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Stupid Liberals Would Rather See Women Get Raped

You post with a racial bias because you are extremely racist. It's ok, you can admit it. We already know.

It just doesn't work, man. You got caught RED HANDED supporting White Nationalist propaganda. You can't just scream the word "racist" as a get out of jail free card.

You're nailed, son. Dead to rights.
It just doesn't work, man. You got caught RED HANDED supporting White Nationalist propaganda. You can't just scream the word "racist" as a get out of jail free card.

You're nailed, son. Dead to rights.

I don't know what you're babbling about. Go back through this thread and find an example. I guess if you mean that I'm on the side of the peaceful citizens and not on the side of the raping refugees then yeah. And again, it's ok. You don't have to hide anymore, your secret is out, racist.
It just doesn't work, man. You got caught RED HANDED supporting White Nationalist propaganda. You can't just scream the word "racist" as a get out of jail free card.

You're nailed, son. Dead to rights.

Yeah, you are right. Everyone here is racist, but you. Now go away.
Muslim is not a race.

I don't like hard core white muslims either. Personally, I think anyone that takes religion that seriously has issues. It's just a fact that Islam brings with it a lot more violence, political upheaval, intolerance and sexism than most other major religions in the world right now (Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism). But all religions bring more of those things than Atheism. Islam is just by far and away the worst culprits right now. To deny that fact is stupid.
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I don't have to know you. I know what you've said. And what you've said is racist as all hell.

You're saying that all Blacks are the same, so it's OK to lump all of us in with the rapists in Europe. The picture posted by Chip says exactly that, because the guy in the picture is NOT a North African immigrant. He's not some Senegalese shaman as you claim. He's a scary looking Black guy grabbing a white woman. That's why that pic was chosen, and for no other reason.

But you know this. All the dodging and trying to pretend that African Muslims wearing dreadlocks is anything but a rarity, is you RUNNING LIKE A COWARD from the topic at hand. You, Chip, Indy, and anyone else who support's this White Nationalist propaganda are showing what kind of people you really are. You've exposed yourselves in an unambiguous way. YOU made this a race issue by supporting White Nationalist propaganda.

Point to one thing I've said that is racist.

I await.

We are supporting factual reports from around the world that show, with a rise in middle eastern immigrants, rapes rise.

That isn't racist. That's factual.
Muslim is not a race.

No one said that it is. But this White Nationalist propaganda was posted by Chip:


That dude isn't North African. Or Syrian. Or Persian. He's Black and he's a scapegoat.

I'll say it again: when Chip and others post White Nationalist propaganda or argue to support it, they are making it a race issue.

If they don't want to be called racists, maybe they should stop doing racist ****.
Vantard is reaching hard with his misguided racist anger. What a waste of time. Pull your pants up and quit blaming Whitey for everything that YOU created.
That dude isn't North African. Or Syrian. Or Persian. He's Black and he's a scapegoat.

Please tell us where this man is from? What nationality is he? What religion does he practice.

I'll stay tuned. You seem to know quite a bit about him and the origin of this photo.
Nope, it's not the Muslims causing rapes in Europe. I mean, the Liberal posters on this board have told us so.

But a Muslim cleric has told us 'why' these women were raped by Muslims on New Years Eve in the gang rapes in Germany.

Now that's just downright weird.


Muslim cleric says Cologne sex attacks were the victims' fault because they wore PERFUME

A Cologne imam has said the victims of the New Years Eve mob sex attacks had themselves to blame because they wore perfume.

Sami Abu-Yusuf added that he was not surprised the girls were sexually assaulted, groped and raped, because of the way they dressed.

Hundreds of women were attacked by a mob of men in Cologne's city centre on New Years Eve, with the number of alleged sexual assaults now tallying up to 521, including three rapes.

'The events of New Year's Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume,' Mr Abu-Yusuf told Russian TV according to Breitbart.

'It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire'.

Sami Abu-Yusuf is the Imam of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne, preaching Salafism - an ultra-conservative form of Sunni Islam.

The mosque has been investigated by German intelligence in the past, and was raided in 2004 to break up a 'secret network of Arab Mujahideen', according to Breitbart.

This comes as German prosecutors say the number of complaints filed in connection with the New Years Eve attacks in Cologne has now passed 800.

