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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

Tibs tryna act all upset and furious over this, not realizing that we, on this side of the planet, know that the Dems circle the wagons like no political party ever did and that the vast majority of the Republicans in office are spineless ****-eating weasels.
Tibs tryna act all upset and furious over this, not realizing that we, on this side of the planet, know that the Dems circle the wagons like no political party ever did and that the vast majority of the Republicans in office are spineless ****-eating weasels.

Cry some more...
Where is the proof of this? Why haven't Republicans began impeachment hearings? Where is the DOJ/FBI? What's the hold-up?

Trump is facing 71(!) felony charges - with evidently many more to come - since two grand juries decided, based on the evidence presented, that the prosecutor could move forward with pressing charges. Trump was impeached twice, only to be bailed out by GOP sycophants in the Senate.

Again, get the ball rolling on Biden, if indeed he has committed crimes, as you suggest.
This post tells me your previous post is hogwash. You try and act all objective, yet in spite of the evidence provided in the hearings and by whistle blowers, you are still asking for proof. In today's political climate, you can't tell me you honestly believe that a lack of charges somehow signals that a person is innocent. Surely you don't believe that. For some reason, I can picture you watching those hearings with your fingers in your ears yelling, "LALALALALALALALALALALA I can't hear you." And as far as impeachments, if we are going to run a guy out of office because LTC Vindman heard from this guy that knows this girl who heard from a kid that Trump said something wrong in a phone call, then the end of the nation is closer than I thought.

And I don't give a **** about Donald Trump. If he's guilty, bury him. I've said it 100 times. It appears he did some things wrong, maybe broke a few laws and it seems he will pay for it and I couldn't care less. That's what justice is. Being held accountable for your misdeeds, even if you're a former president. What bothers me, is that along with any charges for the actual **** he might have done wrong, there's a lot of bullshit in there too. You know it. What bothers me more is that it should bother you too and it doesn't. What bothers me more than that is that a person that claims to be objective can look at how differently two presidents and two families are treated over similar things and yet only have contempt for one of the criminals.

See, the difference between you and me is that I want equal justice. Actual honest to God equal justice, for everyone, regardless of their finances or political leanings. I am about as moderate as a guy can get in today's political climate, and even I can see the scales are tilted in one direction.

And people wonder why members of our government act the way they do. Half the country excuses their behavior. Neither Republican nor Democrat politicians will ruin this country by themselves. The voters that enable them will play a far greater role.

Tibs, like it or not, you are every bit as much a part of the problem as any MAGA person you decry.
Tibs, like it or not, you are every bit as much a part of the problem as any MAGA person you decry.

Begin impeachment hearings immediately, present evidence. If warranted, impeach & remove Biden from office, then prosecute under full extent of the law. Get it done.
If there is evidence of crimes and wrongdoing > DOJ special counsel investigation, impeachment hearings, removal from office, grand jury, charges filed, trial, prosecution.

Nobody is above the law, not Biden, not Trump, nor their family members. See how this works? Clear and straightforward. Get it done.

We can move on with President Kamala Harris, then the nation decides how to move forward in 2024 election.

Unlike the MAGA cult, I will never defend anyone who breaks the law, and doesn't uphold their oath of office. Besides a lot of bluster and rabble-rousing, haven't seen any credible evidence to impeach Biden. Republicans shouldn't hold back. Bring it on, begin impeachment hearings immediately. Americans deserve to see & hear the evidence without further ado. Let's do this, the sooner the better.
Except President Trump didn’t violate any laws. Every case being made is based on lies and prevarication. The difference is there is REAL evidence against the Biden crime syndicate.
When they get him in the gray bar hotel I'll feel a lot better. Until then I'll continue to think that Brandon will come to the rescue.
Wow, you are one self-loathing fuc kstick.

