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Stephen 'Breitbart' Bannon

I completely disagree, but then disagreeing with you is like old hat around here. I'm not sure you have one fan (or even anyone that agrees with even 25% of what you say) in this whole group. Does anyone agree with you, like, anywhere? Do you hang out with anyone that is like minded to you? I mean, where is your safe space of agreeable people and what do they look like? How many snowflakes are really around you during the day?


Bannon: "I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America"

Maybe he'll show up at a WH press conference and ask some helpful questions like "Why hasn't Antifa been declared a terrorist organization yet?.
I am so NOT tea party.... lol. I swear you haven't read one thing I've written on here in the last 2 years.
Damn, credit where credit is due. You nailed it, Elfiero.

Spike is like the guy who would hand Hitler maps in the bunker in early 1945 with lines showing imaginary Nazi divisions that Hitler would then move around while the map guy rolled his eyes.

Only Spike thinks the map is legit.

It's over, Trump is a dead man walking.
I am so NOT tea party.... lol. I swear you haven't read one thing I've written on here in the last 2 years.

I'll take your word for it. The Tea party just morphed into the Trumptards though....you do know that right?

Grab your sunglasses. Spike is dropping his usual array of high-contrast, over-saturated picture bombs. Shiny, dazzling color bursts accompanied by bold declarations in ALL CAPS projecting power, strength and victory. With plenty of exclamation marks. The bigger, bolder, louder the better. That's one way to join a conversation. They should teach this **** in Message Board Trolling 101. Spike, you never disappoint or leave anything to the imagination.

Spike's posts are like your drunk uncle who bursts into the room in the middle of a quiet Sunday brunch. Rifle in one hand, bottle of whiskey in the other, he wants to rile everyone up to go squirrel hunting. Cause he just saw a squirrel. God dammit, everyone come quick and have a look! Of course none of this rankles Tim Steelersfan, because he agrees with the poster and the content of the post. Otherwise he's got an itchy trigger finger to point out such transgressions.

Spike, don't go 'a changing. You are a critical fabric of this board and have been for years. It's what makes SN tick. So without further ado please re-post for the 5,000th time a Red State electoral college map, or some champagne popping from election night, or a Trump Train steamrolling meme, or if all else fails the glossy photo of Trump & Melania stepping off of Air Force One. That's my favorite. Give us another sign, just to make sure we know it's you and not a cheap imposter.
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LOL Axelrod trolling Bannon & Trump.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You notice that every time <a href="https://twitter.com/POTUS">@POTUS</a> describes someone as a "good person," he fires them? It's an absolute tell.<a href="https://t.co/fTHqSu0xqx">https://t.co/fTHqSu0xqx</a></p>— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) <a href="https://twitter.com/davidaxelrod/status/898590338532524032">August 18, 2017</a></blockquote>
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You guys, it's this simple. He was never used properly....bwahahahaha
This thread makes zero sense.

So Bannon is a racist, slave-owning, misogynistic, hateful, Hitler-worshipping, murdering psychopath?

And his departure from the Trump administration portends problems for the Trump administration?

Maybe some should THINK THIS **** THROUGH BEFORE ******* WRITING.
You guys, it's this simple. He was never used properly....bwahahahaha

Trump lets all his rookies ride the bench for way too long, says his system takes time to grasp. It was obvious to me that Bannon had great pedigree coming out of Breitbart U. and was more than ready to carry a tiki torch with the first team.

Oh well....what could have been.
Man, this is ****** up. A news guy going to work for the president and then leaving and trying to be a news guy again.
Trump is a dead man walking.
Well he'll be that for the next 3-1/2 years, so you should get used to his face in the White House.

And you'd better hope Ginsberg doesn't retire or expire in that period, or you'll never see another SCOTUS decision you're happy with FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
Well he'll be that for the next 3-1/2 years, so you should get used to his face in the White House.

And you'd better hope Ginsberg doesn't retire or expire in that period, or you'll never see another SCOTUS decision you're happy with FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Collusion has been established between Trump and the Russians. This has been known publicly for over two weeks.