We are racist for tying Muslims to these rapes. But they are admitting to it.


Spin, spin, and spin some more.
Another wonderful read for the intellects of the board who don't believe that Islam teaches rape.


Islam and Rape: Joined at the Hip

Pamphlets being issued in Germany to Muslim male refugees that they are not to grope or fondle European women reveal the rank stupidity, ignorance, and sheer indifference of European leaders as they continue down a suicidal trajectory.

Of course these men were going to engage in rape jihad, since sexual abuse is ingrained in their religion and culture. As psychologist Nicolai Sennels explains, "Mohammed, the prime example for Muslims, married Aisha when she was six and had intercourse with her when she was nine. Besides, according to the Quran (4:24), Muslims are allowed to have sex with female slaves[.]" In addition, "uncovered women are in many Muslim cultures seen as a kind of prostitute, and if a man is aroused by such a female, then – partly due to the corrupted logic of responsibility within Muslim psychology – the female is blamed for being raped (and will therefore often face execution)."

In 2010, Andrew C. McCarthy, in his book entitled The Grand Jihad, described rape by Muslim immigrants as the "unspoken epidemic of Western Europe." Six years later, it continues to expand and sweep across the continent. Ingrid Carlqvist documents how Sweden is now the rape capital of the West, and when "Michael Hess, a local politician from [the] Sweden Democrat Party, tried to warn his nation that 'it is deeply rooted in Islam's culture to rape and brutalize women who refuse to comply with Islamic teachings' he was charged with 'denigration of ethnic groups'" – a crime in Sweden.

According to Islamic clerics, a woman who fails to wear a headscarf is asking to be raped. Consequently, in the eyes of Muslim men, Western women are seen as "promiscuous, loose, and willing," and since no one in the Islamic community refutes this, they engage in the violence and abuse of power that rape represents. In Australia, Lebanese gangs threaten policemen's wives and girlfriends with rape. In 2006, the mufti of Australia, Sheikh Taj al-Din al Hilali, maintained that "women who do not veil themselves, and allow themselves to be 'uncovered meat,' are at fault if they are raped."

In Rotherham, England, some 1,400 British children as young as 11 were plied with drugs before being passed around and sexually abused by Muslims. As shocking as this was, it is the fifth sex abuse ring led by Muslims according to Raymond Ibrahim, who has been unremitting in his revelation of crimes committed in the name of Islam.

According to Abigail R. Esman, since 2006 the Dutch have described how second-generation Moroccan youths grope Dutch women and call them *****. Jamie Glazov describes the horrible scar that myriad women now bear. Known as "smiley," whereby "one side of the face is cut up from mouth to ear, it is a war mark left by Muslim rapists as a warning to other women who don't veil themselves." Thus, Muslim and now even non-Muslim women feel the pressure to veil themselves. And female European leaders in perfect synchronized dhimmitude stance tell women to "adopt a code of conduct" to discourage men from committing sexual assault.

Jihadis are importing girls from Tunisia to satisfy their sexual needs. Sudan has long used rape against Christians and animists as well as against those Muslims in Darfur who were judged to be "insufficiently Islamic." In Nigeria, Boko Haram seized 300 schoolgirls in order to sell them on the open market. In Pakistan, the police do nothing as Hindu and Christian children as young as 7 years old are gang-raped and sold as prostitutes or slaves to wealthy Muslim families. From 2011 through 2014, approximately 550 Egyptian Coptic Christian girls were abducted and sexually abused by Muslim men.

The recent revelation of packs of men assaulting women during New Year's celebrations in Cologne is but one of the barbaric behaviors permitted by the Koran whereby abusing infidel girls and women is a right, since they are spoils of war. Repeatedly, Muslim clerics maintain the legality of sex slavery. Sex slaves are not at all forbidden because their existence means that Muslim men will not have to "engage in forbidden sexual relations." Thus, it is perfectly fine to rape and enslave non-Muslims since they are little more than "chattels or possessions over whom [Muslims] have absolute authority." And white women are to be treated with "particular contempt."

The Koran mandates the second-class status of women. Consequently, Muslim women have been forced to marry and have sex with men against their will. Should women violate any of the misogynist sharia laws, death will ensue. In 2013, an astonishing 91 percent of the upwards of 20,000 honor killings each year were committed by Muslims. Forty-three percent of women in Turkey and 82% in Morocco are victims of sexual and physical abuse. If this is how Muslim women are treated, certainly non-Muslim women can expect far worse.

