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Target Down 5 Billion Since Embracing Trans Bathroom Policy

I don't think I've ever denied that communal showers exist, however I can promise you that no one will ever force you to avail yourself of one.

It said "community", not "communal". My community center's locker rooms are still gender specific, I suspect these are as well. Hysteria, Tim, hysteria.
You really do believe now that Obama has mandated they can be there, that men won't accept these invitations?

You are WAY overestimating Obama's influence, the law, and how much the dregs of humanity follow current events.

You are WAY underestimating the power of what is socially acceptable and how difficult it is to go against that, EVEN WHEN IT IS LEGAL. Watch the show "Impractical Jokers" and you'll know what I mean.

Not one man has said they will start using the women's bathroom, not one. Has anyone had a woman they know say they recently encountered a man in the the woman's bathroom?

It simply isn't happening as you imagine.
I have said repeatedly I oppose Obama getting involved in this. Again you just ignore anything that doesn't fit your argument. We don't need him mandating anything, we don't need states banning anything. Leave people alone, deal with problems as they arise.

and that is the issue that Steeltime, delz and stewey have brought up. That is the issue that raises the "unintended consequence" of what Tim, myself and others are offering up.
Bomma's administration has successfully leaped into micromanaging this. They, like you, do not think that it is a big deal if the sexes disrobe, shower, ****, piss, whatever in the same restroom. In fact, the Bomma administration has launched a tranny agenda for schools that makes you wonder why this was so quickly pushed. The government drags their collective sloth feet to do anything...yet when the tranny agenda hits the table, it moves at light speed.

So while we argue the pros and cons of allowing anyone - tranny or not - into a restroom, hotel room, shower, whatever, the government is pushing this through with nary a peep from anyone suggesting we slow this down and figure out a best course of action to limit the dangers for everyone involved.

and again, no one has an issue with the trannies in any restroom they want to be in. What we have an issue with is the sexual predators (NOT THE TRANNIES) seeing this as an opportunity and exploiting it EVEN MORE than they (NOT THE TRANNIES) may have done previously.
You are WAY overestimating Obama's influence, the law, and how much the dregs of humanity follow current events.

You are WAY underestimating the power of what is socially acceptable and how difficult it is to go against that, EVEN WHEN IT IS LEGAL. Watch the show "Impractical Jokers" and you'll know what I mean.

Not one man has said they will start using the women's bathroom, not one.
Has anyone had a woman they know say they recently encountered a man in the the woman's bathroom?

It simply isn't happening as you imagine.

because, as has been said numerous times by onefor, sexual predators do not announce their intents. They will not buy billboard space. They will not advertise on Facebook. They will not use skywriting. They will just do this, then point to the Bomma directive as allowing them to do so. And call you a bigot if you call foul. Congrats.
There is a long list of colleges with religious exemptions to Title IX.

Really? Religious Exemptions? When Democrats are in office? Please go talk to Hobby Lobby about their business and religion and exemptions and where they had to go to protect their rights.

Religious exemptions under this regime is a joke OFTB. We've seen what happened when bakeries used religion, right? You really believe the first time this happens and the straight room mate moves out or makes a stink at a 'religious' university that there won't be an ensuing law suit, public humiliation and shame if the school tries to use their "exemption" and the ACLU gets wind of it? As the Title states, you can be sued for even asking about your room mate's gender. What happens if you move in, and move out? Prison time?

But somehow the possibility of having a transgendered roommate is so horrific, so awful, so unimaginably unendurable that we need laws to protect us from it.

Jesus. H. Christ. The VAST, OVERWHELMING majority of people do not want their daughters (or sons) sharing a dorm room with someone of the opposite sex. The Federal Government is legislating they must accept these conditions. They are forcing Americans to accept new standards.

And that's not because you are skeeved out by transgendered people? Even a little?

OMG LOL, for the 1 millionth time OFTB...LOL These mandates allow a person to change his gender by the literal minute. I have no issue with a transgender. You are the one who wrote this sentence, inserting 'transgender' - "But somehow the possibility of having a transgendered roommate..." Your words. My words? My feelings, without you once again thinking and speaking for me? "But somehow the possibility of my daughter having a male roommate..."

You're ok with your daughter possibly being assigned a drug addict ***** of a roommate, just as long as she doesn't secretly have a penis?

