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Shots fired at Trump Rally

Trump in no way could have staged this.

What took place is what is being reported. A 20 year old carried out something he never should have been able to due to a secret service and law enforcement break down.

Now admit the right wing conspiracies are equally retarded.
Do it.
God help me I have to agree with Trog on part of this. I think the only way this comes as close to happening as it did is the pure absurdity of it. In this case the conspiracy would have made far more likely to be exposed versus pure dumb luck and ineptitude on the part of a dumbed down secret service. This kid got lucky, and this was not the Presidents secret service detail. This was the "C" team detail "C" for clown show.

All that being said some conspiracy theories aren't theories Trog.
Conspiracy theories aren’t critical thinking, they’re fantasy. Believing something you’d like to be true is nothing more than that. It doesn’t make it entirely possible, or even remotely possible.
So what is your take on the incident? I am far from a conspiracy theorist, but there is no way they could have had that big of a security failure.
So what is your take on the incident? I am far from a conspiracy theorist, but there is no way they could have had that big of a security failure.
We are talking about a government run agency that has been corrupted by DEI and incompetent management. I fully believe the staff they assigned Trump could be this incompetent. I think it is the simplest and most likely possibility.
God help me I have to agree with Trog on part of this. I think the only way this comes as close to happening as it did is the pure absurdity of it. In this case the conspiracy would have made far more likely to be exposed versus pure dumb luck and ineptitude on the part of a dumbed down secret service. This kid got lucky, and this was not the Presidents secret service detail. This was the "C" team detail "C" for clown show.

All that being said some conspiracy theories aren't theories Trog.
Yeah...I think it is much more ineptitude. It almost feels better to say it was a conspiracy then to admit so many of our institutions are really run by people who are not serious. There is a lack of adults in charge. Hey, why take that extra step to make sure something is thorough, there's tic-grams to watch.
Conspiracy theories aren’t critical thinking, they’re fantasy. Believing something you’d like to be true is nothing more than that. It doesn’t make it entirely possible, or even remotely possible.
believing 100% what the MSM tells you, isn't critical thiking, soyboi. considering all the variables in this, and that the "investigation" was closed before the round entered the perp's head should raise an eyebrow.

Where did I mention lever-action? Liar.

They're still trying to determine a motive for the attack?..hahahaha.

This certainly requires a broader inquiry way past the current FBI or SS. I wouldn't trust the FBI for ****.

The SS I'm not so sure about considering their total lack of concern for top tier security.
Sometimes I think a high school principal and assistant principal could do much better figuring out motive than the FBI who vets all through political lenses just like Jimmy Comey did. They certainly have a special talent for minimizing or ignoring the obvious.
No, the conspiracy that it’s a deep state inside job where they hired a 20 year old from an hour away that failed to make his highschool rifle team to carry it out.

THAT makes sense to you people!

I haven’t posted any conspiracy theories nor did I support any claim about Trump not contacting Comparators wife.

Straw man much?
WTF does him not making the high school team have to do with him making that shot. so you have a school of X amount of people and maybe 30 people go out for the shooting team but they only need ten, this guy places 11th, does that make him a bad shot.

When I was in high school I was a six foot Native American guy that could Dunk a basketball I also could make free throws till my arms felt like they were falling off, guess what I didn't make the basketball team, didn't mean I couldn't play just I couldn't play AS GOOD as the ones that made the team.

From reading all the **** you post it is painfully obvious you know about as much about shooting as you do about anything else that spews out of your septic mouth.
WTF does him not making the high school team have to do with him making that shot. so you have a school of X amount of people and maybe 30 people go out for the shooting team but they only need ten, this guy places 11th, does that make him a bad shot.

When I was in high school I was a six foot Native American guy that could Dunk a basketball I also could make free throws till my arms felt like they were falling off, guess what I didn't make the basketball team, didn't mean I couldn't play just I couldn't play AS GOOD as the ones that made the team.

From reading all the **** you post it is painfully obvious you know about as much about shooting as you do about anything else that spews out of your septic mouth.
I would say anyone saying he was a bad shot isn't taking into account his target moved at the last moment or likely we are having a much different conversation. It might well have been the start of some really nasty times in our history. Luck, fate, God or whatever you want to believe, intervened, and we go from possible armed civil disorder/war to a unified and likely stronger party who can now hopefully make some real change.
Thank you.
No I will not.
Of course not, because double standards and hypocrisy is ya’ll!
If they were as equally retarded as saying Trump staged this, I would.
They are, you’re just Trumptarded and can’t bring yourself to admit it.
Regardless of whether the conspiracy theories are debunked or not, there is something to be said about the roof being not being secured.
Yes. They ****** up. That doesn’t make a conspiracy more likely.
There is something to be said about the SS boss, saying the slope if the roof was too dangerous to be on.
There is something to be said about people being frantic over this guy on the roof to deaf ears.

