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School Choice Works in Canada


21 is my IQ
Apr 14, 2014
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It works in Canada because Canadians choose good schools for everybody and make teaching a well paid highly selective profession.
School choice in the USA means there are good schools for some and bad schools for the others. The end result is we fall behind the other
countries who take education seriously. And this is quickly catching up with us.
Well I'm happy for Canada.

It works in Canada because Canadians choose good schools for everybody and make teaching a well paid highly selective profession.
School choice in the USA means there are good schools for some and bad schools for the others. The end result is we fall behind the other
countries who take education seriously. And this is quickly catching up with us.

Last I looked, teachers made a ton of money in the U.S. My aunt retired three years ago with over $1 million in her pension fund, I **** you not.
We're falling behind because other countries because they don't have Common Core bullshit and teachers' unions aren't about education. The quality of education has demonstrably declined since Jimmy Carter started the Federal Department of Education in 1977.

It works in Canada because Canadians choose good schools for everybody and make teaching a well paid highly selective profession.
School choice in the USA means there are good schools for some and bad schools for the others. The end result is we fall behind the other
countries who take education seriously. And this is quickly catching up with us.

And when the Day After Tomorrow happens -- they're all dead.

It works in Canada because Canadians choose good schools for everybody and make teaching a well paid highly selective profession.
School choice in the USA means there are good schools for some and bad schools for the others. The end result is we fall behind the other
countries who take education seriously. And this is quickly catching up with us.

The kids whose parents take education seriously statistically do better, period. And it also helps when you are in a school of like minded parents. The rest are doomed to failure.
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The USA has how many more people and how many more inner city areas to deal with? You can't compare the two.

It's like if we only had one state to take care of

Canada - 36 million people

U.S. states by population

Rank State Population

1 California 39,250,017
2 Texas 27,862,596
3 Florida 20,612,439
4 New York 19,745,289

USA - 323 million people

Like comparing Sweden and it's 9 million people to the US when it comes to healthcare - no comparison
It's like if we only had one state to take care of

Canada - 36 million people

U.S. states by population


4New York19,745,289

USA - 323 million people

Like comparing Sweden and it's 9 million people to the US when it comes to healthcare - no comparison

See Spike gets it! If Spike gets it how come the Libs can't?

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As someone with teachers in my family I'll say this.

Teachers are no longer in charge of their rooms, the kids are. No respect, no actions a teacher can take. Your fired and school sued. They are no longer empowered. Not talking belt action, but they can't do or say ****.

So when you look to inner city and more "tough" areas it's even more so of the kids running the school. Then teachers feel dejected, and just go through the motions because they are not supported. Each state/school is very different
See Spike gets it! If Spike gets it how come the Libs can't?

phfftp - the subhuman libs and their lowly shrimp nerve clumps are no match from my vastly superior brainpower - i look down on them and see bait

It works in Canada because Canadians choose good schools for everybody and make teaching a well paid highly selective profession.
School choice in the USA means there are good schools for some and bad schools for the others. The end result is we fall behind the other
countries who take education seriously. And this is quickly catching up with us.

21 - our education system is going to **** because we take in millions upon millions of immigrants who are the lowest of the low in their country and don't speak a word of ******* English.

We feed them, and house them and try to educate them.

And then we pay for the healthcare, and housing, and food, and education for the kids they have at age 15. Unless you have been in public schools in large cities and know of these truths, you don't know a single ******* whit about ****.

Oh, and the Canadians have a uniform population that speaks the native ******* language. Try to compare apples to a food product, and not apples to oven mitts.
Unions and liberalism are killing US schools. Unions protect incompetent teachers. Liberals then run the schools using political correctness as a guide instead of what is best for the students.

Liberals hear a stat that says black students are suspended more often than whites. The solution? Stop suspending black kids. Now the numbers on their spreadsheet look "fair" but it doesn't take long for trouble makers to realize that they can get away with anything.

