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Shots fired at Trump Rally

I heard about them seeing him an hour before. On the news this morning, they said that the secret service lost him in the crowd, and he was re-acquired on the roof. Yet they let him lay there, WITH A RIFLE FOR 20 DAMN MINUTES? The whole thing is completely absurd. And even more absurd, no one has been fired or resigned. Just back to business as usual. I'm laughing, but only to keep from crying.

13 of our troops were murdered during the Afghanistan debacle, thousands of American citizens left behind, and one person was punished due to those events: Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller, who criticized the horrendous planning, coordination and timing of the embarrassing debacle.

Lt. Col. Scheller disciplined for Afghanistan comments

Leave security up to the Taliban and watch 13 American troops and dozens of Afghan citizens get blown up by a suicide bomber who was in the sights of a sniper but where the order to shoot was not given? Pfft, nothing to see, no wrongdoing there.

Let a 20-year with a ladder and rifle walk around, climb an unoccupied roof since "the roof has a slope and we had to consider the safety factor" for secret service agents, and then watch the 20-year old get into prone position and take a shot at the former and soon-to-be again President? Pfft, no problem, nobody should get fired. Hey, fat middle age Hobbit lady who ducked down behind Trump and used him as a shield when the shots started and cannot reholster gun? Congratulations on your promotion!!
13 of our troops were murdered during the Afghanistan debacle, thousands of American citizens left behind, and one person was punished due to those events: Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller, who criticized the horrendous planning, coordination and timing of the embarrassing debacle.

Lt. Col. Scheller disciplined for Afghanistan comments

Leave security up to the Taliban and watch 13 American troops and dozens of Afghan citizens get blown up by a suicide bomber who was in the sights of a sniper but where the order to shoot was not given? Pfft, nothing to see, no wrongdoing there.

Let a 20-year with a ladder and rifle walk around, climb an unoccupied roof since "the roof has a slope and we had to consider the safety factor" for secret service agents, and then watch the 20-year old get into prone position and take a shot at the former and soon-to-be again President? Pfft, no problem, nobody should get fired. Hey, fat middle age Hobbit lady who ducked down behind Trump and used him as a shield when the shots started and cannot reholster gun? Congratulations on your promotion!!
The Secret Service was performing their assigned task to perfection, it’s just that Trump turned his head at the last second and the shooter missed.
Dipshiit Flogtard,
The gross negligence was caused by the Biden SS appointee.

Who has not been fired or otherwise held accountable for a near miss assassination of the guy Biden is running against.

Simple conspiracy to leave President Trump with less than necessary/competent protection.

This was demonstrated by denials of greater protection by Biden appointee for both Biden opponents Trump and Kennedy.

And proven by knee-jerk increases to both only after this botched attempt.
Dipshit Conflatulence,

If it was a Secret Service conspiracy, why would the conspirators make themselves extremely culpable?
What was the intent or purpose of the Secret Service Director being at the RNC last night?

Someone enlighten me please?

I just pray to God.......tomorrow's discussion is all about Trumps speech...
Dipshit Conflatulence,

If it was a Secret Service conspiracy, why would the conspirators make themselves extremely culpable?
really? that's your argument?

did you not see what happened immediately after the shots?
are you so disingenuous that you ignore the facts laid out prior to the shooting?
Even if the agents did not put SS people on the roof they could have secured those buildings from the ground, used drones, etc etc ....Aside from that, the shooter was identified as a suspicious person already and apparently was lost. However people in the crowd told police what was going on and the SS snipers had him acquired. There is way too much going on for just negligence. Trump should have been pulled from the stage when the guy was reported to be climbing up / on the roof. Who set it up and why is up for discussion, but just way too many lapses for it just to be an oopsie.
Even if the agents did not put SS people on the roof they could have secured those buildings from the ground, used drones, etc etc ....Aside from that, the shooter was identified as a suspicious person already and apparently was lost. However people in the crowd told police what was going on and the SS snipers had him acquired. There is way too much going on for just negligence. Trump should have been pulled from the stage when the guy was reported to be climbing up / on the roof. Who set it up and why is up for discussion, but just way too many lapses for it just to be an oopsie.
barney fife on the roof would have been enough to secure it
So there are two distinct potential conspiracy theories here..

The first doesnt make rational sense, namely that the government was using Crook to assassinate Trump.. if he had a handler, he probably doesnt make tge slew of rookie mistakes... they probably have him use a caliber of ammo capable of piercing a vest and shoot center mass... Trump is 78... it wouldnt take much to incapacitate him enough he couldnt run if he didnt outright die...

The second could have merit though... that they intentionally shorted trump SSFunding and gave him subpar agents in the vague hope someone would off him.. i mean they definitely shorted him agents... there is no question about that...
uh -uh. him did be just miraculously just appear outta the thin blue sky, maybe by transporter beam from another universe, onto that rooftop, precariously perched where an AR-15 done did sprout up outta the metal roof and whisper to Crooks to choot Drumpf.

/DoktuRd Flog, expert on everything and nothing at the same time, drag queen dog dragging champion, WooFloo Expert, pushing BMI to new levels, POS MF.
really? that's your argument?

did you not see what happened immediately after the shots?
The assassin was shot dead and several secret service agents jumped on top of Trump. What’s your problem with what took place after the shooting?
The assassin was shot dead and several secret service agents jumped on top of Trump. What’s your problem with what took place after the shooting?
The assassin was shot dead and several secret service agents jumped on top of Trump. What’s your problem with what took place after the shooting?

I heard an interview with Ted Cruz. He said the SS did a briefing over conference call. They ran out the clock by harping on tiny unimportant details, the glossed over the major parts. Then to ask questions, you had to have a code to enter so you could be unmuted on the call. Only the Dems got that code. There were only like 3 softball questions asked and then they ended the call.
Cheatle showed up at the RNC like nothing happened. A couple of congressmen confronted her and of course she just blew them off.

Marsha Blackburn was asking her questions. She just walked away, just like Joe does.
Dipshit Conflatulence,

If it was a Secret Service conspiracy, why would the conspirators make themselves extremely culpable?
Like you, they are stooges