The ISIS magazine named "Dabiq" justifies the enslavement and rape of non-Muslim women because such acts follow Islamic tradition. Thus, Yazidi women and children are now sold by the Islamic state soldiers. Anyone who would argue against such behavior faces decapitation. Moreover, "gang rape is officially sanctioned as a legitimate form of keeping women marginalized and 'in their place.'" In fact, an ISIS fatwa listing15 rules for "using, selling, and sharing female slaves" was intercepted by Special Operations Forces in January of 2015.

The distortion of healthy sexual and loving relationships that is so endemic in Muslim culture has resulted in the horrific scenes repeatedly played out across the world. Glazov emphasizes that "throughout the Islamic Middle East, men and women are taught to be vehemently opposed to pleasure, especially of the sexual variety. Men are raised not only forbidden to touch women, but to even look at them. Sex before marriage is not just a sin – but a criminal offence. It is punishable by a severe beating at best, and an execution at worst."

Concerning suicide bombers, Dr. Tawfik Hamid explains that much of the motivation to join the jihadist cause is driven primarily by Muslim men's "extreme sexual frustration." The promise of 72 virgins waiting in heaven for a martyr of Islam is appealing to Muslim men, for whom sex is, to a large extent, unattainable. Child marriage, however, is sanctioned in Muslim countries, and pederasty is widespread.

According to the late Christopher Hitchens, "Salman Rushdie's upsettingly brilliant psycho-profile of Pakistan, in his 1983 novel, Shame, rightly laid emphasis on the crucial part played by sexual repression in the Islamic republic." Hitchens asserted that this "is a society where rape is not a crime. It is a punishment. Women can be sentenced to be raped, by tribal and religious kangaroo courts, if even a rumor of their immodesty brings shame on their menfolk. In such an obscenely distorted context, the counterpart term to shame – which is the noble word 'honor' – becomes most commonly associated with the word 'killing.' Moral courage consists of the willingness to butcher your own daughter."

At Gatestone Institute, a search under "Rape and Islam" results in over 20,000 pieces dealing with this topic.

Paul Zanetti writes that while German chancellor Angela "Merkel was warned by everybody with any understanding of the Islamic ideology that potential disaster was only a matter of when – not if," she ignored them all. He cites a case of a 15-year-old Yazidi rape victim who recounted the following as she was raped by an Iraqi fighter.

'He kept telling me this is ibadah,' she said, using a term from Islamic scripture meaning worship.

'He said that raping me is his prayer to God.' I said to him, 'What you're doing to me is wrong, and it will not bring you closer to God.' And he said, 'No, it's allowed. It's halal.'

In his reprint of the 1924 Islam and the Psychology of the Muslim by Andre Servier, Bill Warner quotes Besson, who asserted that "the Muslim, remaining faithful to his religion, has not progressed; he has remained stationary in a world of swiftly moving modern forces. It is, indeed, one of the salient features of Islamism that it immobilizes in their native barbarism the races whom it enslaves. It is fixed in a crystallization inert and impenetrable. It is unchangeable; and political, social or economic changes have no repercussion upon it."

With European leaders doing nothing to protect their women, with American police forces purging materials critical to understanding domestic Islamic terrorism, and with Western feminists' deafening silence to the Muslim barbarism and abuse of women, what, indeed, will be the outcome as Islamic supremacists continue their advances in every sphere of our lives?
First of all, you are a liar and a poser. You get banned, and come back under a new name, thinking you are fooling anyone. You fool nobody, but yourself.

During the Vietnam War, the "facts" presented by the media were nothing more than what the Gov't wanted to make you believe. It was all cooked stats, as presented by the career military brass, ordered by the politicos. It was all bunk. If you wanted the truth, you had to go out into the field, and talk to the guys actually doing the fighting. You know, all of that "anecdotal" bullshit, that has no value.