Is the cream fresh today?
I’m wondering if Hunter was on the board of directors of a coffee shop in Hungary and Tibs was kicking up 10% to the Big Guy?
Clearly, Trump will be charged with the Las Vegas massacre or similar, soon.
That judge wasn't going to be bamboozled by hunter Bidens stoned lawyer. Now hunter pleads not guilty. The plot thickens.
Begin impeachment hearings immediately, present evidence. If warranted, impeach & remove Biden from office, then prosecute under full extent of the law. Get it done.
OK. Like the Democrat controlled senate is gonna convict him. You live in a fairy tale.
When they get him in the gray bar hotel I'll feel a lot better. Until then I'll continue to think that Brandon will come to the rescue.
I have no interest in seeing Hunter Biden in jail. I mean really, who gives a ****? The bigger problem is the money his father is getting from all of this. The problem here is a lack of integrity in the FBI and DOJ. Look, Merrick Garland is never going to arrest and charge his boss. It's not going to happen. The FBI is slow walking every investigation into that administration if they are even investigating at all. It's politics. Plain and simple. It certainly isn't justice.

What's troubling is how many people in this nation can ignore it over party affiliation. It's frightening what our government has become.
So, either Hunter is a private citizen, like any other, or he gets a 6 car entourage to ferry him from his safe space at the White House.

Why 6 vehicles? Is he a target?
What if the Chinese, or the Ukranians or someone else he fuc ked over is looking for him? How is he and his presence in the WH not dangerous for national security?
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While, I agree that this probably won't go anywhere. If actual corruption charges begin to stick to Biden, the Democrats won't have any choice. They'll have to circle the wagons and protect" the institution".
Fortunately, the ever-inquisitive American media would never let Joementia get away with selling influence, using his drug-addled son as a front. I mean look at how they evaluated Vindman, a guy who reported on something he did not hear, vs. actual FBI agents and long-time, reliable confidential human sources!!

The problem here is a lack of integrity in the FBI and DOJ. Look, Merrick Garland is never going to arrest and charge his boss.
This is all anyone needs to know, and would be true if the Republicans had control of all the 3 letter agencies, but of course they don't, and here we are.
They operate just like the ccp.
From a management p.o.v. I feel like we need to run the 5 whys over the plea deal failure.

The deal fell through.

It seems the sides weren't aligned on the parameters of the deal.

It seems the defense team believed that the immunity deal included all future prosecutions for anything that's been investigated already or is currently being investigated. However, when pressed on that point, the prosecution said no, it doesn't include other items under investigation.

Apparently the prosecuting team claims that they still have items that they're investigating and which they may bring to bear in the future. However, they failed to disclose specifically what those items were.

It's possible to prosecution. Didn't want to disclose what they may still be investigating hunter Biden because they are still investigating, or they have sensitive information that they don't want to get leaked before they finished their investigation, or they're not at a point where they want to present the information they have.

If the FBI or the department injustice ( TYPO intended) is still investigating, then they may withhold information from Congress. Closing an Investigation means that Congress can see all records related to that closed investigation. So it's possible that the department of justice MUST say they have an open investigation so they can continue to reasonably withhold evidence from Congress. And THAT is probably what's actually going on.


The judge saw through it, and blew the whole thing up.

Right now every congressman should be asking. "Why was Hunter Biden offered a deal that immunized him against future prosecution? Particularly when that offer required no jail time or financial restitution?"

"Why was he offered a deal that blanket included multiple offenses?" (Normally offenses are plead individually.)

And right now the liberal media and the Democrats must be asking "Why did this Delaware judge, who's supposed to be on board, bring to light the stunning depth of this sweetheart deal?"

Imagine it. If this deal have actually been signed yesterday, the entire Biden investigation would have been closed and the plea deal would have RESTRICTED continuing investigation into any of this. Think about that. THAT'S the deal the department of Justice offered and which almost got signed yesterday.

Somebody needs to answer for that.
I'm glad she stopped it.
OK. Like the Democrat controlled senate is gonna convict him. You live in a fairy tale.

Why would that stop anyone from going through with a fact-finding hearing in the House? If there's meat on the bone, it's their Constitutional duty to hold hearings. Much like how - and why - Trump got his fat *ss impeached twice. Sure, back then, a weak-kneed GOP Senate bailed Trump out. That's on them. The facts that led to both impeachments were crystal clear and laid-bare for all to see. As have been his felony cases in Manhattan and Miami. The notion f*ckface Trump calls it a witch hunt, does not make it a witch hunt. But I get where you're coming from, Sarge.

At the end of the day, if there's legit evidence of Presidential wrongdoing, in this case with Joe Biden, it's an obligation to push forward in Congress, regardless of party politics. What part of Civics 101 am I missing?