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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Actually most of the stuff coming out of Trumps mouth, sounds like complaining.
the veterans speaking out saying it's not a big deal is almost expected. kaepernick is expressing his first amendment rights, of which our soldiers and armed forces defend his right to do just that.

the hypocrisy is that he's disrespecting them in the process.
not "sounds like"


IS complete horseshit.
I do, however, find it refreshing that tibs and 21 and our other left-leaning wallflowers agree with Kaepernick's opinion.
Not so much his stance.
Don't listen to Tibs' horseshit. This has NOTHING to do with freedom of speech. This was a political statement. Period. He owns it.

Kaepernick converted to ISLAM and he got engaged to Black Lives Matter activist and hip-hop radio DJ Nessa Diab this offseason.

I do, however, find it refreshing that tibs and 21 and our other left-leaning wallflowers agree with Kaepernick's opinion.
Not so much his stance.

In any issue, Liberals can always be counted on to side with 1) whoever is against America and 2) whoever the darker skinned people are.
I'm glad he has his supporters as well as detractors --- it shouldn't be so one sided as everyone against him.
He's allowed to think and say whatever. Most of the country doesn't agree with his position. But it does create another "wave" the media loves to promote, exaggerate and divide the nation for their ever precious rating and internet hits.

Kaepernick got ***** whipped. It's plain and simple. He didn't give a **** about this stuff throughout his entire life. He meets a smart, manipulative, politicized, religiously radical woman who probably gives him a good blow job and now he's the next Muhammad Ali.

The woman is the scary one. She's pretty far out there on her religious and political views hiding behind a now "accepted" Black Lives Matter movement and a religion that I still find hard to fathom so many liberals seem to defend (when it is 10 times more "right" than the Christian Coalition). Kaep is just a puppet of love who is blind to what is truly best for him, his brand and his career. So he's flushing it all away (what was left of it) over a woman. Don't think for a second she isn't encouraging this whole thing from the beginning (and still is).

Good for him. Young love is a wonderful thing.
Kaepernick got ***** whipped. It's plain and simple. He didn't give a **** about this stuff throughout his entire life. He meets a smart, manipulative, politicized, religiously radical woman who probably gives him a good blow job and now he's the next Muhammad Ali.

If she's Muslim she has to give him sex whenever he wants it. Mohammed said so.
So Kaepernick wears a Malcolm X hat and a Castro shirt? Not exactly two guys who align. What does he know about Castro?

Is Kaepernick for the government seizing the wealth of the citizens, killing or jailing opposition against with the military, and for communism?

I can't say I want to live in a country run like Castro's Cuba. But the main reason he is vilified so much is he kicked out the good ole boys network of corrupt corporations. And he did supply top shelf healthcare for all the people, not a system like our horse ****, corrupt cauldron of thieves that run our healthcare, which is 100% based on ripping us off, rather than trying to make us truly healthy. We don't have healthcare, we have sickcare. We spend more $ than any nation of earth for our healthcare, yet are like 28th when it comes to our true health in the world. If you (plural) can't figure out there is something insanely wrong with those stats, I don't know what to say.
And he can beat her. And marry other women too. And if their kid is a **** he can throw it off a roof.

Dang, I might have to convert myself.
He's allowed to think and say whatever. Most of the country doesn't agree with his position.

To be honest, if your position does not agree with the majority of the US population, you are more likely on the right path than not. The "majority" of US citizens thought it was a good decision to invade Iraq and Afg., now it is pretty clear that those wars were sold on all lies for hidden agendas of corporate greed, and had nothing to do with making America safer whatsoever. The whole things was a sham, but most Americans didn't see through it. Most Americans don't realize elections are mostly shams, and we are not given real choices when it comes to our governing. And there is NO WAY Hilary has the support to win a legit election, but wait an see, she will win regardless because that is what the globalist bankers want. They run American.

But it does create another "wave" the media loves to promote, exaggerate and divide the nation for their ever precious rating and internet hits.

Well, you are right there: There is a constant effort to divide the people. If we are at each other's throats, we won't put our collective attention of the big picture: the constant abuse of the people at the benefit of the world's largest bankers.
Kaepernick got ***** whipped. It's plain and simple. He didn't give a **** about this stuff throughout his entire life. He meets a smart, manipulative, politicized, religiously radical woman who probably gives him a good blow job and now he's the next Muhammad Ali.

Well, don't be so sure he didn't do some waking up on his own, perhaps with her help. I too was a clueless, sheltered Republican when I lived in PA. I didn't start waking up until after turning 30. Kap is ahead of schedule in terms of seeing the truth. Sometime after 30 I realized the bull **** we were being told every day in the mainstream media and by our govt.. No, I didn't turn Muslim, and never will (because that religion is total bull **** as are most), but seeing the insane lies and bullshit to pursue endless wars becomes apparent when you wake the **** up.

