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Steelers VS Buffalo game thread# go Kenny!

It ain't our day, gentlemen.
Let's hope Kenny isn't destroyed before he learns the game a bit better.

Next season, he may be alright as long as Tomlin doesn't continually put him in no-hope situations.
we have the core of a very good team. things just need to gel. get TJ back etc
It ain’t our day at all.

That said. The Bills do not bother me. **** them today, but they are my choice to rep the afc so as long as we’re out of contention
I’m just found to put this out there… Trubisky wasn’t the problem.
All you guys putting this type of theme out here. He certainly wasn’t the answer. And yes I know Canada and all that.
But if you can’t see that KP is head and shoulders above Mitch,well,I just don’t know what else to say. I mean,seriously.
we have the core of a very good team. things just need to gel. get TJ back etc
I was worried most about the line, but it is certainly not our biggest issue now. I thought it was a lock to spend a first on the oline, but now might have to go defense
Spot on. He needs to go if only to show the rest of the team that this kind of mediocrity is NOT tolerated in PIT. This is what happens when you are so wrapped up in keeping a streak alive of non losing seasons that you wont bite the bullet and clean house, gather some draft picks and get some talent in there. Other teams do it. Its the way organizations operate these days, but we are locked in the 70s where the front office and ownership thinks they are so much smarter then everyone else and can draft their way out of this by drafting 19th-22nd. It aint happenin
You must be a glass half full guy if you call this mediocrity 🤣
I think we have a nickname for Dionte now. Dionte "Drive Killer" Johnson.
Feast or famine with him. Either a spectacular catch or missing a routine one or fumbling as he tries to juke and dance after the catch. He makes such incredible catches sometimes, it is unbelievable how he misses just normal routine balls thrown right to his hands.

Pickens has a chance to be very special. I think he has the mental toughness to do it as well. Claypool has all the gifts, all the talent in the world, but he is soft. Cannot make the combat catch.
Good thing the defense had a long halftime rest and a long drive by Pickett.
Good news, bad news. Bad news first: this team hasn’t got it, on either side of the ball. Good news now: we don’t have to worry about anyone stealing our coaches. Maybe the good news is actually bad.
No, all bad plays were on Mitch when he was playing. DJ only started underperforming once Pickett took over
Meh Tomlin wont fire Canada because the scapegoat pool is getting too shallow and ex players are starting to throw shade on his staff more and more these days so he is probably getting uncomfortable
Our #1,WR cannot catch the ball and our #1 RB cannot break a tackle.

Our 2022 Steelers in a nutshell
To defend DJ a bit, a lot of his plays are tough catches by design of the offense. So many contested throws and plays where he has to concentrate on tapping the toes on throws to the sideline. He should be running tons of slants and drags because he does get good separation and is good after the catch. Call plays to get him the ball in space.