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Taliban 2, USA 1

I could put this in multiple threads, but this one will do. It's a great listen.

I go to bed last night and reporter's are saying get to the airport. Wake up today and they are saying stay away from the airport. Can you imagine how it must feel to actually be their? This is horrible
Just pathetic...

U.S. General Tells British Special Forces — ‘Stop rescuing people in Kabul, you’re making us look bad’…​

Posted by Kane on August 21, 2021 12:20 pm

The commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division has told the commander of the British special forces at the Kabul airport to cease operations beyond the airport perimeter.

Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue has told his British Army counterpart, a high-ranking field-grade officer of the British army’s 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, that British operations were embarrassing the United States military in the absence of similar U.S. military operations. I understand that the British officer firmly rejected the request.
******* embarrassing...

Joe Biden: Unfit to Lead​

By The Heartland Institute | Aug 20, 2021 3:30 PM ET
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AP Photo/Evan Vucci
One of the recently written flood of articles stemming from the ongoing Afghanistan crisis dares to proclaim that President Biden did nothing wrong in his abandonment of our ostensible ally.

This assertion is ludicrous.

Biden’s rash and politically motivated final drawdown of the U.S. military from Afghanistan has placed America’s national security in jeopardy via Afghanistan’s reversion to becoming a breeding ground for terrorism, damaged our national reputation amongst friend and foe alike, disrespected the countless sacrifices made by our armed forces over the past 20 years, squandered more than $1 trillion in tax dollars, and destroyed our nation’s ability to maintain a semblance of influence over a vital geopolitical region—a power vacuum that China will likely fill.

Afghanistan fell to the Taliban the moment that Afghan forces realized they could no longer rely on U.S. military support, especially by air. As a recent analysis convincingly illustrates, Taliban leaders were able to secure the surrender of Afghan military and government officials via bribes and guarantees of personal safety, once the latter realized America had abandoned them. (See also, Hollie McKay’s report on this.) And when Biden decided to continue the full withdrawal of our armed forces, the Taliban was poised to launch a blitzkrieg against Kabul.

Biden admits no responsibility for the situation, which directly contrasts his assertion that “the buck stops with me.”

Admiral James Stavridis—former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during much of the Afghanistan occupation—laments that “it is hard to construct a positive scenario” resulting from the end of U.S. military involvement, referencing the host of deleterious factors already discussed.

Echoing Adm. Stavridis, former Vice President Mike Pence effectively emphasizes our national humiliation, contending that the crisis “has embarrassed America on the world stage, caused allies to doubt our dependability, and emboldened enemies to test our resolve. Worst of all, it has dishonored the memory of the heroic Americans who helped bring terrorists to justice after 9/11.” His claim that this is the worst foreign policy fiasco since the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979 rings true.

However, Pence’s argument falters with his defense of the Trump administration’s peace agreement with the Taliban, which could be seen as the genesis of this catastrophe. This is the agreement that released 5,000 Taliban fighters from Afghan prisons, many of whom swelled the ranks of terrorist organizations or immediately rejoined the Taliban insurgency. The Taliban has historically been a sponsor of terrorism, and trusting such an organization to live up to any settlement was naïve.

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) articulated one of the better excoriations of American withdrawal in which he accurately holds both Biden and Trump accountable for the chaos:

Politicians lied: America’s options were never simply this disgraceful withdrawal or an endless occupation force of 100,000 troops (we haven’t had that in Afghanistan for a decade). America’s leaders didn’t tell the truth that our small, forward-deployed force of a few thousand was the backbone of intelligence and special forces’ successful work to decapitate terror organizations. The looming defeat will badly hurt American intelligence and give jihadis a safe haven in Afghanistan, again. America will regret this. Our allies will trust us less and our adversaries fear us less.

Rather than completely abandoning Afghanistan, we could have simply left our skeleton crew of approximately 2,500 special operators and support personnel within our fortified bases such as Bagram. And, we would likely have averted every negative outcome.

We could have continued to hunt terrorists, sustained American influence in the region, defended our ally, and upheld our international reputation.

We would not have lost countless vehicles, aircraft, drones, weapons, and intelligence to the Taliban.

We would not have wasted the sacrifice of our dead and wounded American soldiers.

We would not have squandered more than $1 trillion tax dollars (though some would still be lost).

Finally, the Afghan military—empowered and emboldened by our proximity and close air support—would not have brokered deals and surrendered to the Taliban.

One can forgive Trump for deigning to strive for a peaceful solution to such a long and costly war—especially because he was not presented with active intelligence of impending disaster, or advised against his course by various policy experts.

Biden was. And this is why we cannot forgive his actions.

Recent reports show that Biden was advised by members of his inner circle—including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan—to halt the drawing down of troops and re-evaluate our strategy based on a bevy of intelligence predicting exactly what has now come to pass.

Biden went ahead anyway.

One of these reports even claims that Biden proceeded because “he wanted to reorient American foreign policy onto what he sees as more pressing international matters, including competition with China, and domestic issues including infrastructure and battling COVID.”

First, what international matters would take precedence, especially in light of the unfolding disaster?

Second, we are now weaker compared to China because China will gain influence in Afghanistan based on our withdrawal.