Sweden today, is the liberal utopia taken to it's logical conclusion. It is committing cultural suicide by allowing uncontrolled immigration from 3rd world muslim countries, whose values are anything but liberal. There is no place to put these people, They enter for the welfare lifestyle, And it continues. They are destroying the cultural fabric of the country.The Swedish politicos will not say it. The politically correct media will not report it. The police are forbidden from doing their jobs properly, for fear of being branded as racist....by those same media and government types. The BBC is complicit in the same charade, with their pro-multicultural agenda. So, if you want the facts, you need to rely on the anecdotal evidence. And there is a lot of it out there, if you choose to look for it. Let me get you started.............................

Nuff said

Not gonna argue with it. Liberals learn the hard way when not presented with just the facts but the possibility of facing those facts first hand
German Imam blames Cologne rape victims; 'they wore perfume'

Sami Abu-Yusuf said that he was not surprised the girls were sexually assaulted, groped and raped, because of the way they dressed.

“The events of New Year's Eve were the girls' own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. (Dressing like that) is like adding fuel to the fire"

No one said that it is. But this White Nationalist propaganda was posted by Chip:


That dude isn't North African. Or Syrian. Or Persian. He's Black and he's a scapegoat.

I'll say it again: when Chip and others post White Nationalist propaganda or argue to support it, they are making it a race issue.

If they don't want to be called racists, maybe they should stop doing racist ****.
I saw a Muslim. You saw a black guy.
I'm seeing a pattern here. You guys make this accusation. I debunk it. You change the subject.

I have acknowledged the possibility that the immigrant rape crisis may be real. You should at least have enough integrity to concede that it may not.

As already stated, you've "debunked" nothing. BUT.....I'll go ahead and "have the integrity" to say that there is maybe a 1% chance that the immigrant rape crisis is "not real." But I'm 99% certain that it is. To paraphrase the old canard that utilizes...... well, a canard, "if it walks, talks and acts like an animal, it's an animal.

That's a nice Google pull, but it only makes my point. Not a single one of these men are from Senagal.

They are from Morocco, Syria, Iran (Persians are considered Caucasian BTW).

To you, all Blacks are the same. That's what this thread is all about. That's why it was started, that's why it keeps going. You don't like Black people, so you want to hang everything bad that happens in the world around our necks.

The Ku Klux Klanishness of this board just just showed it's true face.

Aaaaand there it is. When presented evidence of criminal acts committed by a group of individuals we'd all be disgusted by, suspicious of and develop loathing for that group regardless of skin color. Yeah, I know that's just talk, you know better. A for instance of your mind set..... you evidently are black. You disgust me. Therefore blacks disgust me. That's your inference I'm sure.......and a perfect example of your repeated ad nauseum theory regarding causation and correlation. But it doesn't work in this instance. I found you disgusting long before you made your race known.

Topless French babes crash Islamic extremist convention in Paris; Hilarity ensues.


Muslim men dont like women who stand up against them, and this video shows that. Watch these savage thugs beat these women on stage! Islam is a cult.

Two topless activists from FEMEN, the notorious hardline international feminist organization, ages 25 and 31 and both from Islamic families, this Saturday appeared at a controversial Muslim conference.

They ran on stage in front of two imams reportedly discussing whether it is right to beat a woman or not, screaming “No one can enslave me, no one can possess me, I am my own prophet!” A slogan also written on their naked chests. FEMEN claims its female activists were protesting against “womanophobia” and violence against women they say is widespread among Muslims, as stated in an online release.

“FEMEN is calling for mass opposition against the uprising of those womanophobe integrisms and for a strong answer from our institutions. Womanophobia is illegal. Sexism is a kind of racism. Modern slavery is a crime. Let’s condemn them together, and let’s remind them without ever losing any ounce of strength: No one can enslave me, no one can possess me, I am my own prophet!” The FEMEN France message on Facebook said, calling the two feminists “our topless jihadists”.

Thereafter, both partly nude women were dragged off by security personnel and, as it can clearly be seen on the video of the incident, were slapped and kicked by an unidentified man. The activists were later detained by police and released later that night. The organizers of the salon announced their plan to file a lawsuit against the activists who interrupted the event.

The 3rd Muslim Salon held in Pontoise in Val-d’Oise north of Paris over the weekend, has been dedicated to the role of women in Islam and comprised of different workshops on cooking and dressing along with a series of thematic lectures.

A petition on Change.org created days before the event that was encouraging to ban the salon and gathered some 8000 signatures claims the imams leading the event, Nader Abou Anas and Mehdi Kebir, are misogynic fundamentalists, who justify marital rape and other forms of gender violence.

