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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Yeah... an article on Salon, that bastion of liberal ideology, is going to be completely even in coverage.

I remember when the Dems were using the "Take back our country"....heck it was around 8 years ago...
Insulting someone says jack **** about your patriotism. Jailing him might, but saying that insulting him does so is beyond stupid.
apparently reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

And more apparent: perceiving reality isn't a strong suit of yours. You buy into every big lie they sell you, like a lap dog, just licking it all up. Duped patsy.
people are suggesting Colin leave the country since he apparently despises it. I suggest you do the ******* same, since you apparently despise it

Your level of thinking showcases a sophomoric, shallow thought pattern. I never said I despise the US, but I do despise what has become of her. She is now corrupt and controlled by globalist bankers INCLUDING our govt. and military. We now START Imperial wars based ALL ON LIES. The fact that this alludes you showcases how simplistic your ability to think actually is. The central bankers love duped patsies like you. It is people with such shallow, uncritical thinking that allows them to keep stealing from the American people. People like you make our founding fathers roll in their graves.

Why live here, like you said about Tampa, if you can live somewhere else that is so much better? May I suggest Venezuela? Or Argentina?

May I suggest a cold glass of shut the hell up?

I told you precisely the inspiration behind the penning of the national anthem. You chose to ignore it.

How does the "inspiration" of the song trump card what it actually means to how others perceive it? You level of thought is shamefully shallow.
You don't have to agree with the political or military events to RESPECT the people who make up the armed forces and follow their orders

Your making the assumption that standing for the song is showing respect for the troops. Who the **** came up with that interpretation. You have no right to determine what form respect of the troops comes in. You live in a ******* bubble.
Just so pieces of **** like you can compare this country to Nazi ******* Germany

I never made a wholesale comparison, I only said our Imperialistic invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afg. is very akin to Nazi Germany invading sovereign nations who posed them no threat. The fact you can't grasp this shows you low level of perception and thought.
I had people in my extended family who escaped Nazi ******* Germany. "escaped" being key. You don't have to "escape" this country. Leave.

and take Colin Kaepernick with you.

Make me, Internet tough guy. Your inability to apply critical thinking is an embarrassment.

I feel embarrassed for you.

Go punch in that time card.
Kareem nails it.

Abdul-Jabbar: Insulting Colin Kaepernick says more about our patriotism than his

I could probably waste a day ripping that article to shreds. Caught this instantly:

We should admire those who risk personal gain in the service of promoting the values of their country.

How about "future" personal gain there Kareem....but that would make your point less sensational.

This ******* already got his personal gain. He's a millionaire.
I wonder how "courageous" he would be as a third string rookie clinging to a roster spot being paid the NFL minimum.

I would love for the 49'er O linemen pretend be turnstiles should this scumbag get into a game.
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I wonder how "courageous" he would be as a third string rookie clinging to a roster spot being paid the NFL minimum.

That's where he's headed already. I wonder if this is the ol' Michael Sam move where you cast yourself as oppressed so that maybe the team doesn't cut you.
That's where he's headed already. I wonder if this is the ol' Michael Sam move where you cast yourself as oppressed so that maybe the team doesn't cut you.

I think Kappy boy's nfl career is done
I think Kappy boy's nfl career is done

If he was still a baller, the team wouldn't care what he said. It's why we tolerated Mendenhall's stupid comments about Bin Laden.
ha ha - him attacking Hillary will be his downfall!

“We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate,” he said, referring to the 15,000 emails Clinton “wiped” from her private, unsecured server she used during her tenure as secretary of State. “That doesn’t make sense to me.”

“If it was any other person, they’d be in prison,” he said.” So what is this country really standing for?”
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Well, well ... looks like some skirt gave Kapperdick the idea to be a brave anti national anthem douche:


Seems he admires some fine individuals too: Malcolm X, Black Panthers founder Huey Newton and cop killer Assata Shakur. What a ****. He could've made his point by a thousand other means, yet decides that the whole country is against him and all blacks. There are bad cops, and there are cops who will tell you there are bad cops, but don't blame the whole country for the actions of a few. Don't discount all the good that all the service members, cops, firemen, first responders, etc. do, that the Flag represents. The American dream can still be realized .... look at all the blacks in sports, entertainment, politics .... Obama, Ben Carson, Herman Cain ... I could go on and on. With his money, Kapperdink could start a foundation of some sort, with a law team of Johnny Cochran type lawyers and go after bad cops, etc. But no, he'd rather sit during the National Anthem. Maybe some high school can use him to coach their JV team.
people are suggesting Colin leave the country since he apparently despises it. I suggest you do the ******* same, since you apparently despise it. Why live here, like you said about Tampa, if you can live somewhere else that is so much better? May I suggest Venezuela? Or Argentina?

