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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

From a management p.o.v. I feel like we need to run the 5 whys over the plea deal failure.

The deal fell through.

It seems the sides weren't aligned on the parameters of the deal.

It seems the defense team believed that the immunity deal included all future prosecutions for anything that's been investigated already or is currently being investigated. However, when pressed on that point, the prosecution said no, it doesn't include other items under investigation.

Apparently the prosecuting team claims that they still have items that they're investigating and which they may bring to bear in the future. However, they failed to disclose specifically what those items were.

It's possible to prosecution. Didn't want to disclose what they may still be investigating hunter Biden because they are still investigating, or they have sensitive information that they don't want to get leaked before they finished their investigation, or they're not at a point where they want to present the information they have.

If the FBI or the department injustice ( TYPO intended) is still investigating, then they may withhold information from Congress. Closing an Investigation means that Congress can see all records related to that closed investigation. So it's possible that the department of justice MUST say they have an open investigation so they can continue to reasonably withhold evidence from Congress. And THAT is probably what's actually going on.


The judge saw through it, and blew the whole thing up.

Right now every congressman should be asking. "Why was Hunter Biden offered a deal that immunized him against future prosecution? Particularly when that offer required no jail time or financial restitution?"

"Why was he offered a deal that blanket included multiple offenses?" (Normally offenses are plead individually.)

And right now the liberal media and the Democrats must be asking "Why did this Delaware judge, who's supposed to be on board, bring to light the stunning depth of this sweetheart deal?"

Imagine it. If this deal have actually been signed yesterday, the entire Biden investigation would have been closed and the plea deal would have RESTRICTED continuing investigation into any of this. Think about that. THAT'S the deal the department of Justice offered and which almost got signed yesterday.

Somebody needs to answer for that.
In this case the defense and the prosecution are on the same side.
What scotched it I think was when one of Biden's defense team called the judge's office posing as the prosecution and asked to withdraw some unfavorable documents. Judge got pissed off and said your deal is off the table.

Tibtard is an ignorant commie hypocrite fu ck who hates Anything that is good for Americans. That’s all anyone needs to know.

Go brew some ***** decaf and stfu, libtard.
Tibtard is an ignorant commie hypocrite *** who hates Anything that is good for Americans. That’s all anyone needs to know.

Go brew some ***** decaf and stfu, libtard.

You've been a broken record...for years now. Regurgitating same, tired, old sh*t, over and over. Someone should slap a little sense into you, slap you upside the head. Like tapping the record player when it's skipping. Nudge it along... get it moving... for the benefit of all.
You've been a broken record...for years now. Regurgitating same, tired, old sh*t, over and over. Someone should slap a little sense into you, slap you upside the head. Like tapping the record player when it's skipping. Nudge it along... get it moving... for the benefit of all.
Whoa. How am I ever going to recover from that? ****…
Why would that stop anyone from going through with a fact-finding hearing in the House? If there's meat on the bone, it's their Constitutional duty to hold hearings. Much like how - and why - Trump got his fat *ss impeached twice. Sure, back then, a weak-kneed GOP Senate bailed Trump out. That's on them. The facts that led to both impeachments were crystal clear and laid-bare for all to see. As have been his felony cases in Manhattan and Miami. The notion f*ckface Trump calls it a witch hunt, does not make it a witch hunt. But I get where you're coming from, Sarge.

At the end of the day, if there's legit evidence of Presidential wrongdoing, in this case with Joe Biden, it's an obligation to push forward in Congress, regardless of party politics. What part of Civics 101 am I missing?
The "facts" that lead to the first impeachment were that Hunter is crooked piece of **** selling out our Country on behalf of the "big Guy" and Trump knew this and rightfully asked for him to be investigated. It was total bullshit. People need to be brought to justice for that impeachment.
Someone should slap a little sense into you, slap you upside the head.
I would pay your air fare to see you come to America and try to slap someone upside the head. I guarantee, I wouldn't have to buy round trip tickets.
You've been a broken record...for years now. Regurgitating same, tired, old sh*t, over and over. Someone should slap a little sense into you, slap you upside the head. Like tapping the record player when it's skipping. Nudge it along... get it moving... for the benefit of all.
I find this amusing coming from you.
I would pay your air fare to see you come to America and try to slap someone upside the head. I guarantee, I wouldn't have to buy round trip tickets.

