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Stephen 'Breitbart' Bannon

Effie is Mr Pepperballs?????



that's how you deal with Anarchy-Communists!
So wait... you are telling me that Trump wasn't actually telling the truth about his political views? That he probably is more aligned with Clinton's values in more places than he let on to? Noooo... you don't say...

I want to see how far he drifts towards the globalist left before half the people protesting him realize he is aligned with whatever globalist the dems end up running against him...
Don't...believe ...a ....word...from..."the media"

Donald Trump is winning...bigly

If you get your political updates through ordinary channels – MSM; local news; the major newspapers; and popular website newsies such as Yahoo, Facebook, and more recently Drudge – you most likely feel that America is imploding, all due to the chaos of the Trump administration.

The goal is to wear you down, if not wear you out, until you agree that Trump must go.

The stakes rise with each new Trump achievement, commensurate with the rising decibel level of those who express outrage at whatever he says. That's what happens when your cherished assumptions are disproven day after day.

It's comical and also understandable. No one likes to admit that he is wrong. Or that they are wrong on a regular basis. It's embarrassing and humiliating – especially if you are touted as an expert journalist or commentator, at least by virtue of being on TV.

That's why you hear little or nothing about:

the current NAFTA negotiations
Kim Jong-un blinking
China threatening a trade war and then blinking
the U.S. becoming a net energy exporter
our diminishing trade imbalance
the amazing rise to nearly 4% GDP growth in the 2017 third quarter
forecasters suggesting that GDP could grow to 5 or 6% annualized
a rise in manufacturing investments in the U.S.
more full-time jobs among the middle class
the Syrian crisis
the continuing fall of ISIS in the Middle East
Wall Street's record highs as they turn to embrace Main Street
the public's opposition to the destruction of historic statues and memorials
an abhorrence of radical and violent activists on all sides, most all of whom abide on the left fringe
Russian collusion
the Awan brothers
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Hillary and the Clinton Foundation entities
the wall
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Trump is winning – BIGLY. It's almost too easy. He's focused on results, period. The rest is just distraction, much of it orchestrated by anti-Trumpers who insist that you really can get a different result if you repeat the same experiment enough times. They still don't get it because they don't want to get it. They have dug in their heels. That's why I find it funny. Trump is playing them every step of the way.



It's comical and also understandable. No one likes to admit that he is wrong. Or that they are wrong on a regular basis. It's embarrassing and humiliating

No wonder Tibs is still pissing and moaning from being so WRONG about everything for the last year and a half.
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Don't...believe ...a ....word...from..."the media"

Donald Trump is winning...bigly

If you get your political updates through ordinary channels – MSM; local news; the major newspapers; and popular website newsies such as Yahoo, Facebook, and more recently Drudge – you most likely feel that America is imploding, all due to the chaos of the Trump administration.

The goal is to wear you down, if not wear you out, until you agree that Trump must go.

The stakes rise with each new Trump achievement, commensurate with the rising decibel level of those who express outrage at whatever he says. That's what happens when your cherished assumptions are disproven day after day.

It's comical and also understandable. No one likes to admit that he is wrong. Or that they are wrong on a regular basis. It's embarrassing and humiliating – especially if you are touted as an expert journalist or commentator, at least by virtue of being on TV.

That's why you hear little or nothing about:

the current NAFTA negotiations
Kim Jong-un blinking
China threatening a trade war and then blinking
the U.S. becoming a net energy exporter
our diminishing trade imbalance
the amazing rise to nearly 4% GDP growth in the 2017 third quarter
forecasters suggesting that GDP could grow to 5 or 6% annualized
a rise in manufacturing investments in the U.S.
more full-time jobs among the middle class
the Syrian crisis
the continuing fall of ISIS in the Middle East
Wall Street's record highs as they turn to embrace Main Street
the public's opposition to the destruction of historic statues and memorials
an abhorrence of radical and violent activists on all sides, most all of whom abide on the left fringe
Russian collusion
the Awan brothers
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Hillary and the Clinton Foundation entities
the wall
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Trump is winning – BIGLY. It's almost too easy. He's focused on results, period. The rest is just distraction, much of it orchestrated by anti-Trumpers who insist that you really can get a different result if you repeat the same experiment enough times. They still don't get it because they don't want to get it. They have dug in their heels. That's why I find it funny. Trump is playing them every step of the way.



It's comical and also understandable. No one likes to admit that he is wrong. Or that they are wrong on a regular basis. It's embarrassing and humiliating

No wonder Tibs is still pissing and moaning from being so WRONG about everything for the last year and a half.

via Imgflip Meme Generator


Bwahahahahaha! Can't wait to see the Trumptards heads implode when the hangman appears!
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Wait.....I thought Bannon was going to fight for 45 once he got back to Breitbart......Oh yeah HE LIED!, because he's a pathological ,racist liar, just like his former boss.

