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Texas Church Shooting Leaves 26 Dead

Lots of fake news out there on this guy.

What the police said today is that it could be "domestic violence" and that a connection between threatening text messages to his ex-mother-in-law and the fact this is her church (she was not as service however) could exist.

Nothing about Antifa is true as far as I can investigate although he might still be proven to be a liberal/democrat.

Again... takes 24 hours and we have a reasonable motive. Been 5 weeks and nothing about Stephen Paddock.....

Yea, been reading that, as well. He knew the members of the church and his ex's family attended the church. In any case, dude was a violent psycho that was a bomb waiting to go off. Kids from school that knew him knew he was an *** and a loner. He had an animal abuse case against him, choking a husky puppy and dragging it by the neck. I would have put a bullet through his brain for that alone. To top it off, he was released from the Air Force because he abused his wife and kid. He was a real scumbag. I don't care what his political or religious affiliation was.
Sheriff Grady Judd reacts to Texas church shooting, promotes concealed weapons permit class
Kelly Bazzle
1:47 PM, Nov 6, 2017


POLK COUNTY, Fla. - Sheriff Grady Judd and the Polk County Sheriff's Office are reacting to the tragic shooting at a Texas church that took the lives of 26 innocent people on Sunday.

In a post on the Polk County Sheriff's Office Facebook page, Sheriff Judd shared his reaction to the shooting. He said "Sutherland Springs. Newtown. Charleston. Aurora. Blacksburg. Orlando. Sadly, these great cities have one tragic thing in common - an active shooter who killed innocent people. Polk County is a great place to live, but we are not immune to violence and tragedy. I’ve often said that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. Please take advantage of this course that we’re offering, and get your concealed weapon permit.”

The Sheriff's Office is making sure their residents know about their next PCSO Concealed Weapons Course.

Here is the information about the classes:

The next PCSO Concealed Weapons Course is scheduled for Saturday, DECEMBER 9, 2017, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the PCSO Training Center located at 2201 Old Bartow-Eagle Lake Road in Bartow.
If the morning class fills up, we will have a second class in the afternoon on the same day, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
YOU MUST CALL 863-298-6242, during normal business hours (Mon-Fri, 8-5) to reserve your seat. Cost of the class is $45; proceeds go to Polk Sheriff's Charities, Inc., and the cost is non-refundable.

Students shall not wear loose hanging clothing and shall wear close-toed shoes. Each student will be required to provide the following:

A modern manufacture firearm capable of using modern ammunition.
100 rounds of clean modern manufacture ammunition for said firearm.
Modern manufacture protective eye-wear designed for a shooting environment.
Modern manufacture hearing protection designed for a shooting environment.
Adequate sun protection. (i.e. hat, long-sleeved shirt, sunscreen)
Adequate hydration for extended outdoor activity.

Upon arrival at the Training Center, LEAVE ALL WEAPONS AND AMMO IN YOUR VEHICLE. Report to the designated classroom for instruction. The class will start on time. Students arriving late will be asked to reschedule for a later class.

Any questions about the CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION, please call Lieutenant Eric Rauch at the PCSO Training Section at 863-534-7200, during normal office hours. NEXT CLASS – DECEMBER 9, 2017 - CALL NOW!
Why are white men in the US the mass and serial killers? There have been a few others, but white men tend to be the mass killers.

Well, when you libs re-defined "mass shooting" so it looks like there are more, you, seriously, screwed with the first part of it.

Towever, I do agree that it seems as if serial killers (as we, generally, think of the phrase) are white. The technical definition of the phrase "serial killer", probably, brings in a lot of gang killings that are, likely, to skew towards minorities, though.
I want a solution from the Dems. Lay out the plan to prevent what happened yesterday and would have prevented Vegas, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, etc. What is your solution and put it in place? Let's hear it! Enough of the bitching, whining and finger pointing of the NRA. I want to hear real damn plans to be put in action to help this country with gun violence. The floor is yours. . .

Simple. Confiscate all guns. No guns for anyone at any time except for the government.

