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Stupid Liberals Would Rather See Women Get Raped

More cities/countries saying no to socialist dream rape culture and reporting it now

More than a dozen sexual assaults 'carried out by asylum seekers' in Helsinki Finland on New Year's Eve

Finnish police are investigating 15 alleged sexual assaults in Helsinki on New Year's Eve, reportedly carried out by 'groups of men of foreign appearance'.

One rape, two attempted rapes and 12 sexual assaults all allegedly involved '10-20 men with foreign backgrounds' who roamed around the city centre on New Years Eve, a police report said.

The incidents reflects similar events in Cologne, Germany where more than 800 complaints regarding sexual assaults, rape and robbery have been filed in connection with New Year's Eve



‘German girls are just there for sex’ What migrant told woman as he groped her in street

GERMANY was rocked by yet more migrant sex attack allegations today after it emerged one refugee told his victim she was “just there for sex” as he groped her whilst another group STONED two women in the street.

Horrific details of another bout of sex attacks allegedly carried out by recently arrived refugees provoked more fury across the country as calls to clamp down on mass migration continued to grow.

The points made about Sweden inflating their rape statistics, and no actual statistical connection between rape and national origin have been ignored by you.

I know, right, we all know that women lie about being molested and raped.

And those reports from Cologn, Germany about "Middle Eastern" men groping, grabbing and raping are just more scatter-brained claims by women.

Jeez, when will women stop making these phony rape claims??
It's been comical to watch Steel Vanguard Elfie twist throughout this thread. To this day, it boggles my mind to watch Lefty's continually defend Muslims as if they were their brethren - a mass of people that want to rape their women, kill their homosexuals, and kill any of them that don't believe in Allah. Bizarro world. It's analogous to me running off to court in an effort to provide witness testimony in support of the man who broke into my own home, robbed me of my wealth, and raped my wife.

Yeah, yeah, we get that "not all Muslims" are evil. Just many tens of millions of them worldwide.

Throughout the thread, article after article has been posted of rapes, rising rape statistics, and the growing problem it is presenting throughout Europe. The articles are self explanatory. But SteelV continues to argue that because we can't specifically prove that these rapes are committed by Muslims, we must be wrong. Damn those "women's rights" the Left continually screams about.

The beauty of the rising rape issues with Muslims is the problem with moral equivalence it provides for the typical Lefty. Too often the Left is wrongly labeled as being the party that champions 'women's rights' We also know that the Left is full of the progressives (er, destructives) who want to promote multi-culturalism. The problem is that multi-culturalism is causing a surge in rapes. It thus provides the Lefty with a huge dilemma. "Crap, I scream about women's rights...and I scream about being fair to Muslims. ****, I can't have both at the same time. Damnit, damnit, damnit, what do I do?"

And thus the behavior that you see from him and the other Lefty's in this thread and elsewhere is explicable. The ONLY way they can simultaneously continue to say they support women's rights and Muslims is if they can somehow prove or cast doubt that the rising rape culture is not in fact occurring. Otherwise, they have to pick one or the other - women's rights or Muslims.

It is still comical to me to go back to page 1 and read this from the beginning and watch the futile attempts to defend. It's plainly obvious what is going on. Yet he's hoping desperately that the obvious correlation between a rise in rapes and a rise in immigrants from Muslim countries isn't an actual correlation. He's desperate. And comical defending the religion of Allah and Mohammed, a warrior who raided, raped and pillaged, who taught his followers to raid, pillage, and rape, to kill homosexuals, and to trade and deal with women as slaves.

Yes, rape is condoned by Allah.

Read the whole article.


the Qur’an allows men to have sex with their female captives and slave girls, and the Hadith provides numerous examples of how this was practiced. Yet we must follow this fact through to its logical conclusion. Muslims decided to have sex with their captives, whom they were later going to sell. Some of these captives were women whose husbands and families had been slaughtered by Muslims. Others had husbands who had been captured by Muslims. Would these women gladly consent to sexual intercourse with men who had killed their families or taken their families captive, and who were simply going to sell them into slavery when they arrived at the next town? Certainly not. But since the Qur’an and Muhammad authorized sex with these women (and said nothing about seeking their permission), we can only conclude that Muhammad allowed his followers to rape their captives.

Allah teaches Muslims to kill non-believers. He teaches that non-believers are a lower life form than Muslims. He teaches his followers to kill non-believers and that it is not a sin to have intercourse with non-believing women, even if the Muslim is himself married. Watch the video, it does a good job of explaining it all.

So we know that Islam condones raping non-believing women. Check.

We know that Britain was hiding the real statistics about rapes in the UK from 1997 to 2013, and that they knew the preponderance of them were committed by Muslims (otherwise, why hide the statistics?). The rest of Europe has been doing the same thing - Sweden, Denmark, Germany, etc. These governments are covering up in lieu of being 'multi-cultural'. Check.

We know that as immigration from middle eastern countries (a large % of whom are Muslim) has surged, rape incidences have rapidly risen. Check.