Your own media has also brought up these questions you knucklehead.
Again, none of that makes it a viable conspiracy. Why would the conspirators make themselves culpable in their own conspiracy? Why put the gunman 150 yards away instead of 15 yards away?
How do you find a suicidal gunman, and why a 20 year old amateur? Go ahead, weave your tangled web on yourself.

Y’all are looney.
So what is your take on the incident? I am far from a conspiracy theorist, but there is no way they could have had that big of a security failure.
I said, the secret service and law enforcement failed. Was Uvalde, Texas a conspiracy? It was equally unimaginable.
Of course not, because double standards and hypocrisy is ya’ll!

They are, you’re just Trumptarded and can’t bring yourself to admit it.

Yes. They ****** up. That doesn’t make a conspiracy more likely.

Again, none of that makes it a viable conspiracy. Why would the conspirators make themselves culpable in their own conspiracy? Why put the gunman 150 yards away instead of 15 yards away?
How do you find a suicidal gunman, and why a 20 year old amateur? Go ahead, weave your tangled web on yourself.

Y’all are looney.

Nope. Not double standards.
The reasons I took the time to lay out do indeed make it a viable conspiracy.

There is nothing viable that would indicate Trump staging this.

Show me one and I'll show you a retard.
If there's a conspiracy it's that the SS deliberately left security a little lax under orders from Biden, Mayorkas, and Bomma hoping this would happen.
Was Crooks an MK Ultra plant who was given the "Go" sign? We may never know. Bullied in school, incel living in his parents' basement, that's a lot of typical ****.
I said, the secret service and law enforcement failed. Was Uvalde, Texas a conspiracy? It was equally unimaginable.
You can't compare a school shooting to the Trump rally. The job of security at these events is to protect the president. The venue would have been scouted out well ahead of time. Not sure how you can look at the layout of the venue and decide that roof or building didn't need to be secure.
WTF does him not making the high school team have to do with him making that shot. so you have a school of X amount of people and maybe 30 people go out for the shooting team but they only need ten, this guy places 11th, does that make him a bad shot.

When I was in high school I was a six foot Native American guy that could Dunk a basketball I also could make free throws till my arms felt like they were falling off, guess what I didn't make the basketball team, didn't mean I couldn't play just I couldn't play AS GOOD as the ones that made the team.
And the NBA never showed the slightest bit of interest in you, right? Then why the hell would the most powerful men in the world higher a suicidal amateur 20 year old to kill Trump from 150 yards out instead of a professional that could do it from a much greater distance that would leave the Secret Service scrambling to figure out where the shots were coming from?

Why would they have him buying his own ladder and ammo the day of the shooting?
From reading all the **** you post it is painfully obvious you know about as much about shooting as you do about anything else that spews out of your septic mouth.
And you lack the ability to think things through as I just laid out.
You can't compare a school shooting to the Trump rally. The job of security at these events is to protect the president. The venue would have been scouted out well ahead of time. Not sure how you can look at the layout of the venue and decide that roof or building didn't need to be secure.
I’m not comparing shootings, I’m comparing epic failures in security and law enforcement.
believing 100% what the MSM tells you, isn't critical thiking, soyboi. considering all the variables in this, and that the "investigation" was closed before the round entered the perp's head should raise an eyebrow.

Nope. Not double standards.
The reasons I took the time to lay out do indeed make it a viable conspiracy.

There is nothing viable that would indicate Trump staging this.

Show me one and I'll show you a retard.
If you have such conviction in your conspiracy, why do you keep going back to the same strawman?
The facts are that Team Trump requested beefed up security. Mayorkis denied it and surely Biden was involved in that decision. They had two female Hobbits on his detail. There were bystanders informing authorities well in advance of the shooting that there was someone on the roof and nobody did anything at all except a local cop who shat himself and fell off the ladder. The SS sniper had the shooter in his sights well before he shot Trump but was told to stand down. Much like the sniper in Afghanistan was told when he had the bomber who killed 13 soldiers in his sights. The entire Biden administration is a guilty failure in absolutely everything they do. There needs to be hearing about this epic **** up.
your catastrophic failure to implement critical thinking is dumbing the planet.

You know how cow farts are causing global warming? The intellectual equivalent of cow farts - Floggy statements - are causing global dumbing.
Trump in no way could have staged this.

What took place is what is being reported. A 20 year old carried out something he never should have been able to due to a secret service and law enforcement break down.

Now admit the right wing conspiracies are equally retarded.
Do it.
eat a dick

tone your **** down or leave