To me this isn't a 2nd amendment issue.

Yes, we can probably all debate on the assault style weapons and the AR-series in particular and whether they should be legal. I mean, we survived with them illegal from 1994-2004. Can't really say we are safer because they changed the law. At least that's my opinion, but I see both sides of it.

The real issue was a breakdown in the background checks procedure. It sounds like (and I heard an interview on NPR today about this) is that during Military trials (which this guy was convicted of), the term "domestic violence" isn't in the legal jargon. They never use it. It was just assault. And something wrong happened with those Military trial records getting to the FBI background check system. Sounds like this could be pretty common loophole and this case will certainly cause change to happen.

No way a person who was convicted of domestic violence (especially against a child) should not be on the FBI background check "no guns" list.

Not to say that would have prevented this. It probably wouldn't have. If you want to get a gun, you'll find a way to get a gun. But that's a mistake that happened in the system that current laws should cover.

It's an awful situation. So many kids too, which just breaks your heart.
The background checks and who can or cannot get a gun is so screwed up in this country... i kknow plenty of people restricted for far less than what this guy did.... he cracked his own kids skull.. he had all the red flags... red tape screwup between the air force let him through... still the mental health breakdown here is abysmal... acting out violently against ones wife and kid is something that needs more than a glorified one year timeout
The background checks and who can or cannot get a gun is so screwed up in this country... i kknow plenty of people restricted for far less than what this guy did.... he cracked his own kids skull.. he had all the red flags... red tape screwup between the air force let him through... still the mental health breakdown here is abysmal... acting out violently against ones wife and kid is something that needs more than a glorified one year timeout

he was denied a CCP, so he shouldn't have had guns. The Gov of Texas wants to know how he had guns when the State of TX denied him. Good question. He was in the military, he worked as a security guard at a water park. He had plenty of opportunities to obtain them over time. Someone with his mindset, there are no laws he was going to follow. Same with a terrorist. Whether it's a gun, pipe bomb or truck, they are gonna kill as many as they can. As Americans, we are not safe from anyone that wants us dead.
The background checks and who can or cannot get a gun is so screwed up in this country... i kknow plenty of people restricted for far less than what this guy did.... he cracked his own kids skull.. he had all the red flags... red tape screwup between the air force let him through... still the mental health breakdown here is abysmal... acting out violently against ones wife and kid is something that needs more than a glorified one year timeout

He stalked his exes, abused animals, pointed a loaded gun at his wife along with hitting / choking her, hit his kid etc etc...Terrible that he slipped through the cracks.
Ok but is it finally time to talk about the judicial system, both civilian and military, acting like locking a guy up is a cure all for obvious character flaws or mental conditions... maybe it should be more difficult for people to get past certain crimes... i mean if he goes away in 2012 and spends the full five years in prison maybe he doesn't have time to do this now, but does a few years from now... maybe if he has to pass a psyche eval to get out he isn't yet... maybe if he gets treatment he is helped... maybe if people weren't locked ip for so much bs cause jail is a cure all, people see the guy is flawed and either gets fixed or never gets out
Secret Service arrest man near White House who wanted to kill 'all white police'

A man who was arrested Monday in Washington, D.C. allegedly traveled to the nation’s capital to kill “all white police” at the White House.


Michael Arega, of Dallas, Texas, was arrested Monday afternoon after the Secret Service Protective Intelligence Division received an alert just before 3 p.m. from the Montgomery County Maryland Police Department to be on the lookout for Arega.

Arega, who was not armed with any weapons during his arrest, was charged with making felony threats.

Why are white men in the US the mass and serial killers? There have been a few others, but white men tend to be the mass killers.

Not if you count gang related mass killers, you lying racist piece of ****.
Not if you count gang related mass killers, you lying racist piece of ****.
There are no gang related mass killings. Usually when there are gang related killings there is beef between the two. But mass killings, there it a guy killing people that did nothing to him.
This guy killed children at this church. That's a FACT. There is no racial motive just for mentioning that fact.

