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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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No, my list is 100% accurate and supported by polling data ... fuckwad.

And as to your sniveling drivel - I guess that those issues are probably just a tick behind the fact you believe that this nation is no better than the GODDAMN NAZIS.


So go **** yourself.

With a barb-wire wrapped cactus.

LMAO. Tell me how you really feel.
Kaeperdicks using a national stage to further advance a lie... this myth of so called "oppression" is what is most disturbing to me,

Had he sat in protest because of true inequality in America when he said ..."had we done what Hillary did, we'd be in jail" ...I would still be vehemently opposed to him sitting, yet be more tolerant because at least his beef is legitimate,

I wonder what the reaction of liberal scum would be if that happened.
I shall call you Abu Burgundy or would you prefer Ron Snackbar?

Don't worry about it, I can't give up bacon and baby back ribs.
True Dat.

Or Cheeseburgers. No mixing meat and dairy remember.

I thought that was only the Jooz. Muzzies do that too?
Ate up with hate - nah it's not political, everybody wears cops as pigs uniform attire

Kaepernick's Practice Socks: Pig With A Cop's Hat



I think some San Fran cops should break into his house one night and have a blanket party.
I think some San Fran cops should break into his house one night and have a blanket party.

POP doesnt live in San Francisco.

oh.... Kaepernick. my bad. I confused the two *********.Which, POP knows his *********.
the veterans speaking out saying it's not a big deal is almost expected. kaepernick is expressing his first amendment rights, of which our soldiers and armed forces defend his right to do just that.

the hypocrisy is that he's disrespecting them in the process.

Says ******* who? You? Well, that's a bastion of credibility if I ever heard one. So he didn't stand up; that in no way disrespects the troops. As a matter of fact, the troops have spoken out loudly: They support Kap's decision to not stand.

If the troops are OK with it, so should you be. Oh, but we are not talking about a person who has the ability to apply critical thinking; I almost forgot. Never mind. Proceed with your low-level ability to think. What was long and hard on Superman? Third grade.
There's a difference between supporting his right NOT to stand and supporting his reasoning behind it. I think we all can agree he has the right NOT to stand. But the logic he's using is flawed. THAT is where the disagreement is.
Says ******* who? You? Well, that's a bastion of credibility if I ever heard one. So he didn't stand up; that in no way disrespects the troops. As a matter of fact, the troops have spoken out loudly: They support Kap's decision to not stand.

If the troops are OK with it, so should you be. Oh, but we are not talking about a person who has the ability to apply critical thinking; I almost forgot. Never mind. Proceed with your low-level ability to think. What was long and hard on Superman? Third grade.

Says me. I am a combat veteran and I support his right to speak and protest but etiquette and common decency say you don't protest during the rendering of honors to the Nation and the Flag.
Says me. I am a combat veteran and I support his right to speak and protest but etiquette and common decency say you don't protest during the rendering of honors to the Nation and the Flag.

OK, that's purely your opinion. You feel not standing during the anthem is disrespectful to troops. That in no way makes it a fact. All you are is ONE guy who was in the military. Do you think that alone makes you the authority to what not standing during the anthem means?

So, you are somehow the end-all authority on that?

I bet anything that if I hung up the flag upside down it was also disrespectful to the troops, but that wouldn't be accurate, even though you would claim that. In reality, me doing so would be sending a distress call that our nation is in deep trouble, and it is. It would have no reflection to my respect, or lack there of, to any of our troops, whatsoever.
Says the douche who has an inferiority complex so badly that he has to attack people about where they live.

Oh, you live in Indy? Never mind.

By the way, I never delve into personal attack unless someone starts them first.

Doing so is supposedly breaking board rules, but, I am not sure they are enforced.
There's a difference between supporting his right NOT to stand and supporting his reasoning behind it. I think we all can agree he has the right NOT to stand. But the logic he's using is flawed. THAT is where the disagreement is.

OK, fair enough. Let's see what he stated about it.
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

So, what problem do you have with what he has an issue with?

1.) This country certainly has oppressed black people. I mean, you don't get more oppressed than putting people in chains and whipping them. But that's not going on now, you counter? It is not, but there are other forms of oppression still going on towards black people. Maybe you don't see it around you, but I do.

2.) There are "bodies in the street." Just in Jacksonville alone, I can't even keep up with how many unarmed black men are killed by cops every year.

3.) It is very rare for the cops who shoot and kill blacks to face any punishment whatsoever. Most actually keep their jobs, let alone not get charged with a crime.

I am sorry. I don't find much to condemn about his position. Tell me what your problem is with it. Unarmed black men are killed by cops 500% more often than unarmed white men.


Tell me, what has he stated that is improper or not accurate. I eagerly await your detailed response.
Funny that the league won't do anything to Kap but they will fine DeAngelo Williams for wearing pink shoes when it's not breast cancer month.
Funny that the league won't do anything to Kap but they will fine DeAngelo Williams for wearing pink shoes when it's not breast cancer month.

And they won't let the Cowgirls honor the Dallas cops who were executed in cold blood by thugs with a small sticker on their helmets.
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Did Bens contract say he couldn't get a blow job in the bathroom of a bar? NO but he still got suspended for tarnishing the shield. This is exactly what that piece of **** is doing, bringing negative attention to the shield. suspend the ******. I would bet you any amout that if he was threatened to lose a few game checks his ***** *** would not only stand but he would sing the words.

BTW, I am native American so I feel comfortable saying you have no ******* clue as to what my people think.

Oh, I don't do I? Are you going to contend that since I am not Japanese that I can't have any ******* clue to how they feel about atom bombs being dropped on them? What a bizarre model of thought.


After millions of Native Americans were slaughtered are you going to tell me Native Americans view the white men settlers with a warm and fuzzy feeling? Is that your contention?
Kaepernick's Practice Socks

Colin Kaepernick Just Responded to the Outrage Over His Controversial Socks

“I wore these socks, in the past, because the rogue cops that are allowed to hold positions in police departments, not only put the community in danger, but also put the cops that have the right intentions in danger by creating an environment of tension and mistrust. I have two uncles and friends who are police officers and work to protect and serve ALL people. So before these socks, which were worn before I took my public stance, are used to distract from the real issues, I wanted to address this immediately.”
More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks.

That's because there are far more whites and hispanics than there are blacks. A much higher % of blacks are killed by cops than whites. Compare apples to apples.

Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers.

Not sure what that proves.

I like this on: A officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black than a cop killing an unarmed black person.

I should hope so.

FACT: Cops are quick to shoot and kill black men, often times when they are not even armed or posing dangers. None of your tap dancing refutes that fact.


Today something VERY special happened that won't get told unless you share this. Colin Kaepernick had a private meeting with Nate Boyer - the Army Green Beret and former standout football player. They both respect each other a great deal.

Colin invited Nate down to the game in San Diego so they could have an open dialogue about America, injustice, the military, the Star Spangled Banner, and so much more. They met for a good 90 minutes and talked about what a compromise would look like for Colin.

This is where Colin agreed to take a knee during the National Anthem. Colin has always loved and respected the men and women who serve.

Nate said, "We talked about change a lot and how to get positive change to happen. We talked about issues that are taking place in this country and how to prompt change but I also reminded Colin of the great freedoms and luxuries we have in America."

Tonight, Nate stood with Colin and the 49ers as their special guests before the game.