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Shots fired at Trump Rally

Glad your friend is safe.

Notice the crowd ducked for cover but didn’t panic or trample over each other?
I am not a supporter of Trump, but, I'm glad he's ok. Violence is not the answer to remove anyone.

Am I the only one who read and interpreted your last sentence to mean "the shooting COULD HAVE BEEN planned" by...yep, you guessed it - the Republicans. I'm not saying that it was but it did come to mind reading your 'orderly crowd' sentence...
Hang Mike Pence was different?
Yes, it was way different.

The implication with Pence was after de process of law and a finding of guilt of treason. But you know that. You are simply a piece of sheit.

FlogManBun if you spontaneously combusted and burned down to a pile of ashes, it would be a net gain for humanity.
I am not a supporter of Trump, but, I'm glad he's ok. Violence is not the answer to remove anyone.

Am I the only one who read and interpreted your last sentence to mean "the shooting COULD HAVE BEEN planned" by...yep, you guessed it - the Republicans. I'm not saying that it was but it did come to mind reading your 'orderly crowd' sentence...
I thought you were Republican. Guess not.
Lol i would have been here earlier, but ive been laughing my *** off on the democratic sites

The next time anyone ever ******* about loony right wing conspiracies, go to any liberal messageboard and look stuff up from this date...

Priceless hypocrisy 🤣
I like how the vast majority of the "news" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: outlets are reporting it as he was "injured" at the rally. They obviously want to make you think he tripped and fell or something. NO REPORTING as an assassination attempt.
I am not a supporter of Trump, but, I'm glad he's ok. Violence is not the answer to remove anyone.

Am I the only one who read and interpreted your last sentence to mean "the shooting COULD HAVE BEEN planned" by...yep, you guessed it - the Republicans. I'm not saying that it was but it did come to mind reading your 'orderly crowd' sentence...
Agreed. Violence is never a good answer but the left have been destroying communities for decades and often times hurting their own who try to do the right thing.

As for the orderly crowd. I think it was more shock and not planned by anyone per se.

Behind closed doors I think republicans and democrats work together to keep each other in power. The stuff they put on for camera is to keep us divided and keep us distracted and keep the system running as is. We suffer. They don’t.
I am not a supporter of Trump, but, I'm glad he's ok. Violence is not the answer to remove anyone.

Am I the only one who read and interpreted your last sentence to mean "the shooting COULD HAVE BEEN planned" by...yep, you guessed it - the Republicans. I'm not saying that it was but it did come to mind reading your 'orderly crowd' sentence...
Antifa guy and he's taking a permanent dirt nap now,BUT how did he get up on the building? People saw him and pointed it out to police and secret service, they did nothing until the shots fired.

I'd be more inclined to think the desperate left are behind this, because they know their candidate is a vegetable.
I am not a supporter of Trump, but, I'm glad he's ok. Violence is not the answer to remove anyone.

Am I the only one who read and interpreted your last sentence to mean "the shooting COULD HAVE BEEN planned" by...yep, you guessed it - the Republicans. I'm not saying that it was but it did come to mind reading your 'orderly crowd' sentence...
Yup..... that's the way... Spin it to make it that the republicans are the evil twisted party. Not the peace loving lefty lunatics. Keep spreading the message. Maga is the enemy, a threat to DeMoCrAcY. Get out there, Democrats and let's spin this so the world know it's the republicans that are violent and evil...
Lol i would have been here earlier, but ive been laughing my *** off on the democratic sites

The next time anyone ever ******* about loony right wing conspiracies, go to any liberal messageboard and look stuff up from this date...

Priceless hypocrisy 🤣
They’re violent. If you disagree with them and differ in opinion. They want you dead
Agreed. Violence is never a good answer but the left have been destroying communities for decades and often times hurting their own who try to do the right thing.

As for the orderly crowd. I think it was more shock and not planned by anyone per se.

Behind closed doors I think republicans and democrats work together to keep each other in power. The stuff they put on for camera is to keep us divided and keep us distracted and keep the system running as is. We suffer. They don’t.
That's western pa country folks. They're not cupcakes.