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Steelers will not stand today

Feel ashamed of steelers today

Well our army ranger stood alone in the tunnel.

I sure some were against him for doing it on the Steelers and others for it.

Way to divide a team Tomlin.

I've seen a 5-11 season. This is the worst I feel about being a fan of the Steelers

Hopefully it will never happen again.
Well our army ranger stood alone in the tunnel.

I sure some were against him for doing it on the Steelers and others for it.

Way to divide a team Tomlin.

I've seen a 5-11 season. This is the worst I feel about being a fan of the Steelers

Hopefully it will never happen again.

**** off you arent sure about ****.
The only agenda should be for winning

thats why they play the ******* sport.
I've been a lurker on the various incarnations of this board for over 10 years. I usually stay quiet and am content with reading others' analysis and opinions on the team. There is fantastic breadth of knowledge on this board about our beloved Steelers and football in general. As a military vet, I feel compelled to chime into this discussion.

This hearkens back to the uproar in 2003 with the Dixie chicks speaking out against President Bush. Now, mind you I cannot stand their music (Heavy Metal FTW!) but I supported their expression of freedom of speech. Here in deep red Missouri, I was branded a "traitor to our great nation" for supporting their right as Americans to speak how they felt in a public forum. So these "patriots", many of whom never served their country, were bashing those who didn't agree with the president by exercising their free speech and branding them traitors. I, who served our great nation for 8 years was the traitor here. It was ugly.

For over 200 years our military has fought, bled and died to protect the American way of life. We did this so we all could enjoy the freedoms we hold so dear. Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Religion. Right to Assembly. We may not agree with every stance taken, but we damn sure defend the right to express it. The current wave of false patriotism seeking to silence and stifle any and all freedom of expression that they do not agree with goes against the very tenets our country was founded on and we have fought to protect.

Americans whether they be athletes, musicians or your average citizen using these freedoms are not disrespecting to our military. It shows that these freedoms we hold dear are alive and well and that our sacrifices to protect them were not in vain.

Which side is trying to silence speech?

Trump speaks out against the protests and he's called racist and divisive. Players kneel for anthem and laughably say it's about inclusion. If you disagree public;y, see what happens.
Instead of focusing on winning to put the team in position at the end of the year not to be a 5th or 6th seed...... hey they at least stood together in the locker room!. With that **** show on the field they should have stayed there.
I've been a lurker on the various incarnations of this board for over 10 years. I usually stay quiet and am content with reading others' analysis and opinions on the team. There is fantastic breadth of knowledge on this board about our beloved Steelers and football in general. As a military vet, I feel compelled to chime into this discussion.

This hearkens back to the uproar in 2003 with the Dixie chicks speaking out against President Bush. Now, mind you I cannot stand their music (Heavy Metal FTW!) but I supported their expression of freedom of speech. Here in deep red Missouri, I was branded a "traitor to our great nation" for supporting their right as Americans to speak how they felt in a public forum. So these "patriots", many of whom never served their country, were bashing those who didn't agree with the president by exercising their free speech and branding them traitors. I, who served our great nation for 8 years was the traitor here. It was ugly.

For over 200 years our military has fought, bled and died to protect the American way of life. We did this so we all could enjoy the freedoms we hold so dear. Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Religion. Right to Assembly. We may not agree with every stance taken, but we damn sure defend the right to express it. The current wave of false patriotism seeking to silence and stifle any and all freedom of expression that they do not agree with goes against the very tenets our country was founded on and we have fought to protect.

Americans whether they be athletes, musicians or your average citizen using these freedoms are not disrespecting to our military. It shows that these freedoms we hold dear are alive and well and that our sacrifices to protect them were not in vain.

My brother is a 20 yr plus vet. Was in a couple of wars. He has zero issue on the kneeling. While it isn't something he would do he believes it their right to do it.

Oh....thanks for your service.
Someone really ought to merge these threads....
Americans whether they be athletes, musicians or your average citizen using these freedoms are not disrespecting to our military. It shows that these freedoms we hold dear are alive and well and that our sacrifices to protect them were not in vain.

