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Texas Church Shooting Leaves 26 Dead

This is what will continue to happen when people put guns before a life.
Idiots and guns do not mix.

Sent from my Z981 using Steeler Nation mobile app

Idiots and drugs, guns, bombs, vehicles, and alcohol don't mix, as well as idiots with a death wish don't mix. All the red flags should have been up for this psycho. Who did anything to warn anyone about him? Family, friends, co-workers, etc? This is not the first or will be the last person that was known to be off his rocker was able to roam freely that killed. Like it or not, PDT was not too far off in saying it's a mental issue. Was he off his meds? Sounds like he was on a bunch of stuff. He was denied a carry license. Law abiding citizens are not the problem, it's the coyotes that roam the hillsides we have to worry about and there are too many hiding in the shadows.
maybe if there was a law that said you cannot kill people with a gun or rifle?
i mean, it works so well with you cannot drive while intoxicated that DUI deaths are so rare that they never happen.
oh, and we could take a page from the war on drugs and just make guns illegal, since you cannot find drugs anywhere in this country.
maybe if there was a law that said you cannot kill people with a gun or rifle?
i mean, it works so well with you cannot drive while intoxicated that DUI deaths are so rare that they never happen.
oh, and we could take a page from the war on drugs and just make guns illegal, since you cannot find drugs anywhere in this country.

That’s a good argument for lawlessness and a really ****** argument for opposing gun laws.
I took it as calling to attention the fact that you cannot legislate behavior.


if you don't tell a fuckhead like Flogomanbun what they can NOT do, they take it as an opportunity to do just that.
Air Force admits bureaucratic error allowed Texas shooter to buy gun used in mass shooting

Devin Patrick Kelley was given a bad conduct discharge from the Air Force after he was court-martialed in 2012 for assaulting his wife and fracturing his infant stepson's skull. Kelley's case was enough to prohibit him from possessing a firearm under federal law, but due to a bureaucratic error neither his arrest nor conviction were listed in the national background check database.

"Federal law prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms after this conviction, initial information indicates that Kelley’s domestic violence offense was not entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman Air Force Base Office of Special Investigations."



OSI ****** up?

So, the government that is supposed to do such a bang-up job on everything ****** up and let this guy have a gun? Hey, we should let them determine who ELSE should be allowed to have a gun!
So, the government that is supposed to do such a bang-up job on everything ****** up and let this guy have a gun? Hey, we should let them determine who ELSE should be allowed to have a gun!

and determine our healthcare!
I took it as calling to attention the fact that you cannot legislate behavior.

That’s idiotic. You are essentially arguing that since people break laws, they are entirely ineffective.
So, the government that is supposed to do such a bang-up job on everything ****** up and let this guy have a gun? Hey, we should let them determine who ELSE should be allowed to have a gun!

This sounds like someone who kneels for the National Anthem.
That’s idiotic. You are essentially arguing that since people break laws, they are entirely ineffective.

speaking of idiocy...

That’s idiotic. You are essentially arguing that since people break laws, they are entirely ineffective.

No, what's idiotic is arguing that since such a tiny fraction of people break gun laws, we should just make a whole bunch more gun laws that only affect the people that DON'T BREAK THE LAW.
No, what's idiotic is arguing that since such a tiny fraction of people break gun laws, we should just make a whole bunch more gun laws that only affect the people that DON'T BREAK THE LAW.

So it’s a coincidence that the other countries with stricter gun laws have less mass shootings? You’re not willing to argue that the 2nd amendment be interpreted absolutely without exception, it’s not and hasn’t been for a long time. It’s fine to be against gun laws but to suggest they are completely ineffective is silly.
I saw the news this morning and they showed a photo of a baby that is now dead all because of a sick individual with a gun.
So to all the ******** that do not want a change is equally sick.

Sent from my Z981 using Steeler Nation mobile app
Mass shootings and mass killings/suicides are completely a different discussion than gun violence.

On mass killings/suicides (or death by cop at the scene), the U.S. is almost completely equal to Europe. So whenever something like this happens and the liberals state we have a "problem" that Europe doesn't have, it's FALSE. Utterly and completely.

The U.S. DOES have a problem with gang violence involving guns. Europe does not have nearly the black-on-black or brown-on-brown type of murders the U.S. has. But our country is also something like 35% "brown" with our cities a majority "brown", while Europe is still only about 10% "brown" and their cities are still majority white, European ancestry.

The U.S. DOES have a problem with guns being used for suicide, but U.S. suicide rates per capita are still lower than Europe (particularly eastern Europe). France's suicide rate is almost identical to the U.S. and France has some of the strictest gun laws on the books. When you look at global suicide rates, I don't know if guns are the reason. http://www.who.int/gho/mental_health/suicide_rates/en/

Because we have more guns we DO have more "accidental" gun deaths, particularly with children that Europe does not have. But this is a very small number in the debate on gun control. When liberals talk about "gun violence" and those numbers in Tibs chart for example, they are talking about 35,000 deaths a year. Of those only about 500 are accidental (1.5%).