Trump is going to resign very soon, or he's going to prison. You are delusional.
Trump is going to resign very soon, or he's going to prison. You are delusional.

Lol. That peach pie has been baking so long it's unrecognizable at this point. It's coming soon though, really.
Man, this is ****** up. A news guy going to work for the president and then leaving and trying to be a news guy again.
You'd have a point if this was an isolated case or if it was happening in a vacuum.

"Pence Wins The Apprentice"

This slimy ******* played a key role in Trump's election and in forming the so-called Alt Right political movement that helped usher in the Trump 'Three Ring Circus' Presidency.

We've touched on the initial news of his firing and/or resignation in the Trump Winning thread (lol) and the Charlottesville far-right, Nazi/KKK thread (fitting), but I figured this demi-God to the Right deserves his own thread here on the Trump Nation board. Feel free to pay respects to the former White House Chief Strategist, now that Orange Jesus has ousted his former right-hand man.

These two men stood side by side for more than a year, spent untold hours huddled behind closed doors debating policy and strategy and seemingly shared the same vision in ''Making America Great Again.'

One would think Bannon will do his utmost to support his comrade-in-arms, his soulmate, his brother from another mother, now that he's back in the saddle as Chairman of Breitbart News. Theoretically, this could help give Trump some much needed support as Bannon will help fortify his base.

On the other hand, this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Trump is politically isolated more than ever and now he has the figurehead of the Alt Right on the outside looking in.

Juicy stuff.

What do you think? The reaction from the board's Trumpsters so far has been tepid at best. 'Don't care much about him.' 'No surprise, we saw it coming.' Didn't vote for Bannon, voted for Trump,' and the like.

Well, his Bannon was public enemy #1 to the alt left, they should applaud him for doing this.

My reaction is Bannon was just a glorified camping manager, and Trump probably is better off without him.

Bannon is better off working with the media to help Trump, then be a target in his cabinet. So in a sense, the only change here is a change of addresses.
This thread makes zero sense. So Bannon is a racist, slave-owning, misogynistic, hateful, Hitler-worshipping, murdering psychopath? And his departure from the Trump administration portends problems for the Trump administration?
You tell me. There are some false equivalences here.

1. If as you suggest Bannon is 'a racist, slave-owning(?), misogynistic, hateful, Hitler-worshipping, murdering(?) psychopath' and Bannon was Trump's chief strategist who devised Trump's presidential campaign which got him elected and forged his policies as President, then you are admitting those that voted for him share these beliefs, as does Trump himself. This is what made Trump so attractive to the Alt RIght in the first place, correct? If Trump doesn't share these views why hire Bannon or give him such a prominent role?

2. By getting rid of him, Trump is now separating himself from his hardcore, diehard base - who worship Bannon. Pushing Bannon out was a huge win for Jared Kushner and whatever other moderates there are in the cabinet. If Trump is truly going to distance himself from the Alt Right, that is going to help him win over moderates in both parties and possibly a segment of the general public. This is not a bad thing, on paper, and might salvage his presidency.

3. So if both of these are true, then Bannon's departure only portends problems for the Trump administration if it will alienate his Alt Right base. The very people that have stood by him, have supported him through thick and thin and got him elected in the first place. If this doesn't bother anyone on the Far Right, and everyone's okay with Trump moving away from Bannon's Alt Right positions towards more moderate politics ie Jared Kushner, then indeed, everything should be fine, one would think. The signs to look for now is what happens to the likes of Sebastian Gorka and Steven Miller, the last two remnants of the Bannon ideology in the WH.

Maybe some should THINK THIS **** THROUGH BEFORE ******* WRITING.
Hmm, you'd think a political message board would be the place to discuss the President throwing aside his primary political ally and Chief Strategist. Maybe not. In any case, the ALL CAPS sure helped drive your point home, that you don't see anything here worth discussing. Thanks for participating and giving us your insight, not sure where we'd be without it.
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Bannon is better off working with the media to help Trump, then be a target in his cabinet. So in a sense, the only change here is a change of addresses.

