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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

Lol. Any bets the Democrats are just going to stall until the government shut down occurs and the entire Biden investigation just goes away.

Our government sucks ***.
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The guy has always been a complete scumbag, a man of very low character. These are the types of men who should never be in any kind of public office.

Big talk from fuddy duddy.
I gotta admit, I don't even care. No point in it. I can't see a good reason to invest in something emotionally or otherwise when I know damn well that nothing is going to happen.

What we really need is Trey Gowdy to come back and give people stern looks. That will fix 'em.
Yep we need somebody to talk a good game and do nothing.

Unfortunately this is a catch 22 situation. The only thing that will stop the collapse and clear out the corruption is the people breaking out the rifles and marching on DC and hanging a bunch of Democrats and RINOs and Tar & Feathering a bunch more. But we are still too well fed and entertained to do that until after the collapse. So whats going to happen is we ride this ***** in to the scene of the crash.
And then there's this.......

Specifically, a lawyer from Hunter's legal team is accused of misrepresenting who she was when asking to remove amicus materials from the docket. She allegedly called to ask the clerk to seal the information instead of making a formal request to the court. "The Court has discussed the matter with the relevant individuals in the Clerk's Office and has been informed that the caller, Ms. Jessica Bengels, represented that she worked with Mr. Kittila and requested the amicus materials be taken down because they contained sensitive grand jury, taxpayer and social security information," the order read.
So one of Hunter Biden's attorneys lied about who she worked for in order to have an amicus brief regarding the IRS whistleblowers removed from the docket, as that could prove problematic to his plea deal. Turns out, this may be worse. I'm not expecting much as I fully expect the presiding judge to let it all slide and the deal will go through as originally pled.
If there is evidence of crimes and wrongdoing > DOJ special counsel investigation, impeachment hearings, removal from office, grand jury, charges filed, trial, prosecution.

Nobody is above the law, not Biden, not Trump, nor their family members. See how this works? Clear and straightforward. Get it done.

We can move on with President Kamala Harris, then the nation decides how to move forward in 2024 election.

Unlike the MAGA cult, I will never defend anyone who breaks the law, and doesn't uphold their oath of office. Besides a lot of bluster and rabble-rousing, haven't seen any credible evidence to impeach Biden. Republicans shouldn't hold back. Bring it on, begin impeachment hearings immediately. Americans deserve to see & hear the evidence without further ado. Let's do this, the sooner the better.
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If there is evidence of crimes and wrongdoing > DOJ special counsel investigation, impeachment hearings, removal from office, grand jury, charges filed, trial, prosecution.

Nobody is above the law, not Biden, not Trump, nor their family members. See how this works? Clear and straightforward. Get it done.

We can move on with President Kamala Harris, then the nation decides how to move forward in 2024 election.

Unlike the MAGA cult, I will never defend anyone who breaks the law, and doesn't uphold their oath of office. Besides a lot of bluster and rabble-rousing, haven't seen any credible evidence to impeach Biden. Republicans shouldn't hold back. Bring it on, begin impeachment hearings immediately. Americans deserve to see & hear the evidence without further ado. Let's do this, the sooner the better.
Our ***** is that Trump gets crucified for something that Biden also did but even worse and nothing happens to Biden.
Nobody is above the law
That sounds nice, but it is hardly the case. There are people in this country above the law, and Joe Biden and his family appear to be leading the pack. Look at all the stuff that has come to light in just the last year concerning Biden and his family with their business dealings alone. If that were any republican, it would be a 24 hour non-stop news cycle with every so-called expert weighing in about the gravity of it and constitutional crisis and on and on. Hell, they skewered Trump as a Russian asset for TALKING to Putin. Yet Biden is accepting millions in cash from Communist China with verifiable receipts and collectively the left yawns. You know it's the truth. As it is, you have liberal news media saying that Hunter is being punished because he has to face a court hearing where he knows he is gonna walk. It's ridiculous. Nobody above the law. GTFOH.
That sounds nice, but it is hardly the case. There are people in this country above the law, and Joe Biden and his family appear to be leading the pack. Look at all the stuff that has come to light in just the last year concerning Biden and his family with their business dealings alone. If that were any republican, it would be a 24 hour non-stop news cycle with every so-called expert weighing in about the gravity of it and constitutional crisis and on and on. Hell, they skewered Trump as a Russian asset for TALKING to Putin. Yet Biden is accepting millions in cash from Communist China with verifiable receipts and collectively the left yawns. You know it's the truth. As it is, you have liberal news media saying that Hunter is being punished because he has to face a court hearing where he knows he is gonna walk. It's ridiculous. Nobody above the law. GTFOH.
Sadly, it's not an R or D thing.
It's just a privileged elected crook thing.
Most, not all, most of the main stream media is in the bag for liberals/democrats.
But our elected crooks are only worried about protecting themselves and their position of power.