Is that a threat, or a promise? 🤡
Tibtard is an ignorant commie hypocrite fu ck who hates Anything that is good for Americans. That’s all anyone needs to know.

Go brew some ***** decaf and stfu, libtard.
Meh, that's every Democrat.
What have I been saying for years? Democrats always side with 1) Whoever is against America 2) Whoever is against Christians and Jews, and ) Whoever the darker-skinned people are.
The reality part.

Oh, ok. Seems to me if there's evidence of criminal activity, the process would move ahead. If there's not, it won't. Like how the DOJ just added additional, superseding charges to the 37 felony counts in Trump's documents case. It's how the Rule of Law works in a functioning democracy.

Looking forward to Congress and DOJ begin their inquiry into the Biden crime spree, that you're all clamoring about. Let's get to the bottom of it. Americans deserve as much.

US prosecutors have added new criminal counts to a federal indictment accusing Donald Trump of attempting to delete video footage of allegedly mishandling secret government documents.
The Department of Justice on Thursday filed a superseding indictment in the case that charged Trump last month with 37 criminal counts including conspiracy to obstruct justice, concealing documents in a federal investigation and making false statements, according to court documents.

The proceedings stem from government material that Trump transferred to his Mar-a-Lago residence after leaving the White House in 2021 and was later seized by FBI agents last year in Florida.
Federal prosecutors have also added Carlos de Oliveira, a property manager at Mar-a-Lago as a third defendant alongside Trump and his personal aide Waltine Nauta.
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MAGA: all charges, indictments, felony counts, impeachments against Trump are a witchunt, made up out of thin air. Clear example of politically motivated, leftist liberal deep state trying to destroy Trump....and America. Because, um, he's our guy.
Also MAGA: all allegations against Biden/Hillary/Obama crime syndicate are completely legit, should be charged, indicted, impeached.. and thrown in jail. Because, um, we don't like them.

:unsure: 🤡 🤷‍♂️
MAGA: all charges, indictments, felony counts, impeachments against Trump are a witchunt, made up out of thin air. Clear example of politically motivated, leftist liberal deep state trying to destroy Trump....and America. Because, um, he's our guy.
Also MAGA: all allegations against Biden/Hillary/Obama crime syndicate are completely legit, should be charged, indicted, impeached.. and thrown in jail. Because, um, we don't like them.

:unsure: 🤡 🤷‍♂️
Keep thinking that, it really shows your ignorance and want for there to be sides.
Astonishing depravity by an elected official. Utterly shameful.

A one-man crime spree. As of this moment, Donald Trump has been charged with a total of 74 felony crimes. 74…let that sink in.
MAGA: all charges, indictments, felony counts, impeachments against Trump are a witchunt, made up out of thin air. Clear example of politically motivated, leftist liberal deep state trying to destroy Trump....and America. Because, um, he's our guy.
Also MAGA: all allegations against Biden/Hillary/Obama crime syndicate are completely legit, should be charged, indicted, impeached.. and thrown in jail. Because, um, we don't like them.

:unsure: 🤡 🤷‍♂️
See the difference?
See the difference?
He won't notice. He doesn't even understand the words that he wrote, and why you highlighted them, because it doesn't fit his spoon-fed ability to process thoughts.
Libtards are woefully and wantingly dense, so you have to spoon feed it to them in ways that they feel comfortable with.
And the self-admitted TDS runs deep here.
Once he sees things like this on the Facebook for a couple weeks, then in a couple unfunny memes, then he might understand if he gets an email from Media Matters suggesting that maybe the Bidens are corrupt. But it will still take a long time for him to understand that the equal treatment under the law is not happening here.
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He won't notice. He doesn't even understand the words that he wrote, and why you highlighted them, because it doesn't fit his spoon-fed ability to process thoughts.
Libtards are woefully and wantingly dense, so you have to spoon feed it to them in ways that they feel comfortable with.
And the self-admitted TDS runs deep here.
Once he sees things like this on the Facebook for a couple weeks, then in a couple unfunny memes, then he might understand if he gets an email from Media Matters suggesting that maybe the Bidens are corrupt. But it will still take a long time for him to understand that the equal treatment under the law is not happening here.

"bUt tRuMp!!"
- Tibliol
See the difference?
Of course.

Bring on the investigations, begin impeachment hearings on the Biden Crime Family. Been consistently saying it for days now. Bring it on. What's the hold up?