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The Crooked Hillary Thread


DNC Hacker Dumps Trove of Clinton Documents

A hacker using the handle "Guccifer 2.0" has released a new trove of documents apparently pilfered from the Democratic National Committee. The files, all related to Hillary Clinton's presidential bid, include opposition research documents and extensive talking points concerning various Clinton controversies, ranging from the 2012 Benghazi attack to the FBI's investigation into her use of a private email server.

Included are memos outlining Clinton's positions on issues such as Israel, Benghazi, LGBTQ rights, and the military. There's an opposition research clip file on Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash, a book that claimed to detail how the Hillary and Bill Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to net hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments in exchange for favorable treatment by the State Department under Hillary Clinton.

Guccifer 2.0's initial document dump included the DNC's opposition research file on Donald Trump, an exhaustive compendium of unflattering news reports about the presumptive GOP nominee. That release also included sensitive fundraising spreadsheets that included the personal data of some DNC donors, including phone numbers and email addresses.


DNC Hacker Dumps Trove of Clinton Documents

A hacker using the handle "Guccifer 2.0" has released a new trove of documents apparently pilfered from the Democratic National Committee. The files, all related to Hillary Clinton's presidential bid, include opposition research documents and extensive talking points concerning various Clinton controversies, ranging from the 2012 Benghazi attack to the FBI's investigation into her use of a private email server.

Included are memos outlining Clinton's positions on issues such as Israel, Benghazi, LGBTQ rights, and the military. There's an opposition research clip file on Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash, a book that claimed to detail how the Hillary and Bill Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to net hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments in exchange for favorable treatment by the State Department under Hillary Clinton.

Guccifer 2.0's initial document dump included the DNC's opposition research file on Donald Trump, an exhaustive compendium of unflattering news reports about the presumptive GOP nominee. That release also included sensitive fundraising spreadsheets that included the personal data of some DNC donors, including phone numbers and email addresses.


Mother Jones is reporting this??? Damn. Hildebeast must've really pissed off the far Leftys.
Mother Jones is reporting this??? Damn. Hildebeast must've really pissed off the far Leftys.

Exactly, I am the Bernie bot expert now that Tibs has departed the scene

Go Bernie!
Lol I have a feeling when one day I have my dream come true and we have a viable moderate third party and one or both of the establishment corrupt parties withers and fails, I am going to be able to trace it Back to Bernie and Trump... Inadvertently, A egotistical capitalist maniac and a delusional communist Idealist are going to be part of what ultimately causes an awakening that fixes the system a little bit...
Lol I have a feeling when one day I have my dream come true and we have a viable moderate third party and one or both of the establishment corrupt parties withers and fails, I am going to be able to trace it Back to Bernie and Trump... Inadvertently, A egotistical capitalist maniac and a delusional communist Idealist are going to be part of what ultimately causes an awakening that fixes the system a little bit...

Dittos. A viable third party would at least keep the other two a little more honest.
Dittos. A viable third party would at least keep the other two a little more honest.

Good luck with that thought. If a potentially viable third party comes onto the scene I'd be willing to bet the same thing will happen over there that happens in the UK and Australia whenever a third party has threatened the establishment's cosy duopoly - the two main parties put aside their differences long enough to collude to destroy the interloper with help from the media adopting full on demonisation mode towards the newcomer.
Exactly, I am the Bernie bot expert now that Tibs has departed the scene

Go Bernie!

There goes the neighborhood.

Trump: Clinton’s emails likely created a blackmail file for our enemies to use

In a high-profile speech today, Trump suggested that Clinton’s exposed email server likely created a blackmail file for our enemies to use.


"To cover-up her corrupt dealings, Hillary Clinton illegally stashed her State Department emails on a private server.

Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments – perhaps even by her financial backers in Communist China – putting all of America in danger.

Then there are the 33,000 emails she deleted.

While we may not know what is in those deleted emails, our enemies probably do.

So they probably now have a blackmail file over someone who wants to be President of the United States.

This fact alone disqualifies her from the Presidency.

We can’t hand over our government to someone whose deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies.

National security is also immigration security – and Hillary wants neither."