The woman is the scary one. She's pretty far out there on her religious and political views hiding behind a now "accepted" Black Lives Matter movement and a religion that I still find hard to fathom so many liberals seem to defend (when it is 10 times more "right" than the Christian Coalition). Kaep is just a puppet of love who is blind to what is truly best for him, his brand and his career. So he's flushing it all away (what was left of it) over a woman. Don't think for a second she isn't encouraging this whole thing from the beginning (and still is).

Good for him. Young love is a wonderful thing.

I won't pretend to know what role she is playing in all of this. I simply do not know. And Kap not standing may have nothing to do with disrespecting our troops; I doubt that was his intention. Who he is not respecting are the ******** who keep creating unneeded wars based on Imperialistic goals and sold on all lies. As if invading and occupying Iraq and Afg. had one damn thing to do with making us safer or keeping us free. That is a heaping pile of stinking **** and if you REALLY cared about the troops, you would speak out against such wars, not allow our good men and women to lose their lives, limbs, health or brains over the greed of rats and snakes, who our govt. serves over the American people.
I think Kappy boy's nfl career is done

It may have been regardless. But, had he not done this, some team would sign him for at least this season, one would think. At least one more season.
To be honest, if your position does not agree with the majority of the US population, you are more likely on the right path than not.

The majority of Americans:

  • Value privacy in their personal lives.
  • Value hard work.
  • Respect religious freedom.
  • Value freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
  • Support gay marriage.
  • Support civil rights.
  • Support voting rights.
  • Support taking care of those who cannot care for themselves.
  • Oppose religious persecution.
  • Oppose a mandatory, state-run religion.
  • Support a republican form of government.

So they're wrong??
Veterans everywhere are standing with Colin Kaepernick in a powerful show of support

LOl , Veterans everywhere? Not that it matters but they looked like active duty, not veterans. Stupid libfucks cant even get the headline correct.

You posted a link to where everyone but one was black...you know there are some military personnel that will vote for Hillary too right? No doubt these same ones.
Nice try there Tibs.
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The majority of Americans:

  • Value privacy in their personal lives. - But don't fight for these rights, as the govt. spies on every single element there is.
  • Value hard work. - With 50 % of the entire population getting some form of a govt hand out...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • Respect religious freedom. - With virtually every religion teaching that their religion alone has the only legit God.
  • Value freedom of speech and freedom of expression. - But allow the govt. to set up "free speech zones" to disallow free speech.
  • Support gay marriage. - The majority does?
  • Support civil rights. - Most don't even know what civil rights ever are.
  • Support voting rights. - and voter fraud.
  • Support taking care of those who cannot care for themselves. - with Republicans block aiding every social aid they possibly can.
  • Oppose religious persecution.
  • Oppose a mandatory, state-run religion. - OK, that's been the bulwark of this country since its inception.
  • Support a republican form of government. - But are not getting a republican form of govt and are too dumb to know it.

So they're wrong??

Now, your list is.

Let's add to the majority views here.

- Think it's OK to allow themselves to become obese.
- Are all good with govt. hand outs.
- Are cool with launching Imperialistic wars that have nothing to do with keeping anyone safe or secure.
- Don't feel the need to care about our country's involvement in growing poppy fields and being the world's #1 provider of heroin.
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No, your list is.

Let's add to the majority views here.

- Think it's OK to allow themselves to become obese.
- Are all good with govt. hand outs.
- Are cool with launching Imperialistic wars that have nothing to do with keeping anyone safe or secure.
- Don't feel the need to care about our country's involvement in growing poppy fields and being the world's #1 provider of heroin.

No, my list is 100% accurate and supported by polling data ... fuckwad.

And as to your sniveling drivel - I guess that those issues are probably just a tick behind the fact you believe that this nation is no better than the GODDAMN NAZIS.


So go **** yourself.

With a barb-wire wrapped cactus.
No, your list is.

Let's add to the majority views here.

- Think it's OK to allow themselves to become obese.
- Are all good with govt. hand outs.
- Are cool with launching Imperialistic wars that have nothing to do with keeping anyone safe or secure.
- Don't feel the need to care about our country's involvement in growing poppy fields and being the world's #1 provider of heroin.

Same ****. Different day.
As long as those rules do not diss his constitutional rights. Does his contract specify that he has to stand for the national anthem?

No? Then he doesn't have to.

Our OWN "First Lady" has stated that this country embarrasses her. But you want to kill this brother for just choosing to not stand during the anthem? How on earth can that jive?

Did Bens contract say he couldn't get a blow job in the bathroom of a bar? NO but he still got suspended for tarnishing the shield. This is exactly what that piece of **** is doing, bringing negative attention to the shield. suspend the ******. I would bet you any amout that if he was threatened to lose a few game checks his ***** *** would not only stand but he would sing the words.

BTW, I am native American so I feel comfortable saying you have no ******* clue as to what my people think.