LMAO. Nope, I'm not ok with her having a drug addict room mate. That's ILLEGAL. So you're equating transgenders with drug addicts? Or just making a piss poor comparison between someone who breaks the law and someone who suffers gender dysphoria?
I believe in leaving people alone who are not doing any harm. What is so difficult for you to understand about that?

This is clearly the disconnect you have on this issue...

You believe in leaving people alone while simultaneously supporting the government forcing behavior change - (which isn't leaving people alone). I don't think you see this in your arguments. You use the words, but that's not what you mean, and it's uber clear now.

I believe in truly leaving people alone. Leave it absolutely as it was. Let 99.9% of Americans figure it all out. Have a penis, go here, have a vagina, go there. Social engineering handles the bulk of it. People by and large, damn near all of us, followed these customs. I'm OK with a law to force this behavior if Big Daddy Government steps in to change the norms.

You say with words that you don't want the Government involved in this but you DO want American's to change their behaviors, as evidenced by your pages of calling people out who'd object to men in their showers, toilets, or dorm rooms, or your pages of arguments that these "changes" (acknowledging that nothing is being left alone) won't affect a soul. You are fine with the Government forcing new levels of acceptance on Americans as evidenced by your overall absence of objection to Obama's mandates or your lack of joy over the states fighting back and suing the Government.

What you say and what you believe are clearly two different things. "Government, stay the hell out, but *wink wink* I think these changes (yep, they are a'comin') are fine and we'll all be better for it."

Separate question for you. When you argue that you have no problem with colleges forcing females to potentially room with what are biological males, where does that fit into your mantra of "Leave people alone who are not doing any harm."? Do we "leave alone" the girl who moves in to the shock of having a man for a room mate for the next 9 months, and what does that mean? Or do we "leave alone" the male or transgender for the next 9 months? "I believe in leaving people alone." Well that isn't happening in these dorm examples. It'll be a massive cultural change. Is it even possible to "leave people alone" in this example? How does "just leave people alone" apply the shock that is this dorm room example?

Or getting a call from your daughter that says "Daddy, I'm on the band field trip...we're in the Super 8. They made me room with Marcus." How do Dad and Daughter fit into "just leave people alone?"

And you have posted absolutely nothing that is "occurring due to his mandates". That is pure speculation with not a shred of evidence.

Au contraire. I have. We have. You just won't accept them.

Evidence: Perv enters girls shower. Undresses in front of girls swim team. Twice. No one would call the police for fear of offending him. He said "I now have a right to be here."

Why would he "I now have a right to be here?" Because of Bammy and the Governments messaging.

Evidence: Go back and look at dozens of stories we've posted that mirror this one - pretending to be a woman, dressing room, shower, cameras, assault, women's shelter...

You saying it's not evidence doesn't make it not evidence.
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It said "community", not "communal". My community center's locker rooms are still gender specific, I suspect these are as well. Hysteria, Tim, hysteria.

Your community's locker rooms may say they are gender specific. I can go to your community center today, say I identify as a female, and I can walk right in. Doubt me? Reality Trog, reality.

You are WAY overestimating Obama's influence, the law, and how much the dregs of humanity follow current events.

You are WAY underestimating the power of what is socially acceptable and how difficult it is to go against that, EVEN WHEN IT IS LEGAL. Watch the show "Impractical Jokers" and you'll know what I mean.

Not one man has said they will start using the women's bathroom, not one. Has anyone had a woman they know say they recently encountered a man in the the woman's bathroom?

It simply isn't happening as you imagine.

You are out of touch. I mean, really...the lack of foresight some have here, you included, is mind boggling to me.

First, and let's get this out of the way...I've seen every episode of Impractical Jokers, probably twice. They often do gigs at MCU Stadium in Brooklyn. My youngest son and I as his one-time coach, have played playoff football games on that field.

But I do find it hysterical that you now argue social acceptability. You reference IJ as an example. It's HARD to do **** when it's not socially acceptable. But when Supe or Tim says Social Acceptability and Norms are barriers to entry in women's rooms, you laugh at the notion. LOL...which is it Trog?? Hmmm? Are social norms hard to get around or they don't matter, cuz now you've argued both.

