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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

Jim Quinn reporting this morning the idea is being floated that said library where the brick of coke was found is near the entrance that VP Harris uses.
I can believe it was Hunter’s coke.
I can believe it was planted by the Dem swamp to get rid of Joe or at least keep him from running again.
I can believe it was planted to get rid of Harris.
Jim Quinn reporting this morning the idea is being floated that said library where the brick of coke was found is near the entrance that VP Harris uses.
I can believe it was Hunter’s coke.
I can believe it was planted by the Dem swamp to get rid of Joe or at least keep him from running again.
I can believe it was planted to get rid of Harris.
Maybe, but we all know that this story, like all stories that put the Dems in a negative light, will simply fade away with no factual conclusion of who, what, where or why.

CBS cares.
Scouts leaker......still not named. ( Because it was from Sotomayors office).

Can't let anyone get in the way of the bidens. Nobody f#cks with a Biden.

Joe wasn't permitted to eat dinner because they couldn't trust him to keep his mouth shut for an hour or so. The press would have asked him questions about coke, about documents from his garage sale.
"Cocaine? it was a can of Coca-Cola, you MAGAdiots!"
THE face of huwyte primassee speaks out!

Jim Quinn reporting this morning the idea is being floated that said library where the brick of coke was found is near the entrance that VP Harris uses.
I can believe it was Hunter’s coke.
I can believe it was planted by the Dem swamp to get rid of Joe or at least keep him from running again.
I can believe it was planted to get rid of Harris.
Knees up will get handsomely rewarded to take her word salad far, far away --- somewhere near where the Cheaters*** ball handlers now live --- and preserve some dignity for the First Family of Crime.
Newsome will parachute in, then nature happens, and all the world will learn the reality of American "democracy".

But then again, some say I'm cynical.
Knees up will get handsomely rewarded to take her word salad far, far away --- somewhere near where the Cheaters*** ball handlers now live --- and preserve some dignity for the First Family of Crime.
Newsome will parachute in, then nature happens, and all the world will learn the reality of American "democracy".

But then again, some say I'm cynical.
Quinn has been saying for a while that their plan should be to get rid of Harris first, replace her with Newsome, then invoke the 25th on Joe so Newsome can run as the incumbent. Biden can't win, Harris can't win, and Newsome can't win running on his record in CA.
Jim Quinn reporting this morning the idea is being floated that said library where the brick of coke was found is near the entrance that VP Harris uses.
I can believe it was Hunter’s coke.
I can believe it was planted by the Dem swamp to get rid of Joe or at least keep him from running again.
I can believe it was planted to get rid of Harris.
If Washington is anything like Sydney, Australia when it comes to cocaine use by the political and chattering classes, it could be anyone's.
Likely that more people in and around the white house snort coke. Hunter has a history of leaving things behind.

And the laptop that he abandoned wasn't the only laptop he lost. There are two more. He was set up by ( russians) someone who lured him to a hotel room with a hooker and a purse full of coke. After he passed out the hooker contacted her bosses who then entered the room, took pictures of hunter, and took that laptop. There is even more information out there than we know about.
This should be on the news 24/7. They should arrest him. He's compromised, which we knew.

This should be on the news 24/7. They should arrest him. He's compromised, which we knew.

QBR. Biden is only trying to help black and Hispanic people. He was raised in a Puerto Rican neighborhood and went to a black church every Sunday.
This should be on the news 24/7. They should arrest him. He's compromised, which we knew.

Always the big tough talk with these hearings.

Guess what???

Always the big tough talk with these hearings.

Guess what???

Of course not, but here's the difference, had this been an accusation leveled at a Republican, every major news network would cover it 24/7 until the next accusation comes around. Low thinking NBC watchers eat this up and are programed into believing Republicans bad, bad and 81 million votes show up on election day. Mind you, this is only based on accusations, so there can't be any effort put forth to actually prove them. In the case of the alleged 5 million dollars in bribes to Biden, if the press refuses to cover it then it never happened.
NEW: House Oversight member, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, has confirmed that the "unnamed" foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

The now infamous FBI FD-1023 form provide by Wray had redacted Zlochevsky's name but detailed a $10 million bribe to the Bidens with someone connected to Burisma. Putting it all together...

We know that Zlochesvsky was already paying Hunter an exorbitant sum, $83,000/mo, to sit on the board of his Ukrainian energy company.
We know Zlochevsky was facing a corruption investigation in Ukraine by prosecutor Viktor Shokin.
We know then-Vice President Joe Biden accused Shokin of corruption.
We know that then-VP Biden successfully threatened to pull a $1 billion US loan guarantee as leverage to push for Shokin’s removal.
We know Shokin was replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko, who cleared Zlochevsky and Burisma of criminal charges in 2019.
We know that Zlochevsky and his associates were eventually charged in 2020 for attempting $6 million in bribes to halt the ongoing investigation (the guy has a history of bribes).
And we know that Zlochevsky was a rich, corrupt foreign oligarch who needed the type of help only connected, corrupt DC cronyism could deliver. And it all points to one conclusion:

Joe and James and Hunter were willing to sell out American interests to keep the Ukrainian money flowing. And now hundreds of billions of your taxpayer money is flowing back to Ukraine.

Get it, now?

I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but the FBI has an "ongoing investigation".

They'll TOTALLY get to the bottom of this!
I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but the FBI has an "ongoing investigation".

They'll TOTALLY get to the bottom of this!
Any day now!!