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Scott Walker.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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I heard him on the radio speak for a while. He's a plain talker that makes sense. I liked his message on jobs, budget's and taxes a lot. His ability to do well in a state that has not voted for a Republican president since 1984 is a bonus.

At this point I'm not sure if he has the charisma and quick thinking needed to to deflect anti union and pro abortion attacks on a national level where the media for the most part will not be on his side.

Not finishing college is a negative as well.

I still like Jeb, because I think he's got the best shot to win.
My choice is Jindal. I don't know why the republicans aren't pushing for him other than maybe he's not a good fund raiser.
Stay out da Bushes. He has no chance to win. If it comes down to a Clinton/ Bush election a ton of people will stay home. I know a lot of conservatives that have told me they won't vote at all or will vote 3rd party if Bush gets the nomination. People *****, and rightfully so, that BHO is running the country like a dynasty. Having 3 presidents in the last 30 years from the same family is too much.
Stay out da Bushes. He has no chance to win. If it comes down to a Clinton/ Bush election a ton of people will stay home. I know a lot of conservatives that have told me they won't vote at all or will vote 3rd party if Bush gets the nomination. People *****, and rightfully so, that BHO is running the country like a dynasty. Having 3 presidents in the last 30 years from the same family is too much.

I disagree, 95% of those who voted for Romney would also vote for Bush. No 3rd party has a shot. A 3rd party vote would = a vote from Clinton.

If a ton of people stay home, it benefits the Republicans. The Bushes are 3-1 in president elections, and have a huge edge in fund raising ability. Unless JEB slips up badly, I say back him as he's the best chance to avoid four more years of Obama like politics.
I disagree, 95% of those who voted for Romney would also vote for Bush.

Except that Romney lost. Had he even got as many votes as McCain in 2008 he would have won. Moderates just don't bring out the base in enough numbers.
Walker has a great track record of beating Democrats and not taking **** from the MSM. That's why they're afraid of him and trying to get the rest of us to believe he would be a bad candidate.
The GOP has a number of good potential candidates out there. Boosh III, Jindal, Rubio, Christie, and Romney aren't five of them.
I heard him on the radio speak for a while. He's a plain talker that makes sense. I liked his message on jobs, budget's and taxes a lot. His ability to do well in a state that has not voted for a Republican president since 1984 is a bonus.

At this point I'm not sure if he has the charisma and quick thinking needed to to deflect anti union and pro abortion attacks on a national level where the media for the most part will not be on his side.

Not finishing college is a negative as well.

I still like Jeb, because I think he's got the best shot to win.

As a Wisconsin resident I can say I like what Walker has done so far. I think he could do more but I think he picked his battles and didn't take on everything all at once. About his college degree I think I will leave it to Mike Rowe to explain it himself, as he does it far better than I ever could.

While nobody would call TV personality Mike Rowe a liberal, he usually steers clear of endorsing specific candidates. But a fan’s question found him wading neck deep into the mud of 2016 presidential politics.

On his Facebook page Tuesday, the star of “Dirty Jobs” and “Somebody’s Gotta Do It” answered one question that’s on everyone’s mind:

Kyle Smith writes…

Howard Dean recently criticized Gov Scott Walker for never finishing college, stating that he was “unknowledgeable.” What would your response be on college as a requirement for elected office?

Mike waxed nostalgic about his first television interview with the QVC Cable Shopping Channel:

The man pulled a pencil from behind his ear and rolled it across the desk. “Talk to me about that pencil. Sell it. Make me want it. But be yourself. If you can do that for eight minutes, the job is yours. Ok?”

I looked at the pencil. It was yellow. It had a point on one end, and an eraser on the other. On the side were the words, Dixon Ticonderoga Number 2 SOFT.

“Ok,” I said.

The man set the timer to 8:00, and walked behind the tripod. He pressed a button and a red light appeared on the camera. He pressed another button and the timer began to count backwards. “Action,” he said. I picked up the pencil and started talking.

“Hi there. My name’s Mike Rowe, and I only have eight minutes to tell you why this is finest pencil on Planet Earth. So let’s get right to it.”

Rowe’s beautiful description of his 8 minute riff on the merits of a pencil ended with this plea, worthy of the master hucksters who fill endless hours of QVC programming:

“We call it a pencil, because all things need a name. But today, let’s call it what it really is. A time machine. A match maker. A magic wand. And let’s say it can all be yours…for just .99 cents.”

The timer read 0:00. The man walked back to the desk. He took the pencil and wrote “YOU’RE HIRED” on the stationary, and few days later, I moved to West Chester, PA. And a few days after that, I was on live television, face to face with the never-ending parade of trinkets and chotchkies that comprise QVC’s overnight inventory.

With surgical precision, Rowe then totally demolished Howard Dean:

I don’t agree with Howard Dean – not at all.

Here’s what I didn’t understand 25 years ago. QVC had a serious recruiting problem. Qualified candidates were applying in droves, but failing miserably on the air. Polished salespeople with proven track records were awkward on TV. Professional actors with extensive credits couldn’t be themselves on camera. And seasoned hosts who understood live television had no experience hawking products. So eventually, QVC hit the reset button. They stopped looking for “qualified” people, and started looking for anyone who could talk about a pencil for eight minutes.

QVC had confused qualifications with competency.

Perhaps America has done something similar?

Rowe’s passion is his foundation, mikeroweWORKS, which promotes worker education and job creation. He slammed what he terms “stigmas and stereotypes” that elevate a four-year college degree above all other qualifications.

Anyone familiar with my foundation knows my position. I think a trillion dollars of student loans and a massive skills gap are precisely what happens to a society that actively promotes one form of education as the best course for the most people.