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These types of posts are so very telling. It shows the writer places differing levels of "evil" to different types of death. In Liberal world, a black death means somehow more than a white death. A Democrat dying is evil, a Republican dying - well **** happens. Blacks killing blacks in Chicago? Ignore...those deaths aren't politically valuable - in fact they are damaging.

And there is the fact that the analysis shows these perceptions to be just wrong. Read 21. Learn.

Mass Shooters Aren’t Disproportionately White

Where the myth came from, and what it gets right and wrong about the demographics of mass killings.

The plurality of mass killers are white. But the notion that white men of privilege are disproportionately represented among mass shooters—indeed, that they make up “nearly all” of them—is a myth.

The myth began to spread in July 2012 after a 24-year-old white man, James Holmes, murdered 12 people in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater. That summer, a team of researchers at Mother Jones put together a database of rampages in public settings. Among the 62 cases (and 64 total perpetrators) the team reviewed—instances dating back to 1982, in which at least four people had been killed in a public place—44 of the killers were white men and one was a white woman. In total, about 70 percent of the perpetrators in the database were white.

That figure didn’t get much notice until December 2012 when another white man, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 adults and children at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. At that point, more people started taking notice of these killers’ demographics. A week after the shooting, Stony Brook University sociologist Michael Kimmel and graduate student Cliff Leek wrote a blog post for the Huffington Post headlined “The Unbearable Whiteness of Suicide-Mass-Murder.” “We need to broaden the conversation” about these crimes, they said, to include the “often unspoken elements” of gender and race. According to their intersectional theory of mass shootings, white men “want to destroy the entire world in some cataclysmic video-game and action movie-inspired apocalypse”—a feeling Kimmel and Leek attributed to the white man’s sense of “aggrieved entitlement.” To support this point, the sociologists claimed 80 percent of the mass murders perpetrated by teenagers over the preceding three decades had been committed by white men.

The notion spread from there. The Washington Post ran an op-ed titled “White men have much to discuss about mass shootings.” Salon declared that “White male privilege kills.”

What those initial Mother Jones numbers showed, though, was that white people weren’t overrepresented among mass shooters. The media outlet had found that roughly 70 percent of the shooters in mass killings were white—certainly a majority. But according to Census Bureau estimates for 2012, whites accounted for 73.9 percent of all Americans. (Keep in mind that the definition of whiteness is both vague and forever changing. In the 2010 census, the “white” category includes those whose families originate in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Mother Jones, for its part, categorizes one Moroccan immigrant killer as “white”; leaves the race field blank for a Turkish immigrant; and describes several shooters of Pakistani, Palestinian, Afghan and Kuwaiti extraction as “other.”)

I’m not sure where Kimmel and Leek got their stat about mass murders perpetrated by teenagers, but that figure, too, wasn’t that far off from U.S. demographics. At any rate, it certainly wasn’t true—as many argued then, and many do today—that mass shooters were “almost exclusively” or “disproportionately” or “nearly all” white. (Mass shooters are disproportionately men, however—more on that below.)

Since 2012, Mother Jones has added 29 more mass-shooting events to its database (and tweaked its definition of the crime to fit with new federal guidelines that placed the threshold at three victims instead of four). In this bigger data set, the proportion of white mass shooters drops down to 56 percent, by my count. Judging by those newer numbers, and the most current census estimate that 76.9 percent of Americans are white, the whites-are-overrepresented-among-mass-shooters meme appears even less accurate. Perpetrators that Mother Jones classifies as Asian make up 7.4 percent of the data set, versus an estimated 5.7 percent of the population, while those MoJo identifies as black represent 17.0 percent of the mass shooters in the database versus an estimated 13.3 percent of the population. According to this data set, then, Asians and black Americans are overrepresented among mass shooters by about the same proportion (a bit more than one-fourth) that whites are underrepresented. This means the population rate of mass shootings by whites (at least according to the tiny sample measured in the MoJo database) is 0.021 per 100,000 people, while the corresponding rate of mass shootings by blacks is 1.7 times higher, at 0.037.