And again, to refute your last two sentences, we don't just have men saying they are going to use the restrooms, we have men doing it. We have men in the showers. We have men in the shelters. We have men in the dressing rooms. Countless stories. You ask "Has anyone had a woman they know say they recently encountered a man in the woman's bathroom?" Does a news article of a woman at the Ross, or a news article about the people interviewed at the Washington swim team pool incident NOT count as a woman saying she encountered a man in the bathroom? Good Lord, LOL...so now we personally have to KNOW them for the stories to count? A story documented, and printed by a national or regional news agency with female names and quotes don't count??? OMG :)
Your community's locker rooms may say they are gender specific. I can go to your community center today, say I identify as a female, and I can walk right in. Doubt me?

Are social norms hard to get around or they don't matter, cuz now you've argued both.

And again, to refute your last two sentences, we don't just have men saying they are going to use the restrooms, we have men doing it. We have men in the showers. We have men in the shelters. We have men in the dressing rooms. Countless stories.

Doubt you? Hey, go right ahead and use the women's room, I'm sure they'll appreciate whatever point you're trying to make.

I've always contended social norms are hard to get around. Men (not predators) aren't going to start using the women's room to the point where women aren't alarmed by their presence. When a predator does, they are likely going to sneak in when it's vacant. They aren't going to boldly walk in as you are imagining.

I could easily count the stories you've posted. Again, what is countless is the BILLIONS of times public restrooms have been used in the same time period without incident. I could find "countless" stories of people being sexually assaulted on playgrounds, public parks, public transportation, etc. no one is demanding we make those gender specific.
Doubt you? Hey, go right ahead and use the women's room, I'm sure they'll appreciate whatever point you're trying to make.

I don't need to. The cases are already out there. Ross dressing room. Washington State locker room. Target. Men already are saying "I identify as female" and walking in today. You deny this is happening.

I've always contended social norms are hard to get around. Men (not predators) aren't going to start using the women's room to the point where women aren't alarmed by their presence. When a predator does, they are likely going to sneak in when it's vacant. They aren't going to boldly walk in as you are imagining.

They already are. It's happening. Stories posted. You deny this is happening.

I could easily count the stories you've posted. Again, what is countless is the BILLIONS of times public restrooms have been used in the same time period without incident.

No arguing that. We aren't arguing that. It's the gun analogy as one example. The Left argues that with more guns made available, more gun deaths will occur. With more restrooms now open to any gender, more assaults will occur.

I could find "countless" stories of people being sexually assaulted on playgrounds, public parks, public transportation, etc. no one is demanding we make those gender specific.

Do little girls have to take a **** in front of everyone on the playground? Do women have to change their tampons in public parks? Do women have to shower in the aisle in front of everyone else on a train?
At least you read it. And yes it is Orwelian/Huxleyesque..................and equally prescient,imo.

It goes pretty far. She makes premises that aren't that hard to believe. I don't see it happening, but I also don't see it being utterly impossible. Regardless, this movement and the others are attempts to de-humanize us. We've been told by that genius over at MSNBC - Melissa Harris Scary - your children aren't your children. The Left would love to have more of us being even more dependent on Government.

Makes for great stories and discussion.


Wake Family Finds Predators Do Lurk in Locker Rooms

A male predator lurking in restrooms, locker rooms or a shower? The Left says that is preposterous. For one Triangle family and their 12-year old daughter, however, it’s all too real.

Such crimes occur all over the nation. Yet, the drive to allow any man who claims he identifies as female into women’s restrooms and changing rooms threatens to erode protections against crimes and invasion of privacy.

This is not just a North Carolina issue. Across the country there is pressure to allow any man into women’s restrooms and lockers, as long as he says he identifies as a woman.

Nor is the issue about transgenders. This is about male predators who have no qualms about exploiting every loophole they can. And misguided transgender laws, policies and mandates can hand them such loopholes.

On Jan. 10, a Wake County family went to the Orange County Sportsplex in Hillsborough to watch a swim meet their daughter was competing in. The family has shared with NC Capitol Connection what happened there.

After the competition, according to the girl’s mother, the girl went into the shower area to rinse off, while her father waited outside. The girl later said she could see no one else in the locker room. When she was in the shower, suddenly she was grabbed from behind by a man who pushed her to the floor and started to take off her swimsuit.

