that's when he made this announcement, when his stock was dropping without anyone even discussing his sexual preference. It doesn't matter if the last 40 SEC DPOY's were studs because this one was not that kind of NFL prospect.

People need to get past history of NFL drafts out of their heads... it means nothing... if last year the 32 players picked in the first round had either stayed in college one more year or left one year earlier, then the first player in the second round would have gone 1st overall. If 33 hall of fame type players were to be eligible in the same year, one is certain to be a second round pick or lower. Its all subjective....

This year the SEC DPOY was a middling prospect at a loaded position in a loaded draft... NFL teams already have gay guys on them... the teams are aware of them. they wouldn't pass up on a prospect because of that. Face it the guy just wasn't good enough.