Thank you for your service. If these protesters really appreciated the freedoms that this country affords them, they would protest any time other than the 90 seconds of the national anthem when we show our appreciation for those freedoms. They so,ply use it for their own soapbox.
I have no ******* idea what they are protesting and I don't think they do either. Tibs seems to know but won't tell me.
I can't seem to come up with a clear feeling on what they chose to do today. In one sense, I can agree with Tomlin that it's not fair to make players publicly choose between disrespecting their country and disrespecting their teammates.

I love this country but one of the things I love about it is that we do not force people to love it. Forced patriotism isn't really patriotism, and the ability to protest and even for someone to be allowed to say they hate this country and everything it stands for is part of what makes this country great. It's noise to me and I'll always respect the flag and our armed forces and our law enforcement officers, no one can change my mind on that. But I respect people's rights to have another opinion, or to want certain things that are going on in this country to change. That doesn't offend me.

No, you don't have to love this country to be free to live here. If you did, it would be North Korea.

That said, also doesn't mean others including NFL owners and fans have to like and support your opinion. You don't have some kind of right to other people's approval.

So I'm kind of at a loss as to where exactly I stand on all of this (except for things like the pig socks which I find totally unacceptable). Protest things that happen, fine. Don't lump all police officers together based on the actions of a few. That's no better than being a racist.

I choked up a bit seeing Villanueva go out alone and show his love for this country without caring about what his teammates, coaches or anyone else might think. That's real patriotism. If someone doesn't feel that, I'd rather they not fake it.
Two things, Bus.

One: AV cares about what his teammates think. He's said as much. He cares about them and their issues. But he also has Army teammates to think about.

Two: idolizing the flag is not patriotism. It's nationalism. Idolizing what the flag stands for, is patriotism. And protesting injustice is ABSOLUTELY what the flag stands for. Activism and patriotism are not mutually exclusive.
Idolizing and paying respect are two different things. Be an activist any time other than during the national anthem.
When it comes to the anthem Tomlin should have told the team we stand to honor America and the men & women who served and many who made the Ultimate Sacrifice so we can play this game today. That flag and those who served in why we stand and they are bigger than our dumb *** POTUS so THAT IS WHY WE WILL ALL STAND TOGETHER FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM!

Two things, Bus.

One: AV cares about what his teammates think. He's said as much. He cares about them and their issues. But he also has Army teammates to think about.

Two: idolizing the flag is not patriotism. It's nationalism. Idolizing what the flag stands for, is patriotism. And protesting injustice is ABSOLUTELY what the flag stands for. Activism and patriotism are not mutually exclusive.

Yeah, he cares about both but you seem to be dismissing that maybe he just loves this country. You can't seem to grasp that some people really feel that way.

And please, tell someone who has the flag that draped their father's, son's or husband's coffin that that flag does not represent patriotism. It's not idolatry. It's a symbol of the country they love and sacrificed everything for. You don't see it that way, fine. Why are we supposed to be sensitive to you (and Kaepernick) but not to them? Sensitivity and open mindedness goes both ways. Or at least it used to.
I have no ******* idea what they are protesting and I don't think they do either. Tibs seems to know but won't tell me.

Fine by me that you choose to play dumb. Initially, Kaepernick and a few others quietly, peacefully and respectfully protested against police overreaches against minorities. Today, it seems 1,000% more players joined ranks to protest Donald Trump's divisive, hateful speech against players - such as Kaepernick - protesting, calling such players sons of ******* and saying they should be fired. He did this at a rally yesterday. It was viewed as an attack against NFL players at large, but in particular against minority players. This happened at the same time Trump went after Stephen Curry and the Warriors as well. Thus what you saw out there today was a backlash against the President. Simple as that.
I have no ******* idea what they are protesting and I don't think they do either. Tibs seems to know but won't tell me.

Tibs gets paid to stir up **** and slander Trump. He doesn't need to explain anything but what he gets paid to explain by Uncle George.

My take on the problem is that certain blacks are demanding respect without having to earn it and some other people who are afraid of being called a racist are lining up to give them anything they want just so they look like they care.