Young people shocked by Hillary's quotes

Lol I have a feeling when one day I have my dream come true and we have a viable moderate third party and one or both of the establishment corrupt parties withers and fails, I am going to be able to trace it Back to Bernie and Trump... Inadvertently, A egotistical capitalist maniac and a delusional communist Idealist are going to be part of what ultimately causes an awakening that fixes the system a little bit...

I have been thinking this way for awhile. Win or lose, the stage has been set for "outside the box" candidates to get huge amounts of support to go against the status quo cesspool that currently makes up our political system.

I continue to be amazed at the hysteria in people that Trump is able to generate....it's astounding. Get this.....my mother has always been very politically obsessed and an avowed die hard Conservative. She has literally spent the past 20 years ranting and raving that Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most low down, dirty, sneaky, lying scumbags ever in American politics. She would devote hours upon hours scouring the net to find out the latest news on what sort or sneakiness they were currently up to. She would go on and on about the people that she believed those two had murdered when Bill was in office.

This very same woman informed me the other day that she's voting for Hillary if she runs against Trump because compared to him, Hillary is not bad at all.:eek-new: I about fell the **** out of my chair. I'm sure my mouth dropped open. This is a staunch Conservative Republican who has hated Hillary Clinton more than any other public figure since I was in high school. Trump has an amazing ability to make people lose all rational thinking and go into panic mode. She would rather have somebody she believes has ordered people to be murdered in the White House instead of Trump.:joyous:
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Congressman who backed Hillary guilty of 22 counts of corruption

Hillary Clinton superdelegate and longtime Democratic Congressman Chaka Fattah was convicted of 22 counts of corruption charges. After serving 11 terms in Congress, Fattah is now out on bail after an indictment was filed in July 2015 against him and four associates. Despite the conviction, Fattah is set to serve the remainder of his term in Congress until January 2017. He faces sentencing in October, and could potentially serve the rest of his life in prison.

Fattah formally endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in February, shortly before losing his primary bid for re-election in April. He has been a Clinton loyalist for decades, standing by the Clintons amid the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the 1990s, and even helping Bill Clinton coordinate DNC fundraising trips to Philadelphia shortly after he admitted to perjury. “He can be a public servant without being perfect,” Fattah told Philly.com in 1998.
A number of Clinton’s close associates have been exposed for corruption. Several weeks ago it was revealed that Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, is currently under federal investigation over questionable contributions to his 2013 campaign for Governor—including a $120,000 from a wealthy Chinese businessman McAuliffe introduced to Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser in her home. Clinton’s 2008 campaign co-chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has been informally removed from her position as DNC chair, and faces losing her seat in Congress to primary challenger, Tim Canova, after the backlash that erupted over Wasserman Schultz’s overt favoritism for Clinton throughout the 2016 Democratic primaries.

Hillary Clinton herself will be subject to some form of indictment or conviction in the near future, regardless of whether she manages to become president. The State Department Inspector General reported in May 2016 that Clinton never had authorization to use a private email server during her service as secretary of state, debunking the defense she and her supporters have been using for over a year to dismiss the issue.

Documents show State Dept. tried to give Clinton official email

A collection of records made public Wednesday indicates State Department officials attempted to give Hillary Clinton a government email account to use while she was secretary of state, contradicting previous claims from agency officials that no such account was ever set up.

But the email account, SSHRC@state.gov, went unused after a State Department official warned one of Clinton's aides in Aug. 2011 that messages sent to and from the address would be "subject to [Freedom of Information Act] searches."

The records, which were referenced but not published in an inspector general report released last month, were obtained by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.

In a Nov. 2010 email, Huma Abedin, then Clinton's deputy chief of staff, advised the secretary of state to consider opening an official email account after Clinton failed to receive messages from government staff who had been attempting to reach her.

"We should talk about putting you on state email or releasing your email address to the department so you are not going to spam," Abedin wrote.

But Clinton expressed concern that doing so would expose her private email network.

"Let's get separate address or device, but I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible," Clinton replied.




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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Newly released emails show State Department staffers wrestled in December 2010 over a serious technical problem with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's home email server. They temporarily disabled security features, which left the server more vulnerable to hackers. Weeks later, hackers attacked the server so seriously it was shut down.


