Wow. Good read.
Pennsylvania: Compelling Evidence Shows Blue Counties Scored Grants In 2020 Election
Compelling and factually sourced testimony shows election integrity compromised in Pennsylvania's 2020 election.
Compelling and factually sourced testimony in Pennsylvania from investigative reporter Todd Shepherd on April 5 in front of the Pennsylvania State Government Affairs Committee seems to have provided the state legislature with the evidence needed to pass two important election integrity bills, one concerning allegedly “politically biased”
private grants to fund election administration and the other to
prevent drop boxes from being used in future elections in the state. Shepherd reports for
Broad + Liberty and has won numerous awards for his journalism. His full presentation is captured below:
Shepherd Investigation: Web of Activists Influenced the PA Election
Shepherd’s investigation reveals that the
Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) grants and the
Center for Secure and Modern Elections (CSME) played a significant role in the state’s elections at the county level. While he refrained from declaring that the election was “
somehow stolen from Donald Trump,” he made it crystal clear that the Get Out The Vote (GOTV) effort in the election did not serve all Pennsylvania counties and/or voters equally, a violation of equal protection clause. Instead, the GOTV efforts seem to have consistently served “select county
election offices,” a pattern of behavior that has now been proven in multiple states. His reporting was informed by “on-the-record responses from elected officials…about a dozen right-to-know law requests” and emails.
Shepherd’s opening statement summarizes the scheme well.
“’Get out the vote’” efforts are as old as American elections and are a natural part of our political DNA,” said Shepherd.
“However, what we’re examining today is if these election grants were really running a GOTV effort by coordinating with select county election offices, running GOTV efforts by using private money given to some election offices but not all — and that’s a completely different animal.”
“The grants awarded were heavily biased towards Democratic-voting counties; that agents of the Governor’s office and Secretary of State’s office appeared to have had a hand in creating that imbalance; that paid political consultants with partisan interests became involved, raising considerable ethical questions; and that some government actors involved with these grants knew about some of the political bias involved, but did not care, or — in one instance I will show you — told the public something very different than what they were saying behind closed doors.”
“But another player, the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, plays a significant role.”
With PowerPoint slides, Shepherd’s 26-minute presentation demonstrates what is now becoming widely known in many states, not just Pennsylvania. In the case of Pennsylvania, as per Shepherd, left-leaning organizations “coordinated with local election officials and Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf’s office to lobby five
blue counties to apply for these private grants,” as was also
reported by The Federalist journalist Margot Cleveland.
Shepherd says he found “a tremendous amount of circumstantial evidence” to indicate that grants went overwhelmingly to blue counties. Not only that, CTCL and CSME relied on “other actors—such as paid political consultants and nonprofits” to do their dirty work. He discusses numerous organizations, consultants, and strategists who worked “to help win this swing state,” quoting
Kevin Mack, Lead Strategist for
The Voter Project.....