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Stephen 'Breitbart' Bannon

And the exodus continues. Last one out, turn off the..


Breaking: Sebastian Gorka Leaving The White House

I know Gorka personally, or at least knew him back in the late 90's. We have a mutual friend, a guy I used to work with, spent several nights with Gorka talking politics over beers. Can't say I was overly impressed, typical far right, superficial bullshit you see here on the board. Was shocked to see Trump appoint such a lightweight. All he had going for him was his deep voice, British accent and ability to seem like he knew what he was babbling on about. Clearly, that was enough to impress Trump. But now his tenure is over, I guess he'll join Bannon in 'fighting for Trump outside the White House.' LOL

Wow....the rats can't jump off that burning shipwreck fast enough can they?

I think collusion being established with Trump and Russia, and the fact that Trump attacked Manafort the other day must have set off alarm bells in the remaining scumbags.
That Gorka story hasn't been substantiated, yet. That's why I deleted my post. I guess it's only a matter of time given that Bannon brought him aboard, and he was Bannon's right hand man in the administration. We'll see if indeed he too has gotten the axe.
nobody cares


Obama second quarter of 2014 =4.6% GDP growth...so what? That's why things are averaged dumbass. This is a temporary surge from soybean exports. Meanwhile the jobless rate went up, and housing construction went further into a slump.

Trump's quarter before this one.....1.4% growth...........................
Obama second quarter of 2014 =4.6% GDP growth...so what? That's why things are averaged dumbass. This is a temporary surge from soybean exports. Meanwhile the jobless rate went up, and housing construction went further into a slump.

Trump's quarter before this one.....1.4% growth...........................

And you conveniently didn't mention that it is the Atlanta fed making that prediction, New York fed says 2.09%

Steve Bannon, Unrepentant

Steve Bannon: Democrats Do Not Understand Donald Trump Voters

“This past election, the Democrats used every personal attack, including charges of racism, against President Trump. He then won a landslide victory on a straightforward platform of economic nationalism” .

“As long as the Democrats fail to understand this, they will continue to lose. But leftist elites do not value history, so why would they learn from history?”

“The Democrats, the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day,” he said. “If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”

SMACK! Steve Bannon, Unrepentant

Yup, I'm sure Trump is elated now that Bannon's going after Ivanka and Jared Kushner. Part of the grand plan, I take it.

Ivanka & Donald Go Silent After ‘Breitbart News’ Releases Drama Filled Hit Piece

On Sunday, Breitbart blasted a story with the following headline across their front page:

‘Report: Ivanka Trump Helped Push Steve Bannon Out Of The White House’

The story links to a report from the Daily Mail that makes the claims reflected in the Breitbart headline. The Daily Mail report begins with the following sensational claim:

‘Donald Trump’s controversial aide Steve Bannon was ‘pushed out’ by his daughter Ivanka and her husband because his far-Right views clashed with their Jewish faith, according to Washington sources.’​

More proof of what a HUGE asset Bannon will be for Trump, now that he can support the Presidency 'from the outside'. LOL


Bannon’s Breitbart tears into Trump after Afghanistan speech

Breitbart seems ready for one of Steve Bannon’s famed “wars.”

Just minutes after President Donald Trump concluded his Afghanistan policy speech Monday night, the conservative site took an aggressive, critical approach to the address and Trump’s new policy. A banner headline blasted the president’s decision to extend the U.S. military commitment in Afghanistan as a “flip-flop” that “reverses course.”

Articles likened him to his predecessor, President Barack Obama — a known sore spot for Trump.

Monday’s address in front of service members in Fort Meyer, Virginia, was a first, big test of what Breitbart will do now that Bannon, the former White House chief strategist, has returned to run the site he left to join Trump’s White House bid.

The new, re-Bannoned Breitbart didn’t seem to hold back at all.

“Trump’s ‘America First’ Base Unhappy with Flip-Flop Afghanistan Speech,” blared one headline.

The lead of the main story contained a series of subtle digs: “President Trump unveiled his plan for Afghanistan after seven months of deliberation Monday evening, announcing tweaks around the edges of the current strategy instead of a different approach,” read the lead sentence of Breitbart’s wrap on the speech.

And other articles seemed tuned to frustrate Trump and tweak rivals of Bannon.

