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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

How much high grade cocaine did Hunter order from his dealer and have delivered?
Apparently he went to Camp David for the weekend with Joe and didn't tell his dealer to deliver it there instead.
Clearly it was the housekeeper in the library.

How about drug tests for everyone in the WH that day? Ehh ehh. Hunter you clean bud?
I was thinking they’ll probably pay off some low-level lackey to take the hit for it.
What employee leaves their coke stash lying around?

I can only come up with
- someone very comfortable with themselves and their surroundings; they didn't care
- someone so high they didn't realize their actions; they weren't aware
What employee leaves their coke stash lying around?

I can only come up with
- someone very comfortable with themselves and their surroundings; they didn't care
- someone so high they didn't realize their actions; they weren't aware
Secert Service Agent?
Dailymail reports it was a " dime bag".
They will blame someone in the press Corp. Then they will ban Abita since he asks tough questions to KJP and makes her uncomfortable.

Never let a crisis go to waste. Rahm Emmanuel, Obama sex partner.
I went wig on this. Why was this released? Why did they report they found anything? Why didn’t they just give it back to hunter and call it a day.
They say they may never know who it was. What a ******* load of horseshit. I bet if it was anthrax or nerve agent they'd ******* absolutely know.

This countries government needs an enema. It's completely impacted with ****. They're all a bunch of criminals.
They say they may never know who it was. What a ******* load of horseshit. I bet if it was anthrax or nerve agent they'd ******* absolutely know.

This countries government needs an enema. It's completely impacted with ****. They're all a bunch of criminals.
Official word is that it was found in a heavily traveled area of the WH so it could be anyone.
Of course.
It's not like the WH has guards and cameras and motion detectors and stuff all over the place.
Official word is that it was found in a heavily traveled area of the WH so it could be anyone.
Of course.
It's not like the WH has guards and cameras and motion detectors and stuff all over the place.
I'm not even concerning myself with it. I mean, the cameras can show Hunter doing lines off the Oval office desk and you know what would happen?


Nothing happens!

Nothing EVER happens!

To any of them!
I'm not even concerning myself with it. I mean, the cameras can show Hunter doing lines off the Oval office desk and you know what would happen?


Nothing happens!

Nothing EVER happens!

To any of them!

I'm not even concerning myself with it. I mean, the cameras can show Hunter doing lines off the Oval office desk and you know what would happen?


Nothing happens!

Nothing EVER happens!

To any of them!

The laws for the peasants do not apply to them. Now back to work! Ukraine needs your money to launder back to thy masters.

Your tribute is greatly appreciated.
Certainly not the first time cocaine was in the Whitehouse. Obama did it in the oval office. So did Clinton.

Where hunter goes, there is cocaine.....and hookers.
would a new drug charge mess up Hunter's recent plea deal?
Yea. I believe he is to be monitored in some way. Does that include drug tests? Nobody knows. No. Nobody reported any of that.