Yet he/they defend. It's comical.

They will be the first ones to run around screaming about the rising rape culture on college campuses, that it's "real" and damnit, something must be done, but somehow this is different. College women being raped by college men is heinous, but immigrant raping of female nationals is to be expected and tolerated because "possibly" some of those assailants are Muslim.

I said before their defense in these situations was comical. Check that. It's actually sick.

Sacrificing Our Daughters: On the Psychology of Islamic Rape-Gangs
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LbpAXRfbE-A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A woman, while being raped, must find irrefutable proof that the rapist is muslim.
Though asking about religion is frowned upon.
and describing how a rapist looks is racist.
therefore, no crime is committed.
A woman, while being raped, must find irrefutable proof that the rapist is muslim.
Though asking about religion is frowned upon.
and describing how a rapist looks is racist.
therefore, no crime is committed.

Nah. Not a Muslim thing at all..

In a statement to Russian channel REN TV, a leading Imam of a Salafist mosque in Cologne has blamed women for being sexually assaulted. Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf, the head of a mosque affiliated with the fundamentalist Salafi movement, claimed that attacked women were responsible for "dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume", news and opinion website Breitbart reported.

The Imam told the interviewer: “we need to react properly, and not to add fuel to the fire”, speaking of the hundreds of women who were groped, sexually assaulted and even raped by migrant men across German cities like Cologne. “The events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them."

from - http://www.indiatimes.com/news/weir...-clothes-says-radical-mosque-imam-249663.html
African Muslims don't wear dreadlocks.

It's race baiting, and it's obvious.

The lengths you go with which to prove yourself an idiot on this board astound even me. Yes, certain African Muslims do wear dreadlocks.


Meet the Muslims who celebrate their faith with dreadlocks and reggae

The followers of the Baye Fall aren't your typical Muslims. They show their devotion a bit differently: with dreadlocks and reggae.

Often, members of the Baye Fall are confused for Rastafarians.

"They both have very positive vibes, which is why they look alike -- the Baye Fall and the Rasta" concedes Mamadou Lamine Seck, a follower and the lead singer in Gustou Band.

"But we don't have the same prophet. I don't believe in Rasta, but I appreciate Rasta."

The Baye Fall sect is little more than a century old, and was born out of Senegal's second largest city: Touba. Touba itself was founded in the late 19th-century by the creator of the Mouride Brotherhood -- a branch of the Sufi order of Islam. In fact, Baye Fall's founder, Sheikh Ibrahima Fall, was said to be one of the brotherhood's fiercest disciples.

Senegal. Of Africa.

Makes that whole "you are race baiting" thing seem pretty stupid now.
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The lengths you go with which to prove yourself an idiot on this board astound even me. Yes, certain African Muslims do wear dreadlocks.


Meet the Muslims who celebrate their faith with dreadlocks and reggae

Senegal. Of Africa.

Makes that whole "you are race baiting" thing seem pretty stupid now.

That's a nice Google pull, but it only makes my point. Not a single one of these men are from Senagal.

They are from Morocco, Syria, Iran (Persians are considered Caucasian BTW).

To you, all Blacks are the same. That's what this thread is all about. That's why it was started, that's why it keeps going. You don't like Black people, so you want to hang everything bad that happens in the world around our necks.

The Ku Klux Klanishness of this board just just showed it's true face.
You don't like Black people, so you want to hang everything bad that happens in the world around our necks.

The Ku Klux Klanishness of this board just just showed it's true face.

No, you just showed your ***. You're a racist and now all of your inane arguments make a little bit of sense.
No, you just showed your ***. You're a racist and now all of your inane arguments make a little bit of sense.

LOLZ. You get caught with your hand in the KKK cookie jar, and all you can say is "You're a racist for calling me racist"?

LOLZ. You get caught with your hand in the KKK cookie jar, and all you can say is "You're a racist for calling me racist"?


Wrong, Vantard. Pretty much all of your posts are based on your racism. Even in this thread, claiming that the sexual assaults are just made up by white nationalists. You've lost any shred of credibility that you may have once had.
Wrong, Vantard. Pretty much all of your posts are based on your racism. Even in this thread, claiming that the sexual assaults are just made up by white nationalists. You've lost any shred of credibility that you may have once had.

I "claimed" that they were "just made up"? Ok. Post that quote. Take your time.

I am amused by this game of calling people "racist" when they catch you doing something that is actually racist. You're like a 4th grader on the playground who responds with, "No, YOU'RE stupid!" I'm not sure there's a weaker comeback.
That's a nice Google pull, but it only makes my point. Not a single one of these men are from Senagal.

They are from Morocco, Syria, Iran (Persians are considered Caucasian BTW).

To you, all Blacks are the same. That's what this thread is all about. That's why it was started, that's why it keeps going. You don't like Black people, so you want to hang everything bad that happens in the world around our necks.

The Ku Klux Klanishness of this board just just showed it's true face.

This post of yours is wrong on so many fronts (like most of your posts) that I can only shake my damned head.