You don't get respect by foul mouthing people, chucking bricks at police or burning buildings. Most of society knows how to comport themselves in public but some think they deserve to make the rules to suit their skin color.

Showing disrespect for our flag and the National Anthem would be grounds for excommunication in the Country's that these lefty's idolize. Why we tolerate it, i have no idea. They sure as hell wouldn't have tolerated such behavior in my career but then the spotlighted offenders have never really held a real job have they ?
Fine by me that you choose to play dumb. Initially, Kaepernick and a few others quietly, peacefully and respectfully protested against police overreaches against minorities. Today, it seems 1,000% more players joined ranks to protest Donald Trump's divisive, hateful speech against players - such as Kaepernick - protesting, calling such players sons of ******* and saying they should be fired. He did this at a rally yesterday. It was viewed as an attack against NFL players at large, but in particular against minority players. This happened at the same time Trump went after Stephen Curry and the Warriors as well. Thus what you saw out there today was a backlash against the President. Simple as that.

Curry made it clear he wanted no parts of visiting the White House, so Trump disinvited him. How is that "going after" Curry? Quite the victim narrative you've got going there.
Fine by me that you choose to play dumb. Initially, Kaepernick and a few others quietly, peacefully and respectfully protested against police overreaches against minorities. Today, it seems 1,000% more players joined ranks to protest Donald Trump's divisive, hateful speech against players - such as Kaepernick - protesting, calling such players sons of ******* and saying they should be fired. He did this at a rally yesterday. It was viewed as an attack against NFL players at large, but in particular against minority players. This happened at the same time Trump went after Stephen Curry and the Warriors as well. Thus what you saw out there today was a backlash against the President. Simple as that.

If you think protesting during the national anthem is respectful then we will just have to disagree. Trump has first amendment rights just like any other American whether he is tactful about it or not.
What are these protesters doing to try to change things? Seems to me that they just want some attention on the national stage, but want everyone else to do the heavy lifting of making change.
Tibs gets paid to stir up **** and slander Trump. He doesn't need to explain anything but what he gets paid to explain by Uncle George.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/LPHXLKEOZw6T6" width="480" height="366" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/crazy-LPHXLKEOZw6T6"></a></p>
Yeah, he cares about both but you seem to be dismissing that maybe he just loves this country. You can't seem to grasp that some people really feel that way.

And please, tell someone who has the flag that draped their father's, son's or husband's coffin that that flag does not represent patriotism. It's not idolatry. It's a symbol of the country they love and sacrificed everything for. You don't see it that way, fine. Why are we supposed to be sensitive to you (and Kaepernick) but not to them? Sensitivity and open mindedness goes both ways. Or at least it used to.

You seem to have forgotten who it is you're talking to. I took a Option 40 contract at 34 years old, lady. Who the **** does that? I'd still be in if my knee still worked right.

I love America. Signed my life away in 2005 even though I didn't even believe in the war. Because someone had to go, and the Young Republican chicken hawks were dodging recruiters. When you were watching Kim blow up his first nuke on TV in 2006, I WAS THERE LADY. I posted it RIGHT HERE ON THIS BOARD.

So why don't you go tell some of your yellow bellied chicken hawk friends, and draft dodging ******* like YOUR PRESIDENT than instead of whining about the flag they SHOULD HAVE SERVED WHEN IT WAS THEIR TURN.
FOOTBALL OR POLITICS? Instead of making assumptions on being disrespectful and this turning into a politic debate maybe we should just focus on the task at hand...Play Ball...Playing into this drama is only making for assumptions of what may or not be...who gives a **** it's a free country and reasons for whatever they may be shouldn't come preassumed...your only feeding into this B.S. and looking for additional **** to pick at...switch over to Facebook if you want drama...Its about The Game Not The Side Show...Or Lack Of!...Absolutely No Disrespect To Our Country and what we stand for but quit jumping the gun and getting on a band wagon with no wheels! 808 Real Talk...Still Got Mad Love For My Steelers!<br />
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