The two IRS whistleblowers, especially Joseph Ziegler, are my new heroes.
Ziegler said he was a homosexual democrat at the hearings.
BRAVE soul.
He knows full well "his team" will now disown him and he will be cast out.
But as he said at the hearing, what's wrong is wrong, and EVERYONE should have to play by the same rules and NOBODY should be above the law.

Until our elected crooks call out those from their own party, we will continue to have this nonsense.
I hope reporters start asking direct questions to Joe, so he will lose his cool. I like when he clenches his fists and shouts.
Yet Biden is accepting millions in cash from Communist China with verifiable receipts and collectively the left yawns.

Where is the proof of this? Why haven't Republicans began impeachment hearings? Where is the DOJ/FBI? What's the hold-up?

Trump is facing 71(!) felony charges - with evidently many more to come - since two grand juries decided, based on the evidence presented, that the prosecutor could move forward with pressing charges. Trump was impeached twice, only to be bailed out by GOP sycophants in the Senate.

Again, get the ball rolling on Biden, if indeed he has committed crimes, as you suggest.
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If there is evidence of crimes and wrongdoing > DOJ special counsel investigation, impeachment hearings, removal from office, grand jury, charges filed, trial, prosecution.

Nobody is above the law, not Biden, not Trump, nor their family members. See how this works? Clear and straightforward. Get it done.

We can move on with President Kamala Harris, then the nation decides how to move forward in 2024 election.

Unlike the MAGA cult, I will never defend anyone who breaks the law, and doesn't uphold their oath of office. Besides a lot of bluster and rabble-rousing, haven't seen any credible evidence to impeach Biden. Republicans shouldn't hold back. Bring it on, begin impeachment hearings immediately. Americans deserve to see & hear the evidence without further ado. Let's do this, the sooner the better.
Not sure how you or anyone on the left can say there isn’t evidence. There is a **** load of evidence. Also this evidence shows that for at least the first impeachment the Democrats owe Trump a YUGE apology. He is completely vindicated by the evidence of corruption and the veracity of the hard drive alone in having asked for an investigation into the Bidens. In fact he would have been derelict in his duties as President in not pressuring the Ukraine for an investigation. He should have been celebrated for this not impeached. He was acting on a real foundation of evidence. Worse it makes it look like he was impeached simply to cover up the crimes.
Where is the proof of this? Why haven't Republicans began impeachment hearings? Where is the DOJ/FBI? What's the hold-up?
Are you kidding me? Did you not listen to the Democrat whistle blower with first hand knowledge of all of this? Of course not. Everyone with an ounce of logic knows he is guilty as sin. Regardless of anything “Trump”.
Not sure how you or anyone on the left can say there isn’t evidence.

Great, roll it out, let the impeachment hearings commence. Same goes for a DOJ/Special Counsel investigation. Let's get this done, asap.

You'll get no 'it's a witch hunt, deep state, they're out to silence us... blah blah" bullshit from my end. That's the MAGA script, incessant crying, bitching and whining.

Bring it on. If Biden's guilty, get rid of the old f*ck, throw him in jail. You see, Democrats are not a brainwashed cult like MAGA is. Biden f*cked up, did something wrong? Get rid of him, prosecute him. Let's move on, no excuses.
And this is fun, I read earlier this year that some psychic lady made a whole bunch of political predictions and some of them, you know, as predictions go seem to be fairly accurate. Of course they're always in really vag language so take that for what it's worth.

Anyway, one of her predictions was that "45" would see the end of our government. I kind of think that 45 did, in fact, see the end of our way of government. He didn't CAUSE it, he was just the first casualty.
And you got to admire the balls on these liberals. They called up and pretended to be the prosecuting attorney's office and ask them to drop evidence. And the f****** court said "Okay."

What a ****-show this country has become.
Great, roll it out, let the impeachment hearings commence. Same goes for a DOJ/Special Counsel investigation. Let's get this done, asap.

You'll get no 'it's a witch hunt, deep state, they're out to silence us... blah blah" bullshit from my end. That's the MAGA script, incessant crying, bitching and whining.

Bring it on. If Biden's guilty, get rid of the old f*ck, throw him in jail. You see, Democrats are not a brainwashed cult like MAGA is. Biden f*cked up, did something wrong? Get rid of him, prosecute him. Let's move on, no excuses.
Thats like the Patriots saying prove that we cheated.