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Stephen 'Breitbart' Bannon

Trump is back tweeting at 4:30 am. And the man doesn't drink, if you believe him. That means he does this **** stone cold sober. Amazing.

Trump Woke Up At 4:33AM & Tweeted To Steve Bannon Like An Insecure Man Child


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank Steve Bannon for his service. He came to the campaign during my run against Crooked Hillary Clinton - it was great! Thanks S</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/898870621584596993">August 19, 2017</a></blockquote>
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so, what part triggered you? Thanking Bannon or calling Billary "Crooked"? lmao

too funny!
As long as we got mad dog and Kelly we'll be alright.
Bwahahahahaha! On your knees ******* TRUMP WINS AGAIN!
WAR! Bannon: "I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America"
Maybe some should THINK THIS **** THROUGH BEFORE ******* WRITING.
Well he'll be that for the next 3-1/2 years, so you should get used to his face in the White House.
Bannon is better off working with the media to help Trump.

Interesting take from Breitbart's senior editor, calling Trump "Scharzenegger 2.0".

Donald Trump's presidency 'will be a failure' says Breitbart editor after Steve Bannon fired from White House

Joel Pollak says President could lose direction and backing of supporters

Joel Pollak, a senior editor at large at Breitbart News predicts Mr Trump's presidency will lose direction and the backing of his supporters after the firing of the far-right figurehead in the White House.

Mr Pollak, who said his publication will be going to "war" with the White House following the announcement of Mr Bannon's departure, warned that unless the US President upheld his campaign pledges that were so vigorously defended by his chief strategist, "his presidency will be a failure".

Speaking to Radio 4's Today programme, Mr Pollak said: "If Trump veers away from the agenda that he campaigned on and the white board of promises that was hanging in Steve Bannon's office then he will lose his base and he wil lose his direction and his presidency will be a failure.

"If Trump sticks to what he promised then yes he will deserve credit for fulfilling the hopes of his voters but people looking at other people that Trump brought into the administration....... Trump supporters would be looking at some of these appointments and wondering if these personnel would dictate future policy. In that confusion and doubt, Bannon was a reinsurance."

The Breitbart editor added that as long as Mr Bannon was in the White House, supporters of the Trump administration did not have to worry about "some of these other opponents".

Mr Pollak referred to White House advisors including Mr Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who he described as "somewhat conservative" but whose "political persuasions remained unknown".

Mr Bannon epitomised President Trump's anti-globalist "America First" agenda and he reportedly clashed with the President's son-in-law, who has been seen as adopting a so-called globalist approach to the US's role on the world stage.

For Breitbart News, Mr Bannon's departure represents a significant shift of power away from the anti-globalist agenda.

Throughout the interview, Mr Pollak repeatedly compared Mr Trump to Arnold Scharzenegger, the actor and former professional body-builder who was elected as a Republican governor in California.

He claimed Mr Scharzenegger had been elected on a platform of radical reforms but that "at the first signs of difficulty" he switched his political fortune to become "a very liberal governor, basically a democrat".

Mr Pollak admitted Mr Scharzenegger was re-elected following his change of direction but claimed this led to the destruction of his political party in California and warned Mr Trump could be heading towards a "Scharzenegger 2.0".

"It may boost his [Mr Trump] reelection chances, although I doubt it, but I think it will ultimately disappoint his base and it will abandon the mission for which he was elected 'to drain the swamp' as he put it," Mr Pollak added.
Bannon's fall from grace. What comes next is anyone's guess. I think we haven't seen nothing yet.

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so, what part triggered you? Thanking Bannon or calling Billary "Crooked"? lmao too funny!
something certainly did for you to post and comment on it.

Here is is what I found so interesting in Trump's tweet at 4:30 am. The fact he was shamelessly trying to kiss up to Bannon. He never does that when he fires someone.

Now we know why.

Mike Cernovich: Far-right writer threatened to 'destroy marriages' with 'mother of all stories' if Steve Bannon was fired

A far-right writer threatened he would "destroy marriages" with "the mother of all stories" if Steve Bannon was ousted from the White House.