Third, has Biden truly subordinated Afghanistan—and by extension, our national security and reputation—to infrastructure and more COVID-19 relief? It sounds as if Biden unilaterally decided that increasing funding towards food stamps by record amounts, allocating federal COVID-19 relief money towards school districts that defy lawful state orders, and supporting a $3.5 trillion “social spending bill” with essentially zero material benefits were more pressing items.

Whether Biden was motivated by his socialist agenda, political motivations, or otherwise, his course of action has made America weaker.

His decision to willfully ignore expert advice and intelligence on such a colossally important matter of national security and foreign policy—to look away from what was staring him in the face and refuse to adapt to changing circumstances—makes him unfit to lead.
Whether Biden was motivated by his socialist agenda, political motivations, or otherwise, his course of action has made America weaker.
Actually I would say Xiden has exactly zero responsibility for this. It's all his Liberal/Commie/Globalist staffers. Xiden doesn't have a clue what's going on, he just does what he's told and reads what's put in front of him.
Exhibit A: Neither he nor his staff has said anything bad about Muslims or the Tally Ban.
There's no reason we can't go in and get our people.
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I am probably the most misinformed person about this horrible situation on this forum. But I come on,trying to learn from many of your comments. Thank you Sarge for your comments. I think you said it best. I posted that YouTube video above from Australia,which I found quite informative. To me,it’s almost like the Taliban was just waiting patiently for the end game. Those goatfuckers seem to have outsmarted everyone. They knew America would have to get out sooner or later. Be it Trump,Obama,or Biden,someone was going to clear the troops.

How lucky were they,that the withdrawal happened on Biden’s watch. How embarrassing. I would love to see a list of weaponry that was left there by the U.S. for the Immediate use by the Taliban. It is mind boggling how this could happen. The bullshit that is being spewed. If I have to hear one more person blaming Trump. The withdrawal is all on current administration.

It’s all about the thousands left behind now. Swallow pride. Get them out. Then start the years upon years of both political sides doing the blame game. Books will be written,movies will be made. Just get those innocent people back to their country first.

More than 40,000 Canadians served in Afghanistan between 2001-2014. 158 gave up their lives for that country. Thousands injured,be it physical or psychological. 191 servicemen have taken their lives since 2011. I know these numbers pale in comparison to our American friends. But we sure as hell had a stake in the conflict. It’s ******* embarrassing to see the ending displayed for the world to see on media. Is this how the war will be remembered?
I truly wonder how betrayed the men and woman must feel that served.
Just pathetic...

U.S. General Tells British Special Forces — ‘Stop rescuing people in Kabul, you’re making us look bad’…​

Posted by Kane on August 21, 2021 12:20 pm

The commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division has told the commander of the British special forces at the Kabul airport to cease operations beyond the airport perimeter.

Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue has told his British Army counterpart, a high-ranking field-grade officer of the British army’s 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, that British operations were embarrassing the United States military in the absence of similar U.S. military operations. I understand that the British officer firmly rejected the request.
If this is legit we look like a ******* joke. Well at least the sleepy. God d
Been busy for the past week, limited to non-existent internet. Learned the details of how the Xiden ****-up is playing out only recently, though anybody with the intellect greater than a peanut could have predicted this. Have read just the past few pages of this thread, but since I know liberals, insufferable imbeciles that they are, I can predict three things:
  • Tibilo somehow blames Trump.
  • Biden thinks things are going great.
  • Biden blames Trump.
Anybody who blames Trump deserves to be kicked in the balls.
There's no reason we can't go in and get our people.
Yes there is, it would make Muslims angry.
What have I been saying for years? Liberals will always side with 1) Whoever is against America, 2) Whoever is against Christians and Jews, and 3) Whoever the darker-skinned people are. The Tally Ban hits the trifecta with all three.
Yes there is, it would make Muslims angry.
What have I been saying for years? Liberals will always side with 1) Whoever is against America, 2) Whoever is against Christians and Jews, and 3) Whoever the darker-skinned people are. The Tally Ban hits the trifecta with all three.

I am of no concern what liberals/leftists support. Just getting our people out by what ever means necessary. There's no excuse for this little game they're playing.

The taliban are playing people. They're on talking about being"inclusive"...hahaha. Granting amnesty. They've really studied our society well. Acting all noble while on the backside they're about to open a can of whoop *** on their population. At least they're all nice and well armed now.

Funny how they want to disarm our people from having a standard semi automatic rifle, but arm people who have been killing us for 20 years with our military weapons. It's almost as if this was planned to make us look weak and give the taliban a decisive victory and to make them look powerful.

We're at their mercy in getting our people out. They know we have dysfunctional weak pathetic leadership that they also perceive as illegitimate. They'd be right on both counts.

I don't ever want to hear another word from them about guns. Ever.
I am of no concern what liberals/leftists support. Just getting our people out by what ever means necessary. There's no excuse for this little game they're playing.

The taliban are playing people. They're on talking about being"inclusive"...hahaha. Granting amnesty. They've really studied our society well. Acting all noble while on the backside they're about to open a can of whoop *** on their population. At least they're all nice and well armed now.

Funny how they want to disarm our people from having a standard semi automatic rifle, but arm people who have been killing us for 20 years with our military weapons. It's almost as if this was planned to make us look weak and give the taliban a decisive victory and to make them look powerful.

We're at their mercy in getting our people out. They know we have dysfunctional weak pathetic leadership that they also perceive as illegitimate. They'd be right on both counts.

I don't ever want to hear another word from them about guns. Ever.
Quit being racist.