Two things stood out in that video. One, the imam on stage can't seem to tear his oh so pure eyes away from them titties. Two, at about the 30 sec mark the screen behind him has a picture of a goat on it. Therefore I'm positing that this was actually a muzzie bachelor party gone awry.

No one said that it is. But this White Nationalist propaganda was posted by Chip:


That dude isn't North African. Or Syrian. Or Persian. He's Black and he's a scapegoat.

I'll say it again: when Chip and others post White Nationalist propaganda or argue to support it, they are making it a race issue.

If they don't want to be called racists, maybe they should stop doing racist ****.

If the dude in that picture were white I'd still be willing to shoot him off her back as she's obviously fearful and in distress.

Nuff said

Not gonna argue with it. Liberals learn the hard way when not presented with just the facts but the possibility of facing those facts first hand

BUT.....they DON'T learn.......and we all have to suffer with them.
What the hell is wrong with you people ... ?? Nobody has offered a response to Ron's video on the prior page.

Me? Hit and hit. Don't judge me - I have always preferred lithe, long-limbed, pert-breasted women.
**** islam with fermented pigs blood. It's spread is like ******* cancer. brings zero good to this world. nothing nadda zero. only oppression and death.
I think it's telling in that video that the black security guards are doing nothing wrong. They are reasonably wrapping up the girls and forcing them off the stage.

The arabs? Not so much. The one tries to ***** slap her. Then when she falls down more than one arab is trying to kick her when she's down on the ground.

Stay classy Muslims....
Good thing to see that Berlin has an Obama-like control on the situation. Cartoons will fix the problem of middle eastern immigrants raping their women, just you wait and see!


Germans battle refugee sex assaults with signs, cartoons

Rocked by a wave of sexual assaults committed by migrant men, Germany is fighting back with cartoons, in a PC campaign critics say would be comical if it didn’t address such a serious issue.

In a national effort already blasted by critics as demonstrating the government’s ineptitude in dealing with unruly refugees from the Middle East and North Africa, authorities have distributed anti-sexual harassment cartoon leaflets at public swimming pools and other public facilities. One depicts a hand reaching for a shapely, bikini-clad woman’s backside, and bears a universal-language slash demonstrating such behavior is forbidden.

“No verbal and bodily sexual harassment toward women in any kind of clothing,” reads the caption below.



This will be right up there with "Gun Free Zone" signs, another highly effective Liberal means of stopping violence.

They're infidel women. You can do as you please with them....geesh folks get with the program. you culture haters you. I love me some Islam baby!...mmmm.. so sexy. Sharia is the guiding light in a world of darkness.
So, Vantard accuses many of racism, is shown to be wrong and disappears.

Why are all the Polo/Eflie/21 Vis sycophants the same?

At least del is able to repress his libtardedness some of the time.
At least del is able to repress his libtardedness some of the time.
del is an honest Liberal who can still tell right from wrong and call it as he sees it, sort of like Bill Maher.
No one said that it is. But this White Nationalist propaganda was posted by Chip:


That dude isn't North African. Or Syrian. Or Persian. He's Black and he's a scapegoat.

I'll say it again: when Chip and others post White Nationalist propaganda or argue to support it, they are making it a race issue.

If they don't want to be called racists, maybe they should stop doing racist ****.

Oh **** off with that bullshit.

As to the German liberal approach to the crisis by posting signs you'd expect to maybe see at the kindergarten level......the people targeted by these signs believe there is absolutely nothing wrong with their behavior. None of it. Their "religion" encourages and demands that they do these things that are outrageous to literally every other culture on the planet. Rape of, lying to and complete disregard for infidel humans and their laws are basic tenets of izlam. Why in the ******* world does anyone still not believe that this massive influx of muslims all over the world is the beginning of their plan to inflict sharia in a world wide caliphate? And tolerance is encouragement. Encouragement is acceptance and acceptance will become precedent. Since it is evident that this is what happens when these animals are welcomed we need to yank the mat. Because once they're in we'll get the same mantra we now hear about illegal immigrants. That it's too difficult, expensive, racist, etc. to round up and get rid of them. Open your eyes people.

Xenophobically yours,

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