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Shots fired at Trump Rally

Can't help but notice how she's got him wrapped up around the waist, holding him up while she appears to be ducking.

I'm sure it was a momentary thing, but this frame sure looks bad.
Back in 2012 I went to a rally with VP candidate Paul Ryan, I was right close and shook his hand, and the whole time he was working his way down the line a lady SS agent was right behind him and her hand had a firm grip on his belt.
No, I think you were too conspiracy theorist in post #178. lol
It makes perfect sense.
Assassinate Trump, get him out of the way. Capitalize on MAGA member outrage, have a SS shoot Biden a'la Bobby Kennedy and off a MAGA person (on social media/paper) and you've got a perfect opportunity to move ahead.

Unless you're ALL IN, then you get both Joe & Kamala together and that frees up a Moose/Gavin ticket with access to the war chest.
I bet he simply registered to vote in the Republican primary and voted for Haley to bump up the opposition numbers.
Lots of people did this. Didn’t work, but doesn’t make it any less true.
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That's exactly what he did and a lot of them do. His donating to blue whatever the hell shows that clearly.

Just another young person molded by media lies and violent rhetoric from politicians and Hollywood.
Exactly. If you all understood how much i disdain the republicans and far right it would probably amaze you, because my contempt for the far left is 50 times greater right now... they are as unhinged as it gets and are utterly unable to see it themselves
The bigger problem I think is that people on both sides have been conditioned to expect too much from the government.
Then the more unhinged people lash out when **** doesn't go their way.

That being said, if anyone doubted that this is what we're up against, this is what we're up against.
Guy says he pointed out the guy on the roof and cops did nothing. He better double check his brakes.

Sorry, Conspiracy Wig doesn't like it.
Way too easy.
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The late Thomas Crooks of Bethel Park in Allegheny County.
I told ya the shooter had to be an import.
I see where the media have released the choirboy, 12 year old Trayvon Martin picture instead of the long-haired, greaseball, Antifa image.
Dear Lord your false equivalencies have reached a new high.
No one stormed the Capitol with the intent to kill anyone you azzhole.
So by “Hang Mike Pence” they meant something other than hang?

Do you suppose that January 6th might have factored into the assassins motive?
Are you retarded? Seriously. Trump is encircled by hundreds of people. Several shots are fired at him. All shots go past him. Did you think the bullets evaporated after missing the intended target? Seriously... No idea how someone in the crowd got shot? You can't be this dumb. Can't!
First of all people were saying it had to be an inside job. If it was an inside job you think they would have found a capable marksman. 120 - 150 yrds is not that difficult of a shot. Second Trump is on an elevated stage. The guy would have had to been an absolutely horrendous shot to be hitting someone in the crowd. By all accounts the shooter used a rifle. His shots were probably about 6-10ft low. It was not windy and at 150 yrds you should only have a few inches bullet drop at most.
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Admittedly I only have handguns, until they were lost when my fishing boat capsized, but when I started going to the range several years ago I'm standing perfectly still, controlled environment, lined the sight up perfectly, and at 30 yards I missed the entire target by three feet. I've since gotten better but Mrs. Burgundy is still more accurate than me.
Not surprising to me that a 20 year-old mom's basement dweller who's maybe practiced a little bit missed his target (Trump) and killed someone else. Frankly I'm surprised he winged Trump at all.
Lee Harvey Oswald was at least in the military for a while and presumably had some training.
And likely didn't fire at Kennedy.
First of all people were saying it had to be an inside job. If it was an inside job you think they would have found a capable marksman. 120 - 150 yrds is not that difficult of a shot. Second Trump is on an elevated stage. The guy would have had to been an absolutely horrendous shot to be hitting someone in the crowd. By all accounts the shooter used a rifle. His shots were probably about 6-10ft low. It was not windy and at 150 yrds you should only have a few inches bullet at most.
Did you not see the rows of bleachers right behind Trump? They probably paid $50 for those seats.
The bigger problem I think is that people on both sides have been conditioned to expect too much from the government.
Then the more unhinged people lash out when **** doesn't go their way.

That being said, if anyone doubted that this is what we're up against, this is what we're up against.
People have come to rely on the government.

Things really should be simple. We work, pay taxes. Those taxes should go to improve roads, schools, public funds in general.

Another thing is we should be allowed access to money we pour as tax payers if we experience loss of job etc. Those food stamps etc are going to people who don’t work. There needs to be new implementations in place. Kinda set up like a retirement account but used for emergencies like job loss etc.

The unhinged I see is a lot of illegals mooching off our money. Politicians taking advantage and pocketing our funds. The system was designed to help and improve the lives of hard working American citizens but it got lost along the way.
There are like 3 or four others saying they also pointed out the dipshit climbing up on the roof and were ignored by police and or secret servicemen
Yeah. It’s fishy.

Has to be set up
First of all people were saying it had to be an inside job. If it was an inside job you think they would have found a capable marksman. 120 - 150 yrds is not that difficult of a shot. Second Trump is on an elevated stage. The guy would have had to been an absolutely horrendous shot to be hitting someone in the crowd. By all accounts the shooter used a rifle. His shots were probably about 6-10ft low. It was not windy and at 150 yrds you should only have a few inches bullet at most.
I certainly dont think the shooter was a pro, but i think much of the talk is more that they were letting wide open, obvious vantage points open in hopes some deranged dipshit would do this. The campaign asked for more security and were repeatedly rebuffed from DHS, despite that heightened level being normal for end game nominees before a presidential election..

The CIA once (and probably still does) had a program to manipulate and trigger unstable people into violent actions.... hell look at what the FBI did with the Whitmore "kidnapping" stuff or delorean's cocaine entrapment..
its not hard to see a scenario where they intentionally leave gateways open and prod the great unwashed with rhetoric and ideas intil some mouse takes the bait and tries it
And likely didn't fire at Kennedy.
I've always thought that Oswald was a shooter but not the only shooter.
I certainly dont think the shooter was a pro, but i think much of the talk is more that they were letting wide open, obvious vantage points open in hopes some deranged dipshit would do this. The campaign asked for more security and were repeatedly rebuffed from DHS, despite that heightened level being normal for end game nominees before a presidential election..

The CIA once (and probably still does) had a program to manipulate and trigger unstable people into violent actions.... hell look at what the FBI did with the Whitmore "kidnapping" stuff or delorean's cocaine entrapment..
its not hard to see a scenario where they intentionally leave gateways open and prod the great unwashed with rhetoric and ideas intil some mouse takes the bait and tries it
I seen all I needed to see yesterday when they held Trump up for awhile rather than high tailing him out of there.

I get he’s a big guy and all. But you roll under the stage, duck for cover. They held this guy up for a fat minute to get that Iwo Jima style pic.

Luckily there was a lone wolf and a novice. An expert - we would see JFK 2024