Hinting at his possible pick for 2016, Rowe ended with a challenge.

However – when Howard Dean called the Governor “unknowledgeable,” he rolled out more than a stereotype. He rolled a pencil across the desk, and gave Scott Walker eight minutes to knock it out of the park.

It’ll be fun to see if he does.

Read more: http://www.bizpacreview.com/2015/02...nt-need-a-college-degree-180563#ixzz3Sz82FhEt
I disagree, 95% of those who voted for Romney would also vote for Bush. No 3rd party has a shot. A 3rd party vote would = a vote from Clinton.

If a ton of people stay home, it benefits the Republicans. The Bushes are 3-1 in president elections, and have a huge edge in fund raising ability. Unless JEB slips up badly, I say back him as he's the best chance to avoid four more years of Obama like politics.

95% of Romney voters gets you beat. I understand no 3rd party has a chance but what a lot of conservatives see is Hillary 2.0 with Bush. He is for amnesty, common core and is a poor man's McCain. Why not find a real candidate like Walker or Paul that is a breath of fresh air and will actually do something besides be George Bush II? We don't need another dynasty family in the white house.
The vast majority of people in the upper reaches of our government for a long time have been Harvard grads along with a few from Yale. I'd say that's gotten us into the **** we're in now. I'm not impressed.
I still like Jeb, because I think he's got the best shot to win.
Looks like he's off to a rousing start..

Daaaamn, I gotta wash my eyes with bleach after watching that, so many wankers on the same stage, Trump, Hannity, Bush...CPAC must be the single largest collection of idiots on the planet.
95% of Romney voters gets you beat. I understand no 3rd party has a chance but what a lot of conservatives see is Hillary 2.0 with Bush. He is for amnesty, common core and is a poor man's McCain. Why not find a real candidate like Walker or Paul that is a breath of fresh air and will actually do something besides be George Bush II? We don't need another dynasty family in the white house.

You might even say that getting 100% of Romney voters gets you beat....
95% of Romney voters gets you beat. I understand no 3rd party has a chance but what a lot of conservatives see is Hillary 2.0 with Bush. He is for amnesty, common core and is a poor man's McCain. Why not find a real candidate like Walker or Paul that is a breath of fresh air and will actually do something besides be George Bush II? We don't need another dynasty family in the white house.

I agree.What has been done is not working. Time for a DRASTICT CHANGE.
Jeb is the 2nd or 3rd best Bush, at best.

Daaaamn, I gotta wash my eyes with bleach after watching that, so many wankers on the same stage, Trump, Hannity, Bush...CPAC must be the single largest collection of idiots on the planet.

Coming from a guy who supports people that belong to a party that believe Guam is going to tip over and elected a guy who's claim to fame is wearing diapers you should be the one to talk.

Daaaamn, I gotta wash my eyes with bleach after watching that, so many wankers on the same stage, Trump, Hannity, Bush...CPAC must be the single largest collection of idiots on the planet.

It may have been..... if there weren't idiots like this around to compare them to, troll.

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In case you all forgot.. George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland, and Harry Truman never went to college......

Just saying....

(I knew about Washington, Lincoln, and Truman. I googled the list and was surprised to see there were more).
College? Do you get a degree in president? Our last few were college grads. Look at us now.
I know a lot of conservatives that have told me they won't vote at all or will vote 3rd party if Bush gets the nomination.

You're reading a post from one.

Looks like he's off to a rousing start..

Daaaamn, I gotta wash my eyes with bleach after watching that, so many wankers on the same stage, Trump, Hannity, Bush...CPAC must be the single largest collection of idiots on the planet.

Why because Hannity's not a sycophantic ball licker? Not a Youtube "star"? Please man if you're going to troll at least be a challenging and intelligent one.....of course that would kind of fly in the face of the definition of troll.
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I had forgotten about the Guam capsizing gem. CLASSIC.
I am a conservative, and I will NOT vote for Jeb under ANY circumstances, and you can throw Chris Christie into that category too.
I am a conservative, and I will NOT vote for Jeb under ANY circumstances, and you can throw Chris Christie into that category too.
Jeb is more conservative than W but I think we should stay out Da Bushes. I really don't think he could win.
Coming from a guy who supports people that belong to a party that believe Guam is going to tip over and elected a guy who's claim to fame is wearing diapers you should be the one to talk.

It's not just those two buffoons. Some of my favorites from Liberal Land:

The number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S. -- Joe Biden

Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’ The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you. -- Joe Biden

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. -- Al Gore

Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs. -- Nancy Pelosi

Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. -- Barack Obama

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." -- Joe Biden

Men often do need maternity care -- Kathleen Sebelius

We have to pass the bill, before you can find out what's in it -- Nancy Pelosi

I did not have sex with Monica Lewinski - Slick Willy

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died - an entire town destroyed" - President Barack Obama on a tornado that killed twelve people.

"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." - Joe Biden on multicultural communities

"Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, ‘Thank God, I'm still alive.' But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again." - Sen. Barbara Boxer on the thoughts of the dead

"A zebra does not change its spots." - VP. Al Gore on zoology.

"I don't know what the word is in Austrian." - Barack Obama

"Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, north and south." - Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

"Therefore I believe in White Supremacy." - Then-Senator Clinton on her social views

"I bowled a 129. It's like- It was like the Special Olympics." Obama making fun of an organization for people with Down Syndrome
Go Carly! Chick fight!!!!!!!!!!! She will kick Hillary's ***.
Go Carly! Chick fight!!!!!!!!!!! She will kick Hillary's ***.

I hope she does. I used to work for her husband, Frank Fiorina, in the early 1990s. Really.