The US has many excellent private schools and great charter schools are popping up too. That's where you get the best teachers and involved parents. Unions and liberal politicians try to crush non government schools.
I think a better comparison would be how much $$ is spent per student in the US vs Canada. I don't know the numbers but i would bet we spend way more per student and our system sucks.
Not sure how you can go about fixing inner city schools. You could expel kids, but then what? They grow up to be criminals or deadbeats. My gfs son is 11 and they had a parents orientation thing and gave out drug test kits and recommended you test your kids monthly. When i was 11 i didn't even know what drugs were. It is a sad era.
21 - our education system is going to **** because we take in millions upon millions of immigrants who are the lowest of the low in their country and don't speak a word of ******* English.

We feed them, and house them and try to educate them.

And then we pay for the healthcare, and housing, and food, and education for the kids they have at age 15. Unless you have been in public schools in large cities and know of these truths, you don't know a single ******* whit about ****.

Oh, and the Canadians have a uniform population that speaks the native ******* language. Try to compare apples to a food product, and not apples to oven mitts.

There are virtually no immigrants either legal or ill where I live and most of the schools still suck. I sent my daughter to a private Christian high school where she got a vastly better education.
If we do have any immigrant kids they're at the top of their class because their parents are doctors. That's the only immigrants we see here.
Democrats Don’t Actually Believe in Democracy

Yeah, we’re a republic, but we also have democratic rules, norms, and traditions. Too bad the Democratic Party doesn’t believe in them.

Case in point – their bizarre embrace of illegal aliens. Democrats seem to think that foreigners who violate our laws have a greater right to determine what will be America's laws than actual Americans. After all, that's their argument when they whine because some illegal is getting shipped back to his Third World shithole-of-origin

Maybe the Democrats’ utter contempt for the idea that normal Americans have a right to participate in their own governance has something to do with it. It's clear the Democrats don't like our laws on immigration, but they are our laws.

The Democrats really ought to change their name. Right now, it’s false advertising. How about the Dictatorcrats? After all, that's what they want to do – dictate to us. When they can't get the votes to change the law, they just change it anyway by not enforcing it. And that’s bad.

See, Americans are fussy about that whole democracy thing – again, I know we're a republic as opposed to a People's Republic, but you know what I mean. We are not going to tolerate being disenfranchised. So much of everything that's gone wrong for the liberals lately has been because they simply ignore the desires of a large bunch of citizens in order to impose their will. And there are consequences.

You want to know why you got Trump? This is why you got Trump. He was the only nominee not telling normal Americans “You’re stupid, so shut up and do what you're told.”

But the liberals don't see anything wrong with that. They do think you're stupid, and that you should shut up and let them tell you what to do. This arrogance is a result of the false premise underpinning America’s elite class. That false premise is that the prestigious educational credentials that confer elite status also confer competence. Nope.
As someone with teachers in my family I'll say this.

Teachers are no longer in charge of their rooms, the kids are. No respect, no actions a teacher can take. Your fired and school sued. They are no longer empowered. Not talking belt action, but they can't do or say ****.

So when you look to inner city and more "tough" areas it's even more so of the kids running the school. Then teachers feel dejected, and just go through the motions because they are not supported. Each state/school is very different

TRUTH. I work in a HS and I see this everyday. Not so much with my SpEd kids who actually WANT to be at school and learning, but with the general education kids. They know they can get away with anything, and the parents know it too. Here's an example of how much influence the parents have at the schools.....your head will SPIN. Every Friday, we have pizza day. It's been pizza Fridays ever since I was a kid. (And I didn't go to school in the district I work in). Anyway, a handful of parents started complaining about having pizza every Friday. NOT because it's PIZZA, but because on Fridays, it's family night and they eat pizza together as a FAMILY. So instead of changing their meal, they complained so much that now pizza will be served on THURSDAYS. I'm so glad my tax dollars are going to board meetings over ******* PIZZA.
I would've liked to have been home schooled by this TILF.

