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Shots fired at Trump Rally

First there is no way roof tops should not have been monitored. Even with minimal security those should monitored. If it was an inside job I find it hard to believe the shooter would have missed. Also no idea how someone in the crowd gets shot. The whole thing just doesn't make sense unless the SS is really that incompetent
so reports are it was a 20 year old male from PA
He’s the patsy. The fact that the roof where the “shooter” was killed was 125 yards from Trump with a clear shot and was apparently unmonitored tells me this was an inside job. How secret service allowed that is unfathomable. That whole detail should be fired and brought up on charges. They won’t though because there is no accountability in government.

The ss snipers are set up on the white building behind Trump to his right facing the shooters building.
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Scrolling around twitter and all I can say is people are sick. Mentally deranged. I can’t believe it took 9 years for someone to take a shot at Trump. Even all the “racist” white folks never took a shot at Obama.
First there is no way roof tops should not have been monitored. Even with minimal security those should monitored. If it was an inside job I find it hard to believe the shooter would have missed. Also no idea how someone in the crowd gets shot. The whole thing just doesn't make sense unless the SS is really that incompetent
A friend of mine took me to an Edwards rally in downtown Greensburg back when Kerry was running with him...
he was just a VP candidate...

They literally cleared every building with any vantage point... any apartment or office with a window facing the area was evacuated during the event ... every hall had agents making sure nobody went back in.. every rooftop had a SS sniper on it...
i remember thinking how ridiculously tight it all was... nothing like that rally
Shooter has been positively identified. Ties to Antifa and donated to Biden in the past.

Go ahead, show me where you condemned January 6th, if not, go **** yourself and do some much needed reflection.
I didn’t condemn that because there was nothing to condemn. I also didn’t gleefully gloat about a security guard that had a heart attack. Your continuous gaslighting and calling a mostly peaceful protest an armed insurrection has been proven to be straight up bullshyte. If it had been an insurrection attempt, it would have been very obvious, even to thick headed thin skinned individuals as yourself. Just because you, and your Banana Republic friends, want to believe it to be true, doesn’t make it so.
So storming the capital was the beginning and the end, they wouldn’t have killed Pence, or Pelosi, or whoever? The bear repellent and zip ties were just for fun?

Go **** yourself.
How exactly were they going to overthrow a Government with a couple cans of bear spray and a few zip ties?

What was most likely is that they were going to tie up a few politicians and maybe spray them to show that they are not as safe as they think they are. Just maybe a “scared straight” approach would have given them something to think about going forward.

A coup never happens by just kicking down a door or two, then saying we are now in charge.
All the MSM news outlets are making sure to mention that he was a registered Republican. True, who knows, but they are directing the narrative.
There are absolutely zero republicans in antifa...

Dems often register as republicans in states where the primaries dont matter to them in order to cause chaos in the Republican ranks... vote for the guys that are the worse candidates... its an age old trick and done a lot in PA
So storming the capital was the beginning and the end, they wouldn’t have killed Pence, or Pelosi, or whoever? The bear repellent and zip ties were just for fun?

Go **** yourself.
Dear Lord your false equivalencies have reached a new high.
No one stormed the Capitol with the intent to kill anyone you azzhole.
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😂 I LOVE IT!!!

Political violence is only OK sometimes.

So were you as disappointed as one of your many counterparts because the job didn't get done?
Not quite this amount of blood on his face you were expecting today huh?

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