Well, to be fair Supe, he said the United States is no different than Nazi Germany, and we KNOW how much Nazi Germany protected dissidents and protesters. So his decision to remain makes perfect sense.

You don't have to agree with the political or military events to RESPECT the people who make up the armed forces and follow their orders. Just so pieces of **** like you can compare this country to Nazi ******* Germany. I had people in my extended family who escaped Nazi ******* Germany. "escaped" being key. You don't have to "escape" this country. Leave.

and take Colin Kaepernick with you.

But, but, but ... United States of Nazi. I mean, our nation has ovens to incinerate the remains of tens of millions the country killed, and a secret police designed to arrest and murder citizens by the hundreds of thousands. No, millions.

And just look at how POP is targeted because of his radical political views. I will bet that the United States' version of the SS is peeking inside his mom's basement as I type!!
The whole reason to protest is to gain attention for your cause.

Looks like Kap succeeded in that respect.
The whole reason to protest is to gain attention for your cause.

Looks like Kap succeeded in that respect.

His "cause" is misguided and nothing but liberal bullshit talking points. You know DAMN well he didn't think of all that on his own. He wants to talk oppression? Go to North Korea. THAT is oppression. People can't even take a damn **** without getting permission from Kim Jung Un (or whatever his name is).
The whole reason to protest is to gain attention for your cause.

Looks like Kap succeeded in that respect.

But he's still in trouble with his "religion"

Collin Cowherd:

Nobody's interested in Colin Kaepernick. The Niners are barely interested because they don't have a backup quarterback. His career is over

Chargers to Greet Colin Kaepernick with a ‘Salute to the Military’ on Thursday Night

Colin Kaepernick’s first time on the field since sitting for the national anthem comes in the NFL’s #1 military town on a night dubbed a “Salute to the Military.”

The optics promise a startling contrast if nothing else. As one African American in red, white, and gold sits during the song another, Petty Officer 1st Class Steven Powell, in dress whites sings it. A color guard representing the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines and 240 soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines holding a massive “super flag” on the field aid the visual aspect of the performance of “The Star Spangled Banner” at Quaalcom Stadium in San Diego.


Awesome! I want to see that. I hope it makes Kaeperdick cry.

San Diego means a whale's vagina.
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So Kaepernick wears a Malcolm X hat and a Castro shirt? Not exactly two guys who align. What does he know about Castro?

Is Kaepernick for the government seizing the wealth of the citizens, killing or jailing opposition against with the military, and for communism?
Veterans everywhere are standing with Colin Kaepernick in a powerful show of support

Veterans everywhere are speaking out in support of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s decision to not stand for the national anthem.

Kaepernick first refused to stand for the national anthem during a preseason NFL game against the Green Bay Packers. After the game, he told reporters that he refused to “stand to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people,” saying police officers were “getting away with murder.” Some conservative fans responded by burning Kaepernick’s jersey, and his actions have made him the target of racist commentators.

However, Kaepernick’s refusal to respect the national anthem has garnered the respect of military veterans everywhere. The hashtag #VeteransforKaepernick has gone viral on Twitter, featuring both active duty and honorably discharged veterans showing solidarity with the NFL quarterback despite his controversial stance. Twitter user @Baltic_Avenue posted a picture of him in Afghanistan, holding a rifle, saying, “I didn’t volunteer to defend a country where police brutality is swept under the rug.”

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#VeteransForKaepernick because I didn't volunteer to defend a country where police brutality is swept under the rug. pic.twitter.com/LtBkTvHHAn
— Baltic Avenue (@Baltic_Avenue) August 31, 2016
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Other veterans expressed an outpouring of solidarity, tweeting pictures of themselves in military uniforms, serving overseas, and giving public speeches, denouncing Kaepernick’s critics as fascists and racists, acknowledging everyone’s right to free speech.

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Don't thank us. We don't need thanks. Join us. Everyone should be speaking out on this. Fascism is not welcome here.#VeteransForKaepernick
— Charles Clymer (@cmclymer) August 31, 2016
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VeteransForKaepernick?src=hash">#VeteransForKaepernick</a> Because we're actually not all self-centered racists. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <a href="https://t.co/VHnW5Pbxav">pic.twitter.com/VHnW5Pbxav</a></p>— Ed Beck (@DEdwardBeck) <a href="https://twitter.com/DEdwardBeck/status/770814223794446337">August 31, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I serve to protect your freedoms, not a song <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VeteransForKaepernick?src=hash">#VeteransForKaepernick</a> <a href="https://t.co/HcCkMsVMOh">pic.twitter.com/HcCkMsVMOh</a></p>— Marco (@BasedMarcoM) <a href="https://twitter.com/BasedMarcoM/status/770814355642331136">August 31, 2016</a></blockquote>
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