Crimes occur nationwide

Though some on the left try to dismiss such incidents, they happen all over. A quick online search for news reports turned up dozens of crimes or attempted attacks against women and girls in restrooms and changing rooms. By all indications, there are many such incidents across the nation. To pick just a few:

- A man dressed as a woman used a camera to record two women using the restroom in a Woodbridge, Virginia mall. After being arrested by police, they determine he was the same man caught two other times using a mirror in another store’s restroom and in the same mall to spy on women while dressed as one.
- A man claiming to be a transgender woman assaulted women in restrooms in two shelters near Toronto. His victims ranged in age from 5 to 35 years old. Toronto passed a “bathroom bill” in 2012 allowing people to use the restrooms of their “gender identity”.
- A man dressed as a woman waited outside a ladies’ restroom in the United Kingdom for an elderly woman to enter. Once she went inside, he followed her in and attempted to rape her.

But the news may seem faraway, until it strikes you or someone close to you.

Orange County incident unsolved

In the Hillsborough incident, the girl told her parents and police she couldn’t see the man as he held her down with his foot. “If you say anything,” he told her, “I’ll hurt you.”

Fortunately, someone else came into the locker room area before he could harm her further. The man slipped out of the locker room without being noticed by anyone else.

The girl was so terrified by his threats she didn’t reveal she had been attacked until the next day.

Local police were contacted but have been unable to track down a suspect and the case remains open.

The predator remains at large. The girl never saw his face. Had he been hiding in another shower stall, or lurking elsewhere in the locker room? Did he sneak in one of the two entrances, then duck out of one without being seen? It’s impossible to say.

A copy of the report (redacted to protect the victim’s identity) can be found here.

The Sportsplex has installed cameras at its facility to help prevent future incidents.

But recent trends are eroding other protections against predators in spaces where women and girls should have privacy and security

National controversy

In Mesquite, Texas, for example, Lisa Stickles said went to a department store. But upon informing managers about hearing a man’s voice in the women’s fitting room, she was told the man was “representing himself as a woman today,” and that she should wait outside the fitting room if she felt uncomfortable.

And the fellow sure didn’t look like a transgender. When he walked out of the changing room, “He had on jeans, a t-shirt, 5 o’clock shadow, very deep voice. He was a man,” Stickles told news media.

Questioned by the media, a store customer service representative told reporters the store does not “discriminate against the transgender community” and “customers may use changing rooms that apply to their gender identity.”

Even in liberal New York City, problems are occurring. Time magazine reported that girls on a swim team are now afraid to use the female locker room at a municipal pool because it is also used by a man who wears male swim trunks and has sideburns that grow down into a beard.

But city policy is swimmers have the right to use the locker room consistent with their “gender identity or gender expression.” Staffers have been told that asking people to prove their gender identity would be discrimination. “Our hands are tied,” one staffer told the magazine. ”We can’t say anything about it.”

Indeed, anyone trying to protect women and girls can get into big trouble.

In Washington, D.C., news reports indicate police recently charged a female security guard at a grocery store with simple assault after she allegedly forced a man who identifies as a woman out of the women’s restroom.

The security officer came into the women’s restroom and told Ebony Belcher, 32, “You guys cannot keep coming in here and using our women’s restroom. They did not pass the law yet.”

Police arrested the female guard, and said the incident was being investigated as a possible “hate crime.”

As this debate has spread, the mother of the victim in Orange County felt compelled to speak out, which is why she brought the incident to the attention of NC Capitol Connection. She said, “People say these things don’t happen, but they happened to my daughter.” People across the U.S. can say the same of things that have happened to them.

Almost everyone feels sympathy for those with deep problems with gender identity. But it’s important to realize that flawed measures meant to help them could expose many people to discomfort or danger.
So....the knock out game is NOT a hate crime when someone gets ktfo for no reason other than their race but you daresn't politely escort a tranny out of a bathroom because.....hateful.

It goes pretty far. She makes premises that aren't that hard to believe. I don't see it happening, but I also don't see it being utterly impossible. Regardless, this movement and the others are attempts to de-humanize us. We've been told by that genius over at MSNBC - Melissa Harris Scary - your children aren't your children. The Left would love to have more of us being even more dependent on Government.

Makes for great stories and discussion.

Oh, I see it as the ultimate ending to this entire bizzaro world contortion of what is or isn't reality, Tim.
We can't feed all of our people. We can't fund all of our schools. We allow toxic chemicals to get into our environment. But my goodness, we can worry about where people go to the bathroom. Good to see where our priorities are in this country.
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So....the knock out game is NOT a hate crime when someone gets ktfo for no reason other than their race but you daresn't politely escort a tranny out of a bathroom because.....hateful.