The kids whose parents take education seriously statistically do better, period. And it also helps when you are in a school of like minded parents. The rest are doomed to failure.

This! I have a very good friend that worked in an administrative position in the Detroit school system in the '80's. Biggest concern from the parents was that their kids weren't being taught by enough black teachers.
Parents solution was to storm the school, locking it down, with the teachers inside in fear for their lives.

Parents that don't give a **** about their kids education will produce bad schools, plain and simple. Why is that so hard to understand?
This! I have a very good friend that worked in an administrative position in the Detroit school system in the '80's. Biggest concern from the parents was that their kids weren't being taught by enough black teachers.
Parents solution was to storm the school, locking it down, with the teachers inside in fear for their lives.

Parents that don't give a **** about their kids education will produce bad schools, plain and simple. Why is that so hard to understand?

Absolutely a fact. Also kids who know their parents will fight tooth and nail to get them out of every single **** up they engage in, do not care about the rules or respecting anybody. They don't feel the need to do any work or study for anything. Mommy and Daddy will come in like a tornado yelling, screaming and threatening lawsuits......regardless of how many years their kid has had the same problems. Their kid is above any law and most definitely above some piss ant teacher.

I'd say that in 2017, 30% of the students and parents are NOT like that. 30% have parents that make them responsible for their actions and don't fight to get them off the hook. 30% of the students have a work ethic and don't pass blame off every time they fail at something. It's a different game than it used to be by a long shot.
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We have some of the highest rated schools in the country in St.Johns county. On a scale of 1-10 most are 10 or A to A+. That's why I'm here.
It works in Canada because Canadians choose good schools for everybody and make teaching a well paid highly selective profession.

Pennsylvania teachers are well paid and have absolutely ridiculous benefits. My father-in-law got lifetime health insurance and an early retirement package at age 53.
I blame whitey
Pennsylvania teachers are well paid and have absolutely ridiculous benefits. My father-in-law got lifetime health insurance and an early retirement package at age 53.

Be very careful there with the assumption that it's all areas of PA. It all depends on where you are talking about. Your father in law had to work in a very wealthy district to get that kind of deal. I started out in Greene County, PA on the teachers salary scale in 2004. Greene County is a very depressed area economically. In the district I worked, with a Masters Degree (which was required to get my job) and about $100,000 in loan debt, I started at $21,000 a year. I wouldn't exactly consider that living high off the hog. I will say the benefits were good and thank God because I sure wasn't making much money and my wife and I were ******* strapped financially for several years. That benefit package was the only thing that kept our heads above water for the first 5 years. Their salary scale was tailored to where you made very little in the first 15 years (small incremental raises) and then got a big raise in year 16, I suppose to give incentive for people to stay. A lot of places in every state including PA are like that.

Now if you go over to Peters Township or one of the other very wealthy districts, it was a lot higher starting out. Those jobs are also very hard to get. I'm just saying that it all depends on what area you live and work in. The economic standing of the community has everything to do with how much you make. Both schools I have worked in have been with are located in depressed economic areas, so the pay isn't what you would call exorbitant. I am doing pretty well now salary wise because I am in year 14 and the incremental raises have gotten me up to an average salary, but it's taken me well over a decade to get there.

P.S. In today's world of insurmountable college debt there isn't anyone who will be retiring at 53 anymore. I will probably be working until I'm 70.
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Canada does not even really have a national education system, it is based on autonomous provinces and it is hard to think of a bigger contrast between a city state such as Singapore and a sprawling land mass such as Canada.
The OECD, trying to understand Canada's success in education, described the role of the federal government as "limited and sometimes non-existent".

School choice works everywhere since parents that care enough to choose a good school for their kids generally care enough to make their kids actually go and study and behave and do the work. Parents making kids put an effort into getting an education means more than money spent.