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Talking with an NFL coach about his team and the Steelers

I agree. Maybe Ike's standards for the Steelers are different than mine. I want them to win, and have no issues ripping anyone from the owner to the ball boy. Lately our expectations, especially in the playoffs have not been meet relative to our talent. I also have no issues give accolades. This is the place to be a Monday morning quarterback.

My standard is what any normal Steeler fan is, I expect to compete and win the championship every year. But I know full well that it is a very difficult task. We are a spoiled fan base. Barring the cheats, no other franchise is as stable or successful as the Steelers, regardless what you may think about the coaches or players on the team. Each playoff has its own special idiosyncrasy. Look at other teams in their playoff records before really critiquing. Losing Shazier and his backup was killer, and I’d like to know what team has a plan to win when their playmaker and signal caller are gone. 2016, the cheats won in the AFCC. 2015, Loss in the AFC Divisional to the eventual champion. So they are competing and have a chance for a championship every year. That’s all as a fan can ask for. IMO.

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A fact would be Tomlin is 3-5 in his last eight playoff games, 3-6 if you include the super bowl loss to the Packers.

If you want to go that route, another fact is he is 116-60 (15th best all-time) and has a .659 winning %, 2nd best among active coaches & best in team history. I'm not a fan of the early playoff exits and I know he has his warts, just pointing out a fact.
Thanks again for the one-star endorsement, Ike. I have been a contributor in the past and web site advocate. I think you need to look up what BS is. I use a lot of data here. Remember opinions can differ from facts.

You just don't like the way I present facts and get your panties in a wad at times from my opinion.

For example, I think Tomlin is an overrated coach and a reason why we underachieve. That is an opinion.

A fact would be Tomlin is 3-5 in his last eight playoff games, 3-6 if you include the super bowl loss to the Packers. And I usually add in football content, for example in the last game the Steelers played Tomlin's decision for the onside kick was foolish, and the players said the team was not focused...facts to back up my opinion.

If you have not guessed, the best way to limit my posting is to not reply back negatively to the point where I have to show you XYZ.

In the past....in the past. Are you now? Just because you were in the past doesn’t give you the right of passage to continue to think you are. Web site advocator? You making this stuff up? If you are on a site routinely you are a advocate. We are all are advocates.

You use a lot of data.....yes, we know all about your “methods” which usually are related to PFF an opinion site with proprietary metrics to back their observations. Not DATA.

That’s your problem the opinions you give often are not substantiated on objective facts. Period. Football content...lol, yes hindsight is always your MO. Onside kick, had it worked would have been considered shrewd call. Just like Cowher did in 95. He lost that game too. Speaking of which how many years did it take Cowher to return to the SB? Link please to your statement that players said they were not focused at the GB SB. Otherwise its hearsay. BTW, quotes after the game in the locker room are emotional, not factual.

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Tomlin has not produced with the talent and competitive players the Steelers have had while he has been coach. He continues to show he is unable to make game changes, is out coached to many times, yes his record is good but what is his record in the post season.
In the past....in the past. Are you now? Just because you were in the past doesn’t give you the right of passage to continue to think you are. Web site advocator? You making this stuff up? If you are on a site routinely you are a advocate. We are all are advocates.

You use a lot of data.....yes, we know all about your “methods” which usually are related to PFF an opinion site with proprietary metrics to back their observations. Not DATA.

That’s your problem the opinions you give often are not substantiated on objective facts. Period. Football content...lol, yes hindsight is always your MO. Onside kick, had it worked would have been considered shrewd call. Just like Cowher did in 95. He lost that game too. Speaking of which how many years did it take Cowher to return to the SB? Link please to your statement that players said they were not focused at the GB SB. Otherwise its hearsay. BTW, quotes after the game in the locker room are emotional, not factual.

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Don't forget the bashing of players without watching full games. Just shortened highlight clips. That is my favorite. :th_balls:
Tomlin has not produced with the talent and competitive players the Steelers have had while he has been coach. He continues to show he is unable to make game changes, is out coached to many times, yes his record is good but what is his record in the post season.

Helped by the fact that the Browns and Bengals are in our division.
If you want to go that route, another fact is he is 116-60 (15th best all-time) and has a .659 winning %, 2nd best among active coaches & best in team history. I'm not a fan of the early playoff exits and I know he has his warts, just pointing out a fact.

Look at all those regular season championship banners
Don't forget the bashing of players without watching full games. Just shortened highlight clips. That is my favorite. :th_balls:

Especially this year...when the Senior Bowl game and practices DVR’d equaled to players game tape from their college career.

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Look at all those regular season championship banners

I get it. I said I wasn't happy with the early playoff exits, I was simply posting a fact, because Coach wanted to go on about facts.
The 3-4 is a formation, it's not a scheme by itself. I doubt any coach would simply say the league "caught on" to what the steelers were doing and that's why it was less effective.

Aaron Smith, Hampton, Keisel, Harrison, Woodley, Farrior, Timmons, Ike, Deshea, Polamalu, Clark.
Heyward, McLendon, Ziggy, Jarvis, Moats, Vince Williams, Timmons, Cockrell, Cortez Allen, Will Gay, MIke Mitchell

Yeah, the scheme is why it was less effective towards the end of Lebeau's tenure in Pitt.
Hoodie gets quite a bit of help from his ****** division as well.