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Clinton IT specialist invokes the Fifth 100+ times

He declined to answer questions, his lawyers said, in part due to the federal government’s decision to grant him limited immunity as part of its ongoing criminal probe related to the server and the possibility that classified information was mishandled.

Unlike in criminal cases, judges in civil suits are allowed to draw inferences from a witness’s decision not to answer questions, potentially increasing the likelihood that Clinton herself is asked to testify as part of the Judicial Watch lawsuit. Clinton’s campaign would surely vigorously oppose any request for her to appear, and the event could dramatically shake up the presidential race.

Clinton Emails | Donor Put on Security Board


so this poll has 1600 responses, still far too many, but the smaller the poll the bigger Hillary's lead... last week we saw hillary witha huge lead with 839 responses, a moderate one with 1000, now barely any with 1600.... in the MSNBC poll that had almost a million responses, we saw a huge trump lead....

when larger sample sizes lead in the opposite direction of the smaller sample sizes, the smaller sizes are almost always a product of Bias.... its a simple truth....
How's the weather?

Attorney General Loretta Lynch meets privately with Bill Clinton in Phoenix

PHOENIX - Amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of email and hours before the public release of the Benghazi report, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton.

The private meeting took place on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport on board a parked private plane.

Sources say the private meeting at the airport lasted around 30 minutes.

"There was no discussion on any matter pending before the Department or any matter pending with any other body, there was no discussion of Benghazi, no discussion of State Department emails, by way of example I would say it was current news of the day, the Brexit decision and what it would mean," she said.

She didn't plead the 5th???

Huma Abedin admits Clinton ‘couldn’t do her job’ right with private server

Hillary Clinton’s most trusted ally was worried about her boss’ use of a private email server after Clinton missed an important phone meeting with a “foreign minister” because her email confirming the call went to her spam folder, according to documents released Wednesday.


“She missed the call because . . . I never got the email giving us the signoff to do it [the meeting]. So she wasn’t able to do her job, do what she needed to do,” Huma Abedin testified Tuesday during a deposition in a lawsuit filed by a government watchdog.

Abedin, Clinton’s top aide when she was secretary of state, was also asked about an email she sent to Clinton in November 2010 raising concerns about the server.

“We should talk about putting you on state [department] email or releasing your email address to the department so you are not going to spam,” Abedin recommended after the meeting fiasco.

“I remember looking for solutions whenever there were challenges with communications,” Abedin said under questioning by lawyers from Judicial Watch, which sued the State Department for access to Clinton’s emails. Modal Trigger Hillary Clinton checks her BlackBerry from a desk inside a C-17 military plane in 2011.Photo: AP

Abedin said she wrote the *email after Clinton complained about the missed meeting with the unidentified foreign minister.

“My response would have been, here are some suggestions. She clearly missed the window in this exchange,” Abedin testified.

Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday

Hillary Clinton is scheduled to meet Saturday with the FBI, a source close to the investigation into her private email server tells The Daily Caller.

The source went on to suggest the interview may take place at her Washington, D.C. home.

The bureau’s interview with the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is believed to be the final step in its investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information on Clinton’s private email server.



FBI - ‘’Did you break any laws?’’

Hillary - ‘’Nope, I didn't do nuthin.’’

FBI - ‘’Well, that’s good enough for us.’’
Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday

Hillary Clinton is scheduled to meet Saturday with the FBI, a source close to the investigation into her private email server tells The Daily Caller.

The source went on to suggest the interview may take place at her Washington, D.C. home.

The bureau’s interview with the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is believed to be the final step in its investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information on Clinton’s private email server.



FBI - ‘’Did you break any laws?’’

Hillary - ‘’Nope, I didn't do nuthin.’’

FBI - ‘’Well, that’s good enough for us.’’

James Comely is a principled man... IIRC he almost resigned when the NSA was trying to wiretap everyone (before they did on the sly anyhow)... he also isnt a democrat and was only appointed to Director of the FBI to appease the republicans when he wasn't left in the attorney general's office... its likely he will not let politics sweeep this under the rug... or it would have been a long time ago...
I just want the rule of Law to hold true.

Nothing less, nothing more.