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Shots fired at Trump Rally

I showed this in reply to a FB post and all I got was liars, scammers, thieves, Hitler!!!

Lefties regarding anything Trump:


Slight modification, should read, "Lions and tigers and bears and Hitler! Oh my!"
What would motivate a young, impressionable, mentally unstable person to attempt an assassination?

$DJT is Trump Media and technology Group stock. Looks like somebody shorted it just before the shooting. A company tied to blackrock. If this is true then Oh boy...

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If you have such conviction in your conspiracy, why do you keep going back to the same strawman?
Right, just keep going with the fake strawman card because you think it gets you off the hook.

I suppose that if you're in denial over the fact that the left has been engaged in a 6-year mission to drive out Trump, why would you not be in denial over the suspicious events of last Saturday.
Just so I am clear on this, you don't believe the justice system was weaponized in order to target a political opponent, correct?

So coming home after an hour at the gym, I was listening to a sports talk guy who reflected on the events of Saturday. I don't know where he stands politically, but his thoughts were exactly like mine...that it was most likely gross negligence by the Secret Service rather than an inside job.
BUT being that people including himself can't wrap their heads around the fact as to how the negligence could possibly be that egregious, the government has a duty to make clear that it was not an inside job.

He went on to explain how for 10 minutes that kid was allowed to roam around, scope things out, eventually getting on the rooftop with a gun, and the subsequent calls from the people in the crowd warning the police about the guy on the roof...which was ignored.

Are you able to come down off your all-knowing liberal perch of superiority you think you're on and come around on this a little?
I’m not comparing shootings, I’m comparing epic failures in security and law enforcement.

Yes. The failures were so epic that the thought of possibly a conspiracy starts to unfold.
I'm not saying it was a conspiracy, I'm saying there was plenty there. Thats all. As you said, it was epic. Too epic.
Right, just keep going with the fake strawman card because you think it gets you off the hook.

I suppose that if you're in denial over the fact that the left has been engaged in a 6-year mission to drive out Trump, why would you not be in denial over the suspicious events of last Saturday.
Just so I am clear on this, you don't believe the justice system was weaponized in order to target a political opponent, correct?

So coming home after an hour at the gym, I was listening to a sports talk guy who reflected on the events of Saturday. I don't know where he stands politically, but his thoughts were exactly like mine...that it was most likely gross negligence by the Secret Service rather than an inside job.
BUT being that people including himself can't wrap their heads around the fact as to how the negligence could possibly be that egregious, the government has a duty to make clear that it was not an inside job.

He went on to explain how for 10 minutes that kid was allowed to roam around, scope things out, eventually getting on the rooftop with a gun, and the subsequent calls from the people in the crowd warning the police about the guy on the roof...which was ignored.

Are you able to come down off your all-knowing liberal perch of superiority you think you're on and come around on this a little?

Dr. Flogstain von Cowfart:

Conspiracy Theory: The government had anything to do with the astonishingly - breathtakingly - horrible security given to Donald Trump where the government was in charge of that security, turned down requests by the Trump campaign for more security, and where that same government tried to frame Trump for collusion they knew did not happen, and has instituted multiple fraudulent criminal investigations based on made-up crimes.

Undeniable Fact: Joe Biden is competent though he cannot function after 4:00 p.m., rambles, mumbles, mutters, loses his place when READING a teleprompter, makes up bizarre stories, and babbled incoherently during the debate.

That's it. That is all you need to know about Flogstain von Cowfart and why he should be ignored.
Some school districts offer geometry and encourage critical thinking. Not the one you attended, eh?

Critical think this:

The briefing on Wednesday provided a detailed timeline of events:

5:10 p.m.: Crooks identified as a person of interest

・5:30 p.m.: Crooks observed with a rangefinder

5:52 p.m.: Crooks spotted on the rooftop by Secret Service

・6:02 p.m.: Trump takes the stage

6:12 p.m.: Crooks fires the first shots

From the time Crooks fired the first shot to the gunman being killed was just 26 seconds, according to law enforcement officials.

Eleven seconds after the first shot, Secret Service counter snipers acquired their target -- and 15 seconds after that, Crooks was shot dead, officials say.

But noooo, the thought of a possible conspiracy should never even be a thought.

Let me predict the findings from your critical thinking session...."It was an epic failure".
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Critical think this:

The briefing on Wednesday provided a detailed timeline of events:

5:10 p.m.: Crooks identified as a person of interest

・5:30 p.m.: Crooks observed with a rangefinder

5:52 p.m.: Crooks spotted on the rooftop by Secret Service

・6:02 p.m.: Trump takes the stage

6:12 p.m.: Crooks fires the first shots

From the time Crooks fired the first shot to the gunman being killed was just 26 seconds, according to law enforcement officials.

Eleven seconds after the first shot, Secret Service counter snipers acquired their target -- and 15 seconds after that, Crooks was shot dead, officials say.

But noooo, the thought of a possible conspiracy should never even be a thought.

Let me predict the findings from your critical thinking session...."It was an epic failure".
So they spotted him on the roof 20 minutes before he fired and did nothing? Can't imagine why anyone might think this is a conspiracy.