Mike Cernovich, a ringleader of the so-called alt-right, claimed to "know everything" and said he would publish a series of salacious scoops if Donald Trump sacked his controversial chief strategist.

Mr Bannon, the driving force behind some of the US President's most contentious policies, departed the Republican's administration on Friday.

He later declared Mr Trump's presidency "over" and said he felt "free" after returning to the helm of right-wing news website Breitbart, which he co-founded.

Mr Cernovich responded to the news in a Periscope video in which he claimed: "I can tell you the truth now about everything."

In an earlier video, posted in April, he had threatened to drop "the motherlode" if Mr Bannon was fired.

"I'm sitting on way more stories, you won't believe it," he said in a 10-minute self-recorded monologue.

“If they get rid of Bannon, you know what’s gonna happen? The motherlode. If Bannon is removed, there are going to be divorces, because I know about the mistresses, the sugar babies, the drugs, the pill popping, the orgies. I know everything."

"He added: "If they go after Bannon, the mother of all stories is going to drop and we're just going to destroy marriages, relationships. It's going to get personal."

He did not identify who would be the subject of the stories, referring only to "globalists".

On Friday US news website Axios, citing a source familiar with Breitbart's operations reported Mr Bannon planned to go "thermonuclear" against "globalists" who he believed was ruining the Trump administration.
I really don't regard this as a big deal. Bannon was just a policy adviser. I care a lot more about who's running the FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA, and DoD.
Trump fires people. He's a real world businessman. Everyone knows this. It's common practice in the business world. If you don't do your job to meet expectations or you **** up, you get fired. I've had to fire at least 50 people in my life. Probably more. If someone is not working out anymore and has become a liability, you fire the **** out of them. Replace them with someone else and if they **** up bad enough, you fire them too. It's fluid. Sure, there are some golden eggs that are lifers but that's a lot more rare. There are no guarantees, no tenure granted in business. The fact that Tibs has been jerking himself off for 3 pages about Bannon shows a severe lack of understanding the business world and life in general. I applaud President Trump for making the necessary changes as they are needed. Now fire Muller.
The fact that Tibs has been jerking himself off for 3 pages about Bannon shows a severe lack of understanding the business world
Enlighten me what aspect of business or business management are we discussing here having to do with the POTUS and his Chief Political Strategist?
Enlighten me what aspect of business or business management are we discussing here having to do with the POTUS and his Chief Political Strategist?

MF, where the **** have you been the last two years? Oh yeah, right. Trump is not a typical politician, he's a businessman. There are no free passes. If you're not working out, you get fired. I think it's great. And shouldn't you libtards be praising Trump for getting rid of your white devil?
Ok, understood. Care to explain how you think Bannon was 'not working out' or 'didn't do his job to meet expectations' or what he did to '**** up'?

I think it's the part where Bannon and Trump pandered to Nazi racists leading up to his election, then the Nazi racists acted on this thinking they had a free pass. This resulted in the entire country turning against Trump. This in turn caused Herr Drumpf's snowflake feelings to be hurt, and his ego bruised.... so Bannon of course '****** up'.
Ok, understood. Care to explain how you think Bannon was 'not working out' or 'didn't do his job to meet expectations' or what he did to '**** up'?

Opened his mouth about Korea undercutting Trumps strength. Not that what he said is necessarily wrong technically speaking but if you are going to work from a position of strength you can't have people in your own administration blow your bluff. He is obviously a bad poker player.
deljzc, a couple of things.

I can't argue with you regarding Bannon's genius in getting Trump elected. Who would have thought? I agree it will go down as one of the great political strategic victories in history.

Having said that, I must admit I feel a twinge of sadness in all of this. Seven months into the presidency, all of that seems stale and inconsequential. Kind of like a brush fire, that blazed fast and hard but has now run out of both fuel and oxygen.

So I do agree with you his achievements as a political strategist are indisputable. He came up with a winning plan and did whatever it took to get his man into the White House. Yet Bannon's departure is also a damning statement on the current state of the Trump presidency, which seems to be a rudderless ship set out to sea.