So again, every time something like this happen, Tibs and the liberal anti-gun folk love to group all gun violence into one big pot and tell us "bad, bad, bad" as compared to other countries, but when you dig into the numbers, the truth is one thing:

Blacks killing blacks with guns is WHY (and pretty much only why) the U.S. is not the same as Europe when it comes to murder and death. And I'm not sure any gun laws at this point will fix that since black, gang culture is almost more tied to guns than even rural America.

I really want Tibs and the liberals here to explain how more background checks and banning assault style weapons is gong to change gang violence in the country because I guarantee it will not.
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Well no kidding. But guess what? We have at least 500 million guns here. They're not going away. The second amendment isn't going away either.Not without a war.Shitholes like Chicago have strict guns laws and those ******* slaughter each other like cattle year in and out. It's a.society problem. A serious culture problem.
And so you must be among those that believe more guns is the answer.
And yes Illinois has strict gun laws, but the guns come from a state where the laws are not as strict.

What do you mean you people?..haha. And yes sometimes shitbags have motives,sometimes they're just nuts. Good people with guns stop them. Simple stuff. You will never stop a madman from doing twisted actions,but you can shoot the ****** faster and save lives.

Sent from my Z981 using Steeler Nation mobile app
So it’s a coincidence that the other countries with stricter gun laws have less mass shootings? You’re not willing to argue that the 2nd amendment be interpreted absolutely without exception, it’s not and hasn’t been for a long time. It’s fine to be against gun laws but to suggest they are completely ineffective is silly.

I don't give a **** about other countries. Besides, as pointed out above, your statement about gun violence in other countries isn't exactly true. Now, back to the point.......

First, the 2nd Amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The well regulated militia is the citizenry. You, me, Joe Snuffy, all of us. That is why it says THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. I don't know how you make it any clearer than that.

It isn't just security against foreign enemies, but domestic enemies as well including our own government. When the government owns the military and becomes tyrannical, who defends the nation? The people. (Those with a spine, anyway.) That means it is up to the people of this nation to secure their own freedoms, not just take the scraps the government allows. Just because the left bastardizes any part of the constitution they disagree with doesn't mean a literal interpretation has to mean what YOU think it means.

Tell me one law that would prevent people who should not have guns from getting them, then shooting up a church, night club, etc, while at the same time protecting the 2nd amendment freedoms of law abiding citizens. According to you and the left, what we have now is inadequate. That being the case, we obviously need more laws. So let's hear it.

If you want to point the finger at someone, in this case, blame the Air Force for not reporting this **** heads crimes to the FBI.

I'm not good at the maths, but what percentage of 270,000,000 is 90?
isn't that like .000033333333333333335% of the total number of "270 million guns" in your sweet, informative image?
oh, and do understand you are comparing an inanimate object - which cannot perform an action in and by itself - to a person, which is emotional and quite ****** up. A gun, by itself - even fully loaded and with loaded magazines laying around it and next to it - is of as much threat to a person as a chicken egg. Neither contains kinetic or potential energy. Both CAN cause an unpleasant experience, but it takes a person to do cause that.
Something else. I am tired of hearing "We have to do SOMETHING." Maybe that is true, but the something you are going to get out of our government is low hanging fruit. They aren't interested in looking into these mass shootings, studying them, finding a root cause and then perhaps proposing a solution. It isn't what they want. If they did the work, they might come to the conclusion that guns aren't the main problem, and if that is the case, well you just lost your argument. There are too many political points to be scored over **** like this. The left gets to yell "gun control" to appease their base, and the right gets to "defend" the 2nd amendment to appease their base. When they really want to score points, they tell you to "think of the children."

If they wanted something done, it would be done or in progress right now. Like the bump stocks. Man, the idea of banning those sure went away quickly. And you dupes think some kind of reasonable, lucid well thought out response to this kinda stuff is coming from our government? Nah. If anything it will be a knee jerk reaction to shut the peasants up.
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First, the 2nd Amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The well regulated militia is the citizenry. You, me, Joe Snuffy, all of us. That is why it says THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. I don't know how you make it any clearer than that.

It isn't just security against foreign enemies, but domestic enemies as well including our own government. When the government owns the military and becomes tyrannical, who defends the nation? The people. (Those with a spine, anyway.) That means it is up to the people of this nation to secure their own freedoms, not just take the scraps the government allows. Just because the left bastardizes any part of the constitution they disagree with doesn't mean a literal interpretation has to mean what YOU think it means.

So American citizen N. Raheem Abdullah, back from his vacation to Syria has decided that he would like to purchase several RPGs. You think his 2nd Amendment right to do so shall not be infringed?