One piece was headlined “His McMaster’s voice: Is Trump’s Afghanistan policy different from Obama?” It amounted to a two-fer: Ripping national security adviser H.R. McMaster — a former Bannon rival — and likening Trump’s decisions to those of Obama.

Another article drilled down on similarities between the two presidents’ approaches in Afghanistan, contending that Trump “specifically echoed his predecessor’s 2009 speech, after acknowledging that the war had gone on too long.”

The piece’s author, Breitbart White House correspondent Charlie Spiering, noted in a tweet that both Trump and Obama also said their commitments would not amount to a “blank check.”

Breitbart editor Joel Pollack tweeted that “Trump’s #Afghanistan speech was Obama’s speech minus the deadline & details. Like the bit about Pakistan, not convinced we can deliver India.”

Even before Trump spoke, the site seemed primed to oppose Trump’s commitment to Afghanistan, pre-skewering the commander in chief. For much of the afternoon, Breitbart’s lead story was an interview with the founder of Blackwater, headlined “Erik Prince: Trump will ‘roll over and accept’ same failed strategy on Afghanistan.”

Other articles noted that a troop increase would “increase pressure on Pakistan,” and there was a positive story about Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul’s opposition to any troop increase.

Steve Bannon, Unrepentant

Steve Bannon: Democrats Do Not Understand Donald Trump Voters

“This past election, the Democrats used every personal attack, including charges of racism, against President Trump. He then won a landslide victory on a straightforward platform of economic nationalism” .

“As long as the Democrats fail to understand this, they will continue to lose. But leftist elites do not value history, so why would they learn from history?”

“The Democrats, the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day,” he said. “If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”


He's mostly right, but I think Trump should stay out talking about hate groups on either side. Just issue a quick statement and stay away. The press is the only weapon the Democrats have.
More proof of what a HUGE asset Bannon will be for Trump, now that he can support the Presidency 'from the outside'. LOL


Bannon’s Breitbart tears into Trump after Afghanistan speech

I liked what I heard from the speech. My favorite part? Where he said about removing the restrictive rules of engagement and letting our Soldiers fight to win. I laughed at General Hertling this morning. He said "We always fight to win." Not in Afghanistan. When I was last there in 2011-2012, I cannot count the times we were not allowed to return fire or engage for whatever ridiculous reason our attorney gave. Yes, our attorney. How many nations go to war with lawyers? And when you are in deep ****, you gotta get on the radio, call back to HQ and get permission. ****.

Let our guys do the deed. Then get out. How it should have been from the start.

Steve Bannon, Unrepentant

Steve Bannon: Democrats Do Not Understand Donald Trump Voters

“This past election, the Democrats used every personal attack, including charges of racism, against President Trump. He then won a landslide victory on a straightforward platform of economic nationalism” .

“As long as the Democrats fail to understand this, they will continue to lose. But leftist elites do not value history, so why would they learn from history?”

“The Democrats, the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day,” he said. “If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”


Some of you are giving Bannon way more credit for getting Trump elected than he deserves. Trump was winning primaries long
before Bannon got involved.

Trump really won by Lieing and voters believing those lies. Just look at Afghanastan, Trump campaigned that this was the biggest waste of money
in history, that he would end it quickly and put that money where it belonged on US infrastructure. Instead of doing what he campaigned on he is
doubling down and wasting even more money.
Some of you are giving Bannon way more credit for getting Trump elected than he deserves. Trump was winning primaries long
before Bannon got involved.

Trump really won by Lieing and voters believing those lies. Just look at Afghanastan, Trump campaigned that this was the biggest waste of money
in history, that he would end it quickly and put that money where it belonged on US infrastructure. Instead of doing what he campaigned on he is
doubling down and wasting even more money.

Hope you've got a damn good editor for your SFB. And Trump clearly explained why his stance on Afghanistan changed.
He did well enough running the election campaign

Hillary Clinton supporters still moaning about media coverage nearly 10 months later

Team Clinton said that the national media gave excessive attention to the federal investigation into her email server, something they say that news organizations have not accounted for.

Clinton and her defenders have cited dozens of factors that they say tipped the election, including interference by Russia, lack of resources at the Democratic National Committee and sexism. Clinton has said she bears some responsibility for her loss but she more often blames outside forces.