Only one valid team that was good for 2 years (Jets). Steelers had to play against a talented Cincy team, and a Ravens team that won 2 SBs since 2000. Brady's had easy street in that **** show division. It's like playing the browns 6 times a season.
Tomlin has not produced with the talent and competitive players the Steelers have had while he has been coach. He continues to show he is unable to make game changes, is out coached to many times, yes his record is good but what is his record in the post season.

I think we've been very good at making offensive changes. Just our D changes haven't been as good, since we lack the athleticism to change tactics. Dumping Mitchell will help a TON this season.
The 3-4 is a formation, it's not a scheme by itself. I doubt any coach would simply say the league "caught on" to what the steelers were doing and that's why it was less effective.

Aaron Smith, Hampton, Keisel, Harrison, Woodley, Farrior, Timmons, Ike, Deshea, Polamalu, Clark.
Heyward, McLendon, Ziggy, Jarvis, Moats, Vince Williams, Timmons, Cockrell, Cortez Allen, Will Gay, MIke Mitchell

Yeah, the scheme is why it was less effective towards the end of Lebeau's tenure in Pitt.

Right, and if the "league caught on" then why are there more teams running a 3/4 derivative now than back then?
In the past....in the past. Are you now? Just because you were in the past doesn’t give you the right of passage to continue to think you are. Web site advocator? You making this stuff up? If you are on a site routinely you are a advocate. We are all are advocates.

You use a lot of data.....yes, we know all about your “methods” which usually are related to PFF an opinion site with proprietary metrics to back their observations. Not DATA.

That’s your problem the opinions you give often are not substantiated on objective facts. Period. Football content...lol, yes hindsight is always your MO. Onside kick, had it worked would have been considered shrewd call. Just like Cowher did in 95. He lost that game too. Speaking of which how many years did it take Cowher to return to the SB? Link please to your statement that players said they were not focused at the GB SB. Otherwise its hearsay. BTW, quotes after the game in the locker room are emotional, not factual.

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Without me, you'd be rather silent on this board. You love to reply back. Over the years, the Steelers have taken shots at Tomlins coaching.

In Tomin's 1st playoff game vs the Jaguars, the Steelers said they were tired, and Tomlin worked them too hard. Max Starks was one of the Steelers who said this. Thanks Tomlin!

This year vs the Bears, the Steelers players including Ben said they were distracted from the stay in the locker room decision by Tomlin for " team unity " after a very close vote. Thanks Tomlin!

I suppose you want to read something about the upset playoff loss at home this year by the Jaguars?

“Certain guys out there who was not ready to play football. Don’t get me wrong, guys woke up in the second half, but it’s like, it’s kinda too late - Bell
“Guys got complacent, we had a bye week, we’re at home, we’re playing the Jaguars, it’s whatever. That’s how guys looked at it. I already knew the Jaguars were good, we played them earlier in the year.” – Bell


^^^ There you have Ike. Some more data for you to blindly reject and look like a fool while doing it. A primary job of the head coach is to keep his team focused, and ready to play. Do you think that happened vs the Jaguars 2018? NO.
I put more into the players playing down to the competition than I fault the coaches.....but we now have yeas of this problem. So yes Tomlin has to take a bunch of blame. I still think the players are the ones who play though.
Without me, you'd be rather silent on this board. You love to reply back. Over the years, the Steelers have taken shots at Tomlins coaching.

In Tomin's 1st playoff game vs the Jaguars, the Steelers said they were tired, and Tomlin worked them too hard. Max Starks was one of the Steelers who said this. Thanks Tomlin!

This year vs the Bears, the Steelers players including Ben said they were distracted from the stay in the locker room decision by Tomlin for " team unity " after a very close vote. Thanks Tomlin!

I suppose you want to read something about the upset playoff loss at home this year by the Jaguars?


^^^ There you have Ike. Some more data for you to blindly reject and look like a fool while doing it. A primary job of the head coach is to keep his team focused, and ready to play. Do you think that happened vs the Jaguars 2018? NO.

Without you.....give me a break. Your proliferation of treads/posts gives you the greater at bats to being ridiculed by your repeat/rinse topics.

You gave two players. Of Starks comment, wasn’t about the playoffs but that Tomlin in his early years worked them hard during training camp. That impacted the team down the stretch. Cowher did the same thing, and subsequently adjusted his routine as all young first time HC do. Tomlin has adjusted his routine since when Stark’s made his statement. That was how many years ago?

Bell as a source that certain players were not ready for the Jax game? Funny since he wasn’t there either during walk through and meetings.

The Bears game......For the love of God. Tomlin gave one rule...if you are going to do anything, do it in solidarity with 100% participation. All the players were in the tunnel (their plan). Al wanted to be up front to see the colors. He was given approval by the captains, but in the chaos between the field crew and presentation Al was separated from the rest of the team. How is that Tomlin fault? He gave the terms, the players failed them....due to circumstances beyond their control. Plus the fact the Media has a Fox cameraman right there.....so please, stop blaming Tomlin. If anything blame he players.

So there you have it...your “interpretation of data” is your opinion. A faulty interpretation at that. Who’s e the blame for the Jax loss? The players primarily, but Shazier being gone and Dirty Red not being 100% contributed mightily. All the while the turnovers by he offense was the primary culprit for the loss.

Seems like while they lost, the second half had them adjusted offensively enough to win. But the lack of a Shazier or quality backup...was too much to overcome. I’d like to see a 3rd string player in any position thrown in to replace a signal caller and perform in that situation. You try to name one.

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