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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

NEW: House Oversight member, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, has confirmed that the "unnamed" foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

The now infamous FBI FD-1023 form provide by Wray had redacted Zlochevsky's name but detailed a $10 million bribe to the Bidens with someone connected to Burisma. Putting it all together...

We know that Zlochesvsky was already paying Hunter an exorbitant sum, $83,000/mo, to sit on the board of his Ukrainian energy company.
We know Zlochevsky was facing a corruption investigation in Ukraine by prosecutor Viktor Shokin.
We know then-Vice President Joe Biden accused Shokin of corruption.
We know that then-VP Biden successfully threatened to pull a $1 billion US loan guarantee as leverage to push for Shokin’s removal.
We know Shokin was replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko, who cleared Zlochevsky and Burisma of criminal charges in 2019.
We know that Zlochevsky and his associates were eventually charged in 2020 for attempting $6 million in bribes to halt the ongoing investigation (the guy has a history of bribes).
And we know that Zlochevsky was a rich, corrupt foreign oligarch who needed the type of help only connected, corrupt DC cronyism could deliver. And it all points to one conclusion:

Joe and James and Hunter were willing to sell out American interests to keep the Ukrainian money flowing. And now hundreds of billions of your taxpayer money is flowing back to Ukraine.

Get it, now?

But Orange Man Bad.
Meh, who cares? Business as usual in DC. No one will ever be held accountable. They’ll just indict someone involved in pointing out the corruption.
Meh, who cares? Business as usual in DC. No one will ever be held accountable. They’ll just indict someone involved in pointing out the corruption.
True, but I'm wondering how many blacks have had family members in prison thanks to Joe's 1994 Crime Bill but noticed that Hunter walks off scot-free?

I can only laugh at people who still support Biden and his gangster family.

You're just as pathetic as they are. I'm convinced we have no future together unless you start unfucking yourself and put the citizens of this country above your ******* party.

We need such a deep cleaning. The path to it is in the constitution itself.

When you're above the law and law enforcement works for you, anything goes.

When you have video,phones calls,bank records, witness testimony from whistle blowers and absolutely nothing happens.

The law doesn't apply to you. Much like these people give two ***** about our constitution. Why should they. It's just words on paper when you're not accountable.
They're up to around 40 million in bribe money. I wonder how many people are compromised in our government?

It's a large number I'm sure.
Why haven't blacks spoken up about this? LeBron? Serena? Charlemagne the God?
They're up to around 40 million in bribe money. I wonder how many people are compromised in our government?

It's a large number I'm sure.
The upper 15% of the Swamp, all of the Democrats, and about half of the Republicans.
The best thing any protesting media folks can do right now is continually hammer on the fact that the secret service is utterly incompetent. They are absolutely incompetent and cannot determine who brought in anthrax or Ryzen or possibly cocaine into the White House. They don't know! Anyone could bring anything in and they're too f****** incompetent to stop it or even identify who did it.

As such, the entire secret service needs to be utterly disbanded and repopulated with actual competent individuals.
It's as easy as floating a balloon.
The best thing any protesting media folks can do right now is continually hammer on the fact that the secret service is utterly incompetent. They are absolutely incompetent and cannot determine who brought in anthrax or Ryzen or possibly cocaine into the White House. They don't know! Anyone could bring anything in and they're too f****** incompetent to stop it or even identify who did it.

As such, the entire secret service needs to be utterly disbanded and repopulated with actual competent individuals.
When Bomma was Prez there were several fence jumpers with a few actually getting into the WH with weapons, plus one air attack by the Postal Service. Four years of Trump with none of that. Now another D in the WH and the Secret Service is incompetent again.
obviously the Secret Service needs to be filled with transgenders and dildo-swingers from the LBGTQFUCKOGURR community.

Trump Aide Blamed Whistleblower Joe Ziegler for Hunter Biden Probe​


The identity of "Whistleblower X," the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower who claims the federal legal system abused its power in the criminal investigation into President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, was revealed to be Joe Ziegler.

Months before Ziegler admitted to being the second IRS whistleblower, he had previously been attacked by former President Donald Trump allies, who accused the IRS agent of having a liberal bias.

Garrett Ziegler, a former Trump aide who is not related to the whistleblower, blamed the "lack of accountability" over the Hunter Biden investigation on the "presumed bias" of IRS agents, like Joe Ziegler, in a Marco Polo report on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop. The former staffer heads Marco Polo, a "nonprofit research group exposing corruption & blackmail."

In the 2022 report, Garrett Ziegler attached photos of Joe Ziegler and his husband and claimed that Ziegler's husband is connected "at least socially" to Demetre Daskalakis, who was appointed by President Joe Biden to White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator last year.
Ziegler, a 13-year special agent with the IRS, testified before the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday alongside former IRS investigation supervisor Gary Shapley. He alleged that the federal tax investigation into Hunter Biden should have resulted in more serious criminal charges than the misdemeanor tax charges Biden is expected to plea guilty to as part of a plea agreement next week. Ziegler said, "we all agreed" on felony counts against the president's son, but that's not what transpired.

Ziegler, who began at the IRS in 2010 and worked as an external auditor with Ernst & Young before that, addressed his sexual orientation and political affiliation at the top of his opening remarks.

"I recently discovered that people are saying I must be more credible because I'm a Democrat who happens to be married to a man," Ziegler said in his opening remarks. "I'm not more credible than this man sitting next to me due to my sexual orientation or my political beliefs. The truth is, my credibility, comes today from my job experience with the IRS and my intimate knowledge of the agency's standards and procedures."
@Tibs dont play that ****.

walls have closed in.
Put Hunter in prison NOW.

did i get that right?