OH, the Knock Out Game. One of my favorite topics. How many thousands of whites were assaulted/maimed/killed by African Americans in Knock Out? You know how many times hate crime charges were filed against a black assailant in that game? Exactly zero. Not once was a person of color charged for randomly attacking another person because of the color of their skin.

However, that time that the white man in Texas (I believe?) decided to randomly attack an African American in Knock Out, Bammy and Eric Holder pressed hate crime charges.

"Fundamentally Changing America."

And there are people here who say Bammy has NOT further increased the racial divide.
We can't feed all of our people. We can't fund all of our schools. We allow toxic chemicals to get into our environment. By my goodness, we can worry about where people go to the bathroom. Good to see where our priorities are in this country.


We can't feed all of our people. We can't fund all of our schools. We allow toxic chemicals to get into our environment. By my goodness, we can worry about where people go to the bathroom. Good to see where our priorities are in this country.
We are funding all our schools. That they still suck is a different issue.
We are funding all our schools. That they still suck is a different issue.

Correction, we are funding our schools in affluent areas. The ones in low income areas don't get jack ****. Trust me, I work in one. And I'm not just talking about the inner city ghetto schools, I'm talking about rural America. The salaries at my school were pretty low to begin with, but the incentive was to stay there for years until your annual raise eventually got you up to a respectable salary. However, now because of the terrible financial situation, there is no money to do that, so a halt was placed on annual salary increases 5 years ago with no end in site. But if you go 30 miles down the road to an affluent area and it is like a completely different world. There is a vast difference between schools.
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Correction, we are funding our schools in affluent areas. The ones in low income areas don't get jack ****. Trust me, I work in one. And I'm not just talking about the inner city ghetto schools, I'm talking about rural America.

Not quite true. Maybe rural areas. I wouldn't call Baltimore affluent. And it has one of the worst school systems in the country, despite spending more per pupil than every other district in the country save for one.


Baltimore second in per-pupil spending, Census Bureau says
The Baltimore school system ranked second among the nation's 100 largest school districts in how much it spent per pupil in fiscal year 2011, according to data released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The city's $15,483 per-pupil expenditure was second to New York City's $19,770. Rounding out the top five were Montgomery County, which spent $15,421; Milwaukee public schools at $14,244; and Prince George's County public schools, which spent $13,775.

The Census Bureau also noted the first decrease in per-pupil spending nationally since 1977, the year the figures were first tracked.

PG County is absolutely not affluent.

You may argue both are urban and not rural.
Not quite true. Maybe rural areas. I wouldn't call Baltimore affluent. And it has one of the worst school systems in the country, despite spending more per pupil than every other district in the country save for one.


Baltimore second in per-pupil spending, Census Bureau says

PG County is absolutely not affluent.

You may argue both are urban and not rural.

Baltimore is a huge city. I'm sure things are probably different in places like that but I wouldn't know personally. I probably should have prefaced my comments with that. I have no experience with huge schools in huge cities. I just know from my own experiences in both rural Ohio and rural Pennsylvania. I can tell you for my district and the 5 or 6 other low income districts in the immediate vicinity it is an absolute, iron clad truth. None of them have a pot to piss in.

Having said that, not all schools in huge cities are well funded. Have you seen the pictures those kids in places like Detroit have posted online of their schools in the past year? The ones where the goddamn ceilings are caving in and falling into the middle of the hallway and pictures of classroom walls with mold growing everywhere? I would venture to say that the financial situation in those schools are not good either.
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Baltimore is a huge city. I'm sure things are probably different in places like that but I wouldn't know personally. I probably should have prefaced my comments with that. I have no experience with huge schools in huge cities. I just know from my own experiences in both rural Ohio and rural Pennsylvania. I can tell you for my district and the 5 or 6 other low income districts in the immediate vicinity it is an absolute, iron clad truth. None of them have a pot to piss in.

I won't argue more money goes to the big, urban districts. But, if it makes you feel better, in many of those places, it's not working and would probably be better spent in districts like yours.
I won't argue more money goes to the big, urban districts. But, if it makes you feel better, in many of those places, it's not working and would probably be better spent in districts like yours.

Well, that would all come down to who is at the top of each district and deciding how that money is spent I guess.