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Shots fired at Trump Rally

People have come to rely on the government.

Things really should be simple. We work, pay taxes. Those taxes should go to improve roads, schools, public funds in general.

Another thing is we should be allowed access to money we pour as tax payers if we experience loss of job etc. Those food stamps etc are going to people who don’t work. There needs to be new implementations in place. Kinda set up like a retirement account but used for emergencies like job loss etc.

The unhinged I see is a lot of illegals mooching off our money. Politicians taking advantage and pocketing our funds. The system was designed to help and improve the lives of hard working American citizens but it got lost along the way.
Government has been corrupt since at least the 1880's but much worse over the last 60 years.

Honestly? It was just my first thought when I saw the photo of him with his bloodied ear and his fist in the air. It’s an iconic historical moment. Reading social media today brings me a bit down to earth. The number of idiots in this world never ceases to amaze me. Particularly the number who think this was staged by Trump. Like you could plan to have a bullet from 150 yards away graze your ear but not kill you.
I believe it comes down to people thinking emotionally without a shred of logic or common sense in their train of thought. I read several posts on FB that felt that this was staged by Trump, by friends of mine that other than their politics, I still consider good people. I just don't respond when they go off the deep end.
Government has been corrupt since at least the 1880's but much worse over the last 60 years.
When this country was first established. It was just 13 colonies.

Some centuries later. We’re 50 states strong, population is greatly increased and the system is complex, technology is complex.

Not everyone is good or does the right thing so it’s easy to spread corruption at every facet of the system.
There are like 3 or four others saying they also pointed out the dipshit climbing up on the roof and were ignored by police and or secret servicemen
I don't know about this guy's actual credentials, but the his analysis seemed pretty good in this twitter thread. Mainly talks about the breakdown being in the mid-tier and it matches with the witness statements of law enforcement seemingly dropping the ball.

Hopefully an event like this pull America together. one can hope
That's not the purpose of these types of events.

The people behind this are thinking 3 or 4 steps ahead.

This was the first pawn being moved 2 spaces up.
So big media is in full " blame the victim" mode...

Newsflash... your rhetoric for a couple years now is " if Trump wins, its the end of American Democracy" and "Trump is the modern day Hitler and will be a dictator for life"

What in those statements wouldn't stimulate a violent opposition from someone who passionately believed it?

Trump acting like an ******* about immigration and exposing Biden as a mental vegetable isnt the one calling for violence here... no matter how you spin it
I believe it comes down to people thinking emotionally without a shred of logic or common sense in their train of thought. I read several posts on FB that felt that this was staged by Trump, by friends of mine that other than their politics, I still consider good people. I just don't respond when they go off the deep end.
Every single Lib at the bar last night was 100% insisting it was faked...

Again, if the situation was reversed, they would be decrying those as conspiracy theories from whackjobs🤣
Yep, we've discussed.
While I can't prove it obviously, I think he was acting as a CIA asset and he thought he was trying to PREVENT an assassination.
My opinion is that the CIA talked Oswald into it but had their own shooters nearby in case he missed.
Every single Lib at the bar last night was 100% insisting it was faked...

Again, if the situation was reversed, they would be decrying those as conspiracy theories from whackjobs🤣
Tell that to the family of the guy who got killed.
Tell that to the family of the guy who got killed.
Fake blood. From trumps ear...

And until it was confirmed as a shooting, the argument was that the injured lady in the stands just had a heart attack and fell and busted herself up

Hey its the same way with the other side with crazy theories too... but this one was obviously a real assassination attempt
I can see them setting up some poor schmuck, telling him "they're going to give him an opportunity. They're going to set him up. They're going to give him a chance and that he'll be a hero."

And I can also see them giving him a rifle with a s*** scope, ensuring he'd miss and creating a perfect storm for a Biden assassination.
First of all people were saying it had to be an inside job. If it was an inside job you think they would have found a capable marksman. 120 - 150 yrds is not that difficult of a shot. Second Trump is on an elevated stage. The guy would have had to been an absolutely horrendous shot to be hitting someone in the crowd. By all accounts the shooter used a rifle. His shots were probably about 6-10ft low. It was not windy and at 150 yrds you should only have a few inches bullet at most.
I can see them setting up some poor schmuck, telling him "they're going to give him an opportunity. They're going to set him up. They're going to give him a chance and that he'll be a hero."

And I can also see them giving him a rifle with a s*** scope, ensuring he'd miss and creating a perfect storm for a Biden assassination.
I mean, he came within millimeters of not missing so that would be a pretty risky plan.
I can see them setting up some poor schmuck, telling him "they're going to give him an opportunity. They're going to set him up. They're going to give him a chance and that he'll be a hero."

And I can also see them giving him a rifle with a s*** scope, ensuring he'd miss and creating a perfect storm for a Biden assassination.
Except Biden hardly leaves the White House and only takes the choppuh between there and his home in Delaware. And he REALLY isn't going to leave the White House now, hell he wouldn't leave his basement during the last campaign because he was afraid of Covid.
I tell you what, though. Trump should name his VEEP now, and tell America that if anything happens to him to throw our complete support behind his successor, so if he is killed we have a clear response.

He should also come out and SAY "They want to blame this on US! Under NO circumstances should ANYONE who supports a greater America make any threat or attempt on any Democrat at any level."

Don't give them what they want. Just vote them out.
Three things Trump should do today.

1. Put out a message to his supporters saying that violent responses in politics is never acceptable and we are gonna get our vengeance at the ballot box...

2. Appoint a VP that the Dems want less than him...

3. Sue every single dem source advocating violence against him the past 8 years..
I tell you what, though. Trump should name his VEEP now, and tell America that if anything happens to him to throw our complete support behind his successor, so if he is killed we have a clear response.

He should also come out and SAY "They want to blame this on US! Under NO circumstances should ANYONE who supports a greater America make any threat or attempt on any Democrat at any level."

Don't give them what they want. Just vote them out.
I agree

The guy brought a big ladder to get on the roof.
After Trump dropped to the floor and was surrounded by his detail, one of the agents who may have been Lead said, “On me, MOVE!” But they stayed in place, as more agents surrounded him.

Then Trump says “let me get my shoes”, followed by “Wait, wait”. No movement, leaving them as a static target (had there been more than 1 shooter).

Then the moment that is now a historical image for the ages… Trump rising to his feet, the Stars & Stripes in the background, blood streaming down his face and a raised fist.

Here’s my question/criticism: Shouldn’t the USSS protective detail have been ready to move Trump IMMEDIATELY out of harm’s way? To hell with Trump asking for more time for whatever reason.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Trump, we have to move now”
“With all due respect, Mr President, we can’t stay, we move now.”
“Sir, we’re clear to move and you should just follow our lead.”

No reason for the delay. I’m just Monday morning quarterbacking the situation, but I’d sure like to know why they didn’t get him out immediately. I’m not blaming Trump. The SS agents failed in their duties, IMO. Curious as to the answer to this question.