Back to your regularly scheduled Reich Wing circle jerk.

And here is the proof...wait I thought only the "left wing media" had an agenda?

Oh WHAT? Breitbart will try to destroy Trump? Man I'm glad we have right wing sources that are agenda free.......................

get over it - you lost AGAIN!





just like we told ya - another big NOTHINGBURGER


How did Trump ever survive before bringing Bannon on-board just 3 months prior to the general election?

How did Trump beat 16 other Republicans throughout the primaries without Bannon as part of his campaign?

hahahahaha - nobody gives a **** about Bannon but the LOSER LIBTARDS
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Obummer shaped it all right. Now if we can only undo that shape.
This is hilarious, life does imitate art! Trump is such a circus clown it's not even funny anymore.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FPresidentShow%2Fvideos%2F847347335433181%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="401" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Regardless what you think of CNN as a news network, any reasonable American will watch this and agree we are in deep **** every single day Trump remains in office.

This is a masterful, two part demolition of Trump's Arizona speech. For you Trump nuthuggers, fight facts with facts, not you're usual embellishments and bullshit.

This guy gets it. Shocked, utterly shocked that not more of you that consider yourselves conservatives don't see things as they are and keep supporting this madman.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNowThisPolitics%2Fvideos%2F1653254798039337%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="581" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Who needs Bannon?

Leftists heads asploding all over again!

New Poll Shows Trump Wins The 2016 Election If Held Again Today

RALEIGH – The latest Civitas poll has found that 43 percent of likely North Carolina unaffiliated voters say if the presidential election were held again today, they would vote for Donald J. Trump while just 39 percent of them said they would vote for Hillary Clinton.

If you had a chance to do it all over again, for whom would you vote for President between Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Gary Johnson?

The poll found that 43% would vote for Donald Trump while Hillary Clinton only won 39%. Third party Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson won 9% while the other 9% refused to answer or were unsure.


There's nothing else left for you Spike, but rehashing the election, over and over and over again. It can't be easy watching the constant **** show the Trump presidency has been since day one. I feel for you, man.
There's nothing else left for you Spike, but rehashing the election, over and over and over again. It can't be easy watching the constant **** show the Trump presidency has been since day one. I feel for you, man.

Regardless what you think of CNN as a news network, any reasonable American will watch this and agree we are in deep **** every single day Trump remains in office.

This is a masterful, two part demolition of Trump's Arizona speech. For you Trump nuthuggers, fight facts with facts, not you're usual embellishments and bullshit.

Who cares about what Anderson ******* Cooper has to say about anything. Nice "news" network.
Tibs I respect your thoughts normally and we get along but I have to say that you have fallen right in line with all the other thoughtless sheep regurgitating nonsense. The only **** show I have seen is the media. They literally have created almost every single **** show out of nothing. It is all bullshit. He has been treated worse than any President in my life time simply because he aint one of them. That means both sides.
Yes he is course and sometime vulgar but so the **** what. He is doing the right things and fighting both establishments at the same time while doing it. Hell if you really look at it you should be cheering him because he is exposing the system of corruption that is ruining this country and BOTH parties. Politics will hopefully never be the same after this and we can get rid of the corrupt bloated bureaucrats and get people in office who will work to fix the nation's problems not line their own pockets.

If you would truly look at what he is doing rather than automatically hate him for being him I really think he aligns with many of the things I have seen you say when being honest and disarmed in your thoughts.
We have to get past this us versus them mentality.
The obvious conclusion would be that the opposing party must really suck

Perhaps if the party in charge could have find some leadership instead of splintering into a rudderless ship, they could get some ship done!
I have to agree with Tibs to an extent. What President goes around attacking people in his own party? I mean, it is ridiculous. I think he feels that the folks in congress work for him or something and he can just bully them into doing what he wants them to do. Sadly for Donald, that isn't how it works. He is gonna need the people he is bashing on a daily basis. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump accomplishes nothing aside from executive orders.

Looking forward to the budget fight and raising the debt ceiling. I expect I will be furloughed and headed back to NC for a spell.

Should be entertaining though.
I have to agree with Tibs to an extent. What President goes around attacking people in his own party? I mean, it is ridiculous. I think he feels that the folks in congress work for him or something and he can just bully them into doing what he wants them to do. Sadly for Donald, that isn't how it works. He is gonna need the people he is bashing on a daily basis. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump accomplishes nothing aside from executive orders.

Looking forward to the budget fight and raising the debt ceiling. I expect I will be furloughed and headed back to NC for a spell.

Should be entertaining though.

There are deadbeat elitists in the GOPe that need to be attacked for not following the will of the people who elected them.