In the end, it's not the election night victory that will be remembered, but the overall effectiveness - or in this case, ineffectiveness - of the Presidency. At this current rate I'm afraid Bannon will join Trump on the very lowest rungs of the historical record. And in turn, it proves what I've been saying since day one. Trump's campaign that led him to victory - regardless of its initial success - will have proven to be nothing more than a bunch of empty promises, unfulfilled expectations and more than anything, bluster and hot air.

If nothing else maybe Bannon and Trump can get a pair of matching, shiny participation trophies.

If you judge Trump in the first seven months of the economy or the court's appointments, he has a legacy in the making.

Obamacare will die on the vine. Maybe it's just not time. I do think Trump will build a wall of sorts, and under his watch, illegal immigration is way down.

I think what we are seeing is an obstruction from a group of people who can't win major elections outside of a few states and the press losing all credibility. Trump doesn't help himself here, but the next Democratic President can expect the same from the Republican's in congress.

I have thought about the main problem. It could be corporations and large private donors buying out politicians. These days half the politicians are best defined by their largest donors. A huge problem.
Ok, understood. Care to explain how you think Bannon was 'not working out' or 'didn't do his job to meet expectations' or what he did to '**** up'?

Who was Bannon? A media guy with connections to help Trump get re-elected. Bannon can do the exact same job as before outside of Trump's candidacy, so maybe it helps Trump to let him get back to what he does best and does;t matter at all if he was let go.

Trump can get re-elected. Jobs, and taxes, plus the wall = Trump being re-elected in 2020.
I think it's the part where Bannon and Trump pandered to Nazi racists leading up to his election, then the Nazi racists acted on this thinking they had a free pass. This resulted in the entire country turning against Trump. This in turn caused Herr Drumpf's snowflake feelings to be hurt, and his ego bruised.... so Bannon of course '****** up'.

Evidence please. Be specific.
That's one way to look at it. He's probably right.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BANNON GONE! When Bannon saw Trump able to defend white power all on his own, he said 2 himself, "My job here is done. Mission accomplished"</p>— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) <a href="https://twitter.com/MMFlint/status/898597177739669506">August 18, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Steve Bannon Tough, Smart Voice At Breitbart News, ‘Fake News Needs The Competition’

President Donald Trump tweeted out support for his now former Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon on Saturday and for Bannon’s return to Breitbart News.

“Steve Bannon will be a tough and smart new voice at @BreitbartNews,” wrote Trump. “…maybe even better than ever before. Fake News needs the competition!”



BANNON now going to be fighting on the front lines of the media war?

Sounds like more WINNING!


I think it's the part where Bannon and Trump pandered to Nazi racists leading up to his election, then the Nazi racists acted on this thinking they had a free pass. This resulted in the entire country turning against Trump. This in turn caused Herr Drumpf's snowflake feelings to be hurt, and his ego bruised.... so Bannon of course '****** up'.

I thought it was the Russians?
Collusion has been established between Trump and the Russians.
Only in your mind, my friend.

Its going to be a long 3-1/2 years for you, I genuinely hope you survive it.
Steve Bannon Tough, Smart Voice At Breitbart News, ‘Fake News Needs The Competition’

President Donald Trump tweeted out support for his now former Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon on Saturday and for Bannon’s return to Breitbart News.

“Steve Bannon will be a tough and smart new voice at @BreitbartNews,” wrote Trump. “…maybe even better than ever before. Fake News needs the competition!”



BANNON now going to be fighting on the front lines of the media war?

Sounds like more WINNING!




There is no competition, Breitbart wins that title hands down....

What an idiot the Tweeter in chief is...too easy.

There is no competition, Breitbart wins that title hands down....

What an idiot the Tweeter in chief is...too easy.

So funny... you three libtard queens (Elftwat, Tibtard and Trogtard) get together and you're like a group of little old yentas, gossiping about this and that, wasting away your days. Until one day, your husband comes home and informs you that he's leaving your warped, ****** up crazy *** for someone hotter, younger and a whole lot smarter. You fucknuts are going to be so much more depressed than you are now after next year's elections. It's inevitable. Lay back and enjoy it.
I think what we are seeing is an obstruction from a group of people who can't win major elections outside of a few states and the press losing all credibility. Trump doesn't help himself here, but the next Democratic President can expect the same from the Republican's in congress.