Regardless, it's a bad look for the country. This whole incident is a microcosm of the dumpster fire that is America in 2024.
So they spotted him on the roof 20 minutes before he fired and did nothing? Can't imagine why anyone might think this is a conspiracy.

Regardless, it's a bad look for the country. This whole incident is a microcosm of the dumpster fire that is America in 2024.
and knew he was on the grounds an hour prior.

nothing at all concerning about this. not one thing.

imo, Crooks was a patsy. he no doubt fired the rifle but its not hard to imagine there was a second shooter given how inept Crooks was. if you look on Google Earth at the layout, there's a building further back and away from behind where Crooks took one to the skull. if i were a conspiracy theorist, i'd entertain the idea that the "real" shooter would have been perched further back and would have fired the effective kill shot, but Crooks got nervous and "jumped the gun".

how else can anyone explain why this guy was a known threat and allowed to get on the grounds, case the building like he'd never seen it before, find a ladder, put the ladder up (or just climb the ladder "accidentally left by maintenance"), lug a rifle not only up those steps, but also from his car, through the entrance, across the grounds and then up the ladder, get situated and fire off that many rounds?

Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who is facing congressional outcry and calls to resign over security lapses leading to former President Donald Trump’s near-assassination Saturday, landed her role thanks largely to a close relationship with first lady Jill Biden, The Post has learned.

Cheatle, 53, is the second woman to lead the presidential protection agency and secured the non-Senate-confirmed role in August 2022 after a three-year stint as senior director of global security at PepsiCo. Before that, she had served 27 years in the Secret Service, beginning in the Clinton administration.

Four sources close to President Biden’s family, including people who interacted with Cheatle during the Obama-Biden administration, said she was well liked by the future first lady and her most senior aides, including top adviser Anthony Bernal.
and knew he was on the grounds an hour prior.

nothing at all concerning about this. not one thing.

imo, Crooks was a patsy. he no doubt fired the rifle but its not hard to imagine there was a second shooter given how inept Crooks was. if you look on Google Earth at the layout, there's a building further back and away from behind where Crooks took one to the skull. if i were a conspiracy theorist, i'd entertain the idea that the "real" shooter would have been perched further back and would have fired the effective kill shot, but Crooks got nervous and "jumped the gun".

how else can anyone explain why this guy was a known threat and allowed to get on the grounds, case the building like he'd never seen it before, find a ladder, put the ladder up (or just climb the ladder "accidentally left by maintenance"), lug a rifle not only up those steps, but also from his car, through the entrance, across the grounds and then up the ladder, get situated and fire off that many rounds?
I heard about them seeing him an hour before. On the news this morning, they said that the secret service lost him in the crowd, and he was re-acquired on the roof. Yet they let him lay there, WITH A RIFLE FOR 20 DAMN MINUTES? The whole thing is completely absurd. And even more absurd, no one has been fired or resigned. Just back to business as usual. I'm laughing, but only to keep from crying.
I heard about them seeing him an hour before. On the news this morning, they said that the secret service lost him in the crowd, and he was re-acquired on the roof. Yet they let him lay there, WITH A RIFLE AIMED AT THE FORMER PRESIDENT RUNNING FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT FOR 20 DAMN MINUTES? The whole thing is completely absurd. And even more absurd, no one has been fired or resigned. Just back to business as usual. I'm laughing, but only to keep from crying.
edited it for you.

imagine how quickly some dude would look like swiss cheese if they aimed at Barry.
Right, just keep going with the fake strawman card because you think it gets you off the hook.

I suppose that if you're in denial over the fact that the left has been engaged in a 6-year mission to drive out Trump, why would you not be in denial over the suspicious events of last Saturday.
Just so I am clear on this, you don't believe the justice system was weaponized in order to target a political opponent, correct?

So coming home after an hour at the gym, I was listening to a sports talk guy who reflected on the events of Saturday. I don't know where he stands politically, but his thoughts were exactly like mine...that it was most likely gross negligence by the Secret Service rather than an inside job.
BUT being that people including himself can't wrap their heads around the fact as to how the negligence could possibly be that egregious, the government has a duty to make clear that it was not an inside job.

He went on to explain how for 10 minutes that kid was allowed to roam around, scope things out, eventually getting on the rooftop with a gun, and the subsequent calls from the people in the crowd warning the police about the guy on the roof...which was ignored.

Are you able to come down off your all-knowing liberal perch of superiority you think you're on and come around on this a little?
You ignored my questions that point the the absurdity of the right wing conspiracies.

Gross negligence doesn’t point to a conspiracy. It points to gross negligence. You being more suspicious of it is no different than the people saying Trump staged it being suspicious of it.
You ignored my questions that point the the absurdity of the right wing conspiracies.

Gross negligence doesn’t point to a conspiracy. It points to gross negligence. You being more suspicious of it is no different than the people saying Trump staged it being suspicious of it.
Dipshiit Flogtard,
The gross negligence was caused by the Biden SS appointee.

Who has not been fired or otherwise held accountable for a near miss assassination of the guy Biden is running against.

Simple conspiracy to leave President Trump with less than necessary/competent protection.

This was demonstrated by denials of greater protection by Biden appointee for both Biden opponents Trump and Kennedy.

And proven by knee-jerk increases to both only after this botched attempt.