This disparity, which could be thought of as the statistical non-whiteness of mass shootings, is much smaller in magnitude than the one for killings nationwide. Overall murder rates among black Americans are 6.3 times higher than they are for whites, according to a report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Another report suggests white offenders made up just 45.3 percent of everyone who committed homicides between 1980 and 2008.*


There's a lot more to read in the article - if you want to open your eyes. Or you can just continue spouting myths.
Two names...

Adolf Hitler and David Duke

Are they not mass murders?

I could care

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When will you people realize the fact that there is no motives when it comes to mass killings. This is the act of sick people that owns guns.
The said thing is that there are a lot of sick people with guns in this country, we have not seen the last mass killing.
And what will happen when the next one incident take place.
I will bet that a bunch of idiots will say, how could this happen, why did this, and so on. Meanwhile someone will be burying their family and other love ones.

Sent from my Z981 using Steeler Nation mobile app
When will you people realize the fact that there is no motives when it comes to mass killings. This is the act of sick people that owns guns.
The said thing is that there are a lot of sick people with guns in this country, we have not seen the last mass killing.
And what will happen when the next one incident take place.
I will bet that a bunch of idiots will say, how could this happen, why did this, and so on. Meanwhile someone will be burying their family and other love ones.

Sent from my Z981 using Steeler Nation mobile app

Define "you people"!
When will you people realize the fact that there is no motives when it comes to mass killings. This is the act of sick people that owns guns.
The said thing is that there are a lot of sick people with guns in this country, we have not seen the last mass killing.
And what will happen when the next one incident take place.
I will bet that a bunch of idiots will say, how could this happen, why did this, and so on. Meanwhile someone will be burying their family and other love ones.

Sent from my Z981 using Steeler Nation mobile app

What do you mean you people?..haha. And yes sometimes shitbags have motives,sometimes they're just nuts. Good people with guns stop them. Simple stuff. You will never stop a madman from doing twisted actions,but you can shoot the ****** faster and save lives.
You'll never see this from liberals. They do not live by reason, they live by emotion. This has been proven time and time again. I was on a board yesterday when one of the serial anti-2nd people was going on and on how the gentleman who engaged the ******* did not kill him and that a "alt-right talking point" had been "debunked". When it turned out that the gentleman did in fact hit the ******* twice causing him to flee he still clung to his position that he didn't STOP the killer. No amount of reasoning could convince this idiot. Anyway stay sharp people, protect yourself and your loved ones and if you do carry those around you if anything sick like this happens. God bless you all.
This is what will continue to happen when people put guns before a life.
Idiots and guns do not mix.

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Well no kidding. But guess what? We have at least 500 million guns here. They're not going away. The second amendment isn't going away either.Not without a war.Shitholes like Chicago have strict guns laws and those ******* slaughter each other like cattle year in and out. It's a.society problem. A serious culture problem.
You'll never see this from liberals. They do not live by reason, they live by emotion. This has been proven time and time again. I was on a board yesterday when one of the serial anti-2nd people was going on and on how the gentleman who engaged the ******* did not kill him and that a "alt-right talking point" had been "debunked". When it turned out that the gentleman did in fact hit the ******* twice causing him to flee he still clung to his position that he didn't STOP the killer. No amount of reasoning could convince this idiot. Anyway stay sharp people, protect yourself and your loved ones and if you do carry those around you if anything sick like this happens. God bless you all.

I'm getting my wife her concealed weapons permit soon. I'll train her until it's second nature. Better to go down fighting than be some sitting duck.
Air Force admits bureaucratic error allowed Texas shooter to buy gun used in mass shooting

Devin Patrick Kelley was given a bad conduct discharge from the Air Force after he was court-martialed in 2012 for assaulting his wife and fracturing his infant stepson's skull. Kelley's case was enough to prohibit him from possessing a firearm under federal law, but due to a bureaucratic error neither his arrest nor conviction were listed in the national background check database.

"Federal law prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms after this conviction, initial information indicates that Kelley’s domestic violence offense was not entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman Air Force Base Office of Special Investigations."



OSI ****** up?