Yes and no. Given the level of incessant turmoil in the WH, I'm not convinced this is gonna play out the way you think it will. From Bannon's side, for sure he'll view this as 'helping the president from the outside' by going after his adversaries, most of whom happen to be inside the White House and in various posts in the federal government. So now Bannon can lean back at the Breitbart offices and lob grenades into the swamp that he worked so hard to eliminate. In his mind, he'll view this as helping the president, by going after the very heart of Trump's cabinet that just got his *** kicked to the curb. They won, Bannon lost, that's the fact of the matter. So what's the end game here? Even more turmoil, infighting and airing of dirty laundry as Bannon will try to defeat the very forces surrounding Trump that pushed him out of the WH. And you think this is going to help stabilize the Presidency? Maybe it will, let's stay tuned.
Are any of Trump's original choices left? I haven't been paying much attention to any kind of news lately, so I am a little out of the loop. But it just seems like EVERYTHING is in a state of chaos. The WH, racial relations, the media, EVERYTHING. I don't know what or who to believe.
Are any of Trump's original choices left? I haven't been paying much attention to any kind of news lately, so I am a little out of the loop. But it just seems like EVERYTHING is in a state of chaos. The WH, racial relations, the media, EVERYTHING. I don't know what or who to believe.

kinda ironic that his swamp is being drained.
Ah, like fine wine, this has really aged well.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It's almost like the United States has no President - we are a rudderless ship heading for a major disaster. Good luck everyone!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/446461592029630464">March 20, 2014</a></blockquote>
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I don't care about bannon one way or the other, but if Bannon starts trashing Kushner and Ivanka things will get ugly. Trump will unleash on Bannon and then Bannon will unleash on Trump and who knows what he would say. Bannon could probably do more damage to Trump than anyone else due to Bannon being a god to the alt right.
"Scaramucci-ed." LOL, that's a new verb now?

Krauthammer says Bannon pulled a ‘classic Scaramucci’ to get fired


Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer has a word to describe former chief strategist Steve Bannon's departure from the White House: "Scaramucci-ed."

"The fact is he gave this interview to the American Prospect, after which you cannot remain in the White House," Krauthammer said on Fox News Friday."That was a machine-gun attack on everybody else in the White House and it was a take down of two of the president's major positions: North Korea and trade with China."

"That was a classic Scaramucci, and it proves that you don't have to use profane language to be Scaramucci-ed," he continued.

In a wide-ranging interview with the American Prospect, a progressive magazine, Bannon dismissed the notion of preemptive military action against North Korea, upending President Trump's claim that he would unleash "fire and fury" on the reclusive country if it continued to threaten the U.S.

He also ridiculed political opponents and vowed to shake up staffing at the State and Defense Departments.
I don't care about bannon one way or the other, but if Bannon starts trashing Kushner and Ivanka things will get ugly. Trump will unleash on Bannon and then Bannon will unleash on Trump and who knows what he would say. Bannon could probably do more damage to Trump than anyone else due to Bannon being a god to the alt right.

according to Bannon, he is going to war against Trump's naysayers and opponents. Whatever that means.
Trump is back tweeting at 4:30 am. And the man doesn't drink, if you believe him. That means he does this **** stone cold sober. Amazing.

Trump Woke Up At 4:33AM & Tweeted To Steve Bannon Like An Insecure Man Child


There was mass celebration on Friday when one of the sleaziest men to ever sit in the White House made his angry exit after being fired just seven months into Trump’s administration. Afterward, everyone realized that other sleazy racists like Sebastian Gorka, Stephen Miller, and Donald Trump are still around, and the win didn’t feel quite so good.

Bannon ran straight to the press and trashed Trump, saying that “the Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over.” The poor alt-right and white nationalists bemoaned their fall down one more rung of the ladder and Bannon headed back to his “platform for the alt-right, Breitbart. In a move oddly uncharacteristic of the bombastic and insulting Trump, he praised Bannon on Twitter and recalled fond memories of his time as the hero of the white nationalists with Bannon by his side.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank Steve Bannon for his service. He came to the campaign during my run against Crooked Hillary Clinton - it was great! Thanks S</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/898870621584596993">August 19, 2017</a></blockquote>
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