1. Baye Fall is a a very old Muslim order from Africa, in Senegal. Descended from the Mouride Brotherhood in 1883, around for over 130 years. Their members are not primarily from other countries, but are made up primarily of Africans. Locals. https://face2faceafrica.com/article/baye-fall
2. You stated African Muslims don't wear dreads. You're wrong.
3. You don't know me. You don't know my multi-cultural base of friends and my interracial family, nor do you know anything about the work I do in and with the African American community.
4. This thread was not started about "Blacks." Wrong again.

You are right, racism has reared its ugly head in this thread. We all see it, plainly, in your most recent posts.

Vs. making statements you pull out of your *** and state as fact (African Muslims don't wear dreads), you might try some research first.
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This post of yours is wrong on so many fronts (like most of your posts) that I can only shake my damned head.

1. Baye Fall is a a very old Muslim order from Africa, in Senegal. Descended from the Mouride Brotherhood in 1883, around for over 130 years. Their members are not primarily from other countries, but are made up primarily of Africans. Locals. https://face2faceafrica.com/article/baye-fall
2. You stated African Muslims don't wear dreads. You're wrong.
3. You don't know me. You don't know my multi-cultural base of friends and my interracial family, nor do you know anything about the work I do in and with the African American community.
4. This thread was not started about "Blacks." Wrong again.

You are right, racism has reared its ugly head in this thread. We all see it, plainly, in your most recent posts.

Vs. making statements you pull out of your *** and state as fact (African Muslims don't wear dreads), you might try some research first.

I don't have to know you. I know what you've said. And what you've said is racist as all hell.

You're saying that all Blacks are the same, so it's OK to lump all of us in with the rapists in Europe. The picture posted by Chip says exactly that, because the guy in the picture is NOT a North African immigrant. He's not some Senegalese shaman as you claim. He's a scary looking Black guy grabbing a white woman. That's why that pic was chosen, and for no other reason.

But you know this. All the dodging and trying to pretend that African Muslims wearing dreadlocks is anything but a rarity, is you RUNNING LIKE A COWARD from the topic at hand. You, Chip, Indy, and anyone else who support's this White Nationalist propaganda are showing what kind of people you really are. You've exposed yourselves in an unambiguous way. YOU made this a race issue by supporting White Nationalist propaganda.
I don't have to know you. I know what you've said. And what you've said is racist as all hell.

You're saying that all Blacks are the same, so it's OK to lump all of us in with the rapists in Europe. The picture posted by Chip says exactly that, because the guy in the picture is NOT a North African immigrant. He's not some Senegalese shaman as you claim. He's a scary looking Black guy grabbing a white woman. That's why that pic was chosen, and for no other reason.

But you know this. All the dodging and trying to pretend that African Muslims wearing dreadlocks is anything but a rarity, is you RUNNING LIKE A COWARD from the topic at hand. You, Chip, Indy, and anyone else who support's this White Nationalist propaganda are showing what kind of people you really are. You've exposed yourselves in an unambiguous way. YOU made this a race issue by supporting White Nationalist propaganda.

I agree with you....the guy in the photo should have been a black man with short hair, or Arab.
Topless French babes crash Islamic extremist convention in Paris; Hilarity ensues.


Muslim men dont like women who stand up against them, and this video shows that. Watch these savage thugs beat these women on stage! Islam is a cult.

Two topless activists from FEMEN, the notorious hardline international feminist organization, ages 25 and 31 and both from Islamic families, this Saturday appeared at a controversial Muslim conference.

They ran on stage in front of two imams reportedly discussing whether it is right to beat a woman or not, screaming “No one can enslave me, no one can possess me, I am my own prophet!” A slogan also written on their naked chests. FEMEN claims its female activists were protesting against “womanophobia” and violence against women they say is widespread among Muslims, as stated in an online release.

“FEMEN is calling for mass opposition against the uprising of those womanophobe integrisms and for a strong answer from our institutions. Womanophobia is illegal. Sexism is a kind of racism. Modern slavery is a crime. Let’s condemn them together, and let’s remind them without ever losing any ounce of strength: No one can enslave me, no one can possess me, I am my own prophet!” The FEMEN France message on Facebook said, calling the two feminists “our topless jihadists”.

Thereafter, both partly nude women were dragged off by security personnel and, as it can clearly be seen on the video of the incident, were slapped and kicked by an unidentified man. The activists were later detained by police and released later that night. The organizers of the salon announced their plan to file a lawsuit against the activists who interrupted the event.

The 3rd Muslim Salon held in Pontoise in Val-d’Oise north of Paris over the weekend, has been dedicated to the role of women in Islam and comprised of different workshops on cooking and dressing along with a series of thematic lectures.

A petition on Change.org created days before the event that was encouraging to ban the salon and gathered some 8000 signatures claims the imams leading the event, Nader Abou Anas and Mehdi Kebir, are misogynic fundamentalists, who justify marital rape and other forms of gender violence.