"I was on the way to winning," she said in May, "until the combination of [then FBI Director] Jim Comey's letter on Oct. 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off "


The reality of Afghanastan was the same during the Trump campaign as it is now. Nothing has changed much.
Trump changed his view because Mattis, Kelly and McMaster told him too.
You fools have no idea of anything Trump said in his campaign


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I would stay in Afghanistan. It's probably the one place we should have gone in the Middle East because it's adjacent and right next to Pakistan which has nuclear weapons. So I think you have to stay and do the best you can, not that it's ever going to be great but I don't think we have much of a choice. That's one place, frankly, instead of going to Iraq we probably should have gone there first. I would say in Afghanistan and only, again, because of its location next to Pakistan.

O'REILLY: All right. So you would keep the 10,000 troops there. And fight a war of attrition against the Taliban? You know, Pakistan --

TRUMP: I hate doing it, I hate doing it so much. But, again, you have nuclear weapons in Pakistan so I would do it.

The reality of Afghanastan was the same during the Trump campaign as it is now. Nothing has changed much.
Trump changed his view because Mattis, Kelly and McMaster told him too.

So what you are saying is he listened to his advisors.

Isn't that what he is supposed to do? Or should he just keep shooting from the hip? You guys need to get it straight and decide how you want Trump to play it, because you can't have it both ways.
You fools have no idea of anything Trump said in his campaign
When you say 'you fools' are you referring to Breitbart readers aka Trump's Alt Right base?

Trump’s ‘America First’ Base Unhappy with Flip-Flop Afghanistan Speech

President Trump’s “America First” base was the biggest loser of Trump’s speech on Afghanistan Monday night, and many quickly expressed their disappointment at the business-as-usual address from the president who had once promised to limit American intervention abroad and focus on nation-building at home.

Trump’s speech, in which he pledged to increase the number of troops in the 16-year-war, was the first since the departure of Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and confirmed the fears of many on the right that without a strong nationalist voice in the West Wing, the President would revert to the same old fare that Americans had voted to reject in November.

Using many of the same vague promises that previous presidents had used, including a repeat of Obama’s promise not to give a “blank check” to Afghanistan and a pledge to finally get tough on Pakistan, it was a far cry from the “America First” foreign policy he laid out in the months before election day.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who had been an enthusiastic supporter of Trump during the campaign and penned a book called In Trump we Trust, summed up the weariness of the nationalist right when she tweeted: “It doesn’t matter who you vote for. The military-industrial complex wins.”

Even Trump himself admitted he had flip-flopped on his foreign policy, saying in the address that his original instinct was to pull out of the country, but that he had been convinced otherwise.

On Fox News, which has traditionally been supportive of military escapades, the reaction was mixed. While on-air the reception was broadly positive, other commentators weren’t convinced.

Fox News Radio’s Todd Starnes accused the president of changing his campaign promise from “America First” to “Afghanistan First.”

Other right-wingers also reacted negatively to the speech, noting what a contrast the new plan is from Trump’s rhetoric on the campaign trail.

Radio host Stefan Molyneux contrasted Trump’s speech with statements he had made on Twitter on Afghanistan before.

Filmmaker and author Mike Cernovich sarcastically offered his congratulations to “President McMaster” and “General Jared,” referring to Trump’s national security adviser and senior adviser respectively.
With nothing worth touting on either end of Pennsylvania Avenue, the GOP blood bath is coming

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell committed a sin Monday, admitting that Donald Trump has been scamming Americans about so-called "fake" news.

"Most news is not fake," McConnell told the Louisville Chamber of Commerce.

Whoa—them's fightin' words. That's Trump's bread and butter right there—his go-to retort to pretty much everything he doesn't like or understand, which is a lot.

But McConnell's comments didn't come out of nowhere. Over the weekend, a Trump ally who is in frequent contact with newly departed Trump aide Steve Bannon started the finger pointing over who's responsible for the raft of Republican defeats since they seized control of the federal government.

Politico writes:

“There’s a lack of leadership on one side of Pennsylvania Avenue,” said David Bossie, a former Trump campaign adviser, appearing on “Fox News Sunday.”

Bossie, who said he’s spoken to Bannon “many times” in recent days, said Bannon’s departure from the administration will help the administration at “leaning into Congress.” He repeatedly decried a “failure of leadership in the House and Senate.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan "have to step up,” Bossie said, adding, “The House and Senate leadership has not bought into the president’s agenda fully.”

Meanwhile, Bannon is already delighting in the battle ahead, writes the Washington Post.

In an interview in Washington on Saturday, Bannon warned Republican leaders to enthusiastically support Trump’s priorities on taxes, trade and funding a massive border wall — or risk the wrath of the president’s base, including Breitbart, to which Bannon returned Friday as executive chairman.

“If the Republican Party on Capitol Hill gets behind the president on his plans and not theirs, it will all be sweetness and light, be one big happy family,” Bannon said.

But Bannon added with a smile that he does not expect “sweetness” anytime soon...

We're pretty sure Bannon cackled like Dr. Evil after that.

Bannon is sure to be an equal opportunity destroyer, taking on anyone he believes is undercutting the white nationalist ideals he helped elevate during Trump's candidacy. That means everyone from from denizens of the Hill to the White House—including Trump and his family—will be fair game. Though McConnell was the chief target at Breitbart News on Monday night.

But Bannon will likely prove to be the same blunt instrument on the outside that he was on inside. His big mistake as a White House aide was having zero comprehension of or appreciation for the intricacies of producing and implementing policy—thus, the disastrous roll out of Trump's Muslim ban.

Bannon hasn't learned a thing since then, still treating Republican lawmakers like a monolith that should "get behind" Trump. That means he'll be exactly as effective at pushing legislation through Congress now that he’s back at Breibart.

What Bannon will succeed at is bloodying people up as he spins around Washington like a hammer thrower. He won't hit the right pressure points, but he'll surely knock some things down in the process.

The reality of Afghanastan was the same during the Trump campaign as it is now. Nothing has changed much.
Trump changed his view because Mattis, Kelly and McMaster told him too.

hope you don't pay your editor by the ****-up or you'll not receive a ******* dime from your NYT Best Seller.
Some more liberal, leftist wankers chime in:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">White House "top staff doesn't care what Trump says and the president doesn't seem to care that they don't care." <a href="https://t.co/sZosogAnU0">https://t.co/sZosogAnU0</a></p>— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) <a href="https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/900056071393464320">August 22, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Donald Trump’s Base Bewails ‘Unlimited War’ After His Afghanistan Policy Speech <a href="https://t.co/o32R2xxgY8">https://t.co/o32R2xxgY8</a></p>— Mike Cernovich &#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; (@Cernovich) <a href="https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/899830650261299200">August 22, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">General Jared. <a href="https://t.co/8oI9MVULqf">pic.twitter.com/8oI9MVULqf</a></p>— Mike Cernovich &#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; (@Cernovich) <a href="https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/899809485031473153">August 22, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
When you say 'you fools' are you referring to Breitbart readers aka Trump's Alt Right base?

Trump’s ‘America First’ Base Unhappy with Flip-Flop Afghanistan Speech

Wait.....I thought Bannon was going to fight for 45 once he got back to Breitbart......Oh yeah HE LIED!, because he's a pathological ,racist liar, just like his former boss.

Back to your regularly scheduled Reich Wing circle jerk.
Effie is at the Trump rally in Phoenix?

“Get your rocks, bottles, urine here...”
I liked what I heard from the speech. My favorite part? Where he said about removing the restrictive rules of engagement and letting our Soldiers fight to win. I laughed at General Hertling this morning. He said "We always fight to win." Not in Afghanistan. When I was last there in 2011-2012, I cannot count the times we were not allowed to return fire or engage for whatever ridiculous reason our attorney gave. Yes, our attorney. How many nations go to war with lawyers? And when you are in deep ****, you gotta get on the radio, call back to HQ and get permission. ****.

Let our guys do the deed. Then get out. How it should have been from the start.

So your one of the "let's through gasoline on the fire to put it out" type of guys? There is no "winning", it's a war of suppression until the culture has had enough of the B.S. to change. You can't kill an idea, people have to say," hey that idea is stupid" and change. Like the enlightenment did for Christianity.
The reality of Afghanastan was the same during the Trump campaign as it is now. Nothing has changed much.
Trump changed his view because Mattis, Kelly and McMaster told him too.
